
Fandoms - yes I'm crying too

@hesaidshutuptomeh-blog / hesaidshutuptomeh-blog.tumblr.com

I write stuff and sweeties if you have a request feel free to send me one. I watch, like, everything.

My Viking part 2

Okayy, so after like, half a year I finally have the second part of this story ready for you guys..xoxo @kingniazxps,@PanPopsical ps. Not my gif, but it is awesome!

Summary: You, the angles and Dean and Sam are trying to figure out how to trap Crowley to the alternative world before it’s too late. Lucifer gets bored while you’re trying to do some research and decides to do something about his boredom. With you. 

Pairings: Lucifer x reader

Warnings: None really, maybe a light start of a smut

A/N: Please forgive my grammar mistakes lol

Once everyone had settled down and were somewhat calm they started talking about how to trap Crowley to the alternative world before he could enter back to your world with your alternative selves. Sam was sure that there would have to be some spell to seal whatever portal Gabriel used to dump Crowley's ass there in the first place, but Gabriel said that even if they could shut that one particular gate Crowley could easily make another one and they couldn't possibly know when and where.

"We could always ask your dad to help " Dean said half mockingly, half seriously while throwing another old, dusty book aside. Gabriel gazed Dean icily but didn't say anything. Lucifer on the other hand rolled his eyes while huffing

"Yeah maybe your mom could help us too – oh wait, she can't she is kind of busy being dead and all " The archangel smirked at Dean dogging the empty beer can that the older Winchester throwed at him alongside some colorful cursing words "Another word about our mom and I'll kill you " Dean muttered before he went out to the kitchen to get another beer. Luci just shrugged and laughed drily “You could try. Again. And fail. Again. “ causing you to roll your eyes. You found it amusing how bold and straight forward Lucifer was, but sometimes his jokes could be too mean even to your taste, and jokes about Winchester's mom was one of those. Not that you'd usually care but the look in Winchester's eyes – particularly Sam's, broke your heart every time somebody even mentioned their mother, Mary Winchester.

Time went by, Gabriel had fallen asleep on the table, next to Sam I might add, Dean had stormed off hours ago, frustrated and hungry. He hated feeling helpless – like he was stuck, so he just left. Probably to some bar nearby, you thought. Lucifer had staid right next to you, although he didn't read any book or otherwise didn’t do anything that could count as helping but there he was, sitting and staring at you with this strange, unreadable look on his face.

"You mind? You've been staring quite a long. Is there something you want to say? " You murmured, not raising your gaze from the book you've been reading, after you had had enough of his staring.

"How do you have the energy to read that old dull book hour after hour? I mean I tried to read one book, but it was so boring that it made me almost to smite myself " Lucifer huffed dramatically, and after waiving his hand in the air, he placed it gently on to your knee. 

"Right. You've spent too much time with Balthazar. Why don't you go and watch titanic or something and let me do my research? After all I'm trying to resolve a problem your brother once again caused by sending the fucking king of Hell to another world, remember? " You huffed, but couldn't keep out the redness from your cheeks, because Lucifer’s hand felt too good, even if it was only on your knee. 

"Oh yeah that, I almost forgot already " Lucifer murmured while rolling his icy blue eyes. He was bored for sure, but what bothered him even more, was you not paying attention to him.  And you knew it, you knew that it annoyed Lucifer, and for some twisted reason you found it refreshing – that this time it was you who played with his temper and not otherwise. Although, as you all know, all good has to come to it’s end and so did your moment of proudness, because Lucifer had decided that he wouldn’t stand boredom any second longer and within seconds the book you’ve been reading flew out of your hands, to the other side of the room, which caused you to yell in annoyance 

“Hey! I was reading that you big pile of shit! Don’t you understand that we don't have time for this? “ You yelled, hands in the air and stared straight to the eyes of the archangel. It was annoying as heck, that he wasn’t sorry at all, only amused. But he should be sorry, after all it was his brother that caused the problem that you were trying to solve but it seemed that Lucifer didn’t give a flying fuck - even tho the problem could cause a lot of danger to all of you. 

