

you are my escape

Happiness Will Come To You.

when tho

When You Least Expect It. Probably Late March


reblog for happiness to come for you in late march!


I reblogged this last year and I hung out with blink-182 backstage on March 30. Reblogging again because it worked the first time.


honestly, last year one of the best days of my life happened in late March

I really need this march


so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god

okay so i just got my dream job??? a week after applying to it?? and now i’m thinking….maybe this is the good luck post

…..not even six hours later i got an offer of a well paying full time long-term job with free room and board in queens in nyc, allowing me independence and a way to escape an abusive situation and an unhealthy environment

likes charge reblogs cast, folks, this is the good luck post

i need all the help i can get for finals


Hey so

the last time I reblogged this post right before I got a great job, in a permanent work-from-home position, with benefits, retirement, and a salary literally 3x what I was making before, doing something I really like.Β 

So you know.Β 

This might be the real one, y’all.


what the hell? i could use some luck *hits reblog*

World Heritage Post

reblogging again… need it bad lolΒ 


please take a moment to pray for moonbin's family and all those close to him today really really just keep them in your thoughts and prayers


BTS x DYNAMITE ~ Retro (click to see the original size) ~ © Bighit / BTS ~ © Videos: [x] [x] [x]   ~ © Stock image: unsplash / Bighit ~ © Textures / Brushes: Accio-glow, Bessy 02, Butterphil, cypher-s, chaotic road, directriuns, freefolking, kaleidoscopeeye, monsyrell, cypher-s, freefolking, evey-v, hyperboreans, vikyvampirs90, northerndawn, maeappleseed, planetbend05, ravenorlov, tanja92. rosebein, ericaofanderson (see my credits page)

β€œYou always stayed by my side, didn’t you? There’s no need for tears, because you’re not alone” β€Β γ€Œγ²γ¨γ‚Šγ˜γ‚ƒγͺい」

the first shot of natasha in the mcu is her walking towards us and the last is her walking away from us

Anonymous asked:

what is your fav thing about joon?

