
I won't vanish in the shadows for I am the shadows

@dragongirlsrevenge / dragongirlsrevenge.tumblr.com


MC: Have you ever had a friend who's the embodiment of cuteness?

MC: Like it doesn't matter if they wear revealing clothes or not, they still be cute.

Jamil: Kalim.

MC: ...

Jamil: ...

Jamil: No. Not Kalim.

MC: No, shit— You just exposed yourself! *laughs*

MC: I'll be telling Kalim!

Jamil: No free lunches for you if you do that!

MC: ...

MC: Joke's on you. I'm on a diet. *runs*

Jamil: MC!


‘‘Twas the night before Dracula

And all watched our clocks,

Waiting for Dear Friend Jonathan

To fill our inbox


TSUMTSUM X Disney Twisted Wonderland ~ Tsumified Cupcakes [April.2024 Event on TsumTsum JP]

… I couldn’t manage to finish the last cupcake before the monthly reset, sob sob (>人<;)

Just so like... it's clear... anyone who censors words that contain "man" or "men" to anything like "xxn" that's TERF shit.

Any reference to women/womanhood that solely revolves around having a uterus or "womb" is TERF shit.

Any sentence where the OP says they support people being "trans identified" with quotes around ""transwomen"" or ""transmen"" is TERF shit.

I'm seeing a lot of you baby Tumblr gays out there not knowing what these specific TERF dogwhistles look like.

"Wombxxn" is an incredibly dumb way of spelling "woman" that treats the word "man" like a slur and also reduces women to their ability to give birth.

"Trans identified" is their way of saying "this person calls themselves trans, but I don't believe they are."

Saying "People should be allowed to identify however they wish, but we still need to protect women/children" IS TERF SHIT.

Learn to identify this garbage, because not all TERFs are going to spell out their intolerance for you. Some of them are going to try and seem reasonable and polite and normal, and it's fucking dangerous to our community.

Also unpack any internalized transphobia and your transmedicalism, because both those things will have you quickly siding with TERFs and bigots.


i think we should all consider getting emotional over this xkcd. as a group. let's get emotional about it

i like that we all think about a rock's journey so often no matter our education on the subject


Comparing the rotations of objects in the Solar System. Just look at them lol.✨🪐

To everyone that's confused, the planet Venus rotates very very slowly, with a single revolution taking about 243 Earth days, and Mercury rotates slowly, but not as slow as Venus.

i was like "i wish mercury and venus were still animated tho" and then when i opened it to reblog the image was in starting position with mercury's eyes off to the side and i realized they ARE animated. super slow.


the earth's eyes are drawn in a different place every rotation

I like how the fast ones have such a wide variety of reactions to the speed. Ceres is having fun, Uranus looks kinda ill, Neptune's annoyed, Saturn's surprised, and Jupiter just wants to get off this crazy orbit.


It is November of 1893. You have just killed a vampire. Exhausted and worn, you close your eyes and rest.

You wake up. It is May of 1893. You are on a train en route to Transylvania. Your diary says you have had queer dreams lately.

You try to believe it.

(An old woman puts a rosary in your hands. You accept it without question.)

You are a guest in a castle you have never been in before (you recognize every hallway and know without trying that every door is locked). Your host is a man you have never met before (you killed him you killed him you killed him he had turned to dust and there was blood on the snow).

One morning you cut yourself while shaving.

There is nobody behind you in the pocket mirror’s reflection.

You turn fast, and the razor is like a Kukri knife in your hand.

what she says: i'm fine
what she means: coyote starrk and lilynette gingerbuck didn't deserve to die. all they ever wanted was companionship. all they ever wanted was for someone, something to ease their pain and their loneliness. the reason starrk is so "unmotivated" and "lazy" is because he's so damn strong that exerting any energy would cause all of his companions to die. all starrk and lilynette ever wanted was to have friends. for god's sake, starrk and lilynette came into existence because the solitude was so so so painful they had to split into two, just for the sake of companionship and starrk never wanted to fight in the first place but he was forced to and because bleach is bleach the bad guys have to die and therefore starrk & lilynette had to die, but t hey d id n 't de se rve t o di e
Lilynette: If you had to separate your dog from 49 other identical dogs that were all equally excited to see you, how would you determine which dog was yours?
Starrk: I would take my 50 dogs home and live like a king.
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