“We don’t have time for what, exactly? “ Lucifer smiled shortly with one raised brow, and leaned closer to you, to the point that you could feel his icy breath on your cheeks. His hand slowly moved from your knee to your upper thigh, and his grasp tightened - not too much, but still it caused you to whimper quietly. Lucifer heard that - of course he would, even if you whised that he wouldn't, and smirked widely, leaning even closer to you than he was before, being now only inch away from your face.

“We don't have time for what, my Viking?” The archangel repeated his question, voice now deeper and darker than before. The spark of joy or amusement that has been in his eyes only seconds ago were gone, but there was something in replace. Something wild, something new. You couldn't resist, and let out a lustful whimper, while gently stroking Lucifer’s side

“We don’t have time for...this “ You whispered, knowing fully well that the angel wouldn't stop there, and you didn’t want him to stop. And you were right, because the minute you said that you wouldn't have time for this, Lucifer growled quietly, which turned you on even more, and moved his hand from your upper thigh closer to your crotch and placed his hand in between your legs. Even with your clothes on, you could feel his grasp sending little sparkles all over to your body and you closed your eyes for a sec

“Are you sure, my Viking? Are you sure that we don't have time? “


My Viking part 1

(Not my gif but to you who did it, I owe you my life cuz OHMYCHUCK look at him! )

Summary: You’re immortal and a hunter and have been hunting with the Winchesters for over 11 months now. One night Gabe shows up and tells about how he trapped Crowley to the alternative world where Supernatural is a tv-show as a joke but now you are all in danger. Lucifer hates how Gabe puts you in danger. 

Pairings: Lucifer x reader

Warnings: None really

A/N: Please forgive my grammar mistakes lol

Word count: 1807

“So let me get this straight, you’re goddess of some kind and also a hunter? How does that even work? I mean, doesn’t other hunters want to hunt you down? “ Dean wondered, leaning closer to you, sipping beer and scratching his brow. You just smirked and shook your head

“They would. If they would know what I am. Do you honestly think, Dean, that I would go and tell every single red neck and shooting first asking questions later fuck up's that hey btw I’m the bastard daughter of Odin nice to meet yah” You huffed and rolled your eyes, while Sam just chuckled and sipped his beer as well. It had been 11 months now that you and the Winchester boys worked together. In that time, you get to know the angels too – especially one of them, the devil himself. Or how Gabe said “the lost, dickish puppy with daddy issues “ . Nothing too romantical and prada, but Lucifer had taken interest in you, and you found him somehow quite likeable as well. Maybe it was because on some level, you could relate to him – daddy issues, all the hiding and hate, but there were Lucifer tried to destroy the world, you started hunting.

“And seriously Dean, why do you keep asking me that same freaking question? We’ve been knowing each other for over 11 months. It’s not like my answer would change you know “ You said mockingly and raised your other brow while crossing your hands and laid them onto your chest.  

“Why so sassy all of a sudden Y/N?” Dean wondered in a husky voice of his, but even before you got the change to answer to him, this other, lower and even huskier voice echoed in the bunker

“She is bored because I wasn’t here to keep her company boys. But no worries, I’m here now “

“Oh go to hell “ Dean huffed and sighed loudly but your lips carved in a little, devilish smile.  

“No thanks, I just spend an eternity there and I’m not planning to go there again. And you know, I think that Michael could use some alone time in there-“  

“I think we got it, Luci. What are you doing here? “ You stopped him by throwing a book at him, which I might add was the holy bible. You thought that it was funny. And it was, because you started laughing. The angel’s face was just so hilarious after he had noticed what exactly was the thing that caused a brief pain in his forehead.

“You’re hilarious fucker, Viking “ he said while stroking his forehead with two big, chilly fingers of his. You just smirked cockily and nodded  

“I know “

“Yeah, no, but I didn’t have nothing better to do so I decided to pop up here to see my Viking “ Lucifer hummed, his voice practically soaking with smoky lust and joy.  For some reason, every time when Lucifer called you his Viking, you felt butterflies in your stomach and your cheeks were practically boiling hot. It’s not like he was the first one to call you Viking but with his voice it just felt different. It felt good. It made your skin tingle and your breathing heavier. And you knew that Luci knew it too – hell, he was an angel after all. Of course he would notice and you were sure that it just encouraged him more. Obviously he loved to grow that tension between you two.

