


she/her||slytherin🐍|| virgo♍
💫The Five Elements💫

When people think of “the elements,” they’re probably thinking of the typical earth, air, water, and fire, but they don’t think of the fifth element, nor do they think about the stats of the elements or even the power behind them. This post is meant to go into detail about the five elements, and I hope that I (and my excessive reasearch, lol) are of use to you! 💛




The Earth element is the one most closely linked with our physical world, and the densest of all the elements. It is the foundation on which the other elements, and is a receptive energy, helping us to accept responsibility and bringing to our attention limitations in our makeup. It is represented in the forms of burying objects in the earth, herbalism, and making images out of wood or stone. Spells that benefit from the element are business-related spells, fertility-related spells, prosperity-related spells, and stability-related spells.

🍄Represents: strength, abundance, stability, prosperity, wealth and femininity

🌿Gender: Female

🍄Direction: North

🌿Energy: Receptive

🍄Symbols: Rocks, fields, soil, salt, caves, clay

🌿Pentagram Placement: lower left

🍄Goddesses: Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, Mah, Nephtys, Persephone, Rhea

🌿Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz

🍄Spirits: gnomes, dwarves, trolls

🌿Time: midnight, night

🍄Cycle Of Life: age

🌿Season: winter

🍄Colours: Black, Green, yellow, brown

🌿Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

🍄Sense: touch

🌿Stones and Jewels: Rock crystal, emerald, onyx, jasper, salt, azurite, amethyst, quartz

🍄Magick Tools: Pentacle, Pentagram, salt, images, stones, gems, cords

🌿Metals: iron, lead

🍄Herbal: ivy, grains, oats, rice, patchouli, lichens

🌿Trees: Cypress, Honeysuckle, Jasmin, Lilac (some say Lilac is Water)

🍄Animals: cow, bull, dog, horse, ant, bear, wolf

🌿Instruments: drums and percussion

🍄Type Of Magick: Gardening, magnet images, stone (jewel divination, work with crystals), knot, Binding, money spells, grounding, finding treasures, runes

🌿Ritual Action: Burying, making clay effigies, planting trees or herbs

🍄Chant to Invoke:

“Here and now

I invoke the elemental force of earth

I call to the swirling dust

And dawn lit mountains,

To the farmer’s field

and all the swaying trees

You that remains solid

You that teaches of quiet stability

You that holds us firm against your skin.

I call your body here to infuse my intention

With your boundless gifts.

I call you here to fashion the spirit cavern,

Root my will in your soil,

and ground my purpose in the stones

Boulder and gravel

Redwood and rose

Earth, I call to thee.“



Air governs the realm of the mind and all mental activity, it is the most ethereal of the elements. As it is the element of the wind, it governs all movement. Air is represented in the forms of tossing objects into the wind, aromatherapy, songs, and hiding things in high places. It rules spells involving travels, instruction, freedom, knowledge, discovering lost items, and can also be used to develop psychic faculties. Air also rules the visualization.

🌬Represents: the mind and intelligence, communication, telepathy, psychic powers, inspiration, imagination, ideas, knowledge, dreams and wishes

🌪Gender: Masculine

🌬Direction: east

🌪Energy: projective

🌬Symbols: Sky, wind, breezes, clouds, feathers, breath, vibrations, smoke, plants, herbs, trees, flowers

🌪Pentagram Placement: upper left

🌬Goddesses: Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nuit, Urania

🌪Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

🌬Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of trees, flowers and winds

🌪Time: Dawn

🌬Cycle Of Life: Infancy

🌪Season: Spring

🌬Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

🌪Colors: white, yellow, crimson

🌬Sense: smell, hearing

🌪Stones and Jewels: Topaz, pumice, rainbow stones, crystals, amethyst, alexandrite

🌬Magick Tools: censer, wand, sword

🌪Metals: Tin, copper

🌬Herbal: Clove, myrrh, pansy, primrose, vervain, dill, lavender

🌪Trees: Acacia, Almond, Aspen, Hazel, Linden, Maple, Pine

🌬Animals: Eagle, raven, spider

🌪Instruments: flute, wind instruments

🌬Type Of Magick: Divination, concentration, wind magick, prophecy, Karma work

🌪Ritual Actions: Playing a flute, tossing objects in the air (over the shoulder), burning incense, hanging objects in trees

🌬Chant To Invoke:

“Here and now

I evoke the elemental force of air.

The winds of intellect and imagination,

Satisfying source of flight, breath, and life.

I seek the open sky within myself

That I might breathe deep of freedom, ideas, sounds, and space.

I call you forth to sweep away

All that accumulates in the unseen places and to sing beauty into the world.

Wing and Feather,

Storm and Leaf,

Air, I call thee hence”



Fire cleanses and purifies, but it is also creative and destructive. It can consume everything in it’s path and it is the only one of the elements that cannot exist without feeding on something else. It offers warmth and cooks food, but can get out of control. It has the power to transform everything it touches. It is positive and lifting, but can be frightening if not controlled. It is the most physical and spiritual of the elements and represents magick itself. Fire is represented in the forms of burning objects, love spells (always preferably self-love spells), baking, and lighting candles and fires.

