
What are you gonna do, stab me?


-me, shortly before getting stabbed

hey um. i dont really go on this website much but uh. ive been scrolling through the arginnit tag and i keep seeing a blue phone? that he gets a call on?

and now with tommys whole apartment situation. theres a red phone?

thats not a coincidence, right?


kiwi birds are gonna be the next tumblr fav animal like capybara and frogs i’m calling it. this fucker can be round and then not round any time he wants. he’s rigging the meta game

THESE FUCKERS... Will literally steal your sandwiches, I'm told.

no offense but if you let your meatball sub get stolen by one of these rounded beasts that’s ur own fault and also it deserves it more than you do

there is a significant difference between kiwi and the kea youre thinking of. kiwi are polite little birds. kea,,,, are not. 


“People have always felt a sort of ownership over art, and that’s actually good. It’s why you keep a book on your shelf and return to it, it’s why you hang a picture on your wall that speaks to you. But when this gets out of hand and you mistake access or a personal connection with your rights, as happens so often in our Internet age, it leads to a dangerous sense of entitlement. That’s why readers feel empowered to complain, directly to the creator, that a book or show doesn’t have absolutely everything they want: the romantic pairing they’d hoped for, the language they find most friendly, the ending they desired. And it’s also why, for instance, the last Harry Potter book leaked on the internet before it was officially published: fans saw the book as something they were owed, not the product of labor that deserved compensation. Not that J.K. Rowling needs more money—but she, and all authors, deserve to have their work recognized as work.

“Consumers hold a pernicious power, so this trend towards free content won’t reverse itself unless we want it to. This is a sad thing, and we will all be much worse off if we can only hear stories from people who can afford to write.”

Please please please do NOT pirate books if you want to keep having books to read. The median income for full-time authors in 2017 is reported at $20,857. That means half of all authors reporting income made LESS. 

And of the authors that reported that they were, in fact, full-time authors, only 63% had ANY earnings to report. The average of those who did earn something was $43,247. Which means, looking at the difference between the median and average, the average is heavily weighted by the superstars.

MOST of your favorite authors are either working a second (or third, or more) job, have a partner who earns more money, or is living hand-to-mouth, or some combination of the three. 

Libraries are your friends. Most have ebook collections now. I know readers gotta eat, but writers do too.

Signed, Someone whose book isn’t out for another 4 months, and is ALREADY being pirated :( 


Oh gosh :( this really hit me: “This is a sad thing, and we will all be much worse off if we can only hear stories from people who can afford to write.”

If you cannot afford to buy books, please go through your public library! When you get a library card, you’ll also be able to sign up to rent audiobooks; a librarian can help you if you’re not sure how. Libraries are an important part of the book ecosystem, and when you get a book for free from the library, you’re still supporting the author.


international people start calling our country aotearoa instead of new zealand challenge

aotearoa is the te reo name for our country, commonly translated as "land of the long white cloud" as the story goes Kupe was guided to our whenua by following a long white cloud in the sky. new zealand is a name which was forced on us by colonizers who stole our precious land less than 200 years ago. by reverting back to the māori name you are metaphorically giving the land back to the tangata whenua, the people of the land, and we can begin to normalize using the proper names for things that should have always belonged to māori

heres a link to a good pronunciation, i recommend practicing saying it along to the video. but please remember that even if you cant get it perfect, say it anyway!! its better to try and get it slightly wrong than not try at all

the one that's not aotearoa is a deadname


incomplete (and incoherent) list of tips for drawing vitiligo

- unless your character is pale the patches won’t be just a couple shades paler than their skin color. it’s the destruction of melanocytes, not an opacity filter. they won’t be pure white but they’ll be pretty close and just looking at photos of ppl (especially in different lighting) will help

- that said don’t be afraid to give pale characters vitiligo, it’s definitely not as noticeable at first glance but still cool

- pls... don’t draw patches pink.. it makes my skin hurt. unless ur character is sunburned just don’t

- vitiligo is, in MOST cases, symmetrical TO AN EXTENT. you obviously don’t have to follow this rule bc there’s real life exceptions, but most patches will have a patch/other half similar in size and shape on the other side

- idk if other people have this but the right side of my patches are bigger, which is why i say TO AN EXTENT

- patches can’t have freckles. i actually have a freckle that’s cut in half by the edge of a patch currently

- vitiligo can happen anywhere on the body but it’s most common around the eyes, mouth, hands and feet. also armpits but ppl don’t usually draw characters w visible armpits. that said not everybody has face patches most famous example i can think of is jon hamm

- patches can have smooth and/or splotchy edges, even on just one person. for example the bottom of my eye patches are v smooth but my forehead patches are all over the fucking place

- there’s a theory that trauma to the skin can trigger a new patch of vitiligo to form (which i’m prone to believe cause my forehead patch came in after i got a bad habit of popping pimples LMAO) so if ur character has a cool facial scar along w vitiligo u could give them a patch originating from the scar (or an acne patch like me.......)

