
You’re The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me...


Here for Mr & Mr Sugden-Dingle...
Anonymous asked:

Hey, I’ve heard the mental health part and it was so brave of him to talk that openly. What did he say about strong women? Was it about his girlfriend?

Ross asked him to give a shout out to all the strong women in his life cause it was international womens day. A bit about his GF.


Maybe “I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.” For Robron (it smells like a teen au 😉)


So here’s the thing - Robert is self aware enough to realise he’s kept this feud going with Aaron for as long as he has because he likes him. He does, he’s got a big, fat, embarrassing crush on Aaron Dingle.

It hadn’t started like that - no, it had been a legitimate thing at the beginning. They’d always rubbed each other up the wrong way, from the day Aaron arrived in Emmerdale when he was fourteen, snarky and snappy and rude in ways that made Robert want to swing for him.

Over the years, it had just become normal for them to snipe at each other the way they did. Old habits died hard, Robert guessed, because they were friends now, probably. Aaron had been there for Victoria when their father had died, and Robert had made it his business to check in on Aaron every once in a while when they were in school, after that day he’d found Aaron having a panic attack in the boys locker rooms.

Friends or not, they still argued. Fought like cats and dogs, Diane would say despairingly, giving the two of them a dressing down in the middle of the pub because they’d caused a scene playing darts again, competitive to their core - captain of the rugby team, and captain of the football team, always on opposite sides.

Victoria claimed they were trying to live their own West Side Story, having annoyed an admission about Robert’s crush out of him one quiet evening at home, the Sugden’s still coming to terms with Robert coming out, Victoria always there to support him.

He’d laughed, because - well, it was wrong. Nothing in the world was keeping them apart except well, them. It was the worlds worst kept secret, how the real reason for their silly little feud was a big old crush.

Time was running out to do something about it now.

They had three months left at Hotten Academy, and then the summer, of course - but then it was university, and the closest place Robert had applied for was two hours away, because he was nothing if not true to his desperate need to get away from Emmerdale, away from the only place he’d ever known.

The world was bigger than Emmerdale, he’d always known that - but the older he got, the more reason he was seeing to stay a little closer to the tiny village.

Robert glanced across the room, spotting Aaron. He was leaning against a wall, beer in hand, laughing at something Adam was saying. He had a perfect view of what Aaron was wearing, from this angle - a tighter than normal pair of jeans, and that grey henley of his that always had Robert’s mouth watering.

He was gorgeous. The kind of gorgeous Robert couldn’t tear his gaze away from, the kind of gorgeous he wanted all for himself.

“Are you ever going to tell him?”

Robert looked up to see Finn hovering by his shoulder, his brow furrowed in confusion, wearing an utterly ridiculous shirt patterned with flamingos. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he feigned confusion, taking a swig of his beer.

Finn raised an eyebrow. “I think even the teachers know you’re in love with him, Robert,” he pointed out.

“I’m not - I’m not in love,” Robert shook his head, his heart thundering in his chest at the mere idea. He’d never really been in love, if he was being honest - he’d dated people, and he’d liked them a lot, but love, well, it was a different story, wasn’t it? Love was big, and scary.

“You clearly like him, though,” Finn said. “So isn’t it worth telling him? Before someone else gets in there first,” he gave a pointed look toward Ed, one of Robert’s teammates hovering close to Aaron, his interest obvious. He’d overheard Ed admitting it, recently, that he had a crush on Aaron, and Robert knew Aaron wasn’t opposed to the idea either.

Hell, Robert would sleep with Ed if he asked.

“All I’m saying is don’t lose your chance with him,” Finn concluded, giving Robert’s shoulder a squeeze. “Anyone with half a brain knows he wants you, Robert. He has for years, and you’re standing here and throwing that all away for nothing.”

“I can’t believe I’m standing here listening to you give me advice on my love life,” Robert joked, flashing Finn a good-natured grind clinking his beer bottle against Finn’s before he headed for the other side of the room, and Aaron.

“Hiya lads,” Robert grinned, slapping Adam on the back and eliciting a groan from his little sister’s boyfriend. He had a reputation to maintain as the scary older brother, however much he did like Adam.

“Hiya Rob,” Adam coughed, trying to regain his composure. “I’m going to go get another beer, you boys want one?”

“Yeah mate, I’m gasping,” Aaron hummed his thanks, draining the last of his beer.

Robert shook his head. “I just got a new one, thanks though,” he said, sliding into the empty space Adam left behind, close enough to feel the heat radiating off Aaron’s body. He’d taken to leaving his hair naturally curly, these days, flopping over his forehead in a way that had Robert’s heart racing.

“You looked like you missed me,” Robert joked, nudging Aaron’s side, earning himself an eye-roll from the other boy.

“More like you missed me,” Aaron snorted, picking at the label on his beer bottle. Ross had bought some vaguely fancy shit for the party, glass bottles rather than cans. It wasn’t half bad, if Robert was being honest, but anything was an improvement on the three quid bottle of cider Aaron usually turned up to parties with.

“I always do,” Robert said softly. “Miss you, I mean.”


Oh my days! 💙

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