

@elle9095 / elle9095.tumblr.com

Just a little bit of everything in my life. Movie. Reading. Photography. And some really really silly stories.

with Shanks, you’re lucky if he wakes up before noon



#listen this was zoro's way of flirting it's chaotic it's offensive but he was doing his best ok #also the fact that zoro kept the conversation going when sanji stopped talking and then liked his mean response and grinned it's insane


#listen this was zoro's way of flirting it's chaotic it's offensive but he was doing his best ok #also the fact that zoro kept the conversation going when sanji stopped talking and then liked his mean response and grinned it's insane


the director was like ok throw him ur best fuck u eyes but sanji guy heard fuck me eyes?????? I'm on it boss 👍👌


live action One Piece thoughts

from a guy who watched it all in 1 day and has been following OP since i was 12

tldr: it bangs if you like the anime/manga and NAILS the characters, its a fun zany romp if you havent consumed it before, i would recommend either way but dont expect anything realistic (appreciative). yes im also annoyed by the tumblr clown but dont let that stop you from watching it i swear its good i prommy!!!!!


  • perfect casting. perfect on so many levels. love the crew, and so much fun to see the east blue gang together.
  • i liked the changes to the characters to make them more realistic because a 1-1 translation of their characters/dramatic antics wouldnt have made sense with....real live human beings. the tweaks made felt like they cohered (sanji not being deranged about women but only like, flirty in a terrible way; luffy not being as stupid in canon; nami not manipulating men in the same way; etc)
  • i loved the CANON CONFIRMED little events - usopp and kaya kissed!! zoro is luffy's first mate!!
  • zoro and nami friendship. my love. they are so bitchy god bless. i rly enjoyed how seeing the live action super cemented that the strawhats are oops! all bitches! (also luffy is there), and also that the strawhats are guys who are friends
  • sanji and zoro banter was honestly weirdly wholesome? there was even more a sense that sanji likes the name-calling and shit talking than in canon, with a real human being saying stuff, it came across less as pure aggression and more as sanji being like "hahaha i love Saying Shit" whereas for a bit zoro's responses did come across a little like "who is this guy. why is he here. i almost die and then luffy gets a new man?? the fuck??"
  • usopp's :3 im the captain followed by luffys D: im the captain?? hit every single time, so silly. the addition of usopp as another silly guy was 10/10
  • building on that, i think the "are these guys even pirates?" throughline was interesting. in the manga/anime it felt more like "pirate" was a class of person and it wasnt ever really in question whether luffy was a pirate, but here it felt more realistic, in that piracy was an action to continually be committed - and here it very much came across that this was the beginning of luffy pulling together his crew and this was the beginning of his pirate adventure.
  • similarly, the parallel with coby's "im going to be a marine" thing was interesting - much more apparent than in the manga/anime, not that im mad about it but it was an interesting narrative choice to do a narrative parallels thing. i do think it worked in how we come out of the show with the understanding that "both pirates and the marines are corrupt, everyone is making compromises, but what matters is moving forward on your dreams/ideals.
  • everyone was in love with luffy. as they should be. the sense that luffy is dumb as shit, insane, and charismatic and charming 100% came across. a blunt instrument in a world of snakes! the way that each of the strawhats was won over....chefs kiss.
  • the garp being luffy's grandpa thing is dropped so mad early. so fucking funny. i hope we get s2 so we get to see ace. my beloved.
  • im a sanji girlie so i gotta talk about my boy. LOVED HIM SO MUCH. GREAT JOB ON BOY. Taz got the mannerisms so correct, honestly gave me chills watching the fight scenes and even the shit like him lighting a cigarette cause yeah dude. thats sanji. but even more than that, i really loved how the bits of sanjis character that are most important were preserved. like. the dude is, under being kind of a sleazebag sometimes/being sort of bitchy and saying whatever shit he wants, fundamentally kind. this is the sanji that will feed anyone who is hungry. i really loved the scene where zoro's hurt and luffys polishing zoro's sword and sanji is just like. making the crew food. cause "hey otherwise the tuna's gonna go to waste. and you gotta eat, man. i'll make anything you want." like. idk. i just really liked him taking care of people without being asked because thats who he is!!
  • anyway yeah i really hope this gets a s2 i have more thoughts but for now.....yeah.....
  • also why was buggy Like That. i liked it. but jesus.
Is every day gonna be this crazy with you?
5 Incredible authors, who have only written a few novels:
In no particular order...
  1. Erin Morgenstern. Novel count: 2. The Night Circus, and The Starless Sea. Her books are absolutely astounding, some of the most aesthetically pleasing descriptions I've ever read (the covers are pretty awesome too).
  2. Donna Tartt. Novel count: 3. The Secret History, The Little Friend, and The Goldfinch. She's the mother of dark academia. Her books are gorgeous, dark, and bittersweet. One of my all time favourite authors.
  3. Suzanna Clarke. Novel count: 2. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel, and Piranesi. I can't speak for the later, but Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel is one of my all time favourite books. Historical fantasy at its finest. I've never known someone write magic that has the same feeling of feral and melancholic power.
  4. Madelline Miller. Novel count: 2. The Song of Achilles and Circe. Master of Greek mythology. TSOA made me cry so much, its so beautiful. Her work is superb, her writing gorgeous.
  5. Oscar Wilde. Novel count: 1. The Picture of Dorian Gray. He may have written many poems, plays, and short stories, but he only ever wrote one novel and its one of my all time favourites. Dark, dramatic, overflowing with beautiful prose. A classic.

