

@lovemelikepercy / lovemelikepercy.tumblr.com

I repost things because i read them again and again when i am feeling down or bored.

Sometimes I say self loathing things to my therapist and he looks at me dead in the eyes before saying “You fucking moron.” and tbh same

Me: I think I don’t exist.

Therapist: Listen, you do exist, and if you didn’t, someone would have to create you because the world would be a much sadder place.

Me: Jerome, how dare you saying something so sweet when I’m dissociating.

Me: Honestly, (thing that is totally fucked up for any ‘sane’ person) is normal, right?

Therapist: No.

Me: Wow.

Therapist: You’re just a fucked up bitch.

Me: I do agree with the fucked up bitch part.

Therapist: That’s a start!

Me: I guess he’s still my friend?

Therapist: Considering what you told me and how much you wanna beat him to death, he’s not. You pretty much hate him despite knowing him for years.


Me: Why did I need to come here to realize that.

Therapist: Because that’s my job to help you to understand some stuff. Also because you’re way too kind and you would let someone punch you in the guts and still consider them as your friend while they stab you.

Me: I don’t need that kind of call out, Jerome.

Me: Hey, I brought you coffee. And croissants too, but I ate them. *puts Starbucks coffee in front of him*

Therapist: Oh that’s nice!!... Oh my name is on it!!

Me: Yeah!!

Therapist: It’s wholesome but... *very confused and silently*... How do I drink it?

Me, not being able to come to my appointment and having to call him: I’m sorry, it’s all my fault, I’m so so so sorr-

Therapist: I dare you to say sorry one more time. I dare you.

Therapist: Hey I wanna show you this super funny image I found the other day.

Me: What-

Therapist: *turns his screen and show me THIS* 


Me: Jerome.

Therapist: You went to the gaypride?

Me: Yeah, I went.

Therapist: Was it something you enjoyed?

Me: Mh. Yeah. Sorta.

Therapist: Did you see some bears?


Me: Jerome wh-

Therapist: That’s the only term I know outside of the LGTB one, I wanted to use it. 

Therapist: Are you sure you’re not becoming roommate with (name) because of pity? Kinda sacrificing yourself?

Me: No, I want it!!

Therapist: Finally, you’re not forcing yourself for the others! And you’re doing something you want! I’m proud of you!

Me: You’re more of a dad than my own father.

Therapist: That’s not very hard.

Me: I always wondered, are you queer?

Therapist: I am not.

Me: Ooh.

Therapist: Or am I?

Me: Ooh!

As an update, Jerome gave my appointment to someone’s else today so we were both in the waiting room, confused and he walked in, patted my head and said sorry but honestly it was hilarious.

The secretary came to tell me that Jerome actually forgot to write me down on the appointment list.

This is a 100% normal situation with Jerome as my Therapist.

As an addition, more than half of my friends want Jerome to adopt me and refer to him as “Therapist dad”.

He’s aware of it and think it’s hilarious.

Me, after complaining for the 25 times about my birth father: Idk if you noticed, but I’m full of anger against him.

Therapist: Oh, really, I never noticed. You know, you should turn that anger into indifference. It would help you.

Me: Unholy gods, I wish it was me.

Therapist: You know, people will still love you even if you don’t offer them things all the time. You don’t have to do that.

Me: What??

Therapist: Why don’t you send a mail to your psychiatrist when you have a bad mood swing?

Me: Like what? ‘Hey Joël wassup, I’ve been very suicidal lately last night I wanted to die. Hope you have rad vacations and the weed is good save some good kush for me, kissy kissy.’ ?

Therapist: Exactly.

Me: You’re as bad as me with human interactions Jerome, y’know.

Me, heavily dissociating: I don’t exist-

Therapist: Can I touch you to prove you that you do?

Me: Dinner first.


Therapist: Damien, you moron.

Therapist: You need vacations.

Me: I’m broke.

Therapist: Oh yeah.

Therapist: You still need vacations tho.

Me: Jerome, I am still broke.

Me, by text: Hey, you just walk by me!

Therapist, by text: Oh sorry. I didn’t see you.

Therapist, by text: Wait. Were you at the tattoo shop?

Me, by text, totally at the tattoo shop: You have no proof.

For a bit of context here: Around two months ago I went to a friend’s who happened the live on the same street as Jerome, which I didn’t know. He was really surprised to see me and came to check on me, asking me why I was here with a bit of concern on his voice. And this take place earlier this month:

Therapist: So your friend lives in the same street than I?

