


| she/her | bisexual |
always in a constant state of mild stress

Can I just say:

A season used to be 22-24 episodes

then it became 12

then 10


FUCKING 8 episodes a season

I'm really hating this trend not going to lie.


also I love that Grover gets separated from the kids and immediately starts playing mind games with a god. he's like finally I don't have to be a good role model for a second. let's talk brutality.


Climate denialism in the netherlands is so fucking funny like. Bro the floods. They’re coming

There’s a natural ice-skating event where you tour through 11 cities in Friesland (one of the northern provinces) that’s scarily close to celebrating it’s 30 year anniversary of not being held at all on account of the lack of thick natural ice. It’s been like a solid 5 years since i’ve seen any amount of snow. Bro there’s no snow anymore. I REMEMBER THERE BEING SNOW AND IT’S NOT THERE ANYMORE BRO

Bro i don’t know september heatwaves used to not be a thing! It used to be cold and rainy in september just 10 years ago!

The government can’t help it because oil corpo dick is just that good

We've got dry seasons. We used to not have dry seasons. EVER.

I actually love how much the notes are filled with people remembering seasons being radically different in their childhoods than they are now it’s fucking crazy. Every year more people will be radicalized by the weather.


They share one brain cell in the entire spiderverse. Different people, same font.

Trust me guys. This is in the next movie. I was in the writing room. (Lie)


Okay, here's my idea:

The British should put a time limit on the Monarchy.

Not like declaring a republic tomorrow, but deciding on a date in the future that ends the British Monarchy.

And there's a perfect date for it coming up!

October 14th, 2066.

A thousand years since the Battle of Hastings. A thousand years of this one specific bloodline ruling England.

Call time on the Monarchy after exactly one thousand years. Nice, and neat.

Even better: Charles isn't living 44 years. He'll be gone in about twenty. Now William? He's what, 40? Yeah, he can live another 44 years. His great grandmother was over a hundred, his granny was 96, William can make it to 84 barring accident or assassination.

So on October 14th 2066, William the Last steps down a thousand years after William the First won the crown.

Nice, neat, and fair. William gets the crown he's been waiting forty years for already, but ten-year-old George grows up without expectation of it.

Have a nice big abdication ceremony, even.


this is gonna sound like a shitpost but the best advice i have if youre consistently coming off wrong is to start talking like an elcor

you will feel like a dumdum at first, but once you get used to it youll realize that telling people what kind of thing you're about to say ahead of time flattens their anxiety a huge amount

ive been starting every question with "question:" for awhile now and i almost never get people reading too much into what i mean anymore

it seems super dumb, but "what are your plans tomorrow?" gets people asking me what i have planned despite me obviously being in the process of figuring that out, whereas "question: what are your plans tomorrow?" gets me a quick rundown of their schedule, followed by "why?"

it also makes it really easy to work tone indicators into your verbal speech. if you're always saying "question: [your question here]?" then no one blinks when you say "genuine question: [question that could read as sarcastic]?"

it also gets you out of your own way for any types of things you struggle to say. "can you make sure to do the dishes before you go to bed?" feels like an argument waiting to happen, but "request: can you make sure to do the dishes before you go to bed?" gets the words flowing on a neutral word while making it clear that you're not looking for a fight

so yeah. suggestion: talk like an elcor

i said "suggestion for you if you havent thought of it:" today so im reblogging this

Useful addition: "this is not a guilt trip or moral judgement, just checking facts: have you done the dishes".

Or "Just checking if I need to, have you done the dishes today"

Or "please do the dishes, Im not upset I just need a plate".

Being clear about your intentions this way also heads off RSD or trauma-type anxiety, guilt, frustration, demand-avoidance, fear, etc.

Another phrasing useful for when you are emotional is "Im definitely frustrated, but Im not frustrated at you because I know you're doing your best."

Of course it only really works if you genuinely mean it.

Genuine delight: elcor my beloved

I don’t know what an elcor is but I genuinely love this and wish I had this earlier in the week as I watched my housemate’s spuds turn green because she wasn’t keeping them in a dark place.

But I don’t want to be bossy, and I defs don’t want to be a mom friend, but she could have gotten sick, and I couldn’t think of how to intervene (my brain was very slow this week so diplomacy was hard)

in the end I sent her a screenshot of some articles about solanine and said ‘I don’t want to be meddlesome but I just saw your potatoes and I don’t want you to get sick, so just gonna leave this here’

which got a good response. but I think practicing how to frame things like OP suggests could be good for this kind of issue

ID: comment by @blagueofchaos that reads,

elcor are an alien species from the Mass Effect games, and they communicate tone in conversation by scent, and non-elcor can’t pick up on that. So when they talk to other species (like humans, which you play as) they usually start their sentences by just outright stating their tone/intent, like I did in my response ^.^

/end ID

i LOVE using these theyre like little disclaimers


A reminder that bats are superior to swords for their inherent potential for inflicted pain

Nothing rivals a sword in homoeroticism, but for just raw pain, bone breaking, blocking, and parrying, bats reign supreme

it took me a full minute to realize that you weren’t advocating using a flying rodent to inflict pain

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