actually, growing up is feeling like i turned sixteen two days ago. i’ve been eighteen for years. fifteen year olds seem so young. wasn’t i fifteen just a few weeks ago? all my friends and i are still twelve. i’m closer to thirty then to being a baby. i never got to be a kid. i never grew past eight. i can’t talk to my mom. i want to sit in her lap forever. the week is going by so slow. an entire year has passed. i want to decide everything for myself. i need someone to tell me exactly what to do.


Doc, what are the top five items food banks LOVE to receive? I'm doing a collection soon and want to ask for specifics.



That aside.

 I’m only going to talk about food items but if your food bank takes personal items, a lot of times diapers, feminine hygiene products, etc, are very very welcome. 

1) Canned chicken and beef 

looooooove this stuff. It’s expensive, it lasts forever, it tastes good and it can be used a variety of ways. This stuff is fucking catnip to food banks, it’s so hard for us to provide proteins. 

2) Fancy nut butters

Peanut butter is a standby for food banks as a shelf-stable inexpensive protein, but if we have a family with a kid with a peanut allergy that’s not going to work. Non-peanut butters are expensive and it’s something we hardly ever see donated. (we also like peanut butter, but that’s easier for us to buy ourselves than non-peanut butters)

3) Canned or packaged tuna

You may notice a trend here in shelf-stable proteins. And yeah. That’s basically it, so I’m not going to keep harping on it. But this stuff is a godsend. 

4) Easy breakfast things for kids (Granola bars, instant oatmeal, and the like) 

Whatever Donald Trump tells you, most people who get food from food banks are actually working their asses off and so they have to leave Obama to raise their baby or whatever, and they don’t have a lot of time in the morning. Things like this that kids can make for themselves are expensive. (Another trend you may be noticing–donate shit that costs a lot of money. That helps us more than all the shitty green bean cans in the world) But they are so helpful for busy working families where the parents may not have a set schedule and sometimes little Amanda is making her own breakfast before she runs off to school. Don’t let kids go to school hungry. 

5) Shelf-stable juice

This is one people never think of! But if you show up with a bunch of (preferably reduced sugar stuff) bottles of juice at my door, oh man, you are gonna get so many check mark and okay hand emoticons. This stuff is great for kids, and it doesn’t require refrigeration until it’s opened, so it works great for food drives. 


But seriously, give money

And it’s way better food, too, anything you get prepackaged has A TON of sugar and/or salt in it…collecting cans may be more exciting than writing a check, but if the point is to help people, the check is going to get a lot more done

Yoooooo heads up for those of you with kids, I know this time of year schools start holding canned food drives so keep this in mind if you’re able to give.


collecting cans may be more exciting than writing a check, but if the point is to help people, the check is going to get a lot more done .

hint: the point should be to help people.


“If you promise to stay alive just a little bit longer I promise that we are going to make this world a place worth living in by any means necessary. I ain’t giving up. I swear.” 

Spotted in Clackamas, Oregon

I can’t stop thinking about this message, so I spent a while trying to isolate just the writing and make it transparent. I might order a shirt with it

Whoever in Clackamas wrote this message on their bus stop, I love you

[ if you promise to stay alive just a little bit longer I promise that we are going to make this world a place worth living in by any means necessary.  I ain’t giving up. I swear. end caption ]  


The world is a terrifying place but at least the erupting volcano of Mayon is waking the ancients to remind us of our place

Quick note: original art is by Kerby Rosanes

Link to the original post here on the artist’s IG

Another note: This is in reference to the Filipino legend from Albay called “Daragang Magayon” [literally translated into “beautiful maiden”, with “daraga” meaning “maiden” and “magayon” meaning “beautiful”]

She’s a folk heroine, whose love story can be read here

It is said that her lover, Panganoron, is the clouds that surround Mt. Mayon’s peak, while she is herself the volcano, which has always been seen as remarkably beautiful in shape

It’s said that the volcano grew where they were buried together

Which is why the shape of two lovers seen in the smoke of its most recent eruption is so culturally significant. 

And really, really cool. 

If anyone wants a quick recap of the myth, check out OverlySarcasticProductions!! They did this myth last year -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DbLJI2hA6M&index=25&list=PLDb22nlVXGgeoPb-HBWwzEeoAwDvckSrC 


- Blythe Baird

Me, chewing on my Bad Decisions™ Bagel in the corner:

The Universe: What’s that in your mouth?

Me, chewing faster:


This was already amazing. But that reblog comment and the extra they hid in the tags (for some unfathomable reason) makes this fucking hilarious and I love it even more. XD



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