Me: Yes. Town’s short I guess.

Therapist: Were you really going to your friend...?

Me: Yes?? Why else would I be here?

Therapist: A lot of drug deals happen in this street and I see often teenagers and young adults coming and buy stuffs. I was a bit worried for you.

Me, at 2pm: I’m sorry I’m going to be late!

Therapist: Your appointment was this morning at 11:30am, Damien.


Me: What.

Jerome is still not aware of his fame and idk how to announce him.

Therapist; What’s up with you and wanting domestic rats.

Me: I’m gonna get a rat and call him Jerome just to piss you off.


Therapist: How dare you.

Therapist: Weed doesn’t do much on me and I must admit I’m kinda disappointed.


Therapist: Do you smoke?

Me: Jerome.

On hard days I wonder how Jerome is doing

He’s doing fine, last time he shown me his fav pic of a red panda which is this one


It’s really amazing how happy people get when they find this post omg

Always reblog Jerome.

Is he now aware of his fame?

After months, he is, and he just told me “Haha, this is funny. I’m happy it’s helping people!”

I think he doesn’t realize that he’s known *worldwide*


You were once the demon king. “Defeated” by the hero, you went into hiding to pursue a simpler life. Today the “hero” has appeared, threatening you family to pay tribute, not realizing who you actually are. Today you show them what happens when you have something worth fighting to protect.

You are told at seven that you won’t ever do anything good in your life. You grow up knowing that it doesn’t matter that you help your younger sister make her letters properly or that you’re the one who stays up late with mother when too many custom orders come through the tailor shop. It doesn’t matter that you don’t want to hurt anyone or control anyone or anything of the sort. It doesn’t matter that your name means Light in your mother’s native language because as soon as they realize that you’re the Demon King, no one ever calls your name again.

You are chased out of your village the moment your powers bloom at fifteen years old, and the skies turn black with your fear. A rock hits you between your shoulder blades just as you make it to the main road and you stumble, falling to your knees in a mud puddle at the very moment the skies open up.

“She’s cursing us!” the midwife who delivered you screams over the thunder. “She’s damning us with her!”

Your mother is crying, but she doesn’t raise a hand to help you. She did everything she could, keeping your Role a secret all these years. She won’t risk anymore with another little girl to take care of.

No one tells you that you have a choice. No kind stranger drags you out of the rain and into the warmth of their home where a wise sage tells you it is not how we are born, but what choices we make.

Instead, you take the little pack your mother hid for you in the depths of the forest and sling it over your shoulder. There’s money, provisions, and more wraps to cover the evil mark on your left bicep.

“Your destiny will find you,” your mother told you only hours ago. “I forgive you for it.”

She meant the words as a comfort, but you only heard condemnation in it. Without having killed so much as a fly, she is already blessing you with forgiveness.

Don’t skip, read


I understand the appeal of wanting every adult hero to instinctively adopt teenage Peter Parker, but can it really beat the hilarity of acknowledging that at 15 Peter was 5'10", unusually buff, went by a moniker with Man in it, wore a creepy full face mask, and had a tightly guarded secret identity and probably a Queens accent thick enough to have come out of a jello mold, and adult heroes reasonably responded to him by going, “Wow, this grown man is an immature asshole for no reason.”


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Parabatais! Clary and Alec

  • A world where Valentine didn’t go rogue, hence, Jace never was orphaned or adopted by the Lightwoods, and Alec and Clary probably knew each other since they were kids. 
  • Clary’ll be the one who’ll ask Alec to be her parabatai, one evening when they’ve sneaked out in the kitchen to have tacos. Alec’ll grin, ruffling her hair. 

“If you’ll stop being annoying then”