🔥Represents: energy, inspiration, love, passion, leadership, magick

💥Gender: Masculine

🔥Direction: South

💥Energy: Projective

🔥Symbols: Flame, lightning, heated objects (stones in particular), volcano, rainbow, sun, stars, lava, heat

💥Pentagram Placement: lower right

🔥Goddesses: Brigit, Hestia, Pele, Vesta

💥Gods: Agni, Horus, Prometheus, Vulcan

🔥Spirits: Salamaders, firedrakes

💥Time: Noon

🔥Cycle Of Life: Youth

💥Season: Summer

🔥Zodiac: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries

💥Colors: Red, gold, crimson, orange, white

🔥Sense: Sight

💥Stones and Jewels: Ruby, fire opal, volcanic lava, agathe

🔥Magick Tools: Dagger, sword, athame, censer, lamp, candles, incense, herb burning, paper requests, knife

💥Metals: Gold, brass

🔥Herbal: Garlic, hibiscus, red peppers, cinnamon, coffee, beans, seeds, chili peppers

💥Trees: Alder, Ash, Cashew, Cedar, Chestnut, Fig, Juniper, Mahogany, Oak, Holly, Rowan, Walnut

🔥Animals: Dragon, cat, lion, horse, snake, cricket, mantis, ladybug, bee, scorpion, phoenix, coyote, fox

💥Instruments: Guitar, stringed instruments

🔥Type Of Magick: Candle, healing, love spells, energy work

💥Ritual Action: Burning objects, wood, paper, heating, preparing decoctions, cauldron work

🔥Chant To Invoke:

"Here and now,

I evoke the elemental force of fire.

The flames of creativity and passion,

Dancing source of heat, light, and life.

I seek the glowing force within

That I might warm myself with

Desire, excitement, courage, and inspiration.

I call you forth to burn away

All that impedes my highest vision

And to enact change in the world.

Lightning and heart,

Heart and force

Fire, I call thee hence”



It is the element of love and emotions, constantly active beneath the surface, influencing our moods and emotional responses. It purifies, heals, offers emotional release, and removes all that is stagnant. It is represented in the forms of pouring water over objects, brew making, healing spells, ritual bathing, and tossing objects into of water. Spells that benefit from this element are friendship spells, fertility spells, happiness spells, and relationship spells.

💧Represents: emotions, absorption, subconscious, purification, eternal movement, wisdom, the soul, emotional aspects of love and femininity

🌊Gender: Feminine

💧Direction: West

🌊Energy: Receptive

💧Symbols: Ocean, river, shell, spring, lake, well, rain, fog, cup

🌊Pentagram Placement: Upper right

💧Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Marianne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaha

🌊Gods: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon

💧Spirits: Undines, Nymphs, Mermaids, Fairies of ponds, lakes or streams

🌊Time: Twilight, dusk

💧Cycle Of Life: Maturity

🌊Season: Autumn

💧Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

🌊Colors: Blue, turqoise, green, grey, indigo, black

💧Sense: Taste

🌊Stones and Jewels: Aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, pearl, coral, blue topaz, fluorite

💧Magick Tools: cup, cauldron, goblet, mirror

🌊Metals: Mercury, silver, copper

💧Herbal: Ferns, lotus, mosses, bushes, water lilies, gardenia

🌊Trees: Apple, Apricot, Birch, Cherry, Elder, Elm, Rose, Willow

💧Animals: Dragon, water snakes, dolphin, fish, cat, frog, turtle, swan, crab, sea mammals, sea birds

🌊Instruments: Anything resonant, harmonica, cymbals, a flute made from real reed or willow bark

💧Type Of Magick: Mirror divinations, magnet work, love magick, lucid dreaming, cleansing, protection spells

🌊Ritual Actions: Bathing, dilution, washing, sprinkling, preparing cold herbal infusions

💧Chant To Invoke:

"Here and now,

I evoke the elemental force of water

The fluid of infinite shapes and forms

Flowing source of adaptability, emotion, and life

I seek the pure spring

Within that I might drink deep of

Change, relationship, nourishment, and grace.

I call you forth to wash away

All that needlessly binds

And to move fluidly in this world.

Ocean and river

Ripple and rain

Water, I call thee hence.”



Spirit (also known as Ether/Aether) is, by far, the most complex and complicated element to explain. It is what unites all things, anywhere and everywhere, and is our connection to the otherworld in rituals. The spirit element transports us beyond any narrow confines and allows us to open up to something much bigger, it is present in all aspects of life, and goes beyond thought and emotion. Unlike the other four elements it has no defined place or location, even though we cannot specifically place it, we know it is there. It provides the space, connection, and balance for the other elements to exist. All spells benefit from this element.