  1. how he’s super respectful and always wants to shake people’s hands even though they don’t always reciprocate, and how he refers to people as sir/maam
  2. he once saidΒ β€˜i like peace, my favourite bird is the pigeon’ but he’s an idiot and he meant dove
  3. going off number 2, alternatingly, how he got pigeon and dove confused but calls fruitflies by their scientific name aka drosophilaΒ 
  4. how he thinks about love inclusively, not just the romantic kind but the friendship and familiar kind too
  5. how he released mono because he wanted to be a source of comfort for all his fans and give them a hug even if he cant physically do it
  6. how he saidΒ β€˜mono’ means monster no more, meaning he’s let go of all that pent up rage and anger and all the negativity he had while being a teenager and how he’s found peace within himself, and how he’s grown emotionally and mentally and no longer feels angry at the world
  7. how to spoke openly about going to therapy and getting help when you need it
  8. how he speaks softly a lot of the time, and when he pauses and its almost like you can see his brain working, seeΒ him thinking and he’s completely beautiful
  9. how his voice is low, and deep, and silky smooth, and how when i hear it its that feeling of drinking hot chocolate on a chilly day, just something so comforting
  10. how he prefers sunset to sunrise (just like me) but how he likes being out at dawn when everyone else is asleep (again like me)
  11. how he wrote moonchild for the people who feel most happy at night, for those who felt likeΒ β€˜they can’t breathe during the day’ and how he believes the night sets him free
  12. how he enjoys just,, being, in nature - going on walks, taking bike rides with jimin down han river
  13. how he looks when he has no make up on and his hair is falling in front of his eyes and he just looks so soft and adorable
  14. how he likes using filters on his vlive, especially the really cute ones and how i will deadass fight that fan who told him to stop using them because on god he deserves happiness in the little things and if filters make him happy then you BET he should use them
  15. how his entire face lights up when he’s happy, and the way it scrunches when he sees things that are cute
  16. how he’s so big and yet so gentle with everything - the way he picks up crabs, and frogs, and any small creatures - but he handles them with utmost care because he knows his strength and he would never willingly hurt any living creature
  17. how he likes ryan from kkt and has a bunch of merch but freely admits he prefers brown from line jfsjfjsjfjd and how he has a collection of both of those as well as K.A.W.S. like he’s really just an adorable little nerd
  18. how sometimes when he laughs he buries his face into his hand or his shoulders, and how sometimes his eyes are wide and his mouth is open and you can see his tongue
  19. how he dressed up like an astronaut for the 2018 MAMA performance and did his little move and then fell on the ground in the most cUTEST way possible - and then his legs were all stretched out but he stayed on the ground
  20. how he can be hella petty - like when he admitted his sister pissed him off one day and before they were going to school, it was raining, and he took all the umbrellas in the house so she’d have to walk to school in the rain
  21. how when he was younger his dream was to be a security guard because it shows just how sweet he is and how much he wants to protect people, and how he does it every day just by being him and encouraging people to continue on even if they’re struggling
  22. how much he loves his mother
  23. how he gets annoyed with rap mon for not remembering who he is even thought monie is named after him
  24. how even though he’s not a major vocalist, his husky, low-toned voice sounds so beautiful and calming
  25. how he sings in the shower but gets clowned for it
  26. how when he gets excited he physically can’t contain himself and runs around with a little bounce and the happiest expression
  27. alternatively, how sometimes he just bounces in place instead of running around
  28. how frustrated he gets when people aren’t listening to him and he throws a soft tantrum
  29. how quick his mind works and how unbelievably intelligent he is
  30. how he’s big but his sneezes are soft and quiet, and his face scrunches up and then his entire head shakes
  31. how sweet he looks when he’s sleeping, all nestled in the covers and his cheeks full
  32. how he has a mole on his neck just below his jaw
  33. how clumsy he is and how easily he breaks things as if he doesn’t know his own strength
  34. how he takes care of the members as much as he can, but how he equally needs to be taken care of
  35. how he is a hazard to himself and is so smart yet doesn’t know basic things like how to use a knife or to NOT touch boiling pasta
  36. how he’s so big but if he curls up into himself he looks so small
  37. the way his nose wrinkles when he’s confused
  38. that stupid ahahAHAHAHA laugh he does
  39. the fact that he grows bonsai and has named them -Β β€˜cherry blossom babyβ€™Β β€˜jjin jjinβ€™Β β€˜cherry’ andΒ β€˜orihime’ who he calls ori as a nickname and that he also talks to them
  40. how he said he will wear whatever - regardless ofΒ β€˜gender’ stereotypes
  41. how he’ll sit on the side and simply watch the rest of bangtan with the proudest, sappiest smile because he knows they’re happy and because they’re hisΒ entire happiness
  42. how he does aegyo and then immediately gets shy afterwards
  43. how gentle and delicate his features are, and yet so unbelievably handsome and sexy he is at the same time
  44. how he’s the gentlest giant to ever exist
  45. how he lets bangtan do whatever they want to him - like wipe cake onto his face, or squish his cheeks, and he accepts it all with the patience of a saint
  46. how he gives love freely and loves freely but neverΒ asks for anything in return even though he deserves it and everything
  47. how he has a sweet tooth, and eats spoonfuls of sugar, and how he believes that even when the world ends people who make cotton candy should continue existing
  48. how humble he is, despite being in the biggest boy group in the world, but how he never fails to thank the staff, the people who work with them, their dancers, the stage crew, the directing crew or whatever
  49. how he can’t take a compliment without getting incredibly shy
  50. how he learned to love himself over the years
  51. how he’s so willing to let people use him for them to learn to love themselves
  52. how he made me fall in love with the world again, and it’s beauty, and reminded me that there is good in the world
  53. how he is my source of strength and happiness
  54. how his words and existence bring me comfort
  55. how he saved my life
  56. and a whole bunch of other reasons that i cannot remember because i’m crying

Israel launched 200 rockets against Gaza in under 10 minutes. 200 rockets. It is the middle of the night, and it is the night after Eid. Palestinian civilians do not have bomb shelters and sophisticated missile defense systems to protect themselves, they are left without protection as their world is blown up around them. Israel has also deployed ground forces into Gaza. We are watching genocide unfold. And I do not ever use that word lightly. This is genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.



i’m left heartbroken and disgusted by the events that take place in this world. it leaves me questioning the existence of beings. what hurts me more is seeing how quiet this community is on the issue. you have platforms with a 1,000+ followers and willingly choose to stay silent.

please educate yourselves and take a look at what’s happening in palestine. i have friends with families who are fighting for their lives right now. these people have been fighting oppression for decades. use your privilege for something. use your platform for something. please i’m begging you. just because it isn’t directly effecting you doesn’t give you the excuse of staying silent.

a reminder that if you choose to stay silent in the face of oppression, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.

here are some resources:

(don’t skip ads + u can just leave these playing in the bg!!)

please reblog for exposure!!

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