
« Omg Robin No

@kptainofthecheap-blog / kptainofthecheap-blog.tumblr.com

Robin. 22. ENTP. Slytherin. French gurl. DON'T DRAW ME, wtf! Sarumi is OTP. I pretend to speak english mais bonjour l'humiliation. Fandoms: K, OnS, SnK, BSD, TG and some others. Obsessed with Saruhiko Fushimi.

A fulfilling journey.

So... This is a MISARU NSFW SMUT with dildos involved and light bondage... I... Don’t know, I felt like writing it. It’s dirty... It’s ugly and it’s on AO3.

It was TOTALLY inspired by @marudyne’s art!

@its-love-u-asshole was my beta-reader and made it better tho! Thank you!


One week had passed since the last time they had been at it again, and they’d only had sex one time after that. Normal sex. Good too, but just...normal. Amazing normal but—dammit why was sex with Saruhiko always so awesome?

So, when Saruhiko had come home, today, with an evil, hungry smile on his face, barely taking a shower before dragging Yata to the bedroom to pin him onto the mattress, it felt a bit like Christmas. But a kinky version of it...


Happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day!

Okay so Fanfiction Writers Appreciation day kind of snuck up on me and I was SO UNPREPARED LOL. But I wanted to do something, cause everyone here is so important to me and has been so supportive and I really really appreciate so many things that so many people have done for me. If it weren’t for many of you and your support, I don’t know if I would still be writing.

So first I want to thank everyone who has supported me and sent me requests and asks about my writing, that really means a lot, I never ever thought I’d be one of those authors to receive those kinds of things, so yeah…I just am really really grateful for how much love I’ve gotten on this blog.

Next I wanna talk about a few people who have been extra supportive and really helpful to my life and writing.

This is kind of another author rec list, since basically all of these people write and write incredibly good things, so you should check all of them out. I also have a list of fics after the people that are just some of my favorite of all time. SO YEAH FIC REC LIST AND AUTHOR REC LIST. HAPPY FANFIC WRITERS APPRECIATION DAY. This is long so it’s under a cut tbh and I know I’ll probably forget someone and hate myself so i pre-apologize. IF you just want to see the fics, scroll down past the author messages :).

Rachelle this made me so happy, you have no idea! I was so stunned and it made me so warm inside aaaah! *_*

Thank you a lot! Please, check all the other writers from this list AND Rachelle’s work too, because it is AMAZING.



Title: Ch. 8 “ Late night shifts working on building new friendships “

AO3 : Here

Rated : Explicit

Pairing: Sarumi/Misaru we’ll see.


From: Me / To: Saruhiko not coming over if ur up there dancing!!! what will i do????

From: Saruhiko / To: Me Watch?

WARNING: Contains a scene of masturbation (NSFW)

Also thank you @its-love-u-asshole my awesome beta <3


Me writing fanfic:

  • Too, many, commas,,, 
  • Is this ooc?? 
  • I used that word already 
  • Do people even blush this much?? 
  • *squints* Is that canon?
  • Tropes
  •  *cries while writing death scene* 
  • Wait what happened last chapter? 
  • I wrote like a thousan- 354 words!? 
  • *googles the lifespan of a tropical fish* 
  • have I spelt his name wrong all this time? 
  • Would they say that tho? 
  • Changes plot 539932 times 
  • Looses inspiration, goes back to tumblr

Things I’ve Learned From Fic Writing: 

  • Writing action scenes is truly the worst  
  • Every movie and TV show is just an AU waiting to happen
  • People have to lean on doors all the time. It’s just a rule. 
  • People who can stick to posting schedules have made a deal with some kind of higher power. 
  • There are only so many ways to describe kissing and none of them ever seem right. 

-if you spent a lot of time on it, it won’t do half as well as the ones you barely even bothered to edit.

-the minute you start typing up a new fic “just so i don’t forget” is the first in a long line of minutes/days/years you won’t spend working on your WIP.

-dick or cock, cock or dick. you’re one or the other; rarely both.

-domestic fluff will get more notice than smut or angst.

-if you’re any good, eventually, someone will copy you, whether it’s your writing style, certain phrases unique to you, or flat-out plagiarism. calling them out on it will often start a fandom war, or at the very least vagueposting that makes everyone wonder if olympus is at war again.

-you can get 400 positive, glowing reviews and messages and one really nasty, godawful, anonymous one that doesn’t even criticize the actual writing but you as a person. you will dwell on that one for a long time.

-your old fics have the phrases that fandom has decided are cringe-worthy (”tongues battling for dominance,” “s/he let out a breath s/he hadn’t realized s/he’d been holding,” things more specific to your fandom). it’s okay. it happens to all of us.

-when someone goes absolutely nutbar, crazyballs, full-on fandom flail about your fic? you will be embarrassed by how amazing it makes you feel. roll in that feeling.

-WHEN WILL U UPDATE???? will happen five minutes after you post that 12k word update that took you the better part of a month to write and threatened your relationships because of the time you spent on writing rather than your loved ones.

-if you write smut, you will get very private, personal, often detailed messages from people describing what they had to go do after reading your fic.

-the best place to write fic is while waiting at the DMV. don’t ask why. something about the bad lighting and morose and suffocating humanity gets the creative juices flowing. so bring a pen and a notebook if you have to be there.

-you will read fics that are perfectly characterized, beautifully written, and heartachingly gorgeous. they will barely have any hits/notes. promote the fuck out of those fics, especially if you have a lot of followers.

-you will write fics that you know are lazy and just okay that people will go nuts for. don’t congratulate yourself for that.

