
Gay for Good Omens


Cis woman / she/her

I really genuinely want to know what was going through Neil Gaiman's head when he wrote the 1992 movie script. The characters are so completely removed from their book counterparts. Everyone is antipathic, mean-spirited, and selfish. There's no pity or affection for any character, crowley and aziraphale's loving relationship is non-existent (I might even go as far as to say crowley dislikes aziraphale, and we're given no reason to like either of them or their bond in the first place). The plot makes very little sense and is just packed-full of poorly executed Hollywood clichés badly stitched together (Jesus fucking christ, the entire nightclub idea is a joke), and there's a real issue with 'show don't tell' (I don't need characters telling me their backstories or explaining they're friends, I need to see it)

More than that, it's genuinely hateful towards humanity at large in almost every line (especially Crowley's inexplicable utter dislike of people?), and by the end I was practically rooting for Satan to blow it all up. Why is Crowley written like the antithesis of who he is in the book? Why is aziraphale written like a bumbling idiotic cherub and not like a powerful angel with a bastardly streak? Why do they seem to mostly dislike each other? Why on earth is Tracy such a tragic, lonely, heartbreaking and pathetic character? In the same go, why are the female characters so badly written (wtf is going on with Anathema and Pepper in this)? Why did Adam turn into some archetypal soulless emo kid with no affection for anyone or anything, straight up out of a 12yo's self insert fantasy?

There's not a single ounce of love put into this script, when it originally comes from one of the most loving and forgiving piece of media I've ever read. It's so incredibly baffling.

I'm just gonna say this ; the only part I somewhat enjoyed was the one with the museum's pot, entirely and solely thanks to the potential behind it. It could have served as a little tidbit to show Crowley remembering at least one human, or some of his time on Earth, fondly. It could have even been him and Aziraphale joking about their time and history together. It could even have been written as Crowley lamenting at how fast humans go, at how fleeting their lives are, how he misses some of them- could have been a positive explanation to how negatively Crowley feels about humanity. Instead it was used as another bleak reminder of how awful the world is. Disheartening.

I just friggin figured it out--the characters in the book are people. The characters in the movie script are plot points.

Yeah well. S2 huh


if biblical lore is fully canon in good omens (which i suspect it is, since we have all the major stories such as eden, the ark, sodom, and jesus being referenced in the show), i…really want people to explore the story of Job. because i truly think the story would have been a huge, huge catalyst and turning point in aziraphale and crowley’s relationship and opinions of heaven, hell and god

…or maybe i just want someone to write about aziraphale going “well it’s ok, his trials are over and he has new children now”, and crowley truly being angry at him for the first time and yelling that you don’t throw away children and replace them with new ones like god seems so fond to do

I can't believe it


can someone explain to me why my posts don't show in tags anymore ? like i posted art on two different blogs and neither show in their tags? i'm so confused did i break tumblr


I love this part of Steven Universe and couldn't resist drawing it out with two newly earth-bound immortals


Did the bookshop catch fire so fast bc aziraphale had just been banished to heaven, so his protective influence on that probably fire-hazard of a crumbling building disappeared for the first time in ~500 years


if season 2 of good omens doesn't make the 'crowley invented the whole reptilians conspiracy theory and it completely backfired on him because now an entire batshit crazy group of humans are obsessively looking for snake-people just like him' idea canon, im gonna riot


You guys ever think about how hell is Like That not because demons are inherently chaotic but because they're just a bunch of heavily traumatized people who've been thrown into a dark room together and given no therapy whatsoever for like 6000 years

“I can do you the story about the boy who brought peace by defying his father, the girl and the Grandmothers’ prophecy,“ his words still grew surer of themselves, each one bolder, a performance and a promise. “The one about two rivals who fall in love? Unless you prefer the funny ones?" 
"Rivals who fall in love,” Azi said. “Please.”
Crowley nodded, glancing up at Azi through the fall of his hair, his smile gentle and pleased. He struck the drum with a beater. It was a deep, pure sound and it made Azi’s bones thrum. 
Crowley began to speak, and his voice was a temptation, the foundation on which the story grew as it cast shadows on the cave walls, becoming bigger and more colourful until reality was forgotten.

Chapter 3 of The World to Me, An Upper Paleolithic AU based on artwork/ideas by Gayforgoodomens 

Artwork above by @singasongrightnow



I'm absolutely giddy. I just got this on the mail and it made my whole month. My whole heart to you, my dear friend @gayforgoodomens for this wonderful gift that I'll cherish forever. It's such a delight to be able to call you my friend!!

I'm so glad you liked it dear <3 It was really the least I could do, after you've graced me with so many AUs and dedicated fics! I'm honored to call you my friend as well!!


Redleaf Handmade is live on Etsy!

For those of you who are unaware, I’ve been off work for six months thanks to a back/sacroiliac injury caused by a bad fall on the ice back in January. I’m starting up this shop to help with the bills, and scrunchies are just the first of it. Bowties (for humans) are coming, as are bowties/scarves for cats and dogs.

Ever wanted to look like a Heathers' musical character? Well a friend is making beautiful things online! I already bought mine! Go for it guys!!

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