

@konekoling / konekoling.tumblr.com

24/girl/MBwelcome to catte hell please enjoy your stay. background by amisi

remember when you used to be able to play snake with the… hold on what’s it called

hmm. don’t think i’ll be calling it that. anyways i was gonna say remember when you could play snake with the buffering circle on youtube but. now i have other concerns


masturbation is evil not for any puritan anti-fun reason but because it has permanently claimed so many verbs

nobody can crank anything anymore. and god forbid you jerk


Following someone you supposedly hate to their alts is so bizarre. This James Somerton stuff feels like Chris-chan but for leftists. Doing lolcow but wokely

Don't get it twisted the dude seems like a real weed. Frustrating and upsetting corner of the internet where people just churn content out at the expense of others. But dude has been catapulted into the sun. What's the point on spreading an account where he's posting nudes and talking about Disney. Find something better to do with your time before cringe-watching becomes your hobby.


Alien aishas are peak neopets humor to me. A race of hyperintelligent alien cats with highly advanced levels of space travel technology who have parked their giant ship out in front of what, to them, must be the equivalent of a trailer park in the middle of nowhere just to install a shitty vending machine in an extremely inaccessible spot while distributing their extremely inconvenient form of currency to the population of said trailer park so they'll use the shitty vending machine that dispenses garbage and inedible alien food 99% of the time except for the 1% of the time it occasionally drops the rarest of rare and most desirable goods (to the residents of the trailer park). The aishas are involved in several space conflicts because of their need to disperse these vending machines all over the galaxy, and they have no desire to do anything except build more vending machines. these space cat-pitalists invented ultralightspeed travel and they do nothing with it except advertise their shitty products.


for all of Hazbin Hotel's faults, 'overtuned for an edgy teenage fandom' is kind of a breath of fresh air from 'overtuned to not make Twitter mad at you'


Hello Dungeon Meshi blogger. Before you are several texts on the history of slavery and its various forms, as well as a typing machine and some paper.

Your task is write two essays. The first on what the actual conditions of ancient slaves were, the second on the origins of chattel slavery and what the term means, complete with historical examples since you seem to be under the impression that it's something that came to be in the 16th century.

If you do not produce and submit the essays within 3 hours and earn yourself a passing grade, you will be decapitated by the collar you have been equipped with and reincarnated as a Helot back in antiquity.

I trust you will be fair and won't judge Sparta too harshly for their cultural differences.

A second pro-slavery post has hit the Dungeon Meshi fandom???


I hate hate hate hate how dog friendly everything is in the city now. Barring medical necessity, there is no reason to bring your dog to a restaurant, there is no reason to bring your dog to the grocery store, there is no reason to bring your dog to the nail salon. Dogs do not need to go everywhere you go why am I being forced to be around dogs all the time

The worst part is the degree to which city people will aggressively fearmonger about crime while also bringing their dog everywhere. Bestie you're more than twice as likely to get sent to the hospital by a dog bite than you are by anything a human does the danger is coming from inside the house

Statistically speaking, homeless people are far less dangerous than dogs but the average city liberal would kill a dozen homeless people to save a single stupid french bulldog it's so bleak I can't stand dog people


it’s like every month there’s some shit from the us that’s like “congressman for iowa john hamburger has introduced the Put Everyone Into A Meat Grinder bill (s.911) & it’s about to get passed to the senate everyone call your reps now!!!” & it’s something that affects the entire world


The self diagnosed autism website making fun of people for not going to the club is beyond parody

I have self diagnosed autism in my 20s and I’m so neurodivergent btw if you don’t fuck daily and go to the club and have 100000 billion friends your a loser and so sucks lol


I've seen posts going around claiming that petting animals is basically tricking them into thinking they're being groomed, and it's bugging me because, like, there's no trickery afoot. Petting and scritching are grooming activities. They help to dislodge loose fur and foreign objects and more evenly distribute protective oils, among other things. Primates are social groomers, and the human impulse to scritch is the legacy of our primate ancestors. We see an animal we like, even a dangerous one, and the monkey brain says "groom that thing".


Hey bro/ster I'm super sorry to have to be the one to break this to you, but uh sometimes being a socialist means, you know, putting your dreams of terrorism down for a minute and talking about public policy and how your proposed form of government would like, uhhhhh................ work.


Honestly the fact Disney needed Kingdom Hearts to end like this as a sort of classic "the adventure continues!" type ending:

Whereas without this little bonus scene the game actually ends like this:

Is perhaps an early sign that the Disney/Final Fantasy crossover experiences some tension between how both properties deal with storytelling conventions in very different ways!

Squeenix: Yeah so Sora literally drifts apart from his childhood friends but promises their hearts are connected and that he'll "come back to them" - it's a little open ended but you never really forget true friendships, y'know?

Disney: You're not allowed to leave Sora in hell. He has to get out.

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