



sending “I hope you get that job” vibes to the people out here tryna get jobs

reblogging for yall bc the shit worked for me lol

Karma will pop me if I don’t


Keep the flame going for those we have lost to suicide. 

Couldn’t scroll

I don’t give a fuck if this doesn’t suit your ‘theme’ have a heart and reblog.


“Don’t you hear me calling you ?”

This looks like that Freddie is actually saying goodbye…

I have found more pics guys 🥺


im crying

Do you know how many dogs I’ve met that get scared or anxious around men because in their previous home men hit them? A lot, and they are very protective of the women who have adopted them now.

Men who are violent towards women are often violent towards animals as well. They think we’re all chattel. If a man wants you to choose between your dog or cat or him, dump the guy. Those animals will love you for the rest of your life, loyal and true.


Actually, I have something to add.

The other day I saw a story where a woman was asking why her dogs had suddenly started growling at her boyfriend whenever he was in the same room as her son.

And my immediate thought was ‘that boyfriend has hurt the kid somehow.’

Spoilers: that was exactly the case.

Trust ur dogs when they say something is off.

The first time my sister came to visit, via plane, after I got my dog, pupper growled at her and wouldn’t go near her for the first day. Next visit was by car (two day drive)and pupper LOVED my sister. They snuggled and played and none of us could figure out why the change. We thought maybe the scent of my sisters cat had lingered on her clothes, making that first visit a rough one. Whereas when she came by car, the scent had had time to wear off. Well that was partially true…

Fast forward about six months when I went north to visit my family. My sister walked into my parents’ house and pupper ran to greet my sister. Stopped dead in her tracks and started growling and barking. Hackles raised, full protection mode. My sisters husband had just walked in behind her.

My precious puppy wanted NOTHING to do with him. She barked, growled, ran away, and sat between him and my sister. Y'all my dog had spent maybe a weekend a half around my sister but protected her like this was her flesh and blood.

Eventually, my sister filed for divorce on grounds of “Extreme and repeated mental, emotional, and sexual abuse.” Divorce was final in less than a month because her claims were substantiated.

Trust the dog, honey. They KNOW.

I’ve never owned dogs, but I used to work with horses (which are a lot like big dogs).

There was this one horse I worked with named Tonto. He was a doll. He followed me like a puppy, snuck treats out of my pocket, he was the sweetest thing. We were practically inseparable.

A guy I was considering dating came to visit me one day, and Tonto wanted NOTHING to do with him. Normally well behaved, he shoved himself between us and would NOT let this guy near me. He was stomping, acting really aggressive, and tried to bite the guy. This horse was practically dragging me back toward the barn. At that moment, despite being like, 17, I knew something was up, and ultimately things didn’t pan out for guy and me.

A year later I found out he had lied about his age (he said he was 18 but he was actually 27) he was arrested for sexually assaulting an 11 year old girl.




Animals recognize predators.

The reply with the mastiff gets me every single time. I’m not a dog person but my god, they are Good Animals.


My sister had a dog. He was a golden retriever puppy and as he grew he saw I was the one to take care of him. My dad would joke that he was the bad guy and the dog reacted in a playful way but one day I was outside my home with my guy friend (we were 14) when my dog started barking at us. I was so confused so I walked over to him thinking something was wrong; my friend also had a dog so he came to see what was wrong when he suggested the leash must be tight.

I thought that was odd but he was rolling in the grass so maybe that's what happened so I undid his leash when he ran in front of us and started growling and barking we looked behind us and saw a man. My friend got in front of me and started to slowly move me towards the door but stopped when he saw the gun the man was holding.

Because my dog doesn't really bark when I'm around my neighbor looked out her window and saw everything and called the cops. The guy was drunk and he was pedophile; I'm glad I had my dog and friend around because sometimes we get distracted and their love for us makes them more observant.


flashpoint crack

Dick: whoa
Dick: [to Jason] you became a priest!
Jason, questioning Father Todd: Is this the timeline where we didn’t punch Father Tom’s nephew in the face?
Father Todd: I…never did that, no.
Jason: HA!
Jason: [gestures to his brothers] SUCK IT
Jason: I KNEW I’d end up a priest!
Jason: Hahaaaa, I’m the most spiritual of a-ll, nah nahhhh
Dick: Alternate-timeline-you doesn’t count
Jason: Once a Catholic, always a Catholic
Tim: A lapsed one, at that
Jason: Lapsed who?
Tim: Isn’t premediated murder a mortal sin?
Jason: [flips Tim off]
Bruce: I can’t believe it
Jason: Well, you better start! Mom always wanted to me to be a priest, her dream came true!
Bruce: You’re a priest
Jason: I am
Father Todd: Well, technically–
Bruce: You’re not traumatized, you have no overt signs of murderous rage
Father Todd: [aside to Dick] What exactly happened in the other timeline?
Bruce: And you seem…happy
Bruce: Jason…did I ruin your life?
Jason: B…that’s not…
Jason: [trails off, meets Father Todd’s eyes]
Father Todd: [smiles encouragingly]
Jason: Bruce…don’t you ever worry about that
Bruce: How can I not?
Father Todd: [waits with bated breath]
Jason: [pats his arm] Dad, you’re not alone. All parents ruin their children’s lives.
Father Todd: [sighs] Almost…almost had it
Tim: [whispering] Hey uh question. If I’m atheist can I still go to confession?
Peter Parker: *pops his head into the room, visibly shaking*
Gamora: of course it’s not you, sweetie, you’re perfect, keep doing what you’re doing, live your life
Peter: *nods and smiles*

Dick: When I was, a young boy…

Babs: Old Bruce Wayne…

Jason: Took me to his manor.

Tim: Said he is Batmaaaaan.

Steph: He said will you, defeat them…

Harper: The Joker, and all the evil doers..

Cass: The plans that they have made.

Duke: Cause one day, I’ll need you, an orphan.

Damian: To join the Bat-Brigade.

Bruce, exasperated beyond belief: Will you SHUT UP PLEASE? I am trying to DEBRIEF THE LEAGUE. And you’ve HACKED THE INTERCOM, for a PRANK.


Dear, Marvel Fans

I just want to say that no matter what happens in endgame, wether we loose characters, ships become canon, characters change, etc. This is the end of a phase but it’s not the end of this family. This is such a huge fandom and I’m so glad I’m apart of it, the past 7 years of being in this fandom has change my life. Not only have I met some amazing people but it’s introduced me to marvellous characters, that have taught me so much. I want to thank all marvel fans, past, present and future for making this fandom such a lovely thing to escape to when reality goes to shit. I love you all and no matter what happens in endgame, and though this movie is the end. This family isn’t going anywhere.❤️

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