“Smooth “ You chuckled but kept your eyes on him, even though his brother came to the bunker shortly after him and Gabe placed himself tightly next to you, which made Luci bit of heated.

“Evening doll “ Gabe cheered with big ass smile on his face and made a cold beer appear in his other hand while the other was placed on your shoulder

“Well you are in a good mood. Did something cheerful happen? “ You laughed and your question got Sam and Dean’s attention too – they leaned closer to the archangel and Dean even put his beer bottle down on the table.  

“Nooo “ Gabe tried first, but couldn’t keep straight face no more than two seconds

“Gabe what have you done this time? “ Sam sighed lowly and stroked his face with both hands of his. Dean glared his brother, rolled his eyes before turning his head towards to their friend trickster aka archangel Gabriel, who by the way, just smirked and glanced his brother

“I might've maybe anger this uhm..short fella “

“And? “ Dean huffed

“And it happens that this short fella goes by name Crowley “

While Lucifer started to laugh, loudly I might add, Dean let out this oddly charming yet very irritated growl while Sam just sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes.  

"What did you do Gabriel?" Dean asked annoy crawling in to his voice and smirked sarcastically to Gabe. You just raised your brows in confusion, trying to progress what you just had heard and why Gabriel was still smiling even tho apparently, he had just pissed off Crowley – the king of frkn hell! Not that he would be much of a threat to you, after all you and Crowley go way back. Actually, you have to thank Crowley, because if it wasn't for him, you would've never meet Dean and Sam – or Cas and other angels.  You see, Crowley told Dean and Sam about you and how you weren't human but that you're hunter like they are. And as you know the Winchesters, they decided to hunt you down but when they finally found you, you actually had to save them from being killed by this full nest of nasty vampires. You knew that Crowley had sold you out because he was the only person on earth that knew the truth about you and before Dean and Sam, no hunter ever had bothered you ("So Crowley really told on me? Geez you really can't trust the king of hell, huh? ").  After they found you, you saved them and they saved you (by not killing you) you guys made a deal. They wouldn't kill you or let any other hunter to hunt you (They didn't know that no one else knew about your secret) if you agreed to come with them. And so you went with the Winchesters and have been on the same path ever since.  Anyways, even if Crowley wasn't threat to you, he was threat to Sam, Dean and Cas if Gabe really pissed that demon off.  Crowley was dangerous when he is angry and when it was Gabriel that made him angry, Crowley definitely was really, seriously pissed.

"I might've sent him to this alternative world – Dean, you know it, you and Sam were there too when Bal sent you two there with that key thingy. Anyways, I think that his British ass didn't find that trip as funny as I did "  

Before Dean could even say anything, Sam just let out a light laugh and shook his head "So " he started raising his left hand a little

"You're saying that you sent king of hell to this alternative reality. So, our world is Crowley free, he's trapped in some, blizzard world and technically we could trap him there for good, right? And while he is in there we could, I don't know, shut the gates of hell for good or something? Gabriel you're genius!"

You glanced Lucifer – who just laughed through Gabe's story, while smoothly removing his brother's hand from your shoulder and placed his own hand there - quickly before clearing your throat "Uhm" you mumbled and nodded your head towards Gabriel, who smiled way too widely. You know like little children who is just about to tell their mother that they painted the dog with mom's lipstick. That joyful smile that had just appeared to Sam's face faded away immediately and he crossed his arms above his chest  

"What?" Sam sighed

" As you know, that Sherlock Holmes is literally" Gabe started before locking eyes with Dean "Son of a witch" The angel mimicked the older Winchester's voice and, in your surprise, was kind of accurate with it. Gabe eyed you before went on with his story "So he knows how to snap his Scottish arse back here and I'm sure that he won't come alone. And when he does come back with your alternative selves, and mine I might add we're majorly screwed. You see, they know everything about us, because hell, they are us. So, Crowley can make them do and tell whatever he wants. And now I don't know about you guys but I don't want that evil Harry Potter to my doorsteps. Or Y/N's. " After Gabriel said he didn't want Crowley to hurt you, Lucifer's laugh stopped quickly and the angel pulled you closer to him and let out low but quiet growl.  Temperature of the room changed insanely fast, to the point that you were shivering a little  

