H/D Wireless

@hd-wireless / hd-wireless.tumblr.com

A Harry & Draco Fest (18+) inspired by the music we know and love. Rules and guidelines here. Header provided by gnarf and remixed by maesterchill


🎵Hey dudes, the time has come. Take a fab song and make it better. Remember to claim for fic or art, Then you can start…  to get creative

And anytime you wanna claim For podfics, it’s the same, Just choose from our list that’s right before you. Don’t be a fool and play it cool Oh dude, it’s true The song that you need is waiting for you

Na-na-na-na-na Na-na-na-naaaaah 🎵

Time to choose the song that you've let get under your skin!

You can find all prompts in our 2024 Prompt Gallery. Or if you'd rather create a podfic check out our Podfic Prompt Gallery, all prompts have written consent to be turned into a podfic from our former participants!

All participants MUST read our Rules & Guidelines and confirm that they've done so. If you haven't yet, please check out the fest rules, it is crucial for a stress-free participation. Anxiety who? With our rules you won't have that!

Once you've found your prompt and read the rules, hop onto our claiming form HERE.

If you want to go with the vibe check out our Spotify playlist that includes all prompts available on Spotify, created with the help of our lovely friend @evaeleanor

Claims for art and podfic are unlimited, however fic claims are capped at 80, so get in there quick and don't miss the Wireless train!

Let's get that party started!

Your mods

So claim the prompt you want to create, and make the fandom world a little better, better, better, better, BETTER, BETTER, oh!

Good luck!

🎵 ahh, look at all the lonely prompts 🎵

Reblogging to say the claims are filling up but we do still have a few writer slots left!!

And we would really love for more artists 🎨and podficcers 🎤 to join our Wireless carnival 🎊

Choose your favourite song from the amazing prompt list above and go grab it! 🎵

Anonymous asked:

hey! different anon from the one that asked what it would look like if a prompt is claimed, but I had the same question. I can see the claimed/available and was wondering where that is or if maybe it's hidden or something?


I believe you're saying you can't see whether prompts are claimed or available?

If so, what you need to do is check the heading of the prompt (in bold text). See example below of one unclaimed prompt and one that has been claimed for fic (meaning art is still available for people to claim).

I hope that clears things up. Please let us know!!

To make things even clearer we've now added the following at the bottom of each panel.

And here's the link to the prompt gallery again!! And the Claiming form!

Happy perusing!

Anonymous asked:

Hello, person who loves stats and data here! How many prompts were claimed more than once in the early sign ups? And can we get a shout out of the prompt that the most people tried to claim? Thank you for being incredible!

Hi anon! We appreciate the enthusiasm, and we also appreciate a good stat! 🤓

Prompts can't be claimed twice, obviously, but people can certainly attempt to! In those cases, it's first come first served, and we will issue the person who misses out their 2nd choice if it's available. This is why we have to work quickly to process the claims and mark the prompts as taken! This reduces the likelihood of double claims for prompts.

Sadly, we aren't tracking these stats for double claims, as we are busy busy busy processing claims and making sure everybody gets one of their choices. ❤️

Anonymous asked:

Hi! When a prompt is claimed, what will it look like in Prompt Gallery? Don’t mean to rush anyone, just want to make sure I’m not missing anything, thanks!


When a prompt is claimed it will show in the Gallery as either: - Unavailable for fic and art - Fic available - Art available

In the podfic prompt gallery it will show as: - CLAIMED So you can either scroll through and keep an eye out for those or use the search function to find them (depending on what device you're on: scroll for mobile and search tool for laptop/pc).

HTH! 💗

Anonymous asked:

I cant figure out how to claim a podfic. The drop-down menu only has the options for 2024 prompts or self prompting. Could it be a problem from being on mobile?

Hi dear nonnie!

That's on us, something is wrong with Airtable and the option for podfic is not showing up.

We're working on it and hope to have the issue fixed asap!

Thanks for messaging!



Issue fixed!

The IT elves went to work real quick here!

Anonymous asked:

Do you update the prompt gallery for claimed prompts? Id love to see if some of my favorites (or some of my own!!!!!) get claimed! Thanks for hosting!!

Hi nonnie!

We are so excited that claiming finally started and we feel like you're sharing that feeling!

We will update the prompting list as we send out the claim confirmation emails. So you'll see more and more prompts being marked as claimed over the next few hours!

We hope that some of your favourites got picked, so far the claims all look amazing!



🎵Hey dudes, the time has come. Take a fab song and make it better. Remember to claim for fic or art, Then you can start…  to get creative

And anytime you wanna claim For podfics, it’s the same, Just choose from our list that’s right before you. Don’t be a fool and play it cool Oh dude, it’s true The song that you need is waiting for you

Na-na-na-na-na Na-na-na-naaaaah 🎵

Time to choose the song that you've let get under your skin!

You can find all prompts in our 2024 Prompt Gallery. Or if you'd rather create a podfic check out our Podfic Prompt Gallery, all prompts have written consent to be turned into a podfic from our former participants!

All participants MUST read our Rules & Guidelines and confirm that they've done so. If you haven't yet, please check out the fest rules, it is crucial for a stress-free participation. Anxiety who? With our rules you won't have that!

Once you've found your prompt and read the rules, hop onto our claiming form HERE.

If you want to go with the vibe check out our Spotify playlist that includes all prompts available on Spotify, created with the help of our lovely friend @evaeleanor

Claims for art and podfic are unlimited, however fic claims are capped at 80, so get in there quick and don't miss the Wireless train!

Let's get that party started!

Your mods

So claim the prompt you want to create, and make the fandom world a little better, better, better, better, BETTER, BETTER, oh!

Good luck!