  • Clary will change her habit of calling Alec “big bro” (like Izzy does) and will call him “parababro” instead. Alec will roll his eyes every time she calls him that because he liked the first one better, but… if the stupid nickname makes Clary smile then oh well 
  • Clary would know about Alec’s sexuality, maybe ever since Alec figured it out himself, and so will Alec about Clary’s. But they won’t say anything about it, it’ll be like a silent understanding between the two. (Closeted parabatais solidarity)
  • Whenever Clary feels that Alec’s upset through their bond, she’ll go into Alec’s room, sit by his bed and will just stare at him until he blurts out what’s wrong.
“What do you want, Fray?”  “What’s bothering you?”  “Nothing. I’m fine.”  “You do know that I can feel your emotions, right?”  “Go away.”  “…Okay then…”  “Stop staring at me–”  “I’m not.”
  • Clary will threaten people with a, “You don’t know who my parabatai is–”
  • Alec will be her guardian angel, he’ll be there to protect Clary. Always.
  • To date Clary, you’ll have to impress Alec first. Except Izzy, of course, she’ll just get a free pass.
  • To date Alec, you’ll have to impress Clary first. And yes Magnus had to win over Clary’s heart, even though it didn’t take him more than one meeting to do that.
  • They’ll use their bond to communicate their feelings towards different Clave members during Clave meetings. Spoiler Alert: Their bond will be just a rush of dark emotions (and occasionally manic-murderer vibes.)
  • They’ll basically be each other’s journals.
  • Drunk them will recite their parabatai oath.
“Thy people shall be my people” “and thy vodka my vodka” “Fray, stop chugging my bottle–”

once you say it out loud it can’t be undone {Corpse Husband/Fem!Reader}

Summary: Non-Fatal Hanahaki AU. Feelings are fair game for nine months out of the year, but God forbid you develop a crush during Hanahaki Season; three months of coughing up petals just because you’re in love with someone who doesn’t love you back? It’s a damn inconvenience. You haven’t had an active Hanahaki Season in the four years since you started YouTube, and you think that since you’re in quarantine, not going outside, not meeting new people, you’ll be fine this year too! Except that you start playing Among Us with a group of people you’ve never met before, friends of friends, including the elusive Corpse Husband, who’s kind, and funny, and may be flirting with you, but you’re not quite sure. The point is, you make friends with him not expecting much beyond a streaming buddy, but then you get talking more often, chatting and joking at all hours in DMs, and he’s calling you sweet nicknames on stream, and you wake up on the first day of your Season coughing up flower petals and cursing yourself for falling for a man who’s first name you don’t even know! 

A/N: 17,511 words. hello i wrote and ~mildly~ edited this in 24 hours because my adhd said ‘u will write a terrifying amount of words about corpse’ and i said ‘YES SIR, RIGHT AWAY’. anyways, hi, i don’t write a lot for the YouTube fandom anymore because rpf is a trick grey area, but unfortunately i don’t control the hyperfixation and  the boy’s sweet personality + his edgy aesthetic hit all of my buttons. this has GRATUITOUS pop culture references, and if you don’t know what Stardew Valley is, it’s essentially a farm simulator but you also make friends with the NPCs in the nearby village. lots of different youtubers are mentioned, but Ethan (Crankgameplays / Eef) and Sean (Jacksepticeye / Spedicy), and I guess Charlie (Cr1tikal / Greaseball) and Mark (Markiplier) are the other more heavily featured folks. god there’s so many words. You’ll have to excuse me for not knowing the others too well, I’m embarrassed to admit that I only really watch Ze and Corpse often in terms of Among Us streams. ANYWAYS, please let me know what you think, I hope you like it! if this ever gets to corpse himself im going to delete this entire blog, just as a warning. no backups. yeet.

Warnings: SFW, but there is a scene near the end that gets a bit hot and heavy, but only a bit. very light mentions of sexual and kink activity but nothing explicit. Swearing. Mentions of illness, of coughing/throwing up flower petals, and foreign objects in the mouth and windpipe, but there is no risk posed beyond an inconvenience, just thought i should warn you. 


Hanahaki Season was different for everyone. No-one’s quite sure what evolutionary advantage there is to coughing up flowers for three months out of the year as the body’s way of dealing with perceived unrequited feelings, but, much to the entire world’s collective irritation, it was what it was. It begins for everyone when their first romantic feelings arise and aren’t reciprocated. That could be as early as kindergarten, wanting to hold hands with one of the kids in your class more than any other person, but watching them share their launchable with someone else, though middle school is most commonly where those feelings become strong enough to actually activate the bloom. Some people on the aromantic spectrum don’t activate it until their late teens, or college, or even later, and even then they may only experience it once or twice, since the situation in which they find themselves developing romantic feelings like that doesn’t occur often, or doesn’t occur during their Season. You’re kind of jealous of aromantic people who have never had to deal with it. 