✨Represents: the sense of joy and union

🌌Gender: none

✨Direction: everywhere

🌌Energy: universal

✨Symbols: cord, rope

🌌Pentagram Placement: upper

✨Goddesses: The Lady

🌌Gods: The Horner God

✨Spirits: —

🌌Time: always

✨Cycle Of Life: eternity

🌌Season: year cycle (all seasons)

✨Zodiac: —

🌌Colors: white

✨Sense: higher receptions

🌌Stones and Jewels: —

✨Magick Tools: —

🌌Metals: —

✨Herbal: —

🌌Trees: —

✨Animals: dove

🌌Instruments: —

✨Type Of Magick: —

🌌Ritual Action: —

✨Chant To Invoke:

“Here and now,

I reach deep within myself.

Here and now,

I invoke spirit.

I call on the force connecting me

To the whole of existence

The thread running back through my blood,

And the ripples spreading over from my actions

I call on the visions that have inspired me, the kindness that has lifted me,

and the love I have given and received.

Life and song

Home and road,

Spirit, I call to thee”



Time Travel is a Bitch


So. This is a Five Hargreeves x reader but there’s no nasty, obviously, a little innuendo here and there but nothing overtly sexual bc that’s not cool. It’s fluffy, angsty, and everything in between. This should probably be posted into different parts, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is basically just a brain dump story. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I’ve been staring at it for almost a week, my brain is melted. It’s long and all over the place, probably really confusing too but I like how it’s turned out so now everyone has to deal with it. :) enjoy I guess.

Also, here is the link to AO3 if you prefer reading on there :)

Warnings: Angst, Death, Canon-Typical Violence, A few swears, time travel, doesn’t follow canon timeline or plot gimmie a break, 11.8k words yes this counts as a warning

  You woke up in this world. Maybe it was your World, maybe it wasn’t. You weren’t completely sure. All you knew is that you’re the only one left. You wandered the destroyed streets, being careful not to trip over debris and bodies. For the first few hours, you cried. Who could blame you, you were still a child.

  You pulled yourself together and began scavenging for food, water, and shelter. Your only weapon was a rusty metal pipe, but it did its job of smashing small animal and rodents for you to eat, not that you came across those too often.

   You’d been scavenging one day when you came across a boy, he was a little younger than you probably just a year or two. He looked disoriented and confused. He didn’t look like a threat, but then again, looks are deceiving. You quickly moved out of his sight and pressed your back against a crumbling wall. You readjusted your grip on the metal pipe in your hand.

  “Hey!” You called out. Your voice bouncing off the ruined walls would make it near impossible for him to locate you.

  “Who said that? Is there someone else alive?” He sounded so scared. Your grip loosened a bit.

  “Is there anyone with you?” You asked.

  “N-no, where are you?”

  “Cool it, buddy, I’m asking the questions.” You paused for a moment before slinking around the corner, lowering the pipe. The kid was staring in the middle of debris, looking near to tears and breathing hard.

  “How’d you survive?” You asked, jumping off a perch to get closer to him. He flinched a little, hands coming up in fists for a second before dropping them back down.

  “You wouldn’t believe me.” He said softly, eyes turning to the building in front of him.

  T e  um  e la  aca em y the sign read. You couldn’t really piece together what its original name was. You stepped a little closer, being careful not to alarm him.

  “Well, you shouldn’t really stand out in the open like this. I haven’t run into any threats, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any.” You said, glancing around. His head turned to you and you could make out his features. He had light blue eyes that were brimmed with tears, black hair that used to be neatly combed but was now disheveled because of the wind.

  “C’mon, I’ll help you.”

  When Five finally made it back to his family, the only thing on his mind was finding you. Of course, the owner of the eye and stopping the apocalypse was a priority, but if the world was gonna end he wanted to end it with you.

I need moreeee


Fight The Gods (Jason Todd x goddess!reader)

Sum: Zeus is the worst. Jason finds himself in the Underworld with his parents in law he did not even know existed… or were Hades and Persephone. You? You’re in a hell lot of danger 

Warnings: eh Zeus abuses you, tiny bit long 

Note: this is either stupid or cool, I hope the format is not fucked up

Part 1

You and Jason have been living in this house for almost two years now. He quit Red Hood to live with you, to have a life with you and it was as perfect as it could get. This house became your sacred place. It was located fairly remotely, down by a beautiful lake in the woods. You needed about an hour to the nearest town and your closest neighbors lived all the way on the other side of the crystal clear water. You woke up to beautiful, snow covered mountaintops each day and there would be mooses, sometimes even bears taking a scroll through your garden. It was cozy. It was warm. It was home. 

But now it was burning up in flames.


This is better than any found footage horror film ever made


I love :

1. How you can hear them all trying not to laugh

2. The shear amount of friends he had to get together to make this

3. The one who goes “you want a cripe sanberry?”


This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.



I’m convinced bc I reblogged this on Friday, got hired at a job I had a million interviews for, went on a first date that went well, and got kissed a billion times so like hell ya to the luck cat

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