
Kill The Rock

@miss-mother-fucker / miss-mother-fucker.tumblr.com

Dreadful human not meant for this world. Nevada | She/Her | Bipolar | Queer

Wishing all undiagnosed/partially diagnosed people a very doctors listening to you and providing you with more testing than a blood draw and even possibly providing treatment 2024


“Who broke it”

  • inspired by that one voltron video
  • finally finished version of this
  • took ten thousand years please enjoy
  • View on YouTube here!

ok honestly i think this was probably the best thing i ever did and im never gonna forgive whatever company owns parks & rec for claiming this audio so now it’s not viewable in the US on Youtube anymore



Smash and Burn was made for DriveThruRPG's PocketQuest game jam! It's a heist game set in the dystopian cyberpunk (genre) of Nav. You are a SamizPan, someone who does jobs for the rich, powerful, and connected in hopes of making a life for yourself. The game focuses primarily on the moment that a job goes bad (after all, no plan survives human contact). Make your way out with the goods - maybe by going loud and gunning your way through wave after wave of security guards or by trying to stealth your way through security that's on high alert. Alternatively, run your way through a data heist and try to get the data, disconnect, and bug out of your hidey-hole before counter hackers trace your location and kick in your door.

A simple 2d6 + Attribute system lets you pick up and play quickly. Character creation is quick and rules have enough flexibility that you can certainly try. That's right, there's not 12 pages of grappling rules!

Heist crews succeed best when everyone has a role. Choose between: - The smooth talking conman - The armed-to-the-teeth gunner - The nerdy and teched out hacker - The slick infiltrator

Good luck. You'll need it!

This game is published under a Creative Commons License, feel free to remix and adapt anything in the game - with the exception of all the silly stuff we don't own. The specific license is detailed in the credits section of the game.

Additionally, much like every other game made in the PocketQuest game jam, this game was made without the use of generative AI. Our cover art was lovingly hand drawn and the page art was done by me while very sleep deprived in photoshop. The text was written over the course of a couple months. All humans!

Finally, even if you don't wanna check out my game, please look at some of the other titles [Link] made for this game jam!

Image Description: A hand drawn cover of three individuals in the middle of a bank heist. A black man on the left wearing an undone black bowtie, a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and a blue bullet proof vest, holds a gun in one hand and is pointing to a target out of view. A white man on the right holds a black rifle with red accents on the barrel. He is well equipped with a futuristic eyepiece, a side arm, additional ammo, and bullet proof vest. His clothes are mostly dark to light brown with green knee pads. He is in a fighting, ready to attack. In the middle of the two is a woman wearing a black suit from head to toe, most of her features obscured. She is crouched down with a wrist mounted device that is connected to an electronic code lock on a gray bank vault behind the group. Above the three, a security camera watches them. The title reads "Smash and Burn When a Job Goes Wrong - That Doesn't Mean It's Over". "Burn" is in red text while the rest is in white, set on a black background. A multi-colored text logo sits in the bottom left that reads "Peach Soda Publishing". The official PocketQuest logo sits on the bottom right. It is a hexagon with a purple color fill. The words "PocketQuest" are in the middle with a small raccoon sitting on top of the words.



Smash and Burn was made for DriveThruRPG's PocketQuest game jam! It's a heist game set in the dystopian cyberpunk (genre) of Nav. You are a SamizPan, someone who does jobs for the rich, powerful, and connected in hopes of making a life for yourself. The game focuses primarily on the moment that a job goes bad (after all, no plan survives human contact). Make your way out with the goods - maybe by going loud and gunning your way through wave after wave of security guards or by trying to stealth your way through security that's on high alert. Alternatively, run your way through a data heist and try to get the data, disconnect, and bug out of your hidey-hole before counter hackers trace your location and kick in your door.

A simple 2d6 + Attribute system lets you pick up and play quickly. Character creation is quick and rules have enough flexibility that you can certainly try. That's right, there's not 12 pages of grappling rules!

Heist crews succeed best when everyone has a role. Choose between: - The smooth talking conman - The armed-to-the-teeth gunner - The nerdy and teched out hacker - The slick infiltrator

Good luck. You'll need it!

This game is published under a Creative Commons License, feel free to remix and adapt anything in the game - with the exception of all the silly stuff we don't own. The specific license is detailed in the credits section of the game.

Additionally, much like every other game made in the PocketQuest game jam, this game was made without the use of generative AI. Our cover art was lovingly hand drawn and the page art was done by me while very sleep deprived in photoshop. The text was written over the course of a couple months. All humans!

Finally, even if you don't wanna check out my game, please look at some of the other titles [Link] made for this game jam!

Image Description: A hand drawn cover of three individuals in the middle of a bank heist. A black man on the left wearing an undone black bowtie, a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and a blue bullet proof vest, holds a gun in one hand and is pointing to a target out of view. A white man on the right holds a black rifle with red accents on the barrel. He is well equipped with a futuristic eyepiece, a side arm, additional ammo, and bullet proof vest. His clothes are mostly dark to light brown with green knee pads. He is in a fighting, ready to attack. In the middle of the two is a woman wearing a black suit from head to toe, most of her features obscured. She is crouched down with a wrist mounted device that is connected to an electronic code lock on a gray bank vault behind the group. Above the three, a security camera watches them. The title reads "Smash and Burn When a Job Goes Wrong - That Doesn't Mean It's Over". "Burn" is in red text while the rest is in white, set on a black background. A multi-colored text logo sits in the bottom left that reads "Peach Soda Publishing". The official PocketQuest logo sits on the bottom right. It is a hexagon with a purple color fill. The words "PocketQuest" are in the middle with a small raccoon sitting on top of the words.


Reeducating myself on how to say “You are willfully misinterpreting me so this conversation is over.”

Recently watched a youtube video about tips for trying to buy sustainable and high quality textiles and the narrator started with several minutes of "I am not shaming anyone for having to buy fast fashion, no ethical consumption under capitalism etc., these are just some tips for if you have the means and desire to source these sorts of fabrics, I know being able to buy sustainable things is a privilege --" and the fact that that disclaimer is necessary, that we live in a culture so ready to read anything in bad faith that providing tips for something is assumed to be shaming people for doing anything else unless you do the "you're valid too! <3" speech at the start, made me want to eat my own face.




Irt the whole hbomberguy thing im also glad more ppl are talking about that thing where Online Guys who just hate all of women will very openly talk about their very generalized misogyny but say like "cis" or "white" or "straight" in front of it so it sounds Progressive

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