Hanahaki Season lasts for three months, starting every year on the same date; the date you’d first ever had romantic feelings strong enough to start hacking up flower petals. You’re free to catch feelings for the other nine months without consequences, but watch out if you catch feelings around your Season, because your house tends to look like the opening of Ouran High School Host Club. The amount of flowers really varies depending on your feelings; you’d spent days putting professional florists to shame in the month leading up to your senior prom when you realized you had feelings for your best friend, right up until they asked you to go with them, and the petals had been gone the next day, but your smile hadn’t been.

Your body doesn’t care if they have feelings for you, all it knows is that you think they don’t, despite the feelings you absolutely, definitely have; it needs either a confirmation, or for you to get over it. 

You and your high school best friend had dated for about six months after prom, but decided that you were better off as friends, and thankfully, in the years since you’d started college, your Seasons had been a non-event; no romantic feelings, so nothing to worry about. It’s not that you didn’t go out, or didn’t date, it’s just that there was nothing serious enough to warrant an active Season when it actually came up.

Okay... this piece of golden is just too sweet to not reblog


Prompt I will never do anything with: instead of being given to the Dursleys, Harry Potter is put up for adoption and is adopted by the Addams Family


Gomez, being forcibly removed from the stands of a Hogwarts quidditch match for the third time: MY BOY! MY BOY’S UP THERE! HE’S SEEKER!

McGonagall, sweating: Mr. Addams, how do you keep sneaking onto grounds

As I said to @door :

Wednesday is woefully jealous of how dramatic Harry's origin is and fiercely protective of him, only SHE is allowed to torture him


Harry's hair would be more slicked back and shinier than Draco could ever hope to achieve Harry still gets sorted into Gryffindor Morticia says he gets that from Gomez' side of the family


Meanwhile Wednesday gets into Hogwarts as well,

*During House assigning*

Professor McGonnagal: Wednesday Addams.

Wednesday *begins to get up*

Sorting hat: Yeah no, no, sit back down kid. You’re Slytheren. I have never been more sure of anything in my existence.

*Later at Slytheren dorm*

Draco: Well look, if it isn’t Potter’s little Mudblood sister, listen up you little...

Wednesday: *Shoots Malfoy a glare which instantly silences him.* You will listen to me and listen carefully. I do not like repeating myself. Harry is off limits. In fact, everyone in Gryffondor is off limits, that goes for the rest of you. If you cause ANY trouble for my adopted brother, you will answer directly to me. Is this understood?

Draco:...Yes mum.

*Later in potions class*

Snape: Potter, you were two seconds late, twenty points from Gryffondor.

Wednesday: *Picks up beaker and smashes it on the floor.* Professor Snape. I have wilfully destroyed school property. I believe that is a twenty point deduction from Slytheren house.

Snape: Did you? Well I didn’t see it so.

Wednesday: *Gets up, walks to the front of the class, looking Snape in the eye the entire time, smashes another beaker on the ground right in front of him.* Twenty. Points. From Slytheren.

Snape:..... Alright then twenty points from Slytheren.

Wednesday: *Returns to seat, still glaring at Snape*

Snape: Now before we get on with classes I have the results of last weeks pop quiz, fairly expected stuff, Mr. Weasley you did adequate, but your penmanship was atrocious which is...

Wednesday *Grabs another beaker and holds it up with a look on her face that says ‘I can keep this up as long as you can old man’*

Snape:....Something you should work on in the future.


Draco: Can’t you just expel her professor?

Snape: Well I could in theory, but considering her muggle father keeps somehow sneaking in here I think whether she has permission to be here or not is rather Academic. Besides, I’m not crossing her after what she did to Umbridge.

Draco: *Shudders* Don’t remind me.

This is one of those posts I'm going to watch for hopefully in future to see what awesome new additions it gets. Go on Tumblr, be brilliant!


please keep me informed as well

I just imagined the third book when they learn Sirius Black is trying to kill Harry, and is his godfather.

Gomez: well that makes him family, we must invite him over.

Harry: but father, everyone says he's trying to kill me.

Gomez: oh, of course, how thoughtless of me. Lurch, put away the swords for guests and sharpen up the good swords we use for special occasions! A relative visiting is one thing, but a murderous relative needs to be celebrated.

Harry: thank you, father.

XD and as soon as they find sirius is innocent hed be welcomed into the family with open arms.

Can you imagine the Addams during the fight at the ministry of magic or at hogwarts?

Gomez with a sword

Mortitia with man eating plants

Pugsley with explosives

Wednesday just keeps pulling bigger and bigger weapons out of those tiny pockets on her dress. She has a wand but never uses it!

A death eater turns a corner and she's inexplicably there with a cannon!


