
@jotarookujo / jotarookujo.tumblr.com

liz/18/working on carrd
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We’re all having “hard conversations” about racism, police brutality, and #BlackLivesMatter I hope. 

You’ve probably noticed that detractors often use the same “racist talking points” in response. Here’s a researched and sourced guide to help you answer, for the times you may get stuck.

Feel free to save these images and share them!


why genderbends are transphobic: a tl;dr version

  • they assume every character is cis by default
  • 99.9% of the time nonbinary identities are ignored and the only two genders used are male and female
  • they imply that in order for someone to be a certain gender, their body has to change to fit it (i.e., a character can’t go from male to female without having wider hips and breasts)
  • they imply physical characteristics = gender
  • all of the above are examples of cissexism, which perpetuates the marginalization and erasure of trans people
  • stop arguing with trans people about whether genderbends are transphobic or not, especially if you’re cis
  • the end

it’s juneteenth!!!

help a black nb creator out by donating to her ko.fi


stop smoking king its giving you lung cancer<3

reblogs > likes / inspired by @Hitode_jo’s cosplays on twitter!


things are going down in atlanta. people have shut down the I-75 in response to Rayshard Brooks' murder. its hard to find information on here - I don't know if it's tumblr shutting down the tags or what - so it's important to share.

police are cracking down on protesters. they pepper sprayed protesters and used flash bangs to attempt to clear people out from the Wendy's where Rayshard was murdered by police. it was after this that the Wendy's was set on fire

atlanta police have been notorious for brutality against protesters. an official amendment to a statement from the US Secret Service was released 14 hours ago (13/06/20) proving Atlanta PD's use of tear gas against protesters after weeks of lying:

the protests are working - the officer that killed Rayshard has been fired - but no one is facing charges yet, and this has to stop. in the words of Rayshard's cousin, Decatur Redd:

"We've been watching this happen for so many years, with young black boys around the country just dying in vain. I just don't want that to continue and keep happening like that."

support the protesters in their fight for justice and against the APD. Donate here to the Atlanta Solidarity Fund to help provide jail support, bail, and access to representation:



ok so i couldn’t find any articles on it, even on my news app, but i’ll explain what happened:

our local paletero man was shot and robbed yesterday while working his regular shift.  he is still alive, but in need of financial support. there is little info on the shooting.

this guy sells in my neighborhood, spends all day in the blistering texas heat, so the kids around here can have ice cream. he’s a sweet little old man. we don’t get ice cream trucks in this area, so everyone loves him! i saw him making his rounds literally yesterday. i honestly can’t believe someone would want to hurt him. i hope he gets all the help he needs.

here’s a link to the gofundme. it has 5x its goal right now - which was $1k - but medical bills will be much more than that, i’m sure. anything helps!

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