"Luci calm down please I-" You whispered quietly, calmly to the fuming archangel behind you but he wouldn't listen

"No! My brother put you in danger and doesn't even take it seriously! I will kill him for that-!" Lucifer yelled, his eyes glitter with pure rage and that was breaking point for Dean as well – although he didn't threat to kill Gabriel. No, Dean just stood up "Enough! "

"Enough! " He yelled again and raised his glance from Sam to Lucifer and you "Oh my Chuck what I have done to deserve this " He mumbled under his breath before continuing "Firstly, no-one is killing anyone in here! You two have to take that fight somewhere else. Secondly, Gabriel could you not speak about Crowley's ass that much. Nobody cares. Now we have to just...just deal with this before Crowley brings those clowns to our world "  

The temperature raised back to normal after Dean's short speech, but Lucifer didn't let go of your arm, in fact, he pulled you even closer to his chest and wrapped his other arm around your waist. You felt like million butterflies would've woken up in your stomach and you couldn't fight away that smile from your face. Being in Lucifer's arms felt nice. More than nice actually, it felt...right. Like your place was there.  

"I won't let anything happen to you, my Viking" Lucifer whispered in your ear with serious husky voice of his and you just nodded while whispering "Thank you Lucifer " back to him and placed light kiss on his hand. You could feel his body tensing a little after that but then he chuckled quietly and leaned his chin against your head "Anytime" he mumbled happily before had to shut up because Dean started talking again.  


Drabble list!

Woohoo I’m alive guys! And feel free to re-blog. So, the list:

1.”You’re kidding, right? “

2. “I can’t believe this! “

3. “Shut it “

4. “If I stare at you, you go away right?”

5. “...Okay”

6. “...Is that a potato?”

7. “You’re such a dork “

8. “ Go away “

9. “I’d rather die”

10. “Maybe I will “

11. “I can’t love you”

12. “I’m afraid to let my guards down “

13. “I don’t want to get hurt. Again “

14. “I don’t have anyone “

15. “We don’t have to do this, just listen to me please “

16. “Talk to me please! “

17. “Did I do this to you? “

18. “I’m so sorry “

19. “But I love you “

20. “Don’t go! “

21. “It’s literally 3am in the morning. What the heck are you doing? “

22.”I should murder you for this “

23.” You’re lucky I don’t hate you as much as I hate them “

24.” Thank god I’m not sober right now “

25.”We should- Hey! Hey! Come back here! “

26.”I know I’ll regret this but let’s do it! “

27.”Remember this wasn’t my idea”

28.”If I die I will haunt your ass so bad I swear “

29.”Oh god what was that? “

30.”When this is over, I will watch Netflix the rest of my life “

31. “You’re so beautiful “

32. “ Please be mine “

33. “I love you “

34. “It’s always you, you’re always the one “

35. “Kiss me now”

36. “I need you so bad “

37. “I want you “

38. “ I can’t live without you “

39. “We will get trough this, together “

40. “You are mine “

41. “What?! You two slept together?! “

42. “ Geez get a room already”

43.”He is so hot, you wouldn’t believe it “

44. “Is this real?”

45.” Open your eyes”

46. “But it’s not the world we live in “

47.”I don’t remember any of it “

48.”I want to sleep so bad “

49.” I had a nightmare”

50.”Hold me please”

51.”Come here love”

52.”I hate thunderstorms”

53.”I’m not scared I’m..uh..”

54.”Would you like a hug?”

55.”I’m not trying to be cute, shut up “

56.”I can’t help it, sorry “

57.”I have to admit, you’re funny “

58.”Oh shit I totally forgot”

59.”Friends again?”

60.”Don’t do that “

61.”Are you blushing? Cute “

62.”Fuck I knew it! “

63.”Why are you like this? “

64.”Oh I don’t like you I swear “

65.”If I could I would hit on him so badly right now “

66.”Are you even real?”

