
Scamandore, School

“Newt. I’d like to speak with you for a moment.”

Newt was midway through rolling up a scroll that he’d picked up from the floor when professor Dumbledore spoke to him. The class had finished just moments ago and yet the space was already empty of anyone but the two of them. The only other sound in the room was the soft clacking of a small Newton’s Cradle that sat on a desk in the corner. Newt used to love these quiet and slow-moving minutes after an early morning class. He looked at Dumbledore with a soft smile on his face.

“Yes, professor.”

Dumbledore was leaned back on his desk with his arms folded over his chest. He looked unbothered and casual (as usual). Though he didn’t often wear them, his spectacles were sitting on his nose and he considered Newt’s briefcase for a moment with a curious smirk on his face before looking back to Newt. He was handsome, perhaps a more handsome man than Newt had ever seen. It was almost compulsory for Newt to turn away and look at a stained spot on the wooden floor instead.

“Thank you for visiting me today. The students appreciated you introducing them to...”

“Nelly,” Newt said.

“Nelly,” Dumbledore parroted easily. “And...”


“Nelly and Gidget,” Dumbledore laughed. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Nifflers let alone held them and let them run around my classroom. I’ve got a terrible habit of hoarding valuables myself. To a degree, I feel connected to these little creatures.”

Newt never knew what to think when Dumbledore said things like this. It was as if there was a small box of quotes and quirks which he compiled into his list of a perfect human and somehow for years, his old professor had been ticking away at the boxes. There were small fragments of compassion that managed to work their way into every conversation, but it was as if Newt had never learned to cope with his bodies’ responses to it. He found himself staring down at his shoes again by the time Dumbledore began to speak again. Up, down, up, down - one day he was going to learn to look people in the eye.

“Well, they’re quite intelligent. I understand why you like them.”

The truth was that Newt could’ve waxed poetic about Gidget and Nelly for hours and Dumbledore wouldn’t have stopped him. He was always encouraging him to do it. All of the years they’d spent together in school with Newt sharing his small discoveries and Dumbledore just sitting back and listening to it politely with fascination on his face. Or their short run-ins between classes when Newt would ask if Dumbledore had seen any interesting critters around campus. There was a history behind Dumbledore humoring Newt’s interests and it had bought Newt back here, standing in an empty classroom with the man discussing the Nifflers in the case. Now, Newt didn’t have much energy to sustain it. He spoke clearly and efficiently. 

“They are intelligent creatures, though on occasion that can be upset by their motives. You know that they spend their entire lives driven by their desire to seek treasure,” Newt said quietly. He’d leaned down and latched onto the handle of his suitcase. It was deceptively light in his grip when he lifted it.

“It is no surprise, then, that they are so attracted to your company.”

There was little to say in response to that. Newt looked at Dumbledore for just a second and tried to think up words: maybe a small thanks, a question, a statement in return about how Dumbledore was a treasure too, a confirmation about what he’d heard because not so many people would have called Newt anything other than dull and overwhelming. And yet in the moments between locking eyes with the man and trying to retaliate, Newt lost focus and stumbled backwards. Emotions were never his strong suit and as it was, he was feeling awkward by even the implication that his time was valuable enough to be relevant. He was utterly lost.

“Don’t panic, Newt,” Dumbledore said quietly. “I only mean to say that you are lovely company. I’ve never once thought badly on my time with you.”

“Though I only speak about animals,” Newt reminded him.

“There is nothing wrong with speaking about the things you love,” Dumbledore reminded him. “I expect nothing less of the time we’re together.”

In that moment, Newt recalled something odd. It was the first time he’d ever walked into the Great Hall. As clear as day he remembered the false sky of a ceiling and how every time they walked into the room the enchantment had changed. The clouds were overcast, the moon was out, the stars were clear and visible. It was as if the cosmos themselves were suddenly within arms reach. Standing here in front of Dumbledore with his suitcase in his hand and listening to the man speak to him this way was like that; magic that bought him closer to the things he thought he’d never be able to reach.

“I didn’t…” Newt started. “I couldn’t... I mean to say that I want to... speak more with you about them."

“Then we seem to be a perfect fit,” Dumbledore breathed out. He stood up off of his desk and closed a bit of the space between the two of them, sticking his hands in the pocket of his suit bottoms. “Would you come and visit me again if I asked?”

It was almost as natural as breathing, accepting invitation after invitation to chat about the things he loved with the person he loved. There was barely any space between the question and the answer. Still, it fell from Newt’s lips like water. Newt looked at Dumbledore fully, careful not to shy away from the startling blue that confronted him this time, and said as clearl as day, “Yes. Always.” 


“You can’t… you shouldn’t…Harry.”

Harry had worn some truly ugly sweaters before, but watching the man walk down the stairs in what was likely the highest bid for attention Eggsy had ever seen, Eggsy quickly realized that whenever he thought he’d reached the pinnacle of ridiculous behavior in their relationship, he never had. There was always something higher, or bigger, or worse out there Harry had to do.