Okay but the Addams Family going off on Dumbledore for all the BS he put Harry through without warning him like he could have. (Because fuck that shit. Destiny/fate my ass.)


Just...just all of this... Mortisha: So how was your first year of schooling children? Wensday: *pouting* Harry got to see a 3 headed dog and play with it. Harry: Only a little! Gomez: Oh how fun! Maybe we should look into getting one or 2!

All the yes

How am I only just finding this, this is brilliant

When they find out Lupin was fired for being a werewolf they offer him a place to stay. Granmama brews his wolfbane potion every month, better than Snape!

And they start calling him "cousin Remus" before the end of the second week.


Hagrid, of course, is always welcome in their house along with any creatures he’s adopted and needs to hide from the authorities.

This is GOLDEN
Anonymous asked:

Ohhhh, what about unexpected badass moments from Alec. I almost said Magnus too, but he is almost always expected to be badass... up to you.

  • Alec and Clary are on their way to get some tacos. Some rando misogynistic pig catcalls Clary. The rando pig had to go to the dentist that day to get three of his teeth fixed cause "talk shit get it" is not a joke.
  • Someone at the institute makes a joke Max's parentage because his parents are not blue. Alec sets them straight (Your parents are not assholes either and yet here we are...)
  • Alec goes patrolling with Jace. They have a bet to see who kills most demons that night. Jace kills 12. Alec kills 46. (Magnus might have summoned some from Edom so Alec can win but Jace doesn't have to know)
  • Someone tells Magnus that lipstick is for women and Alec gives them a TedTalk about gender norms and stereotypes (with a 84 slide presentation)

Solangelo headcanons that honestly I live for:

  • They started hanging out right after meeting each other but it took them A WHILE to get into a relationship. During this time, the whole camp was plotting romantic situations for them, and talking of their otp™ whenever they were far.
  • Both of them fell for the other in almost no time, but they were too embarrassed to actually do something about it. Also both thought the other may not be interested.
  • One night, Nico is avoiding the campfire, and Will decides to stick with him. Nico tells him not to worry, to go and have fun, but Will says something in the lines of "actually, I have more fun with you." And Nico just sort of grunts and says "oh don't be nice to me. Who would ever rather staying with me?"
  • And Will suddenly forgets everything else cause this kid honestly thinks this about himself, and it is unacceptable. He goes brain dead, cups Nico's cheeks and looks him dead in the eye, as he spells "never think that ever again", and his lips are against Nico's.
  • That's how they discover their feelings and they are pretty much inseparable from then on. Will loves to hold hands and kiss and stuff in public, just because of how adorably embarrassed Nico gets. But Nico is a cuddler™ and in his cabin he won't get off Will's chest for hours.
  • Ofc they get more more intimate, until one day they actually get close to going all the way, and Nico just feels kinda horny and when Will realizes where this is going he suddenly stops and, completely shocked and horrified, he exclaims "Nico!? You are fifteen!", as his motherly instincts outrun his sexual desire.
  • Of course Nico's response is just as shocked and horrified, as he yells right back "well you are sixteen!" and Will is incapable to see his point. Nico's his baby. One year? More like ages. Will can't and won't allow him to desecrate the temple of his body, not even with himself.
  • Well eventually he starts asking himself why did he ever stop him because omg time passes by and he wants it so bad. But Nico seems to have learnt his lesson and would never go over a certain limit.
  • So he has to smoothly push him there, hoping he feels the same way, and isn't he horrified when he discovers Nico was only waiting for him to do so this whole time. In fact, when they've finally done it, peak happiness and panting next to each other, Nico rolls over and whispers in broken voice in Will's ear: "damn Will... I'm sixteen..." And istg Will's face has never seen this shade of red.
  • Bonus because this is the best headcanon OF ALL TIMES: in those moments, Nico is so drowned by Will that he doesn't even remember how to English. His native shows, and he just whispers and pants italian words that Will doesn't understand, but he loves to listen.

