
Healing Through Words

@seeker-healer / seeker-healer.tumblr.com


Heal Your Heart Potion

A tea spell for getting past emotional pain/exhaustion and bringing in comfort and self love -💌

Collect: a mug, vanilla black tea (or black tea and vanilla extract), cinnamon, milk (or milk substitute), honey, rose quartz and/or amethyst

Take your mug and put in your tea bag with a sprinkle of cinnamon (and vanilla extract if you’re using that)

Fill up the mug with milk and heat it to your desired temperature

Take a heaping spoonful of honey and stir it in, clockwise to bring comforting/empowering energy and counterclockwise to banish negativity and emotional pain

Charge your tea with the rose quartz and/or amethyst

Sit down with your tea

Put your hands around the mug and feel the warmth and comfort

As you’re drinking the tea slowly, imagine it healing you from the inside out; targeting your emotions, your mind and your heart, and then radiating that energy to the outside


What to ask tarot

So tarot card questions are actually a lot different than asking a specific question. You wouldn’t say, for example, “Is my dad going to graduate?” because if you got the 3 of cups, you would be utterly confused as to why I did not provide a yes or a no. So below I am going to list questions that are good to ask the cards. 

• I’m at a fork in the road. Which way should I go?

• How do I weigh out the choices I have? What are the Pros and Cons?

• What do I need to know to make the best decision? What do I need to know?

• What do I need to know about a situation with a family member?

• What do I need to know about my love life?

• What do I need to know about my career?

Moving forward

• How do I move forward in my career?

• How do I move forward in my relationship/ love life?

• What is coming forth in my life?

• Which foundation is the strongest to build on in my life?

* What should I do?

• What should/ shouldn’t I do about a situation with my job?

• What should/ shouldn’t I do about a situation with a friend or family member?

• How can I restore my hope for the future?

• What overall positives do I bring to my life?

• What positives do the people in my life provide me?

• Is there meaning in my life?

• Is there love in my life? Hidden Elements

• Are there things I am ignoring that are important?

• What am I not seeing?

• What is holding me back?

• Are there truths that I am denying?

• Are there things that I see that are untrue?

• What important things have I forgotten?

• What could get in my way?

• What is most important for me to get done?

• How will a certain occasion or event turn out?

• What will be the best way for me to communicate with certain people?

• What should I learn from my past?

• What is the impending future telling me?

• What cycles am I stuck in?

• What have a learned from my past?

• Where am I strongest?

• What should I look out for?

I hope this helps!!!!


ACACIA: Burned with sandelwood to stimulate the psychic powers.

AFRICAN VIOLET: Burned for protection and to promote spirituality within the home.

ALLSPICE: Burned to attract both good luck and money.

ALOES: Burned to attract good fortune, love, spiritual vibrations, and strength.

ALTHEA: Burned for protection and to stimulate the psychic powers.

AMBER:  Burned for love, comfort, happiness and healing

AMBERGRIS: Burn for dreams and aphrodisiac

ANGELICA: Burn for protection, harmony, integration, insight and understanding, stability and meditation

ANISE SEEDS: Burned as a meditation and emotional balance incense.

BASIL: Burned to exorcise and protect against evil entities such as demons and unfriendly ghosts, and to attract fidelity, love, good luck, sympathy, and wealth. This is also an excellent incense to use when preformiong love divinations.  Also burn for concentration, assertiveness, decisiveness, trust, integrity, enthusiasm, mental clarity, cheerfulness, confidence and courage

BAY: Burned to facilitate the psychic powers, and to induce prophectic dream-visions.

BAYBERRY: Burned mainly to attract money and also burned for protection, happiness and control

BENZOIN: Burned for purification, astral projection, clears negative energy, emotional balance, eases sadness, depression, weariness, grief, anger, anxiety and to attract prosperity.

BERGAMOT: Burn for money, prosperity, uplifting of spirits, joy, protection, concentration, alertness, confidence, balance, strength, courage, motivation and assertiveness

BISTORT: Burned often with frankinsense as a powerful incense to aid divination.

BRACKEN: Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain.

CARDAMOM: Burn for mental clarity, concentration, confidence, courage, enthusiasm and motivation

CARNATION: Burn for protection, strength, healing, love and lust 

CEDAR: Burned for purification, to stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers, attract love, prevent nightmares, and heal various ailments, including head colds.