With as stern a face as he could make, he pointed at Harry’s chest and said, “No.”

Harry looked down at his clothing and smiled. “I thought we were done telling each other what to do. Or wasn’t that the conversation we had an hour ago?”

Embarrassingly enough, it was the conversation they’d just had some odd amount of time ago. But Harry wasn’t leaving the house in a sweater that looked like it’d been stitched together with errant pieces of cat fur. Eggsy wouldn’t allow it. “Not tonight, babe. Please go and change.”

“No,” Harry said as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Why? Coz you gotta go out and make a point of embarrassing me? You think I’ll actually walk out of here with you looking like that?”

“I do. First, because I like this top,” Harry lied easily. He adjusted his glasses and then stuck his hands in his pockets. “And second, because you love me.”

“Don’t be a dick. Take it off.”


“Take it off, Harry.”


“Take it off.” 


Eggsy growled, “You know what? Fuck you. We’re not going.”

Eggsy had been looking forward to Merlin’s birthday party and Harry was fucking it all up. Not that he believed in stooping to the level of the enemy, but there were few other ways to deal with a petulant Mr. Hart otherwise. Now that Eggsy’d threatened off of it, no matter how terribly he wanted to go, he wasn’t going to be able to go. He was going to have to miss it.

“Eggsy,” Harry warned.

“You’re a prick,” Eggsy huffed in retaliation. He pushed his way past Harry on the way up the stairs, already undoing his suit jacket buttons. Harry opened his mouth to speak, but Eggsy whipped around and hissed, “And don’t talk to me if you’re wearing that stupid fucking thing.”

Relationships were tiring. Eggsy went to bed most nights thinking about how much effort they required to maintain. What could be done when one (or both) parties were feeling exhausted? Childish? Grumpy? How many events were spoiled by extension of a quick row in the kitchen? Why did people willingly subject themselves to the temper-tantrums of other people? Really, what was the point?

When an hour had passed and Eggsy had stripped down to his trousers and socks, Harry joined him in the bedroom. They’d already pushed themselves into the “fashionably late” category of visitors, should they have chosen to visit Merlin after all - but Eggsy wasn’t much up to going anymore. Instead, he let Harry crawl right up onto the mattress beside him and lay down.

“I’m sorry, Eggsy.”

“Yeah. Me too,” Eggsy responded. He looked over at Harry’s state of dress: topless with his skin red and splotchy from the fabric of the top he should’ve removed an hour ago. Eggsy commented, “We’re fighting over clothes these days. Did you notice?”

“Oh, I dare say we’ve upgraded. Before we were arguing about the taste of marmite. Hopefully by tomorrow, we’ll have moved onto something beneficial, like the color of my socks.”

Eggsy laughed and grabbed Harry’s hand. He brought it to his mouth and kissed it, then he laced their fingers together and laid it back down. People fought all the time. When sweaters like Harry’s existed, why wouldn’t they? And so they missed Merlin’s party. Eggsy was sure that the man would call them within the hour anyway, smashed, to tell them all about it. 

Why did people truly subject themselves to arguments that lead to cancelled trips and muggy emotions? Oh - Eggsy wasn’t sure. It didn’t quite make sense. 

He wiggled himself a bit closer to Harry anyway and said, “Knobhead.”


Tag 9 people to get to know them better

Relationship status: Single. 

Favorite color: Green

Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick

Last song: Yerakina by Banda Magda

Last Movie: Kingsman: the Golden Circle

Top three shows: Skins, Masterchef, Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse (baha!)

Top three ships: Hartwin, Merwin, Merhartwin 


10 Characters, 10 Fandoms

I was tagged by my love @thisbirdhadflown

  1. Roxanne Morton - Kingsman
  2. Connie Springer - SnK
  3. Arthur - Inception
  4. Captain America - Marvel
  5. Newt Scamander - Fantastic Beasts
  6. Zarn Marn - One Direction (@pinkcherryblossomcats said Zayn ain’t a character so I made up his evil alterego). 
  7. Castiel - Supernatural 
  8. Roonil Wazlib - Harry Potter
  9. Peeta Mellark - The Hunger Games
  10. Kim Shin - Goblin

Tagging @futuredescending, @pinkcherryblossomcats, @faedreamer, @rei-kazuhiko, @gentlekingsmen and anyone else who wants to play! Thank you for the tag, my dear. 


Relationship(s): Harry Hart/Eggsy Unwin Rating: T Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence Word count: 24619

Summary: Harry has returned to the Hero force after a gunshot wound altered his superpowers. Merlin finds him a partner to help.


Thank you for this gift!!!! I’m so excited. 


a prompt for your lovely arse 💕 eggsy when he has a crush (on anyone). ily kezza


Oh baby! Eggsy with a crush.

Thank you for the prompt, love.

