
Just An Ominously Sentient Pineapple.


Ace sword enjoyer

me: oh man im starving but im not sure what i should make for dinner……

the spirit of a 12th century templar knight that died a horrific death due to torture that started haunting me after i found a sword in the middle of the woods: spaghetti once more, prithee?

me: henry you are brilliant. spaghetti it is


horse announcer voice: and they're off, a truly solid start for both contestants, this might be a close one

it's what the kids call a pro move


Keep in mind these things were advertised heavily as being able to drive through reasonably deep water as a standard feature.

It does this even in the wading mode if you attempt to do so.

So much water gets pooled into the frame you can hear it sloshing around.

Tesla “vehicles” are about as reliable as the machinations of a cartoon coyote.

I genuinely don't understand how you fuck up the automobile so fucking bad. We've had close to a century of knowing that all of this "innovation" is stuff that doesn't work.

Because they deliberately and specifically avoided all that stuff we learned the hard way because it was "old fashioned thinking." Like steering wheel design. There were a lot of steering wheel designs before we settled on the ubiquitous one we all use, and quite a few of the designers of those earlier ones have biographies that end with "died during field testing."

Musk ignored ALL of that accumulated knowledge, thinking he was very clever, and built a car-shaped object.


I started reading this post feeling like "do not wash in direct sunlight" sounds like it should get filed alongside "do not feed after midnight" and other warnings about the husbandry of mythological monsters, and then it turns out that putting water on it (in direct sunlight) will kill it, not precisely like but still having very much in common with the Wicked Witch of the West.

What a time to be alive.

Do we know yet if a few weeks of rain does the same thing?

As a matter of fact, we do know.

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