CEDARWOOD: Burn for healing, purification, protection, money, balance, grounding, clarity, insight and wisdom

CHAMOMILE: Burn for harmony, peace, calm, spiritual and inner peace

CINNAMON: Burned for protection and to attract money, wealth, prosperity, business success, stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers, and aid in healing.  Also burned for stimulation, strength and lust 

CITRON: Bunred in rituals to aid healing and also to stregthen the psychic powers.

CITRONELLA: Burn for cleansing, warding off, healing and exorcism

CLOVE: Burned to dispel negativity, purify sacred and magickal spaces, attract money, and stop or prevent the spread of gossip. Also burn for pain relief, intellectual stimulation, business success, wealth, prosperity, divination, exorcism, protection, eases fears, improves memory and focus

COCONUT: Burned for protection.

COPAL: Burned for purification, uplifting spirits, protection, exorcism, spirituality and to atract love.

CYPRESS: Burn for strength, comfort, healing, eases anxiety, stress, self-assurance, confidence, physical vitality, willpower and concentration

DAMIANA: Burned to facilitate psychic visions.

DITTANY OF CRETE: Burned to conjure spirits and to aid in divination, astral projection, especially when mixed with equal parts of benzoin, sandelwood, and vanilla. 

DRAGONS BLOOD: Burned to dispel negativity, exorcise evil supernatural entities, courage, purification, attract love, and restore male potency. Many Witches also burn dragon’s blood for protection when spell casting and invoking. When added to other incenses, dragon’s blood makes their magickal powers all the stronger.

ELECAMPANE: Burned to strengthen the clairvoyant powers and scrying abilities-divination by gazing.

EUCALYPTUS: Burn for healing, purification and protection 

FERN: Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain. Also used to exorcise evil supernatural entities.

FRANKINCENSE: Burned to dispel negativity, spirituality, purify magickal spaces, consecration, protect against evil, exorcism, aid meditation, astral strength, induce psychic visions, courage, protection, attract good luck, and honor Pagan deities.

FUMITORY: Burned to exorcise demons, poltergeists, and evil supernatural entities.

GALANGAL: Burned to break the curses cast by sorcerers.

GARDENIA: Burn for peace, love and healing

GINGER: Burn for wealth, lust, love and magical power

GINSENG ROOT: Burned to keep wicked spirits at bay, and for protection against all forms of evil.

GOTU KOLA: Burned to aid meditation.

HEATHER: Burned to conjure beneficial spirits, and to magickally produce rain.

HIBISCUS FLOWERS: Burned to attract love, lust and also for divination.

HONEYSUCKLE: Burn to attract money, happiness, friendship and healing

HOREHOUND: Burned as an offertory incense to the ancient Egyptian god Horus.

HYACINTH: Burn for happiness and protection

JASMINE: Burned to attract love and money, and also to induce dreams of a prophectic nature, purification, wisdom and astral projection 

JUNIPER: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and also to break curses, exorcism and hexes cast by evil sorcerers. It is also burned for calming, protection and healing.

LAVENDER: Burned to induce rest and sleep, and to attract love-especially of a man. Also burned for cleansing, healing, happiness and relaxation 

LEMON: Burn for healing, love and purification 

LEMONGRASS: Burn for mental clarity

LILAC: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and to attract harmony into ones life.

LOTUS: Burn to elevate mood, protection, spirituality, healing and meditation

MACE: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic powers.

MASTIC: Burned to conjure beneficial spirits, stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and intensify sexual desires. The magickal powers of other incenses are greatly increased when a bit of mastic is added.

MESQUITE: The magickal powers of all healing incenses are greatly increased when mesquite is added.

MINT: Burned to increase sexual desire, exorcise evil supernatural entities, conjure beneficial spirits, and attract money. Mint incense also possesses strong healing vibrationsand protective powers.

MUSK: Burn for aphrodisiac, prosperity, courage

MYRRH: Burned (often with frankincense) for purification, consecration, healing, exorcism, and banishing evil. Myrrh is also aids meditation rituals, and was commonly burned on alters in ancient Egypt as an offering to deities Isis and Ra.

NUTMEG: Burned to aid meditation, stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and to attract prosperity.

OAKMOSS: Burned for money and attraction

ORANGE: Burned for divination, love, luck and money

PATCHOULI: Burned to attract money, love, growth, mastery, sensuality and also to promote fertility.