Maybe biting his lip was a bit too obvious, Eggsy thought. Maybe he should just write an anonymous love letter about the man’s glorious cheekbones and slip it under his office door instead.

Or not, because that was a bit barmy, too.

Eggsy sighed and slowly sunk down in his chair, and Harry, who had been sitting in front of him filling a syringe, stopped and looked at him.

“Is something the matter?”

Eggsy sprung back up in his chair and said, “No. Why?”

“…you just seem a bit distracted. I thought I’d ask.”

“Oh. It’s nothing.”

Harry absently flicked the barrel of the syringe and pressed the plunger up to push some liquid out before he turned to face Eggsy fully. “I don’t want to hurt you, so please remain upright if you can help it.”

Right. It wasn’t good practice for Eggsy to be flopping around in his chair when Harry was trying to help him close an open wound. Forget biting his lip, maybe Harry would be turned on by a man who could follow basic directions. That wasn’t too wild of an assumption given his title.

“Right. Sorry.”

Harry quietly told him it was alright, and then he reached out and gripped Eggsy’s knee to hold the boy’s leg still. There were a few abrasions on Eggsy’s skin but Harry had wiped those down earlier. What they were focused on was the laceration about mid-thigh that Eggsy had gotten from running into the jagged edge of a steel plate. It wasn’t life threatening, just painful. Very, very painful. Nearly as painful as being in love with your superior and not quite knowing whether biting your lip was an appropriate way to show it was so.

Harry carefully poked Eggsy with the needle and drained the anesthetic into his leg. The effects of the medicine were almost immediate. Eggsy’s thigh went blessedly numb and he breathed a big sigh of relief.

“Feeling better?” Harry smiled. He put the syringe down on a tray beside them.

God, yeah,” Eggsy responded.

One thing that Eggsy noticed was how handsome Harry was when he was pleased with himself. Alongside JB in a holiday sweater - it was Eggsy’s favourite thing to see. Harry didn’t smile so often because he was a bit of a grumpy old man but when he was happy, like now, it manifested in these handsome little quirks of his lips and Eggsy just wanted to kiss the shit out of him.

“I’ll quickly sew you up and we can leave,” Harry told him. He fiddled around with the position of Eggsy’s leg until he was happy with how accessible the wound was.

Eggsy watched Harry closely, unashamed, ready to do whatever to let Harry know he was in a bad way over everything about him.

“And I do wish you wouldn’t bite your lip like that,” Harry mumbled.

Eggsy stopped biting his lip and said, “What?”

“Every time you speak with me, you bite your lip.” Harry told him. He looked up from Eggsy’s leg. “It’s distracting.”

“Oh… yeah, alright. I mean - I didn’t know I was doing it, but I can stop if you want.”

“I just wondered if you knew.”

Eggsy could say confidently that Harry’s reaching out and cupping his cheek was completely unexpected. The warmth of the man’s palm against his cheek was surprising. He liked it. He reached up and held Harry’s hand against his face, and then he closed his eyes and bit his lip again. At this point - there wasn’t any reason not to.

Harry had noticed him.


11 Questions Meme


1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 (or however many) people to answer them.

I forgot to say that I was tagged by @thisbirdhadflown omg

1. We all did embarrassing things as teenagers. Share a story!

I acted like I could read Japanese. I told everyone I was fluent (lie), and so they bought me a Naruto toy that had Japanese writing on the label and told me to read it. I told them what it said in English (another lie). They didn’t believe me so they told me to read the actual Japanese. Lucky for me - I’d memorized the lyrics to quite a few Japanese songs and so I just spoke those out loud. To this day, my friends have no idea that my Japanese fluency is pretty low (though admittedly, I read it much better now then when I was 15) and that what I told them instead of the actual writing was the lyrics to “fighting dreamer”. 

2. What is a headcanon for one of your OTPs?

I headcanon that Harry followed up on Eggsy in the years following Lee’s death. However, nobody else knows that except for Harry and later Eggsy (after it slips up in conversation). 

3. One book that had a huge influence on you?

Lolita. I read it in highschool and to this day have never gotten through a book so fast. I enjoyed reading it even if I felt a little dirty. I was also quite young when I read it (I was a freshman in highschool, so 14). I think it’s really changed my mentality.

4. What are your pet peeves?

When people say ‘killed you dead’ or that they ‘itched something’. I’m not sure why that bothers me so much. Also - when I can hear people chewing their food really loudly. It’s a bit distracting. 

5.  Who is one misunderstood character?

I’m gonna go with Dominic Cobb from Inception. I think in the movie he was widely misunderstood by the other characters (not by the audience necessarily). His interactions with the others painted him as very selfish and so in response, he got a lot of flack. He was selfish, but he was grieving. It didn’t excuse some of the things he did but if the team would have kept that closely in mind, it would have explained some of those things and better helped them better prepare for the insanity that was Cobb.

6. One thing you wish you knew as a child/teen that you know now

Supernatural is never actually going to end. Ever. 

