
oh no

@aniraie / aniraie.tumblr.com

this is the blog where i post fanarts!

Happy valentine's day!! 💖💖

I can finally reveal what I've been working for the past year! "Fish Out Of Water" is a dating simulator that was created as a project for my Master's thesis! The goal is to analyse player's opinion on various topics like visual, storyline, design, etc.

It's free to play! 👍 Go to the link bellow and it will redirect you the the itch.io page where you can download it! After you've played please don't forget to fill out the survey about your experience! 💖

Music credit: "Naptime!" by BGM President on Youtube

🔗 Survey link: http://tinyurl.com/3s399nr4

Anonymous asked:

Hello~love your art so much!! Would love to know how you present volume in your art? Your art always feel so real in a way that you can imagine seeing it from many angles, mine tends to look flat even after looking through references

Thank you very much for the question and I'm SO sorry for answering it so late 😭 I hope you'll still see this and even if you don't I hope the others will find it helpful :')

My little trick is just to add perspective when drawing the figures no matter how simple the pose is! You don't have to make perspective lines for it but you can still imagine the overall space of the drawing, like how the object that's far from the eyes tends to get smaller and stuff.

Ethan Becker made a good video about it, you should check it out too!


“How arw you paying for photoshop” im not LMAO


you know what heres a sai link too fuck the system


im back with clip paint studio

download these two then setup paint studio right click one of the icons after its done and click “file location” copy the crack files into the main paint studio file then click on the crack.exe till it says ok open paint studio

good 2 go 👌


I wanted to add to this post too because?! adobe animate is hell to find. so heres this, reblog to save a future animator’s life

adobe animate:

I didnt test these. But might be helpful to someone?


$50,000 immediately dropped into my bank account wouldn't improve EVERYTHING but boy it sure would be a grand, sexy little start to a good, happy life path, don't you think

Reblog for unexpected $$$ dropping into your Bank account.


The time has finally come for us to open pre-orders! We’re super excited to show everyone the finished zine all of our contributors worked so hard on in the past months! We would like to thank all of the contributors for their hard work    ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ And thank everyone for your continued support! You’re all amazing and we couldn’t have made it without you!

You can read more about the bundle details and pricing below!

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