Anonymous asked:

Hey! I read in the rules that the fic must be beta, I'm sorry if it says so on the rules and I missed it but if I don't have anyone who would be willing to beta my fic for me could you guys recommend/provide someone or..? Again sorry if I missed it, I just don't wanna claim a prompt and the fail to comply with that request. Thanks!

Hi nonny,

As per the rule regarding having your fic betaed (which you read):

All fics must be beta-read (If you are unable to find a beta please let us know)

So, the requirement is that you let us know if you are having difficulty finding a beta reader.

I suppose this could technically be classified as letting us know, but we're not gonna be able to do anything with an anon ask, so you'll need to reach out to us via actual email at hdwirelessmod@gmail.com. Please do that early enough on so it's not last minute before submission.

For the record, no, we unfortunately do not have the resources to beta-read fics for participants. We will instead point you to ways to secure one. Having said that, we do read all fics once they have been submitted, to check tags, look for any glaring errors, or if anything formatting-wise has messed up, and we will let you know so you can correct it, but we won't be doing a line by line beta-read.


Note to those thinking about claiming for Wireless

You may have noticed we updated our rules this year to include the following:

While dropping out is fine, if you ghost us (i.e. fail to respond to our check-ins or communications), we may not allow you back the next year. We understand that things come up, but we expect our participants to show us the respect of responding to our emails, including letting us know if/when they are no longer able to participate. If you have ghosted us in previous fests, please reach out to confirm your eligibility to participate. If you informed us you were dropping, you're fine. But we need to know that our participants will respond to emails and reserve the right to exclude you from the fest based on past fest behaviour.

If you have dropped in the last two years without sending us an email, we will need to you email the mod team to confirm your eligibility. we will not accept claims from creators who have ghosted us (within the last two years) and not reached out to the mods prior to submitting a claim form.

as always, our email is hdwirelessmod@gmail.com

Claiming opens tomorrow at 4th February, 1pm GMT (what is that time for me)

Anonymous asked:

I see in the rules that if you claim a prompt and can't complete it, you aren't able to pick up a new prompt (which is entirely reasonable!). I was wondering whether that also applies to self-prompting. In that case is it okay to switch to a different story idea and/or song partway through?

Hi anon

Should we be worried that you're thinking about switching prompts before claiming has even taken place?? 😂

We'd advise thinking really carefully about your prompt and story idea before submitting a claim. If you love your prompt and are inspired to write something, then go on ahead and claim! If you're not sure but just want to secure a fic slot, then maybe that's unfair to other writers trying to claim.

However, we do understand that the muse can flee, so if you've claimed in good faith and really feel you are struggling or won't complete the fic, just email us (hdwirelessmod@gmail.com) as soon as possible and we can discuss. Changing the story idea is usually no issue, but changing the song prompt is another matter.

Key takeaway: if you're struggling, get in touch!!!

Anonymous asked:

Hi! So excited for the fest. I just wondered if there’s a certain time that claiming becomes available on the 4th? Wanna set my alarm 😆

Hello We are so thrilled to hear that you're excited to claim!!! Pretty sure that info is in the Rules, but just in case you missed it:

'The form will go live on 4th February, 1pm GMT'

Wishing you the best of luck in claiming the prompt you want!!! 🍀

Anonymous asked:

Is there any rule that you have to have created a podfic before in order to make a claim for one? I only ask because some fests have that policy and I couldn’t find anywhere in the rules that was specifically stated/not stated

Hi hi

Thanks for the ask. And for checking the rules so carefully!

HD Wireless fest has no requirements for anyone who would like to participate to have created any prior fanworks. We welcome first-timers! That goes for writers, artists and podficcers!

And we are here or over on hdwirelessmod@gmail.com to answer any questions any fest noobies might have.

Hope to have you on board!!

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I'm a lil confused, when it says max rating: explicit. do they mean that they want an explicit fic? or that anything explicit and below is okay?

(im not too comfy writing explicit fic so)

Hi there,

That space on the prompting form was for the prompter to express what the maximum rating they prefer would read, so if someone didn't want to read any smut at all they could put 'Teen', or of they are ok with smut references but don't want to read graphic details they could put 'Mature'.

Where someone has written Explicit that really means any rating is fine because Explicit IS the maximum on AO3. It just means they are happy for you to go as high as E if you want to. (We don't allow people to specify a minimum rating) So, the upshot is, if you see a prompt with a max rating of E and you'd rather not write explicit that is totally fine!! You're good!

And don't forget: (from our Rules and Guidelines) We encourage you to be inspired by the prompter’s additional details, but these are not required to be incorporated into the creation. You may also wish to take into consideration your prompter’s squicks when creating. This is not a requirement — but we ask that you do not gift the creation to the prompter if you are not taking the squicks into consideration, and as always, be sure to tag your work appropriately.


The Prompts!!

🎵At last The prompts have come along My lonely days are over And life is like a song Oh, yeah, yeah 🎵

Prompting has closed, and here they are AT LAST: all the talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before (etc) WIRELESS PROMPTS! Cast your eyes over this inspiring list of brilliant tunes!*

And cast your ears over the songs on this amazing spotify playlist kindly and graciously put together by the tireless @evaeleanor**

And here's the Podfic Prompt list of consented fics to check out. There are 181 fabulous fics to choose from!

Claiming will open on 4th February, so mark that on your calendar! Or set an alarm. Or ask a friend to come and yell at you. Whatever works. And then the song prompt will be yours... at last 💖

And if nothing on here takes your fancy (weird, sounds fake, but okay) then you can self-prompt using the Claiming Form instead.

*We removed most of the duplicate prompts, but you may spot that there are one or two duplicates still in there. We allowed these to stay as the prompt details were significantly different enough.

**The numbers may not match up with the prompts due to duplicates and songs that weren't available on spotify

Happy browsing! 🎧

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