
just another cat blog


documenting the insane antics of my 4month old bicolor kitten, butters

some of you noticed, but the drive that had all the warrior cats books in pdf got deleted (not sure why)

most of other drives i tried to track down didn’t have all of arc 6 or 7, so i tried my best to scrounge up what i could and shove it into a new drive since i had most of the books downloaded already

this drive is missing stuff like the field guides and manga and, unfortunately book 1 of the broken code 



he was sleeping on my bed and suddenly woke up, meowing loudly. eventually moved over to my door, asking to be let out. its 1am. eventually he lay down at the door and stopped meowing when he realized i wasnt going to open it (fyi his food, water and litter are all in this room, he probably just wanted to rub his face on the doorframe). i went to take a picture of him and he noticed my attention, leaping back onto my bed and meowing again. pic is grainy bcuz he started moving as i took it. now he’s back to sleeping on my bed, haha. such is the life of a kitten owner.


Pet: *literally breathes*


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