-if it becomes a chore to write or update it, then maybe consider just stopping, or taking a hiatus on the project. people will bug you for years to finish. that’s okay–in fact, it’s lovely. but don’t let it make you feel bad. if you don’t feel it, it will show in the writing. maybe one day you’ll end up finishing, maybe you won’t. either way, you’re doing a great job. you contributed to fandom! and that’s wonderful.

-and the most important thing i learned about fic writing? always thank anyone who takes the time to read your shit and let you know that they liked it. you wrote something, and they read it! i mean, honestly. how fucking amazing is that?

Anonymous asked:

Sorry if I'm ranting here, but I just needed someone to boost this: I hate it when writers don't tag their fics when it's MiSaru. Like, all this time I was led to believe I was reading SaruMi and then at the end it's suddenly Misaki fucking Saru. I feel so cheated, I was waiting for SaruMi and it's not. Like, why do they have to resort to tricks just to get more readers? MiSaru fans would love that: just tag it, write it in the summary, and also in the notes. Again, sorry for this and thanks ;_;

First off, I’m not disregarding your feelings on this, because I get that you’re upset and I also get why: when you’ve got expectations on a story and it doesn’t match them, it can be natural to feel cheated. It can be natural to be frustrated and angry, and to want to blame the author. I can understand you on this.

But ask yourself: why did you assume the fic was going to be sarumi? Did the author put any tag or indication on the fic of who was going to be on top?

Right now, sarumi is the general pairing tag for a relationship between Yata and Fushimi. This isn’t like Japanese fandom where sarumi and misaru are treated as two separate pairings and we segregate ourselves. Many of us enjoy both, and those who don’t read smut want a central place to find all of the content. Sarumi and misaru content is all posted in one central tag (sarumi), and the misaru tag isn’t really used much.

And if we’re talking AO3, well… pairing tags are condensed into one, and I believe it’s sorted alphabetically. “Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki” doesn’t meant Fushimi on top, Yata on bottom. Again, it’s just the central pairing tag.

So I think it’s important to understand that the author isn’t in the wrong here. I’m not saying you’re in the wrong (see the first paragraph), but the author’s not wrong either. There’s no assumption in fandom that sarumi is the default and misaru is some other, separate entity. They are treated as the same pairing.

It’s not really fair to say “tag your misaru” when there’s no equivalent “tag your sarumi” (because sarumi is the general pairing tag). You can see that, right? As annoyed and frustrated as you are right now, I’m sure you can imagine how misaru-only fans feel when reading sarumi fics hoping for their side of things too.

And, honestly, misaru has become a lot more popular over the last year or so. I’d say there’s at least an equal number of fans who prefer it these days. It’s not a rare thing to see in smutfic either, so I think the assumption of “sarumi until stated misaru” really needs to go away.

This is also a personal pet peeve of mine so forgive me but… I’ve yet to see a misaru fan leave a comment on a fanfic or doujinshi or ANYTHING saying “ew sarumi” or something along those lines, but I have seen a number of sarumi fans doing this on misaru fics, and that REALLY needs to go away. Come on, we can do better.

I do agree with you that tagging and/or warnings are a good idea for fans like yourself who want to avoid content they’d rather not see. For myself, since I’ve started thinking about these issues, I’m going to start tagging my fanfiction with “Top!Fushimi” or “Top!Yata”. I’ll start using this on both tumblr and AO3. I’ve already gone through my AO3 account and tagged appropriately (the ones with no Top! tag are either not smut or do not contain anal sex, and with things like my drabble collection that have both, I put warnings on the individual drabbles). I’ll do the same on tumblr shortly!

Does this help, anon? Also, I’d encourage other fic writers to do the same if you’re feeling like this is a good compromise.


Just take a room already - Chapter 7

Title: Ch. 7 “ White Knights can be blushing messes too “

AO3 : Here

Rated : M (maybe explicit later)

Pairing: Sarumi/Misaru we’ll see.

Summary: Those scum had just insulted the dark-haired man in a way that made Yata blush just by thinking about it, and yet he acted like nothing had happened at all.

“You’re redder than when we left the movie,” the calm and cool mocking voice eventually commented.

This time, it was impossible to ignore Saruhiko. Yata shifted in his seat and gave him a furious look. Not that he was angry at Saruhiko… It wasn’t his fault of course. But the whole situation pissed him off and the fact that the dark-haired man wasn’t reacting like Yata was had the redhead feeling upset.

“I don’t understand!” Yata eventually blurted, hands clenched on the edge of the car seat.


After Stories - Yata Misaki & Fushimi Saruhiko

by Kabei Yukako

In the corners of Shizume City, where futuristic buildings with huge screens on the walls stood lined up, it happened often that you’d see a scenery that looked like time had stopped there many years ago. The vending machines that lingered in the dark gaps between buildings and that sold bottles of soft drinks were one of those views. Retro-style bottles of cola and carbonated orange juice lined up behind the dirty glass. For Yata who hadn’t been alive ‘many years ago’ yet this was a new sight, rather than it being nostalgic.


Jsuis pas tellement sur Twitter, par contre jpasse ma vie sur tumblr, et je connais une australienne, allemande, canadienne et une fille de letonie (ca va loin), mais jamais une francaise. Mais sinon oui enchanté!


Cool! C’est un truc que j’adore avec Twitter/Tumblr, tu rencontres des gens de partout! Je discute avec des fans du Vietnam, Canada, Suisse, Espagne, USA, Allemagne, Turquie, Chili… J’en passe une douzaine sérieux, et France aussi ^^ et tout le monde est super adorable :)

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