67.”I like her eyes “

68. “ You can see the whole universe in her eyes “

69.”I will protect her, I promise “

70.”So if I do this, you promise to drink what ever the heck that is “

71. “I would go naked but it’s too cold outside “

72. “We really shouldn’t do this. Specially without alcohol “

73.”Luckily I’m insane like you”

74.”I can say that you need help with something and then you van hit on her”

75.”I don’t need your help, I’m old enough to do this on my own “

76. “Fuck you very much “

77.”Okay but you’ll go first “

78.”It’s okay to laugh at this right? “

79.”Oh god I’m gonna go to hell “

80 “Well I don’t care enough to bother “

81.”It’s called being a humane. You should try sometime”

82.” You are total dickhead, you know that right? “

83.” Well I’m glad that I’m not in your shoes “

84. “Good luck with that “

85. “I would say something pity if I could “

86.”Is it okay if I kick him just a little bit?”

87. “ God I hate her “

88.”Oh, you. Wonderful “

89.”You are one of those?”

90.”I would kill for pizza right now “

91. “ Does it include wine? “

92.”No thanks I would rather just lay in my bed and watch movies”

93.” Do I have to if I don’t want to?”

94.” Do I really need that? Like really really need?”

95.” Ugh, okay but only if you buy me ten beers “

96.” No way in hell”

97.”Don’t tell but I love her”

98.”He is the love of my life”

99.”You should fuck me now”

100.”That is it!” 


“I actually thought that that was kind of hot. Literally.”

Summary: You are daughter of Hades, the god of underworld himself and the Avengers were sent to found you. You had either to join them, or being captured by them and you choosed the easier option.

Pairings: Pietro x Reader

Warnings: Wait I have to check. Well like few curse words. And Tony being Tony. And Pietro being hot. Like really hot. 

A/N: I love to write Sass!Tony so I really liked to write this. And if you liked this I will write more of this. And also I’m so so happy because there are 10 of you after yesterday so this is for you my little minions XOXO

Word count: 1042

Tony looked at you, with his big ass grin on his – quoting his words, “gorgeous” face and crossed his arms on his chest. He raised his other eyebrow and finger, then breathed quickly, like he was going to say something but then pulled his words back and shacked his head

“So you’re seriously saying that your dad could drag my ass straight to hell. Literally. “

“Well I don’t know why he would do that, but if you are curious be my quest and try him. It would actually be hilarious to watch you know “You chuckled and rolled your eyes. You still didn’t have a clue how the Avengers actually found you, because you’ve been expert of hiding for your whole life and now some mortals found you. From America! Well that’s maybe because you weren’t born here, and you actually were some kind of lost in this country but still! Mortals!

You’ve been sitting in their tower for couple of hours now, after agreeing to be cooperative. You knew they couldn’t harm you in any way. First because you were immortal (Well at least you were harder to hurt than mortals were) and second because they knew that if something would happen to you, your dad, god of underworld himself, Hades would kick their asses. Not that you were bragging ‘bout it but still. And actually you realized that they weren’t so bad company after all. You mean, Tony was actually really cool guy, though stubborn and freaking sarcastic (But so were you so it was actually kind of amusing), other girls (Natasha and Wanda) were cool too, and oh boy you loved Wanda’s hair! Steve was maybe the politest guy ever and cute as hell (Hah you would know) and his friend Bucky was smoking hot. Shy or just quiet person (And you didn’t mind that) but hot! You’ve already become friends with Clint, he was this cool big brother type of guy and made you feel comfortable of being with the others. Bruce was adorable, maybe one of your favorite human being you’ve ever met! Thor was interesting, and actually you have met him once before this – many many many years ago but hey, you both were gods. You two had all the time in the world! You loved to talk with him about this world you lived in, and how this era were so complicated and odd. Vision seemed to be chill (Literally, he was so calm even when Tony tried to get his nerves. Jokingly of course) and oh my this Pietro guy. The look he gave you across the room was something which made your immortal heart race like a maniac. It wasn’t fair that Pietro -who looked like a fucking sex god (And you swear you would know that) with his sexy grin on his red lips, teased your mind like that. By grinning with his other corner of his mouth and squinting his eyes a little and disrupted you while you were talking with Tony about your father. Again.

“I might actually try that “Tony said, like he would’ve been talking ‘bout the weather or something NORMAL stuff, and smiled like maniac. Which he apparently was.

