

@zilaiyc / zilaiyc.tumblr.com

Independent Jiraiya Private | Semi-active
"But it is because one understands such pain,  the generosity toward others become second nature. That's what makes us human."

The fact that when people think about “the next generation surpassing the previous one”, they immediately relate it to a nice guy getting into the pants of a girl who isn’t romantically interested in him is kinda scary. I mean:

“Obito should have gotten Rin!” Rin loved Kakashi and while she treasured Obito as a dear friend, there was no implication she loved him romantically.

“It’s so sad! Jiraiya loved Tsunade until he died!” You know what’s truly sad? The fact that you forgot Tsunade had her own love who died and she still loves him long after his death. No one spares a thought for Tsunade, it’s all about poor Jiraiya and his poor, poor unrequited twu wuv.

“It’s so sad that Naruto didn’t surpass his predecessors and get the girl!” Because that was totally his goal at the beginning of the manga. I vaguely seem to recall it as something that has to do with becoming Hokage and being acknowledged… Both of which he achieved.

Let me tell you something: Just because a guy is nice to a girl, doesn’t mean she owes him her love. Being nice to someone else is called being a decent human being. Being nice to someone is not okay when it’s only used as a ploy to get into someone’s pants.


Get to know me

tagged by @thenagaraja​ (thank you!!)

challenge: tag nine people you want to get to know better.

name? Nikki star sign? Gemini average hours of sleep? 7-8 lucky number? 13, 7, 3? I’m not sure. last thing i googled? Social media information for a very talented UK nail artist. favorite fictional character(s)? Edmund Pevensie, Vash, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Batman, Zorro, Robin Hood. what are you wearing right now? Jeans and a t-shirt. when did you start your blog? This one was November 2016. number of followers? 266. what do you post? Roleplay and things pertaining to Jiraiya. why did you choose your url? Zilaiya is Jiraiya in Mandarin -- from what I’ve been told.

Tagging: You. :)


PSA – Activity Notice

This isn’t an end to anything, just an official notice of my slower activity. 

For those of you that don’t know (and a reminder to those that do), I’m getting married this December. Over the next few months on top of wedding planning, my fiancé and I will also be looking for a house and I’m working to promote my job. (I’m a nail tech and need to establish a consistent promotion to keep business moving.) 

RP and writing have always been a stress relief and something I love doing, but with my free time being taken up by the above things, my activity will be slow. It’s already slow, but I know there’s been a noticeable difference and I want to address it. 

I don’t know when or if activity will pick back up. Even after the wedding and settling into a home and all that blah blah blah, life is going to look different and I can’t predict what will happen. Currently, I am planning to continue writing and roleplaying, just maybe at a slower pace. I think my rp will continue as it has been, but I want to be transparent of any changes that might happen.

(I will have an official-unofficial hiatus in December and January for wedding, honeymoon, and mushy married life, but I’ll post information about that then.)

I’ll still be available to talk. My IM is open, please don’t hesitate to ask for my discord, and my personal blog is @nikkxb if you want to see me over there. I’ll also still be writing and plotting and all that good stuff, I’ll just embrace my snail’s pace and hope that the quality is worth the wait. :)

Thank you!


I know I’m trying to jumpstart this blog again, but in case that effort dies in a fiery crash of good intentions, this is why. 


Madara kissed the red lines that ran down the expanse of Jiraiya's cheek, burying slim and callous fingers into a white mane, growling and purring in his lover's lap.

[ @forlornwind ]

It wasn’t often Madara’s affection matched what Jiraiya wanted. He’d accepted that fact, happy that he could still find comfort in the man’s company, but those small moments where possession manifested into physical confirmation of emotional bond had become vast favorites.

A large hand delved into the luscious hair, short nails scratching lightly over his scalp as he turned and fit his lips to Madara’s. Kisses initiated by the man were coming more frequently as they went on and Jiraiya sought to reward each one of them. To slowly break Madara from his own world, seek to entwine their lives more than they already had. He’d already opened up so far – it wouldn’t be hard to continue until they were both laid bare.