7. Best part about getting older?

Being able to drive myself to the all you can eat buffet whenever I want.

8.  One thing you really enjoy and one thing you really dislike about fandom?

Really like: meeting new people. I actually have met people from all over the world because of fandom and I think that’s neat. Also - shipping whatever I want because I know there’ll be other people out there who’ll enjoy it too (one of my best friends told my they shipped Zayn/Drake. There’s a fandom for that and I think about that often).

Dislike: That it’s hard to talk about things. Sometimes you’ll have opinions that others in fandom don’t have, and because you’re not face to face, there’s the possibility that an argument will break out, and then everyone becomes a massive dick and just really *stab stab emoticon* each other, and then people are taking sides and it’s all just sloppy. I stay out of those because most times, there are so many things that are lost in translation when you’re arguing over the internet and it’s just not worth the stress.

9. One thing you wish you knew as a child/teen that you know now.

Save your money because you’re gonna be a broke bitch who’s gonna wanna buy nice shoes. :) 

10. Would you like to be famous? In what way?

I wouldn’t. I want to know people and I love people, but I don’t like being scrutinized (I don’t know if anyone does) and the more people who know you, the more likely you are to targeted for mundane things. That would hurt my feelings. I’m an anxious person and I don’t like to do the wrong thing, but the more people you try to please, the more likely you are to upset somebody else in the process.

11. What makes and breaks a fic for you?

Makes: Descriptive writing. I love when I can vividly imagine something.

Breaks: Dialogue. If there’s really awkward dialogue I usually call it quits. Also - really big and consistent spelling errors. I don’t mind small or occasional ones, but if they’re common it can distract me enough that I get pulled out of the storytelling.


1) What was the first fandom you were in?

2) What’s the most of important piece of advice you’ve ever given/taken?

3) What’s one movie that you wish you could change the ending to? How would you change it?

4) What’s your least favourite thing about fandom?

5) For the multi-shipper, how would you order your OTP’s in terms of your investment in them? For the non multi-shipper, have you ever considered any other pairings?

6) What’s your favourite part of the day/week/month/year/ (can pick any one).

7) What’s one piece of fanwork that you’re most proud of?

8) Is there anything you wish you could do but you just can’t?

9) What’s one of your future goals and are you actively pursing it at the moment?

10) If you could meet any living person in the world for an hour, who would it be and what would you do?

11) What do you think is one of your best qualities?

I’m gonna tag people I’ve never talked to/haven’t talked to enough in the tags that I frequent the most. I just went under the tag and picked people. :) Don’t feel obligated to do it, and feel free to completely ignore the tag! Even if you’re not tagged you’re welcome to use me as the tagger if you want to do it.


Abandoned Prompts

I had a lot of prompts for the secret santa but only put 4 in. Here are some that I didn’t get a chance to put in but that I’d like to remember for... future reference. Or maybe on the off chance that somebody wanted something to write tonight - here you go!

1) Eggsy buys what he thinks is a bath bomb, but the bath bomb has either been tampered with or isn’t a bath bomb at all. Instead of relaxing Harry after a long day at work, he turns the man a bright green colour from head to toe and as a result, gets him benched from all upcoming missions for the following month.

2) Eggsy figured Harry could cook, but rather than the trope where only one person in the relationship is exceedingly good at it, Eggsy has a bit of a chef in him too. Date night starts with Eggsy humouring Harry’s skill - but turns into a fierce cook off as he realizes that everything Harry can do, he can do better (peacock alert).

3) Eggsy and Harry have a pillow fight - but then Eggsy gets poked in the eye by one of the pillow corners and what starts as a playful opportunity to swat at each other with something soft and fluffy, turns into a no-holds-barred attempt to knock the shit out of each other. The (extreme) pillow fight doesn’t stop until Merlin gets an alert because Harry’s heart rate has skyrocketed, and he’s forced to go in to break it up.

4) Harry is actually terrified of geese. Though Merlin is well aware of this, he suggests that Eggsy visit a park for their anniversary. Until they show up and find themselves surrounded by Canadian Geese, Eggsy doesn’t think anything of it. But it takes him only a total of ten seconds to realize that Harry is scared of what he calls the most ‘callous and anti-social bird on the planet’ and he has to do emotional damage control for the rest of the evening. 

5) Eggsy’s a special guy. He has rapid healing powers. Stab him, poke him, pull out his hair - his body recuperates too quickly for any real damage to occur. Chester King has kidnapped Eggsy as a sort of guinea pig for Kingsman tactics - but only a few Kingsmen are actually aware that there’s a boy who physically tests the consequences of their tools. When Harry meets Eggsy and (soon after) finds out that the boy all but withstands torture on a daily basis to improve Kingsman weaponry, he has a conniption and decides that a little recompense is in order.

