

@chnthlia / chnthlia.tumblr.com

22. Saved by grace. RMT.

I Know You’re Afraid, But You’ll Get Through This by Hannah Adams

I know you’re afraid.

The thing about strength is that it’s easy to be strong when the world is on your side. It’s easy to have faith when good things keep happening, but when you’re being tossed about like a canoe on the ocean, when every path you take seems to end in a dead end, faith is hard to hold onto. It slips like a climbing rope through the spaces between your fingers.

Just remember this: there is no way you can fail to make it through this. No really, think about it – no matter what happens, no matter how bad it gets, the sun will still rise tomorrow. It may rise behind clouds of volcanic ash, it may illuminate only the broken splinters of houses destroyed by a hurricane, but the thing about volcanic ash is that eventually it clears. Cities destroyed by hurricanes are eventually rebuilt.

This is your chance. I know it feels like the opposite of that, like the way that you got here was by missing your chance, but my dear friend, this is what life is. You have not missed your opportunity; this is the opportunity, and it is only here in this thin space between getting what you desperately want and losing it that you have the chance to prove to yourself how far you’ve come. Here, you can stand tall and strong, face to face with your demons. To them, you can finally say, “I’m not running anymore”. Face the shit out of this moment, and no matter what happens, you will come out of it stronger, wiser, more forgiving.

I know how it feels to run from the humanity of other people. Terrified of disappointment, we wall ourselves off into tiny cubicles. The walls that we build rob us of so much connection, joy, and happiness – they prevent us from being truly honest, both with ourselves and with others. They prevent us from living fully as the people we know, deep in some desperate place inside, that we really are. Yet we keep building them higher, digging moats where we want to build bridges, because the lie that we tell ourselves is that these walls keep us safe. We try to protect ourselves from pain.

But pain is not inherently bad. Without pain, we would die. We would have no way of knowing that to touch a hot stove is bad, we would fail to notice our broken limbs, our internal injuries, our heart attacks and our migraines. Pain tells us when something is wrong in our lives, when something needs to change. Don’t run from pain – run towards it and when it happens, endure it. Grow through it. It will not destroy you, and it does not have to define you.

I wish that I could show you a photograph of yourself through my eyes. Perhaps that is all any of us really needs, to see our own selves reflected back from the vision of someone who loves us as imperfectly, unconditionally, and completely as it is possible to love. When I look at you, I don’t see freckles. I don’t think about how short you are, or how your sister is the perfect hourglass. I don’t think at all, because I am overwhelmed with wonder at how much you mean to me. I marvel at your smile, at the hope in your eyes; I stare at the tattoo on your wrist and know that in a less literal way, your name is inked on my own skin as well.

You’ve heard me preach my personal gospel, the words “we will all eventually be okay” repeated so many times they no longer have any meaning. I think you’re starting to see that I say them as much for myself as for anyone else. If ability to have faith and trust in other people had a world ranking, I would find myself at the very bottom.

But I have faith in you. I trust you, even over the screaming voices of my own uncertainty, the demons of my past that remind me at every possible opportunity how loving someone openly and honestly and completely is the quickest way to return to my own personal hell. I fight every day to believe in you, because I know that even a moment spent with you is worth an eternity of pain – that is the kind of faith and love that I wish I could make you see in yourself.

You are beautiful and radiant, and your flaws don’t diminish you – they only refract a greater amount of light. Don’t be afraid to go all in; even when you lose every hand you play, you’re still sitting at the table. Contrary to popular opinion, the house doesn’t always win, so don’t you ever apologize for trying.

It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to call me or text me or smoke signal me or get on a plane; don’t ever be afraid to need me, because I will always be here. Don’t fear for reciprocation, because I need you too, more than I think you will ever fully know. You save my life every day that you’re in it, and what I don’t know how to tell you is that for me, right now in this moment, having you in my life is enough; I need nothing else.

You’re standing on the edge of a cliff waiting to jump. This is a cliff that we return to, time and again in our lives, and one of these days you will take off into brilliant light and catch the sun. I hope and pray for you that this is that time, but if it’s not and you fall, you will not be alone. I will string a net across the chasm, I will catch you, and I will set your broken wings. When you’re ready, I’ll help you relearn to fly.


A part of being an adult is living with regret and not allowing it to consume you. The older you get, the more mistakes you’ve made, opportunities you’ve missed, people you’ve disappointed. And every day you have to remind yourself to be kind and forgiving of yourself. You accept and love the you from the past and understand that it’s all a part of the process. Then you move on and live your best life, knowing now as old as you feel today, you’ll never be this young again.


january 5th, 2018 // a bit in love with these gorgeous journals from rifle paper co ✨

Things I want to tell myself at 21 1. You’ve achieved so much in terms of self care and self respect but there are still some things you have to work on. Like dancing. Yes, you can get drunk and dance and you can dance alone in your room but why do you feel so restrained in front of people? 2. You have a beautiful smile. But you can’t smile genuinely in crowds. Blur them out. Crowds shouldn’t dictate how wide you smile. 3. Have more ice cream. Have double scoops of different flavours and walk around when the sun is out with sticky hands and stained lips. 4. When you’re in situations you have no control over, do not stress. There’s literally no point. Instead focus on things you can control which will indirectly have a positive impact on those tough situations you can’t directly deal with. 5. Always read the preview of a book before buying it. Always. 6. Don’t force yourself to giveaway your childhood books. Somethings you can keep for yourself even if only for occasional smiles and nostalgia. 7. Try. And don’t give up. You will have relapses. You will be doing so well and then will suddenly faulter. A day. Maybe five. But you can get back to it. You can start again. The number times you go back to something you’re trying to change, something you’re working on, strengthens your will. It’s not a sign of losing. It’s a sign that you will eventually conquer. 8. I know you just can’t understand when women are against feminism and when men and women have such a wrong idea of what feminism really is. But you can’t get so agitated. You can’t forcefully change their beliefs. 9. You would like to believe that a friend would be a certain way and your grandparents would be a certain way but just because they are supposed to be loving and available doesn’t mean they actually will. People hardly ever live up to what they should. Even if they are family. Even if they are love. 10. Save first. Then spend out of the remaining money. That’s the only way you can have your Seoul trip by 2020. 11. When you watch a movie or read a book that makes you emotional and nostalgic, texting them isn’t a wise option because they aren’t feeling the same way. It will just be another unwanted text from you. 12. You are privileged. In different ways from most but still privileged. Know your privilege. Don’t look down on others. They aren’t blessed with the same advantages as you are. 13. Let those who want to cancel plans cancel. There’s no point in meeting someone who isn’t as excited and as desirous of meeting you as you are of meeting them. Even if you are friends since 9. Even if you have a treasure trove of childhood memories with them. 14. Sometimes excuses are genuine reasons. 15. 20s isn’t the only decade you’re alive. Don’t stress yourself to achieve everything in these 10 years and don’t drive yourself insane accomplishing things you don’t even want to but believe that you should. 16. Be true to yourself. Even if that’s the only thing you will ever be.
Flowers don’t grow on ice. I hope someday, someone can thaw your heart.
Me: Fix your relationship with her.
A: Pag wala na akong papel sa buhay mo makikipag settle ako sa kanya. Naawa lang ako sa kanya.
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