Legs widened to accommodate his lover, surprise apparent on his face as he quickly accepted the embrace. Adjusting them both for comfort and his hand trailed through that silky hair, down Madara’s spine and back up.

“What brought this out?” he murmured softly as a kiss was pressed to a temple. “And how can I make this happen more often?”

Ah, there they were. Finally. Wearing twinned idiot grins as they walked in and looking as if they were holding their own private counsel of juvenile absurdity, prince and princess of the court jesters. 
Slipping a mute sigh of exasperation into his cup as he sipped, Orochimaru eyed them with a jaundiced expression touched with the impatience of being made to wait in one of his absolute least favorite places as they approached. 
It wasn’t as if he didn’t have a sense of humor. He did. It was just that his particular brand of it ran rather too easily and cheerfully along the lines of the dark and grotesque to have many truly able to appreciate it. He’d had more than his fair desert-dry comments sail over their heads without so much as a glimmer of understanding, at least on Jiraiya’s part. He’d caught Tsunade smirk at a few of them only to catch herself and shake it off as if afraid that by sharing even a small taste of darkness would somehow turn her into a fellow grim, book-clutching loner who delighted in offending the moral majority as often as possible. But she’d always occupied a special place between them, a distinct grey area balanced between Yin and Yang, never quite falling one way or the other. Instead she seemed to absorb and reflect the energy of whichever teammate whose company she happened to favor that day; shining with lightness and laughter if it was Jiraiya, sober and thoughtful if it was with him. 
And judging by the wide smile of imminent mischief stretching across her lips at the moment, it was looking to be a more Jiraiya-influenced sort of day. 
“So good of you to show up,” he deadpanned as they slid into their seats, the slow lifting of his cup radiating a serene venom. “I hope I wasn’t imposing on your schedule.” 

Her words were all he needed. The night was already looking well with his current tease planned. It would be so easy to ruffle the snake into an indignant fit considering how much of a pedestal he placed himself on. Anyone that turned their nose up to a basic human function was bound to receive their own wealth of teasing if Jiraiya had a say in it.

Sitting down in one of the open seats, a grin slid easily onto his face. “Oh, of course not. We simply wanted to give you time to become acquainted with the atmosphere.”

Oh, his teases would be terrible, poking Orochimaru in every sore spot years of something almost called friendship had taught him. The man’s impatience kept his temper simmering when he was made to wait and how much worse it would get with the implication that it had been on purpose. Though it wasn’t true, Jiraiya couldn’t resist the temptation.

Taking his own cup, he moved a toast up for both his companions and took that first sip. Smooth, as Tsunade would enjoy, and warm to fit Orochimaru. Jiraiya simply found happiness in their presence, though the remaining ideas of his current work remained flitting around in his periphery. 

Beginning conversation with that would put an abrupt end to their night and thus ruin his chance to win a bit off Tsunade. He wouldn’t, no matter how much he was tempted, until he knew it would rile the reaction he wanted. And besides -- the two had been severely outspoken in their opinions of his hobby. To discuss plot and character development when they both believed it to be nothing more than derived male fantasy with a pretentious clout would start yet another iteration of the same argument Jiraiya had become weary of. He was writing because he enjoyed it and their distaste robbed him of that joy -- he had long learned to use it as a taunt than come to them for anything that might be useful.

“Surprised to see you drinking, Orochi.” Would he react again to the nickname? Jiraiya almost hoped he would, but he ignored it in favor of nudging the woman next to him. “Tsunade didn’t think you actually would.”


All the happy… I was tagged by @thenagaraja (thank you!!)

Pass the happy along!! When you get this, tell five things that make you happy. Then send it to ten other nice people.

  1. My fiancé.
  2. Family and friends.
  3. Reading and writing.
  4. Driving no where.
  5. Coffee, tea, coffee shops, bookstores, that kind of thing. :)

casually drops in

I’m trying something. Even with how inactive I’ve been, Jiraiya has made it clear that he’s not going away and I can’t archive this blog. SO. I’m making a few changes to hopefully clear out enough of the noise in my head to make this easier for all. 

