
good night, my love


☾ levi • he/him • ocs and interests ☽

I came back from the dead just to draw this


as much as I'm a "get out of this town and never come back" kind of person I'm also a "fall in love and settle down in a cozy cottage where it's just the two of us and our woodland friends" kind of person


Dolce Update/Facts

We’re currently on a little hiatus, so we won’t be able to make updates for a while. I hope you guys can be patient with us and bare with us :) 

I was thinking about making a small list of facts in the meantime, but some facts are actually spoilers for future comics especially for Kazuki.  So I’ll put some spoiler-free facts down below~ (There isn’t really organization to it. It’s just a running list of things I see in the comics. I purposely start off with facts that aren’t known yet bc the comic translation isn’t out as of now)


sounds soft but can actually kill you: 96neko
sounds soft and is actually soft: mafumafu
sounds like they can kill you but is actually soft: nqrse
sounds like they can kill you and can actually kill you: soraru
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