- adding on to that the reason for this theory is bc it’s an autoimmune disease and while most ppl with vitiligo won’t have another one there IS a corrolation w other autoimmune diseases so like if u wanna maybe draw ur character also w a diabetic pump that would be kinda cool (they said diabetically)

- it also spreads with age, so if ur drawing a younger/older version of ur character keep in mind how it has changed over the course of their life. example mine started out small in the corners of my eyes and spread into what i call my superhero mask in the span of three years, for others that kind of progression could take way less time or way more time. it’s up to you to decide

- it can affect hair color as well so if patches go over the hairline of ur character feel free to give them cool white streaks

- draw more vitiligo in general it’s pretty and makes me like characters instantly

if this post actually gets any traction and u also have vitiligo feel free to add anything! every case is unique and i’ve only got my perspective and this is just my rambling thoughts


Goodbye straight people, I can’t say I’ll miss you tbh



Agreed @benditlikegumby my guess is that these kids dont want to procreate. No wonder the camel jockeys are winning.

The whole LGBTQ thing is madness and killing us.


ok boomer

ok boomer

ok boomer

Ok boomer

Ok, boomer

Ok boomer


Ok boomer

סבבה סבא

Ok Boomer

i just had the weirdest moment, i was feeling my front teeth with my tongue because they’re the tiniest bit crooked, and then i had the thought “i’ll check if they’re also crooked in my other mouth” and then i realized to my shock and confusion that i have only one mouth, leading me to believe that in a past life i was a terrible monster with two mouths


A few months ago, I thought to myself “Mmm I’m so tired… how much longer in this one again?” and I knew instinctively what I meant by ‘this one’ was this body and this life. I then spend a few wide-eyed moments having an identity/existential crisis like how many times have I been on this earth to have such an instinctive response to being bone-weary to my soul? No one can really answer, especially not me.


In July 2017, one night I woke up around 2 a.m and blurted out in a quasi professorial voice “the Equinox Bird has infinite beaks, all in the wrong direction, and infinite eyes” and I don’t know what the fuck I was dreaming about but it still haunts me. It seemed like a very important information for a few seconds.

i really appreciate the last commenter giving us an exact date and time like that information needs to be preserved

One time I passed out on the couch after going a few days without sleep, and when I woke up mom said I had been speaking in German in my sleep, and it sounded like I was ordering people to build something

When I was like 5 my mom took me to the grave of her friend that died of cancer and I asked what happened and my mom explained that she died and i fucking said “I died once” and my mom asked me to explain and I went into pretty detailed explanation about how I died in a war because “I got stabbed by a gun with a knife at the end” (my exact words) and I met god and she (she’s a woman obvs) asked if I wanted to stay or go back to earth and I said I wanted to go back so I chose my mom cause she was struggling to have a baby (she had me through IVF) and lemme tell you that changed her like nothing will make you second guess your religious beliefs like a five year old explaining heaven and god to you


this post is a fucking ride and it reminded me of something i forgot

one time i was playing on my wii (like 5-ish years ago) and i thought to myself “i haven’t checked on rowan in a week, has he died from the plague? :(“ and i didn’t think anything of it for a bit until later when i had a “what the fuck” moment

I love this kind of shit because it happens to me all the goddamn time. Like:

-The other night I rolled over in the middle of the night to shake my partner awake, proceeded to tell him how I was glad that ‘this time round we would truly have the freedom to love each other properly’ and how his hands belonged to his last self, but his eyes had never changed in all the lives I’d known him. And he just laid there in the dark like wtf because I was asleep. Like I’d woken him to tell him that all in my sleep and then left him to have a crisis.

- Watching the history channel with my Pop on the couch, tender age of 7, and they’re talking about crucifixion. And my pop, ever the funny man, is like “that looks like it aughta hurt”. And I just turn to look at him and without hesitation reply “only at first”. And he’s like “what do you mean” and tiny me just shrugged and said “well there’s a place beyond the hurt where everything just stops” and he turned the telly off and left the room.

- night before Christmas 2012, dreamt I’d been stabbed in the lungs by an angel with the face of a falcon. He looked at me and told me he had to do it, so that ‘my next breath would come as a rebirth’. When he started to glow so brightly that it burned my eyes, I woke up to all the lights in my house on and a dark bruise beneath my rib cage. Will admit, that one freaked me out.

- walked past a graveyard with a friend back in middle school on the way to her house, and mid conversation I stopped talking and stood stock still, looked over at the walls,and quietly said “I have a friend in there”. Then picked up the conversation and continued strolling like nothing had happened. To be fair, I didn’t realise what I’d said. She still tells me I’m the reason she can’t walk past that graveyard anymore.