  • First, I’ve cleaned out some of my follow list – I realized I was following people I had no intention of interacting with either ic or ooc and that’s kept me from here for a while. 
  • Second, I’m going to be running everything on a queue. It won’t be tagged because I find it tiring to tag every single post as a queued or scheduled post, but I know this is how I need to run this blog in order for it to remain active.
  • Third, you don’t have to follow my main blog, but if we’re mutuals here and you’d like to talk, find me over at @leafmedic​ or ask for my discord.  It’s so much easier to talk there and I still want to be available for Jiraiya-plotting if I can. 

Thank you all for being patient so far. I look forward to whatever this muse has in store because heaven knows I have no idea what’s going to happen. :)

I’ll be queueing this to be posted throughout today and tomorrow so people can see it.

Anonymous asked:

In five sentences {or} five bulletpoints, what excites you about writing your muse?

  • Smut. I’ll be super honest about that and I don’t really care to have any shame over it. Jiraiya and I both share a fondness for erotica and all the idiosyncrasies that can happen in how it can be written, developed, and explored between two characters.
  • Jiraiya’s morality. I love the juxtaposition that occurs between his overwhelming want for peace and his actions as a shinobi. It creates for a wonderfully complex character in how he reasons with himself, as well for the strength he has to maintain to continue his purpose.
  • The many different characters and timeline I get to play with. Jumping from Sakura (who is very limited in her younger life) to Jiraiya whose lifespan has seen multiple generations has really opened the world of Naruto in terms of what I get to play in.
  • We actually have a lot in common. I can relate to a great many things about Sakura, but Jiraiya and I have extremely similar thought patterns. My own brand of logic fits his very well. It makes it easy because I have a smoother time following his reactions, but it’s also very challenging because I have constantly double check that I’m still separating myself from my muse. That challenge is great.
  • This speaks more of the community than it does my muse, but how easily accepted he is. I don’t have to fight people to acknowledge that he’s strong or convince people that I can flesh out a character beyond shipping. That fight was tiring enough on Sakura that I don’t think I could do it again. Writing a male character unfortunately makes that easier.

casually drops in

I’m trying something. Even with how inactive I’ve been, Jiraiya has made it clear that he’s not going away and I can’t archive this blog. SO. I’m making a few changes to hopefully clear out enough of the noise in my head to make this easier for all. 

  • First, I’ve cleaned out some of my follow list – I realized I was following people I had no intention of interacting with either ic or ooc and that’s kept me from here for a while. 
  • Second, I’m going to be running everything on a queue. It won’t be tagged because I find it tiring to tag every single post as a queued or scheduled post, but I know this is how I need to run this blog in order for it to remain active.
  • Third, you don’t have to follow my main blog, but if we’re mutuals here and you’d like to talk, find me over at @leafmedic​ or ask for my discord.  It’s so much easier to talk there and I still want to be available for Jiraiya-plotting if I can. 

Thank you all for being patient so far. I look forward to whatever this muse has in store because heaven knows I have no idea what’s going to happen. :)

I’ll be queueing this to be posted throughout today and tomorrow so people can see it.


casually drops in

I’m trying something. Even with how inactive I’ve been, Jiraiya has made it clear that he’s not going away and I can’t archive this blog. SO. I’m making a few changes to hopefully clear out enough of the noise in my head to make this easier for all. 

  • First, I’ve cleaned out some of my follow list – I realized I was following people I had no intention of interacting with either ic or ooc and that’s kept me from here for a while. 
  • Second, I’m going to be running everything on a queue. It won’t be tagged because I find it tiring to tag every single post as a queued or scheduled post, but I know this is how I need to run this blog in order for it to remain active.
  • Third, you don’t have to follow my main blog, but if we’re mutuals here and you’d like to talk, find me over at @leafmedic​ or ask for my discord.  It’s so much easier to talk there and I still want to be available for Jiraiya-plotting if I can. 