6) Eggsy insists that JB get a proper birthday party. Harry shrugs it off and tells him to go ahead and do whatever he thinks is an appropriate level of ‘proper’ - but upon seeing Eggsy’s birthday plans for the dog, decides it’s not enough. He completely rewrites the itinerary and short of inviting the queen of England, ensures that JB has the best birthday of any dog... ever.

7) Eggsy and Harry make a sex film. Except that upon watching it, Eggsy decides he doesn’t like how he sounds. Or looks. Actually, he doesn’t like anything about it. He deletes the old film and decides that the next one will be better. He practices sounds, looks, positions, makes sure he’s all ready for his second coming... only to completely lose it and have the second film turn out worse than the first one.

And that’s about it. I really wanted to submit the sex film one but unfortunately I prioritized others and so these were stranded! 


Sign-ups are now OPEN!

It’s July 1st, and you know what that means!

Sign-ups will run from July 1st through July 15th. You’ll need an AO3 account to sign up. If you don’t have an account, please use the automated queue (preferred method) or contact the mods for an invite.

Before you sign up, make sure you’ve looked at the FAQ & Rules, just so you know what you’re getting yourself into.

Pinch hitter sign-ups are here, if you’re interested.

Reblog to spread the word, and we can’t wait for another awesome round with all of you!  ♥♥♥


Praying for whoever gets my prompts. I really sat here for, like, an hour thinking of things that I wanted to read. I’m excited for anything anyone writes for me, though, so I hope whoever gets mine finds them fun. 


If you have any inclinations towards sub!Merlin, in any configuration or situation, I'd love to see your take on him. If not, no worries! Feel free to disregard!


I’m sorry it ends a bit suddenly! It’s because I struggled a bit with sub!merlin and so had to try and imagine a few different scenarios. It feels like I’m at war with my words. Thank you for the prompt, darling.

There was something in Harry’s saliva that made a man docile.

Merlin had seen it himself before he’d ever experienced it. A bit of light snogging on a mission and suddenly a screaming man was on his knees, begging for forgiveness and presenting his wrists. It was strange and slightly concerning - but when Harry had returned from Vienna and heard Merlin’s inquiry about it, he shrugged it off as something unimportant. It took three more missions for Harry to admit that he had a certain… ability to sway people’s inclinations.

When Merlin had asked for clarification, Harry had said as seriously as possible, “I’m a vampire.”

“Excuse me?”

“My saliva has very peculiar properties. It’s much easier to eat from a willing target.”

What a load of bullshit.

Merlin left work that evening assuming that it was a terrible joke because a) vampires didn’t exist and b) even if they did, Harry couldn’t have been one of them. Merlin assumed that it was all a trick to cover up a more sinister and illegal method of leading the perpetrator to compliance.

But lo and behold, a week after Harry had told him, Merlin was given the opportunity to see for himself what was going on with his agent. Harry had gotten into a tad bit of trouble over a pint of guinness and he’d dragged himself to Merlin’s flat in the aftermath, a shiv buried deep in his forearm. He’d lost a decent amount of blood. It was a surprise he’d made it across London at all.

Merlin waited until he’d removed the weapon to ask what had happened. He was in his living room, on his knees between Harry’s legs, cautiously eyeing the open wound on Harry’s forearm.

“I tried to eat from the wrong drunkard,” Harry said.

“Eat from the… are you really still on about this vampire nonsense?” Merlin asked. He gently pressed the two flaps of Harry’s open skin up against one another to make sure that it could be neatly stitched.

“You don’t need to stitch it if I can borrow your neck.”

“And what exactly does that mean?”

“If I could suck on you for a moment, it would be much appreciated.”

Merlin sighed. He let Harry’s arm go and rolled up the sleeves of his cardigan. He was irritated. If Harry kept going on about this ridiculous vampire shit, he was going to put the man on probation. See if he came up with folk tales while sitting on the bench.

“The joke isn’t funny, Harry. Stop.”

“It’s not a joke,” Harry said curtly before reaching out and winding a confident arm around the back of Merlin’s neck. He tugged the man forward and when they were nose to nose said, “Would you like for me to show you?”

Nothing should have come of a kiss. In fact, Merlin was so confident that there was nothing to Harry’s claims, he leaned in first and pressed their lips together.

But there was something almost immediate when their lips touched. It was a warmth that Merlin could feel in his skin, and when Harry tilted his head and licked out at Merlin’s bottom lip, he knew in every fiber of his being that something else was at work. What had started as a dull buzz behind his lips turned into a spark, and then an uncomfortable burning sensation. It traveled through his entire body. For every second that Harry spent holding them together, breathing against his lips and licking into his mouth, Merlin felt weaker and weaker, until he couldn’t hold himself upright any longer. He slumped forward and sloppily dislodged their lips, going face first into Harry’s chest, and then a second later, slipping a bit further down to his trousers.

“Oh,” Merlin breathed.

