


Hi! I'm Bea (they/them). I like history, cartoons, space, musicals, science, cats, and the ocean.

its so sad that radfem just means transphobe and not like. this


I have to double-check every blog name with “rad” or “radical”, and I HATE IT, because rad/radical were some of my favorite words! people who don’t respect trans men/women aren’t radical, they’re tragical!!!

YOU ARE SO RIGHT HOMIE we gotta reclaim rad and radical as phrases only trans people can use forever now


As someone whose been on this website 10+ years I’ve seen more trans women banned recently than I’ve ever seen Neo nazis on this website banned or TERFs


genuinely insane how often trans women get banned vs terfs n nazis like. i will see a reply from a neo-nazi on a post and they'll more often than not still be there by the next time i see it while like half of the trans women i see on posts are fuckin Poofed

yall remember how the best anti fashist action that ever happend on this site was when out of nowhere suddenly tonnes of fash blogs were being taken over by Woody from Toy Story, how some annonmous person or group just decided one day to do something about it and started taking them out, fuckin Woody's Roundup was more effective than staff has ever been


You will probably notice a slight drop in file quality of my art from now on, this is because I decided to contribute to creating poison for robots🐍

I now understand that the drop in file quality is to mess with machine learning models but initially I interpreted this as “the quality of my art has suffered because I’m spending so much time in the lab inventing new synthetic venoms that can bring down and kill Boston Dynamic’s cyber-hounds” which woulda be cool as hell

'You'll notice I'm making less art as I'm transitioning into my new role as a cyberpunk wizard rebel, creating intangible poisons for artificial evils is actually a lot of work'

can't you just opt out of the whole AI thing ?

you can opt out on this one website. but the internet at large is still there. u cant opt out of that and post public. well u can but its called poisoning ur images tho

oh right

tumblr isn't the only website in existence

but more seriously is there a list of which websites can use your art to feed AIs ? it can't be all of them... right ?

anywhere ur things are public, somebody can go scrape them. if not a company, then some asshole. but also companies :(

oh, so illegal AI feeding then

also like now i'm imagining AI as some sort of beast that's being fed by some greedy asshole, and the guy thinks the creature is a god when it's just a mindless beast running on a really complex algorithm

the distinction between "ai feeding" and "illegal ai feeding" is non-existent. ai doesnt work if u only use stuff u got permission to use. its all "illegal"

well i don't exactly agree with that

it is technically possible to train a machine learning model with data you made, or that you got with the permission of its author

it's just too much effort for greedy corporations looking for profit :pp

u don't have to agree, yr allowed to be a dumbass who goes, "well technically" despite the reality in front of you. ^_^

Even if you opt out of AI feeding on this site, if your art's any good people are gonna repost it elsewhere. (Probably without credit, too)

Do your part and poison the robots.

I know that Nightshade utensils can be quite slow distilling the poison, but please, don't let that put you off. Leave it overnight and post your art the next day if necessary, but do your part 🧪




1. We are all flawed, traumatized humans at the end of their rope. Many of our actions say more about the conditions we live under than who we are as people.

2. No one is disposable. No one is unsalvageable.

3. Life holds greater value than being right or comfortable. Hurt is preferable to death.

4. No one should be deprived of community.

5. Harm does not require further harm. Punishment does not equate protection or healing.

SungWon Cho’s voice acting range is actually just fucking astounding to me. Every time I figure out a character is voiced by him I get the most insane whiplash. Like

What the fuck do you mean all three of these characters are voiced by the same person. I am in awe.

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