
My eyes are filled with curiosity

@darklightheart / darklightheart.tumblr.com

F / 33 / USA /Just a weird Sonic fan with weird Sonic opinions and dabbles in writing fics. Warning: Occasional self-loathing may occur.

My Fanfics

-Uncertainty: A SatBK One-Shot

Just what was Merlina doing during Sonic’s exploits in Black Knight?

-A King’s Tale: A SatBK Sequel

Sonic’s adventures in the world of King Arthur didn’t stop after the day was saved. A new threat has emerged now he’s been crowned king. And the ‘being crowned’ part is the least best out of those two according to him.

-Closure: A Sonic Forces One-Shot

Tails wanted to be certain Sonic was okay from his 6-month incarceration, but perhaps he is more not okay than Sonic is.

Things go awry for Sonic and crew when a new friend gets enraptured by a mysterious crystal. What could it be? And who else wants it?

-Sonic and the Fairy Witch: Black Crystal AU

A strange, mischievous new foe appears to cause trouble. Only Sonic and Tails can stop her, but who else is after her?

-Broken Wings: Follow-Up to the S&tFW

After suffering a major defeat, can the Fairy Witch recover with help from Sonic and friends? Or are her scars beyond healing? Also, just who is she really?

Following a tense rescue, the Emeralds have weakened and a friend goes missing. The hunt is on for all 7 gems and her safe return. But with other insidious parties at play, including a returning foe seeking revenge, can Sonic and friends find her first before it’s too late?

An unusual incident ignites rumors around Never Lake that it’s the work of an elusive entity lurking there. Now certain parties are on the hunt for this supernatural figure for varying reasons. A mythical mystery awaits, but is there danger lurking within as well?

-Secret of Starfall

Sonic and his friends are inexplicably whisked back to Starfall Islands sometime after their previous adventure there. But they quickly find that things are much different than before…as well as what they learned about the islands’ past was not what it seemed. And that the true birthplace of the Emeralds had been right beneath their feet the whole time. Now, they must navigate each island’s new dangers and certain revelations so that they can find the hidden Emerald Cavern and return home safely.

An adult Sonic finds himself in a mysterious part of Never Lake with and even more mysterious host who may hold a secret or two. Who is she? What are her secrets? And can the two of them get along despite how different they seem?

An unusual friendship occurs between a insecure girl and Sonic when he was with Eggman’s forces. But when the two reunite once the war is over, that bond is tested. Can the two help each other heal from scars born from their experiences? Or is one too far gone?



Can't say I'm shocked tho. Universal keeps looking better and better with each Disney failure.

Splash Mountain was one of my favorite rides. It had so much personality that stuck with ya. I loved Br'er Rabbit, Br'er Fox and Br'er Bear. Zippity-Doo-Dah remains one of THE best Disney songs out there.

...And now all of that charm is gone (unless you go to Tokyo), in favor of this bland safe garbage that actually does a disservice to Tiana. Almost all the comments to that ride-thru POV vid are wondering why there's no tension or danger upon going up the big drop. No Dr. Facilier or his shadow/ghost to provide some conflict.

Nothing against Tiana or P&tF, as she is a favorite Princess and adore her movie, buuuut...

She simply wasn't worth getting rid of SM for. She didn't deserve what is basically a handmedown of a ride, that hers was going to be a difficult one to top. And we're finally seeing in real time as to how badly that's gonna go.

Now I'm just waiting for Disney to delete the comment section, JUST like they did for the Mufasa trailer, and watch them cry how it was all racism/sexism/whateverism that made people not go on this thing.

Whatever. Splash Mountain, you are still missed. And hope you're Laughin' Place is indeed a better place.

Anonymous asked:

In issue 69, why did Jet have to be reprimanded by Lanolin into "winning fair and sqaure"? Isn't his whole thing is that he only wants to win legit?

Because Ian Flynn doesn't play the games


Lest we forget in Riders 1, Wave was the one who cheated by planting that bomb on Sonic's board WITHOUT Jet's permission or knowledge.


Hot take for Tumblr/Twitter, but DEI to me just stands for either:

Didn't Earn It

Deceptively Evil Inclusion

Discrimination Elimination Indoctrination

It's not about being inclusive or giving minorities more opportunities. It's not even about making sure these people are qualified for the job or have merit.

It's about checking boxes, i.e. valuing what they have as skin color or what's not between their legs more than 'are they well-suited to this task?'

All so companies (still) falling for this scam to show how they're not racist, yet are all for deciding how good you MIGHT be by your gender, sexuality or race and so long as you're NOT primarily white. Sounds like racism to me. Sounds like this strategy might result in many, many discrimination lawsuits in the near future if companies aren't careful. If there aren't already.


Hi, it’s been awhile. Idk if this is unpopular but I feel the reason to exclude Knuckles from the rest of the main cast because he’s the guardian of the Master Emerald rubs me the wrong way. Silver and Blaze I get, but Knuckles has always been that character whose development is slowly opening up and joining others. It’s subtle but it’s there. While Tails and Amy look up to Sonic, Knuckles is more of a peer and it adds something different to Sonic’s close circle.