His brain was turning to mush. It wasn’t the mush where his thoughts were incomprehensible, but the mush where every single panicked thought about this entire situation was followed closely by a hallucinated reassurance from Harry himself, the man sat in front of him and who’s warm lap he was laying his head on. He felt hyper-aware of the man’s breathing, his warmth, even his scent.

What Merlin felt was an indescribable attraction. It was budding and stretching from somewhere deep in his body. His curiosity and indignation was overwritten by his desire to feel Harry’s skin just a little bit more. With his head still laid on Harry’s lap, he reached up and touched the man’s chin with the tips of his fingers.

“I’m sorry to have done this, Merlin,” Harry said. His legs vibrated with the sound of his voice. “You’ll be alright in just a bit.”

He was quite alright now, actually.

“It’s fine,” Merlin croaked. “It’s fine.”

When Harry hooked a gentle hand beneath Merlin’s head and guided him to looking upwards, each point of contact was like a direct feed of electricity. Merlin felt Harry’s touch buzzing through his skin. He had turned, quite quickly, from a Kingsman’s minder to a sloppy old man, greedy for someone else’s attention and ready to do anything in the world to get it.

Just us he’d seen in the feed of  his office those weeks ago, he offered his wrist to Harry and said, “Please.Take it. It’s all yours.”


oh, hey! if you're interested... some merwin fluff? perhaps eggsy and merlin moving in together and merlin getting used to having a dog (jb)? :) thanks in advance


Thank you for the prompt!


Merlin lived in Shropshire.

Really, he had houses all over England. He had one in Cambridge. He had one in London. He had one in Manchester. But his favourite one was the one he owned in Shropshire, and when he invited Eggsy to live with him, it was this house that he wanted to share the most.

It was large and yes, a bit excessive, but Merlin had spent his entire first check from Kingsman on this house and he had not once regretted that decision.

Eggsy showed up on a wet Monday morning with a single suitcase and a pug under his arm. He stood out in the driveway with his mouth hanging open until Merlin ran out to collect him from the weather. As soon as they were within earshot of one another, Eggsy yelled, “Merlin, what the fuck?”

Merlin just stared at him.

“It’s not a house!” Eggsy carried on. He pointed aggressively over the man’s shoulder as if to remind him of where he lived. “Why the fuck is it that big?”

“We’ve both seen bigger,” Merlin said. Without paying Eggsy’s outbursts much more attention, he politely removed Eggsy’s hand from the suitcase and grabbed it himself. Then he hoisted it up off of the wet gravel and turned back around. “Come on. Don’t want the dog to freeze to death.”

Merlin had spent the entire day beforehand cleaning. The floors, walls, counters, beds were all spotless. God knows there were enough rooms to go through, but making each one as sterile and undisturbed as possible meant that Eggsy could pick whichever space he wanted, and could settle in.

“You can pick whichever room you’d like,” Merlin told him. “Let me know which one it is and I’ll carry your… thing.”

“It’s one bag, babe. I got it,” Eggsy said. He was a bit wet, but once they’d made it safely into the foyer he nudged Merlin aside and reclaimed his suitcase. “Whichever room’s yours is mine. Perks of matrimony.”

“We’re not married,” Merlin reminded him shortly.

As he climbed the stairs with his luggage, Eggsy called back, “Give it a month. With a house like this, we will be.”

For the rest of the night, Merlin skulked around in his study. He heard JB’s barking in response to Eggsy’s many missteps and fumblings. Something broke, Eggsy tripped into the banister, a heavy object hit the carpeted bedroom floor. At some point, JB must have tired of it all because he hopped his way into Merlin’s office and sniffed the desk leg, Merlin’s ankle, the bookshelf, and then curled up under the man’s chair and fell asleep.

Merlin didn’t see from Eggsy for hours. He sat in his study and read articles that Harry had sent him, and only after he’d finished did he clear his desk, cut off his lamp, and make his way back to his bedroom.

Eggsy had fallen asleep. He was face up on Merlin’s bed with one arm thrown over his eyes and his mouth wide open. Though his clothes had been packed neatly away, he’d left the closet door wide open with his suitcase in the doorway. He’d come with a total of one piece of luggage (minus the dog) and somehow it’d taken him hours and a battery pack of energy to put it all away.

For a Kingsman agent, Eggsy’s stamina (comparatively speaking) was a bit of an embarrassment.

Still, the truth was that Merlin had allowed Eggsy Kingsman status because of his resolve, tenacity, and spirit. His excitement for life. It wasn’t necessarily his stamina - that was something that could be learned fairly quickly, and could be lost in the same amount of time. As he stood in his bedroom doorway and watched Eggsy sleep, he thought about how those endearing qualities snatched him so violently from his own life of solitude. Part of him still thought that turning down Eggsy’s offer for dinner might’ve been more appropriate for both of them, but something in a person like Eggsy wasn’t easy to refuse, and rather than leave the boy lonely outside of the Kingsman estate that evening, he paid cab fare and took them to a chippie, instead.

He walked out a full and cuffed man.