PEPPERMINT: Burned for energy, mental stimulant, exorcism and healing

PINE: Burned for purification, and to banish negativeenergies, exorcise evil supernatural entities, and attract money, as well as to break hexes and return them to their senders. Also burned for grounding, strength, cleansing and healing

POPPY SEEDS: Burned to promote female fertility, and to attract love, good luck, and money.

ROSE: Burned to increase courage, induce prophetic dreams, house blessing, fertility, healing and attract love. Rose incense is used in all forms of love enchantment and possesses the strongest love vibration of any magickal incense.

ROSE GERANIUM:  Burned for courage and protection

ROSEMARY: Burned to purify, aid in healing, prevent nightmares, preserve youthfulness, dispel depression, attract fairyfolk, and promote restful sleep and pleasant dreams.

RUE: Burned to help restore health.

SAGE: Burned for protection against all forms of evil. It is also burned to purify sacred spaces and ritual tools. Plus it is great for promoting wisdom, clarity, attract money, and aid in the healing the body, mind, and soul.  

SAGEBRUSH: Burned to aid healing, and to banish negative energies and evil supernatural entities.

SANDALWOOD: Burned to exorcise demons and evil ghosts, conjure beneficial spirits, and promote spiritual awareness. Sandalwood incense is also used by many Witches for protection, astral projection, healing rituals and in wish-magick.

SOLOMONS SEAL: Burned mainly as an offertory incense to ancient Pagan deities.

STAR ANISE SEEDS: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic powers.

STRAWBERRY: Burned to attract love and for luck.

SWEETGRASS: Burned to conjure beneficial spirits prior to spellcasting.

SWEET PEA:  Burned for friendship, love and courage

THYME: Burned for the purification of magickal spaces prior to rituals, to aid in healing, and to attract good health.

VANILLA: Burned to attract love, increase sexual desire, and improve the powers of the mind.

VERVAIN: Burned to exorcise evil supernatural entities.

VETIVERT: Burned to break curses, exorcism, for protection against black magick and thieves, money, peace and love.

VIOLET:  Burn for wisdom, luck, love, protection and healing

WILLOW: Burned to avert evil, attract love, and promote healing. It is also used by many Witches as an offertory incense for Pagan lunar deities.

WISTERIA: Burned for protection against all forms of evil.

WORMWOOD: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic powers. When mixed with sandalwood and burned at night in a cemetery, wormwood is said to be able to conjure spirits from their graves.

YARROW:  Burned to arrow courage, exorcism

YLANG-YLANG: Burned for love, harmony and euphoria

P.s. I took the photo of my collection.


Reiki Symbols.

Reiki is a form of alternative medicine developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. Since originating in Japan, Reiki has been adapted into varying cultural traditions across the world. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a “universal energy” is allegedly transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing. The Reiki symbols are like keys that open doors to a higher mind. One of the functions of the Reiki symbols is to instantly override the user’s precognition that some things cannot be done (i.e. distance healing). The symbols trigger a belief or intention built into the symbols that helps the user to get the results intended. The different symbols also quickly connect the user to the universal life force. When a Reiki Master does an attunement and shows the Reiki symbols to a student, the form of the symbol is impressed in the students mind and merges with the metaphysical energies it represents. When a Reiki practitioner draws, thinks about or visualizes a symbol it will instantly connect to the energies it represents. Reiki’s teachings and adherents claim that qi is physiological and can be manipulated to treat a disease or condition. The existence of qi has not been established by medical research. Therefore, Reiki is a pseudoscientific theory based on metaphysical concepts.


Myrrh resin is known as one of the gifts given to Jesus upon his birth by the Magi. Myrrh is considered a staple in most spiritual practices and is beautiful when mixed with frankincense. This gorgeous incense is known to be a space purifier, amplifies the intention set and raises the vibration during meditation and spellwork. It is said that myrrh increases the power of any other resin it is added to. The smoke from myrrh is used to consecrate sacred objects and to bless and protect these objects.

Finest Quality Resin Incense, Artisan Incense, Herbs, Oils, Crystals, Energetic Cleansins and Smudging supplies and accessories

“You will learn that at higher levels of energy, our fields of prayer act very quickly to bring us exactly what we expect. If we fear, it brings to us what we fear. If we hate, it brings us more of what we hate. Thankfully, when we go into these negative expectations, our prayer-fields collapse rather quickly because we lose our connection with the divine and are no longer out-flowing love. But a fear expectation can still be powerful. That is why you must monitor your expectations carefully and set your field consciously.”

— James Redfield (via thechakragoddess)

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