Thank you all for being patient so far. I look forward to whatever this muse has in store because heaven knows I have no idea what’s going to happen. :)

I’ll be queueing this to be posted throughout today and tomorrow so people can see it.


casually drops in

I’m trying something. Even with how inactive I’ve been, Jiraiya has made it clear that he’s not going away and I can’t archive this blog. SO. I’m making a few changes to hopefully clear out enough of the noise in my head to make this easier for all. 

  • First, I’ve cleaned out some of my follow list – I realized I was following people I had no intention of interacting with either ic or ooc and that’s kept me from here for a while. 
  • Second, I’m going to be running everything on a queue. It won’t be tagged because I find it tiring to tag every single post as a queued or scheduled post, but I know this is how I need to run this blog in order for it to remain active.
  • Third, you don’t have to follow my main blog, but if we’re mutuals here and you’d like to talk, find me over at @leafmedic​ or ask for my discord.  It’s so much easier to talk there and I still want to be available for Jiraiya-plotting if I can. 

Thank you all for being patient so far. I look forward to whatever this muse has in store because heaven knows I have no idea what’s going to happen. :)

I’ll be queueing this to be posted throughout today and tomorrow so people can see it.


casually drops in

I’m trying something. Even with how inactive I’ve been, Jiraiya has made it clear that he’s not going away and I can’t archive this blog. SO. I’m making a few changes to hopefully clear out enough of the noise in my head to make this easier for all. 

  • First, I’ve cleaned out some of my follow list -- I realized I was following people I had no intention of interacting with either ic or ooc and that’s kept me from here for a while. 
  • Second, I’m going to be running everything on a queue. It won’t be tagged because I find it tiring to tag every single post as a queued or scheduled post, but I know this is how I need to run this blog in order for it to remain active.
  • Third, you don’t have to follow my main blog, but if we’re mutuals here and you’d like to talk, find me over at @leafmedic​ or ask for my discord.  It’s so much easier to talk there and I still want to be available for Jiraiya-plotting if I can. 

Thank you all for being patient so far. I look forward to whatever this muse has in store because heaven knows I have no idea what’s going to happen. :)

I’ll be queueing this to be posted throughout today and tomorrow so people can see it.


I read your verses and I couldn't help but be curious - in the anime (because I'm not sure about it in the manga yet), Jiraiya is tasked with three Genin students. One of them is Minato, would you happen to have an opinion as to who the other two might be?

[ @minaa-munch ]
Dude, that’s a really good question! From everything I’ve searched through, I haven’t found anything in canon that gives information about the other two genin on Minato’s team, outside of this one picture. To be honest, I haven’t given much thought because of what I’ve been getting from Jiraiya about his team.
He focuses solely on Minato. Whenever I try to pull up his headspace from that time, the majority of his focus is on the difference between these three and the Ame orphans paired with his admiration for Minato. It’s very apparent that there’s a reason he continues working with Minato while the other two are left unknown.
From that, I’ve personally sorta headcanoned that those two remain genin. Perhaps one continues on to be chuunin and works in the mission desk or something while the other one might turn to civilian life, but that’s about it. If either one of them became anything, I’m certain it would have been mentioned by now and I absolutely don’t see Jiraiya ignoring a student that showed potential. I just get the feeling they could have died young or weren’t cut out for being a shinobi.
Though it would be interesting to explore, I think.
fire. ice. water. air. earth. claws. talons. fangs. wings. gold. diamonds. grass. leaves. trees. roses. metal. iron. rust. rain. snow. lace. silks. leather. cotton. magic. sun. moon. stars. space. blood. dirt. mud. silver. steel. sugar. salt. lavender. sunflower. glass. wood. papers. wool. furs. smoke. ash. oceans. bruises. scars. winds. chess. spices. light. dark. paint. charcoals. wine. hard liquors. sweat. dust. bare feet. canines. felines. coffee. tea. books. scratches. petals. horns. hay. glitter. heat. cold. steam. frost. candles. swords. daggers. staffs. arrows. hammers. shields. spikes. crowns. sand. rocks. roots. feathers. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. herbs. poison. waves. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. clay. stone. brick. snakes. lions. horses. ravens. wolves. owls.
TAGGED BY: @thenagaraja (thank you!!)
TAGGING: You! :)
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