- a couple of years ago when I was in Wales I walked past an old stone house just outside of Aberystwyth, and just started to weep. I had the overwhelming thought that I needed to be in there to get dinner ready for the children, but in a different life so long ago and so impossible to reach, that thefeeling of loss was instant and overwhelming.

- was about to use a pedestrian crossing, when my whole body just sort of went hey don’t do that, and so I stopped and put my arm out to stop the woman who was crossing behind me, and 2 seconds later a car came skidding around the corner and crashed into the tree on the other side of the crossing, and I just whispered “ha, not this time” and didn’t really think about it until later when I realised I’d nearly died again. (Btw i waited for th ambulance to show up and the dude driving the car was fine, just hit his head and was drunk af at 10:30am on a Thursday).

- another dream I had just this week, I was sitting in an otherwise empty cinema with a tall, thin man. I can’t really recall what he looked like, except he was well dressed, impossibly pale, and he kind of blurred when you looked directly at him, so I mainly watched him out the corner of my eye and looked ahead at the blank movie screen. He was holding my hand, and he asked me if i enjoyed my life. I said yes and explained why. He then said, almost verbatim, “And how does this one weigh against the last? Can it tip the scales, or is it, at last, to be found lacking?” And I replied, almost verbatim “I weigh my lives against my joy, and each life I find there is more joy to be discovered.” He replied with a laugh, lifted my hand to a kiss and said “till next time then” and disappeared. I woke up in the dark with both my cats sitting on me, alert, and staring out my bedroom door.

So many more, but these are the first that come to mind.


When I was little, my mother, my sister and I would dream in unison so often that one time when my mother was having a rather dull dream about golf my tiny 3 year old self shook her awake and told her to stop because it was boring. She dreaded having nightmares because both of us would wake up shrieking. 

My sister and I have also been known to argue in our sleep. Witnesses assure us that whatever made the shouting start, we both knew what it was and were mad about it. We don’t need to be in the same room for this.

We also stayed in a haunted house for a while. An old lady had fallen in the chilly hallway just outside the warm kitchen, broken her hip, and couldn’t reach high enough to open the door, so she died of hypothermia a foot away from a telephone and warmth. Without fail, every person who stood in that spot and tried to open that door - the single most used door in the house, being between the kitchen and the bathroom and front door - felt cold and found themselves scrabbling frantically at the door handle, which was always strangely hard to open from that side. You got used to it to an extent, but it always hit strangers hard. 

Whaaaaaaaaaat the shit


Shortly after my first dog died, my cat was facing a corner and meowing at it. I thought “oh he’s talking to him” and I said hi to and it wasn’t until I finished walking into my room that I realized that was weird

When I was a kid I’d apparently have long conversations with my grandfather, who was deceased. My mother thought I was imagining things until I was “playing cars” with my grandfather. The electric car was moving and the remote was away from me. Weird, sure, but after my mom sent me to bed she checked - the car had no batteries.

I used to have dreams that I could walk on invisible stairs and float in the air. They were so vivid that I can remember the feeling of the wall my hand ran along and the shock and pain when I fell the 2 feet to the ground. My parents said they remember me falling in the same place the dreams had my fall. I can’t discern what’s real and fake in those memories

When I was littler I had an imaginary friend who, “looks just like me but not me.” Parents were like Okay This is Typical Child Things. Then one night my dad was up late and he went into the livingroom to see me sitting on the chair, staring at the wall. He told me to go to bed and went to check on my baby brother to make sure he was asleep too. When he got to our shared room he saw me still asleep in my bed. A glance at the living room and Other Me was gone.

I used to hear a voice calling for Mary. One time I said, “that’s not my name anymore,” before thinking and after that the voice stopped.

When I was little I would always eat my food hot and right out of the oven/pot/fryer. It didn’t hurt me and when my parents (mystified) asked about it I said, “the heat of this doesn’t compare to actual fire.” I still don’t know what that means but to this day I can eat things still sizzling from fried oil and it doesn’t hurt the inside of my mouth and throat.

I had a doll whose eyes moved but they weren’t supposed to. I don’t know how but I knew she was mad at my brother for something he didn’t do.

The amount of times I’ve narrowly avoided death by following my gut instincts on when to stand/run/move/not move is in the double digits.

I saw something humanoid run from my brother’s room down the stairs too fast for me to see. I was the only one home.

I burnt my hair once and when my family was freaking out I said, “it’s not like it’s flesh.” Idk what came over me but it freaked everyone out. Actually now that I think about it there’s a lot of times in my life where I got hurt and decided it’s not as bad as fire would be.

Sometimes when I wish people luck I can physically feel energy moving away from me, idk how to explain it.

