
~Gem Cats~


SU, Supernatural and some more Amazing shows. All the good shit.

Police enforce Two Americas as policy.

.....fuck the police.


You mean that Syrian? Funny how you are white so long as you are pale skinned but go ahead and erase the lived experiences of millions just because they dont tan well, as necessary truth be damned.

Because as we all know white people dont experience oppression.

Oh and he was one of you guys, a good old lefty. Wonder what is up with that.

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa and all his white privilege. @liberalsarecool is a fucking joke.


out of boredom i decided to scan a stuffed shark. here are the results.

your work is appreciated

op i spent entirely too long on this and im sorry

It’s 1:30 am and I’m cackling like a deranged witch

This post inspired me to make this cover picture for my undergraduate dissertation! I legit used this for my proposal presentation and they didn’t kick me out!

(And if you’ve got 5 minutes, perhaps you could fill in my survey for said dissertation - I’ve been reliably informed that it’s fun)


was doing a study of the gay angel and then i remembered that i am still in college and that i have homework that i need to do if i would like to graduate on time.

nickelodeon: zim cant hit people with his fist his hand has to be open. no punching. the children.
nickelodeon: dark harvest is allowed

If you were wondering: the thing that the studio doesn’t want depicted are unsafe activities a young child whose impulse control hasn’t grown in yet watching the show could feasibility imitate- not wearing a seatbelt, jumping off the garage roof with a pair of cardboard wings, throwing a proper punch at a peer etc. Because kids do imitate what they see around them as part of learning, so you don’t want to teach them something that could hurt someone or themselves until a bit more brain grows in.

Unsafe activities that are not within the scope of an elementary school student are fine- where’s a six year old going to get a missle launcher?

That genuinely answers a lot of questions I had about why kid-friendly media is as wonky as it is, and I love it.

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