
@unicornslothfish / unicornslothfish.tumblr.com


the united states of america hates children

if it were not explicitly illegal to make kids work long hours, companies in this country would be scheduling 14 year olds with 8 to 12 hour shifts just like they exploit the adults they employ. the foster care system in this country is a nightmare. the corporal punishment debate feels like it’s never going to end; there are still parents who feel that they are ‘within their right’ to hit and spank their kids and there was a bill introduced to the house of representatives as recently as february of 2021 that has once again proposed ending corporal punishment in schools. nearly every private school in this country, except for those in new jersey and iowa, is still legally allowed to punish children physically. the public school system is a traumatizing mess with intense grading scales and attendance policies that aggressively punish kids of color, poor kids, disabled kids, and neurodivergent kids. the way federal funding for schools is determined in part by adequacy and ‘basic skills’ test scores makes me want to scream. every environmental health crisis has directly impacted developing children severely and the government doesn’t care enough to do anything about it. occurrences of gun violence in schools are so frequent that we have drills in every one of this country’s public schools, treating school shootings as though they’re as inevitable as severe weather or accidental fires.

this country seriously just fucking hates kids.


carly rae Jepsen writes songs about loving men in the same way that hozier writes songs about loving women in this essay I will—


I feel like quarantine has de-acclimated me to human society and if this ever ends I’m gonna need to go into some kind of wildlife rehabilitation program but for people or I’m gonna start scuttling through the grocery store like a weasel or perhaps a pine marten

As a grocery store employee, I will tell you that I feel much more comfortable around the scuttling weasels than I do around the people who pretend like nothing happened.

I appreciate that because I’m pretty sure that at this point I’m never going to be normal about anything ever again


The problem with Joan of Arc is that on the one hand girlboss who killed people. But on the other hand, French. Impossible dilemma.

she killed french people tho

Lilith she fought for the French against the English

she killed british people tho


Okay so I’m an elementary school art teacher right, and I have this really fun game I made a PowerPoint for to teach like, emotions and intent and looking at the whole picture to first grade.

The idea is, when we count down and change slides, kids have to mimic one thing in the painting as best they can, whether it’s animate or inanimate. If there’s nothing in the shot for them to mimic (because I threw some contemporary abstract stuff in), they have to show me how the painting makes them feel. Easy enough, gets them excited to move around and vocal about their feelings regarding art, it’s very chaotic. I can tell pretty fast who’s got the emotional maturity to mimic things in a complex way, and who’s just enough of an abstract thinker to mimic inanimate objects early on in the game...

So the first picture is this:

Napoleon Crossing the Alps. My favorite reactions are usually the kids who pretend to be the freaked-out horse, but 2 memorable occasions were the one where a student immediately scrunched up to be the rock in the foreground, and the one where a pair of girls, without any communication on their parts, decided to be Napoleon riding the horse with one as Napoleon and one as the horse. Basically one of them fully tackled the other apropos of nothing, it was hilarious

I’ll add more if y’all want or if I feel like it lol I have a bunch of stories from this one game

Okay so later in the lineup we get to Dalí’s Persistence of Memory, which is very funny because it’s preceded by several pieces that have like, obvious people in them, so everyone’s gotten a bit complacent in their mimicry

In case you’ve forgotten, this is Persistence:

And I swear every time, there’s a beat right before everyone either becomes a tree by t-posing for their life, or goes boneless like some kind of child-shaped pancake over the nearest flat surface

Highlights from this one include a pair who decided to drape themselves pancake-style over the same desk and banged heads, resulting in 2 ground pancakes, and someone who fully just stood there staring, and explained that they were expressing the hatred they felt as soon as they saw it

Last installment: one of the pictures is The Scream, and everyone very quickly just makes a 😱 face, but then we get to talk about my favorite “throw spaghetti at the wall” topic, why is he screaming? (The answer is Existential Dread, but it’s not appropriate to tell 1st graders that so instead we all put out other ideas lol)

In case you haven’t looked at it recently, this is The Scream:

My favorite guesses from the kids to Why Is He Screaming:

-those guys behind him are going to arrest him

-he missed his boat and it’s one of the ones in the background, he just noticed

-the sky’s all wiggly

-he just wanted to scream


Children are bonkers


Listen up if you use tagged pages on your blog!


From Dec 1, 2021, we’ll be changing how tags in URLs are parsed, making searching for tags with special characters or multiple words more precise. You can choose to opt in ahead of time via a toggle over at tumblr.com/customize. Read on for more info.

What’s this about? We’re telling you about a new setting you can toggle on the web at tumblr.com/customize, to support spaces, hyphens, plus signs, and underscores in tags. After Dec 1, this change will be enabled on all blogs, but you’ll still be able to opt out using the same toggle.

Who will be affected by this change? Anyone who has:

  • Bookmarked /tagged or /search pages;
  • /tagged or /search page links in a post, a blog’s theme or description, or somewhere outside of Tumblr.

What do you need to do? If that’s you, click here or head to tumblr.com/customize and toggle the “Use better tagged and search URL decoding.”

You’ll need to update any hard-coded URLs to /tagged and /search pages that you added manually to those URLs. However, you won’t need to make any updates to the tags on your posts.

Questions? Read the original announcement on changes, read the Help Center article here, let us know what you think over on @wip, or reach out to Support with any queries.


since staff is absolutely useless at explaining what this actually implies, i went to turn it on to see what happens, and basically it just changed the way tags and searches work in urls

before, if you wanted to go to a blog’s tag that had a space in it, the url would end in “/tagged/tag-here” but now it’s “/tagged/tag%20here” (html/javascript/ascii or something encodes a space as %20)

so before, to view something i’d tagged as “#ask game” on my blog, i’d type my url and “/tagged/ask-game” but this is where that leads now

and to get to the actual “#ask game” tag i have to type this now

i hope this helped somewhat, i don’t know how exactly this impacts the search function since it’s so broken i never bother to use it, maybe someone else can explain that

i think it’s a pretty good change, since before you couldn’t have any dashes in tags bc they wouldn’t actually display posts properly if you tried to go to that tag later, they’d just be changed into spaces, but it does mean i’ll have to go around and change some urls in my pinned and bookmarks. i’m glad you can opt out tho bc i imagine this would be extremely annoying for some people


The masculine urge to pick pretty berries and mushrooms in the woods and make them into soup


The feminine urge to hunt wildlife with pointy stick


The nonbinary urge to trawl through the sand for oysters


One of the weird things about American culture is the tendency to refer to things by brand name, as opposed to the product name.

For example, I’ve known people to say Kleenex when they meant tissue. I’ve heard people use Hoover instead of vacuum.

And it gets to a point with certain things that some people can’t distinguish the difference.

Weedwhacker is a brand. How many people know the real term is “string trimmer”? Jell-O is a brand. And it’s so pervasive that people call literally any gelatin dessert “jello” even if it’s not made by Jell-O. Tupperware! That’s a brand!

The one thing that constantly messes with my head, though:



we call them skips if that helps

Oh yeah that’s a tip


if it makes you feel any better it’s not just americans who do it and also corporations hate it because if a brand name becomes generic enough they lose the trademark

you can just call a dumpster a dumpster, it’s ok

Yet another reason why “to photoshop” should be a verb. Because adobe can suck my ass.


Listen….. idk what it is about the absolute yearning that comes from stories where both people are into each other but they are not aware of the other’s feelings but they still look at the relationship they have atm and go “being this close is enough. I’m glad with just this” but i go feral each time

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