And that’s just me! My brother saw a figure in the graveyard watching him once. My other brother saw someone in our closet and my mother told him the man was just visiting. Said mother went to Gettysburg and thought they were doing a love reenactment of the battle - except when she asked if they could turn the canons down they said there weren’t any reenactments today or any happening at the moment. My entire family is weird af

I have very frequent, very vivid dreams about being a little blonde girl, and going on a huge metal boat that sinks.

My family’s religion believes in reincarnation and tbh I feel like there’s plenty of evidence for that to be plausible.

When I was 4 years old I asked my mom “what’s my name?” and she said “Alejandra” and i freaking said “oh, that must be my new name then, I better remember it”


I don’t think I could properly put it into words, but when I was around 11 and recently moved in my new home, standing alone in the kitchen late at night, I unpromptedly started staring at the kitchen floor utterly convinced that something was in (I mean IN) the floor looking back at me, though I couldn’t see anything, only feel it. I could sense that it was gauging me, indecisive, like it was trying to figure me out and was very worried and wary of me. To this day I still have no idea why, but I suddenly whispered very sweetly “don’t worry, you can stay, we won’t make you leave” and I can absolutely swear on my life that a (presumably female) face appeared on the floor, looked back at me, smiled, and disappeared.

It’s only at that moment that I realised something was happening, like I’d just come out of a trance. I stared at the floor, blinked, and suddenly felt a bit scared, but it was like I couldn’t process it, so I ended up just going upstairs to bed. Never seen Her since. Never told anyone either ‘cause I can tell this is the kind of story that makes people think you’re crazy, but this thread seemed appropriate. I can only suppose I imagined it somehow but I have no idea why and how, all I know for certain is that I was wide awake, definitely had to move upstairs to go to sleep and that it felt too real to be some sort of dream.

When I was a kid I had one of those tall beds that has a desk underneath it, except mine had a small staircase instead of a ladder. Once in the middle of the night I awoke to footsteps entering my room and slowly creeping up those stairs, until I felt a very real weight, like a cat or a small dog (we had neither) settling on my shins. When I eventually worked up the courage to look, there was nothing there, but the weight never left.

Ever since then I sometimes glimpse a shadowy figure hovering above my bed in the dark.


“Head of a dragon, tail of a snake.”

He might truly embody the proverb ryuutou-dabi (竜頭蛇尾), don’t you think? A disappointing end after a promising start; a failure to meet expectations. Even his powerful fire blasts finish in a weak, smoky sizzle.

After all… the Ryuu for dragon is also read, “Ryou”.

Ryoutou. Dabi. From Ryou. To Dabi.

(do not repost)


this is now my favorite dabi art of all time, truly badass^^

i die i love the traditional-looking and simple background and how it contrasts with the insanely detailed dragon. look at those scales. look at how the dragon shifts along the plane of dabi’s back. look at the details on the burned parts of his skin, at the metal rings and how they make indentions in his flesh.

kill me its so good

Holy shit


Memes that definitely exist in the world of BnHA

  • *someone does something well* “That’s my quirk!”
  • Ascribing quirks to characters from pre-quirk literature, especially giving heroes quirks unrelated to their actual powers
  • “Present Mic was involved” a la “Obama was there”
  • Treating underground heroes like legitimate cryptids
  • Or just making up heroes and claiming that they’re underground and that’s why you haven’t heard of them, Taro
  • Asking “is that a quirk?” after seeing any word or phrase you don’t understand
  • “All Might doesn’t even have a quirk, that’s just what America is like.”
  • Captioning various animal pictures or videos with names and dates of interviews of heroes that people might associate with them (A video of a rabbit sneezing is captioned “All Might, [some day idk], interview conducted by Aigami Miyako or whoever)
  • Anyone wearing a scarf is Eraserhead. Your teacher? Eraserhead. Your friend? Eraserhead. Your baby daughter? Eraserhead.
  • Add more please

ATTENTION ALL GIRLS: Being a ride or die means staying by a man’s side whether he has $500 or $5. Not when he cheats 10 times and you stay.


“Ride or Die” also means that if he ever hits you, he dies, and you call your bff for a ride.

Loyalty through hardship is one thing, loyalty through cruelty is another. 

Loyalty through hardship is one thing, loyalty through cruelty is another.


Since a bunch of you are seemingly into tall, skinny dudes with questionable fashion choices, I present your next crush:

Mr. Mint ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hey can you kill me real quick? I don’t want to see this get out of hand


Yeah, okay.


I love how everyone’s all like “tumblr” when actually Candyland had canonical “sexy redesigns” in 2013

This idea of … sexy guy might skew a little camp, I’ve hardly seen that stop anyone

Lord Licorice though…

Hold on to your steampunk, cybergoth panties, folks.






reading this post is like being punched in a million directions at once

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