Eggsy woke up while Merlin considered it all. He grunted and sighed, then rolled over, patted the mattress in front of him and said, “I’ll be the big spoon if pressing up against my arse makes you uncomfortable.”

Merlin smiled.

“If I were uncomfortable with something like that, I’d have to be downright ashamed of how our first date ended.”

“It was the Schnapps.”

“I think so.”

“And you were wearing a black turtleneck.”

“If I’d known you liked black that much, I wouldn’t have worn it.”

Eggsy snorted. “Fuck me, you’re ridiculous. Come lay down before I have JB bite your ankles.”

Merlin hadn’t built expectations around inviting Eggsy to live with him. All he knew was that he had a big house that a loved, and a person he wanted to share it with. Climbing up into a bed that wasn’t empty for the first time in years was one hell of a step. Feeling Eggsy wiggle back against his chest and then secure Merlin’s arm around his waist felt more like a leap. He wondered what it would feel like when they woke up in a few hours and really fucked up the sheets. 

What was bigger than a leap, anyway?

“With a house like this, I expect a ring that breaks my finger, yeah?” Eggsy told him, back to the pesky topic of matrimony.

Merlin snorted against Eggsy’s shoulder.

For all intents and purposes, they lived together now. Sharing his beloved space with a boy and his pug was an act of faith that he wasn’t sure was justified just yet. With that in mind, he thought quite fondly that picking out a finger-breaking ring couldn’t possibly be that hard.


Okay, so this is a bit longer than a ficlet. I actually cut it down so that it wouldn’t be too much. I’m also sorry this took a few hours. I went out to eat! Thank you for the prompt, love. I am so glad you sent it in!

I’ll try and fill a few more tomorrow. :)


If you guys have been wondering, I’ve been missing in action because I’ve been reading comics/manga/manhwa. It’s terrible. I’m addicted. So, I’ve been reading what is probably the naughtiest comic ever, called He Does A Body Good. It’s drawn beautifully but is literally just porn. 

At this point, it’s my goal to stick Eggsy with everyone. I’ve never written Eggsy/Roxy before but why the hell not? I’m going to write a Reggsy one-shot inspired by HDABG (hopefully soon). Not a fan of writing Gang Bangs. Orgies work better. Let’s get it popping.


Eggsy U. | Harry H. 

Summary: Eggsy breaks into Harry’s house and hears him slip in the bathroom.

Edit: Whoops. There was a mistake. Sorry to the people who reblogged before I caught it. Hopefully it isn’t too noticeable. LOL.

Eggsy had never found himself in such a precarious situation.

He’d already made one mistake in entering a stranger’s house when they were home, far be it from him to make his presence known, too. That would just be stupid as hell.

But creeping his way down the stairs towards freedom, he heard what was undoubtedly a man falling on his arse in the bathroom and, yeah, he’d seen the bloke that lived in this house. Older man in his 50’s who was definitely at risk for hip displacement.

Eggsy looked over his shoulder irritatedly. He had a box of expensive cufflinks shoved under his arm that weren’t his and he was in the process of sneaking out of the way he’d come in. He wasn’t in the best position to check if the man was alright.

He hadn’t planned on going to jail today, that was all.

But when he heard the man groaning pitifully, he made a decision. It wasn’t a decision that was directly beneficial - not like robbing a man of his jewels and selling them for dinner money. This one was more of a… moral benefit. He couldn’t well leave a silver fox dying in the bathroom because he lost his footing on wet floor.

Eggsy set his case down on the steps and then quietly went back up the stairs to where he’d heard the noise. The bathroom door was closed and he raised his hand nervously, then he knocked three times and waited.

There was a soft, “Yes?”


Eggsy cleared his throat and said, “I know this is really fucking weird, but you all right, mate?”

“Well. I’ve been in better shape. Though I can’t say I expected you, I am glad you’re here,” The man’s muffled voice sounded through the door. “Perhaps you could help me.”

“I’m just… I mean… should I just come in?”

There was the sound of struggle. Eggsy considered running off before the man could see his face but in the end decided to stay in front of the door as it creaked open to reveal the middle-aged man on the floor, reaching uncomfortably up to the handle.

“I’ve been meaning to get something on this floor for ages. It can get slippery with the… the humidity and everything else.”

“Right,” Eggsy said quietly.

The man was quite handsome. Even though he’d fallen, he gripped the towel that was tied off around his waist to keep it from falling off.

He was fit for an older gentleman and Eggsy was impressed. He’d managed to rob what was likely the most attractive grandad in London. With only a tinge of awkwardness, Eggsy walked into the bathroom and crouched down to help the man up.

“Put your arm ‘round my neck so I can lift you.”

“Were you breaking into my house?” The man asked.

“If I say ‘no’, does it make a difference?” Eggsy asked.

“Yes,” the man said. “An honest thief is better than a dishonest thief.”

