@doitlikeadog / doitlikeadog.tumblr.com

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SHOGUN | 1.10: A Dream of a Dream I think my skills have never been sharper.


Hi OP, i know your post wasn't about america, but can we please talk about america? this also applies to America, hey did you know this happens in america too? oh hey this applies to america too, did you know about america? i bet noone has mentioned america yet, as an american i feel the need to mention this happens in america too. this also goes for america. america America America can we talk about america please? we should talk about how this happens in america. nothing can be talked about without mentioning america. we need to talk about america.


I cannot get over how Buntaro performing a tea service, what would generally be considered as a thoughtful gift, to show Mariko that he loved or cared for her completely missed the mark vs. Blackthorne stepping up as Mariko’s second, ready to participate in her seppuku ritual after asking her to live for him, loving her so much that he’d defy his own logic, loving her enough to accept that if life and death are the same, both able to have meaning in the act of living and dying, and she wouldn’t live for him, then he would at least be a part of her death, his life would have meaning to her death and they would then always be connected - the way Buntaro’s act of service is a show while Blackthorne’s act of service is a sacrifice for him and her I ACHE 😭😭😭


You made her tea

I offered to kill her

We are not the same


gang I need your help I have a phrase I really want to catch on and it’s calling any secret or invisible struggle you have a “fight with a gorilla” like the onion article. if they can have cinnamon roll catch on this can too. “yeah she told me about it, I had no idea, sounds like a real fight with a gorilla” “sorry man I can’t come I’ve really been fighting the gorilla lately” do you see the vision

for those uninformed

folks i appreciate the effort but it looks like this will not breach containment and the phrase will not catch on. looks like this cause has to be my own personal gorilla to fight

gorilla heritage post

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