Some headcanons about Narcissa being Harry's mother-in-law

  • She loves to show him any of the photos that she made when Draco was a little boy. 
  • And Harry being absolutely fascinated by his husband who looked so innocent and pure as a child. 
  • Of course, Draco is entirely embarrassed and pretends to hate these particular exhibition evenings.
  • ‘Mother, please…’
  • Harry, who cannot wait to see the next album together, in which Draco sleeps in the crib, plays with plush animals or runs without a diaper in the garden.
  • 'No! Not this one!’
  • And the rest of the photos where Draco is plainly cheerful and carefree boy. 
  • Draco advises Narcissa about the best gift for Harry’s birthday or for Christmas.
  • And Harry being so astonished when during the dinner he not only gets a wonderful cake but also a minor package from his mother-in-law. 
  • 'I thought you would love it’ she says blushing a little and gives him a small kiss on the cheek. 'Happy birthday, baby boy.' 
  • When it turns out that he got from her signet with the Malfoy coat of arms, he’s immediately in tears. 
  • Of course, he has the wedding ring, but this is different. This means he belongs to the family.  
  • Harry hugs her tight too moved to say a word. 
  • Harry doesn’t want to live at Grimmauld Place so until they find something suitable, meeting the criteria of both, Draco and Harry live in The Manor. 
  • Narcissa being emotional about it and cries, when they have to move out. She loved to have Harry and Draco nearby. 
  • And then it turns out that Harry bought huge property not far away from Malfoy’s Manor only to be in frequent contact with his mother-in-law. 
  • Narcissa cries again, but with joy. 
  • Harry who goes shopping with Narcissa and carries all purchases, even if he bearly handles. 
  • At their wedding, Narcissa orating the most beautiful speech about how the two souls eventually merge into one and how glad she is to have a second son in the family. 
  • And it made Harry almost choke on tears. 
  • He loves to send her flowers and always remembers about Women’s Day, her birthday and the day when she saved him from being captured by Voldemort. 
  • Once they went to her for afternoon tea. She prepared everything in the garden and when they were all seated Harry started a very important conversation. 
  • 'I received a letter recently. From McGonagall. She offers me Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts.’
  • And Draco looks as surprised as his mother. 
  • 'Why didn’t you tell me?’ he asks calmly, but with a little reproach. 
  • 'I wanted to discuss it together’ says Harry. 
  • 'And would you like to be a teacher, sweetheart?’ Narcissa asks mildly. 
  • 'Of course I do. It would be fabulous’ he claims. 
  • 'Well then, I think it’s fixed already’ says Draco with a little smirk on his face. 
  • But Harry waits for Narcissa’s opinion. Her judgment is as important to him as his husband’s judgment.
  • 'You know what I think, Harry. I want you both to be happy, nothing more.’
  • 'And that won’t bother you, that your son-in-law is a teacher, mom?’
  • Draco and Narcissa are speechless. 
  • 'What did you just said?’ she whispers and it’s bearly audible. Harry doesn’t know what’s going on. 
  • 'I-I…’ he didn’t finish, because she already had him in her arms. 
  • 'You said 'mom’ to her.’
  • 'Of course I did. She is my mom.’

If Percy had fallen into Tartarus on his own headcannon

Okay so basically I saw this thing on Instagram and it was a screenshot of a tumblr post about how Percy would have turned out if he fell to Tartarus on his own.  here’s my little addition to it. The initial post will be at the end (i suggest reading it first)

imagine everyone at CHB and CJ fearing Percy, even though they still respect him a little something has changed drastically and the campers don’t know what to do.  After a few months the older kids from CHB starting to think he’ll be a repeat of Luke but worse. All the older kids quietly discussing things from the past and how they’re worried for everyone’s safety when a younger kid/ someone from Camp Jupiter hears them and starts to ask questions. They all look at the table in shame and fear as they vaguely explain to them what happened which only instills more fear. None of them know but one of the seven overhears them and loses it (I feel like it would be Nico or Annabeth) on them because “Percy isn’t like Luke” and “he’s been through so much more than anyone will ever be able to imagine.” 

Unfortunately that doesn’t keep people from whispering when no who supports Percy is around to hear. They still talk and there’s nothing anyone can do because whenever the seven try to figure out who started the rumors the other campers cover for each other. 

Chiron tries his hardest to get through to Percy and to help him but every attempt moves Percy farther away. Percy can’t even think about his time in Tartarus without having to sit down away from people to calm down. So Chiron just settles for the tiniest snippets that he gets sometimes (most of the time its just a change in body language or Percy mumbling something when he’s not paying attention) and stays behind Percy like a wall to protect him from the cruelty of the campers and any of the gods that question him. 


This literally broke my heart 😭😭😭😭

Even after his death, Tony’s creations still protect Peter. Why don’t you just shoot my heart!? Idk between Marvel and DC which one is more angsty than the other anymore.

Just let me weep in the corner 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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