When Eggsy helped the man into a position that he could lift him, he pulled the man’s weight up off of the floor and helped walk him to the toilet seat so that he could sit down. Each step they took was cautious. There was still water everywhere.

“What’s your name?” The man asked, right as Eggsy helped seat him on the lid.


“Well Eggsy, I owe you. Not that I’d have died without your help, but it’s appreciated all the same.”

“It’s nothing,” Eggsy grumbled.

“What do I owe you for your services?” The man asked curiously. “A box full of cufflinks?”

Eggsy choked and said, “How did you…”

“They’re yours,” the man said. “But if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to thank you a bit more formally… and get to know why you’re in my house in the first place. My name is Harry Hart and if it’s not too much to ask, I’d like to sit down and eat with you.”

If Eggsy’s introducing himself to his victim was the weirdest thing he’d ever experienced, it was quickly overwritten by the notion of being asked out afterwards. Who the fuck asked a robber out to dinner? 

He blinked stupidly at the man on the toilet seat and stuttered, “Y-yeah, that’s alright.”

Somehow Eggsy had hit the fucking jackpot, and on top of a box of really expensive cufflinks, nabbed himself dinner with one of the most attractive men he’d ever seen. 

As he stumbled out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him a moment later, he thought about what he’d just done. There was an obvious risk, having been seen, and an even more obvious risk accepting an invitation out. But what was the guy gonna do, report him? He could have done that without the invite.

Eggsy was so lost in thought that he walked straight past his loot and went back out onto the streets of London with nothing to show for his recent misadventure.

He made it all the way back to his flat before he realized he was empty handed.

But with a soft thought to the old slippery-footed man in his expensive lodgings, he deemed it a fine excuse to go back, and let it be.


Piggybacking @futuredescending

Name: Makayla

Nickname: Kaila

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn! 

Height: 5′9″

Ethnicity: American/British - Black/White.

Orientation: Shit, I don’t even know. An interesting conundrum here. 

Favourite fruit(s): Mandarin oranges!

Favorite season: Spring. #rainyseason

Favourite book(s): Anything Nabokov, Harry Potter. 

Favourite flower(s): Dahlia!

Favourite animal(s): Kitties.

Favourite beverage: I have a really terrible addiction to watermelon juice. I can go through one of these big bottles a day.

Average hours of sleep: 7

Favourite fictional character(s): Eggsy Unwin, Sasha Blouse, YMIR. Harley Quinn (don’t ask. I’m in love with her.) and Ronald Weasley. 

Number of blankets you sleep with: Winter - 1 Summer - 0

Dream trip: Honestly - Ireland, Wales, France, Australia, and then back here. For all of the times I’ve gone back to the UK, I’ve only ever had layovers in Ireland and I’ve never been there, but I want to see it. Also, my grandad is Welsh and my nan is French, so seeing those places would be really cool. I want to go to Australia just to say I did it. 

Blog created: This one: two years ago. The other one: five-six years ago. I can’t recall. I actually think I made it in 2011. 

What do I post about: Let’s see... this blog is primarily Kingsman. Recently, I’ve been reblogging Ymir/Christa and Sasha/Connie. Graves/Newt. I’ve also written a few other things on a whim, but I tend to fixate on things and then exclusively blog those things. Right now, that’s Attack on Titan and Kingsman. 

Do I get asks on a regular basis: I’m not sure. It depends on if I’ve posted something. There’ll be dry weeks (like right now, I got some last week because of a meme and then before that, there were a few weeks without any), and then there’ll be really active weeks (when I was Gramandering, I was getting maybe 1-2 a day. I still have a stack of prompts I haven’t touched). So right now - not at all! But I do get random fluxes. 

Aesthetic: Pastel colours. 

Favorite band/artist: Imogen Heap (singer), Young the Giant (band)

Fictional characters I’d date: Ymir. Woof! Gimme that sass, she is my type.

Hogwarts house: I was placed in Ravenclaw and could never get out, but at heart I’m a Slytherin. 

Okay, I’m tagging (but you don’t have to do it, of course): @thisbirdhadflown, @theavengerscumbercookie, @pinkcherryblossomcats, @insanereddragon, @newbornnebulae, @lena221b



Sasha B. | Connie S. 

Rating: E

With her arms dangled over the rail, Sasha had made herself quite comfortable. She was sitting on the weather deck, watching as Ymir and Jean mopped up errant fish guts down on the crew deck. There were two other visitors sitting near them; Christa, who had followed Ymir up to keep her company but had ended up falling asleep on an old pile of wooden boxes, and Eren who had followed Christa to the deck because he was bored and didn’t want to be heckled into playing the fiddle in the cabins for the rest of their crew.

“Well, look. Her dad’s gotta have someone step in when he retires,” Jean huffed. “Who else is gonna take the ship when he decides to call it quits?”

“That’s not how any of this works,” Ymir grumbled.

-A Springles-centric pirate!au with a lot of side pairings. Basically.-

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