P.S.: I gave up on IDW awhile ago but seeing that Riders comic without him stung 😣


Long time no see! You're not the only one who feels that way :P

Personally, I think the choice to exclude Knuckles is due to multiple factors:

  1. the most obvious one, that he's supposed to guard the ME. Even though by the end of Frontiers, he seems to have accepted (again...) that he's afforded to live a little. You know, I think that by this point, if they wanted Frontiers to be relevant to the comics, they had time to reference it (the game came out one and a half year ago), but this is proof that IDW is running in its own parallel timeline.
  2. Amy is more popular than Knuckles. This is undeniable. Her dynamic with Sonic is much much more popular, and this is even more undeniable. Let's be real here: If Knuckles had been the one struck by a malfunctioning gear, would Sonic have yelled in big pink font? :P Especially IDW Sonic, who is not above throwing mean jabs at him when he's not there.
  3. I don't think the writers know how to write Knuckles, and they quietely phased him out like they did with Shadow - we just don't hear much of it because, again, Knuckles is not as popular. When he has appeared, he was reduced to a grumpy boomer who couldn't wait to yeet people off "his" island, to the point that it was his main concern during the MV crisis. He was better in #62, but still, I don't trust like that anymore.
  4. Funny that you mention Silver and Blaze, because guess what? They're chilling with the Restoration. They could have participated if they wanted to. Obv they aren't needed for this plot (Silver has done more than enough...), but I just want to point out that the time traveller and the dimension hopper have had more screentime than the dude who is just living a few miles in the air :P see what I mean when I say he was phased out?

I don't really agree that Amy is more popular than Knuckles. Amy didn't have a solo Archie comic line dedicated to her. Amy doesn't have a live action TV show on Paramount Plus. Hell Amy hasn't/won't even be in the movies at all, but Knuckles is. In an action adventure franchise primarily aimed at young boys, the red punch man is 1000% more popular than the pink love interest girl.

If you ran a popularity poll there is a zero percent chance that Amy would come out over Knuckles. If they cared about popularity they would definitely be inserting Knuckles (and Shadow) in as much and as often as possible. Especially considering Knuckles (and Shadow) has so much push and exposure in other media putting him in the spotlight right now. If they wanted to pander to the lowest common denominator they would absolutely capitalizing on the Knuckles Paramount show by putting Knuckles in a prominent story role.

I think Knuckles gets neglected for the same reason Shadow does. SEGA won't let them write the character the way they want to write him, because they don't understand how to write him properly. I really don't think it's anything more nuanced than that. Flynn talks sometimes that he bases his writing decisions off of what "the fans want to see" but the truth is they prioritize putting in as little effort into and having as much control over the comic as possible. You think the fan base WANTS to see all these OCs hogging up the panels while Shadow the fucking hedgehog gets benched? Obviously anybody would tell you the answer is no. But writing his OCs takes a lot less effort than writing Shadow because SEGA doesn't give them revision notes on those characters, so the path the comic takes becomes clear.

Amy is in the Riders story instead of Knuckles because he can write her more or less however he wants and SEGA probably doesn't care that much. He was writing her as Pink Sally for years, after all. Whereas that probably isn't the case with Knuckles, if anything ESPECIALLY now that he's so in the lime light.


sorry to everyone who ever invited me to a discord server and then there were over 10 other people there and i never interacted after that. i got scared and muted everything and never looked back. i still love u


Hi, it’s been awhile. Idk if this is unpopular but I feel the reason to exclude Knuckles from the rest of the main cast because he’s the guardian of the Master Emerald rubs me the wrong way. Silver and Blaze I get, but Knuckles has always been that character whose development is slowly opening up and joining others. It’s subtle but it’s there. While Tails and Amy look up to Sonic, Knuckles is more of a peer and it adds something different to Sonic’s close circle.

P.S.: I gave up on IDW awhile ago but seeing that Riders comic without him stung 😣


Long time no see! You're not the only one who feels that way :P

Personally, I think the choice to exclude Knuckles is due to multiple factors:

  1. the most obvious one, that he's supposed to guard the ME. Even though by the end of Frontiers, he seems to have accepted (again...) that he's afforded to live a little. You know, I think that by this point, if they wanted Frontiers to be relevant to the comics, they had time to reference it (the game came out one and a half year ago), but this is proof that IDW is running in its own parallel timeline.
  2. Amy is more popular than Knuckles. This is undeniable. Her dynamic with Sonic is much much more popular, and this is even more undeniable. Let's be real here: If Knuckles had been the one struck by a malfunctioning gear, would Sonic have yelled in big pink font? :P Especially IDW Sonic, who is not above throwing mean jabs at him when he's not there.
  3. I don't think the writers know how to write Knuckles, and they quietely phased him out like they did with Shadow - we just don't hear much of it because, again, Knuckles is not as popular. When he has appeared, he was reduced to a grumpy boomer who couldn't wait to yeet people off "his" island, to the point that it was his main concern during the MV crisis. He was better in #62, but still, I don't trust like that anymore.
  4. Funny that you mention Silver and Blaze, because guess what? They're chilling with the Restoration. They could have participated if they wanted to. Obv they aren't needed for this plot (Silver has done more than enough...), but I just want to point out that the time traveller and the dimension hopper have had more screentime than the dude who is just living a few miles in the air :P see what I mean when I say he was phased out?

It's still truly biazzarre how IDW doesn't even try to capitalize on or sync with what the movies have done recently with the character. Frontiers is a notable example as well, but let's just say that game reiterating who Knuckles is like we're all stupid isn't nearly as interesting as the arc he undergoes in one flippin movie.

And while I've heard mid things about his spinoff show on Paramount+, it still served it's purpose of satisfying appetites until Paramount is ready to roll out more Movie 3 stuff (betting that the trailer will be out this month). Cause I'll tell ya right now, when it does, any and all IDW stuff is going back to the backburner in the fandom's mind for a LONG while.


yunno, when not fussing over your grammar or continuity errors, re-reading your fics certainly can be rewarding. and maybe help reignite your creative juices^^

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