“Are you freaking serious Stark? Would you really try to get dragged in hell by Hades? Whom- No offense Y/N, I didn’t even know to be real before this morning. You really would try that? “Steve laughed drily and rolled his eyes so hard that you were amazed that they didn’t got stuck in his head.

“Yes, of course. Y/N made it sound like a challenge and I want to prove that I could get Hades himself to come to my house so I could drink whiskey with him”

“Right, like he would actually drink with you instead of killing you “Steve murmured and turned to look at you. You who raised your other eyebrow, trying not to look at Pietro, whom you could saw in corner of your eye.

“I dare you to wait and see old man. So tell me Y/N, what you can actually do? We were told just that you were extremely powerful and should be handle carefully. And that you were god, which totally makes sense when your dad is Hades and Thor told that he has met you when he was YOUNG which was like million years ago “ Tony asked then, before Steve could probably ask the same question – although different way, taken by his low sigh after Tony opened his big mouth. You let out a light laugh (Which made Pietro to chuckle. Although you didn’t saw that because you were focused on to look at that waiting smile on Tony’s face)

“Well first of all, I’m not this “Handle carefully she is fragile” type of girl. But uhm basically I’m godess of fire – isn’t that even ironic based on who my father is.But  anyways, I can control and make fire and I also can control the temperatures. Like this-“You told, and snapped your fingers. Suddenly the room felt like a sauna – which didn’t bother you tho but apparently it bothered the others so you snapped your fingers again, and the temperature dropped back to normal

“Please don’t do that again “Tony breathed and whipped his forehead and Steve nodded, agreeing with him

“Well you asked what I could do so I showed “You laughed mockingly and pursed up your lips, joyfully of course

“I actually thought that that was kind of hot. Literally. “Pietro admitted, biting his lower lip and shrugged his shoulders while he bowed his head lightly. It made him look like this sexy little puppy. You couldn’t help it, you blushed, being unable to say anything and just smile at him. OH my why he had to be just so freaking cute?

“Well aww our goddess is blushing here “Tony teased, and clapped his hands once or twice

“No I’m not. Shut up “You murmured, glare at Tony’s way before you turned your head and met Pietro’s eyes. His mouth was teasingly open, just so his lips didn’t touch one another and you could saw his tongue lightly touch his upper teeth. Oh speedy keep teasing like that, and you swear you would tease him back!

A/N: Please give me feedback if you did like this or if you didn’t. I would so so so appreciate that!


Only if the universe cared as much as he did

“I’m coming with you ” You said with tone that told your brother that he couldn’t say anything to change your mind. Funny thing was, that he didn’t even tried to, even thought Sam, who was sitting next to him, sighed so loud that flame of a candle which was on the table, vanished into a thin air. Jon glared his friend, knowing what Sam was thinking - Snow could’t take you with him. It was too dangerous!

“Y/N I don’t know if that is the adventure you’re seeking. I mean, it would be great if you actually were a live when your brother takes Winterfell back from the Boltons” Sam, who was like a brother to you, I might add, murmured and looked at you with demanding shade in his eyes - he was serious. He didn’t accept the fact that you could get killed out there, beyond the wall. The advantage of you being there was not worthy, even thought Sam knew that a wildling named Tormund Giantsbane surely adored you a little so your presence beyond the wall would’ve been a helping thing to Jon. But still. Not worthy of loosing you. “Well yes I agree, and I will stand in front of our old home with pride but I will go with Jon. And I’m not stupid Sam, I know the risks I’m taking and I know it’s dark and horribly dangerous out there but I have to go. Jon is my brother Sam, only family I have by blood ” “But Y/N-” “Quit it Sam. I think Y/N have a point here and you and I know too well that no one can make her change her mind. Not even you ” Jon, your brother sighed while you gave Sam apologetic smile and nodded shyly - You had made your decision. You would go with Jon tomorrow. 

A/N: Lol this was my first imagine and first own gif. But this is to you, you lovely anon XO I hope you like this xoxo

Anonymous asked:

I was just wondering could you write some GOT (Game Of Thrones) fics/one shots of any kind? Love your writings btw!

OMG this is the very first request I’ve had and that means that my answer is big, strong hell yeah!😄 Ohmy I’m so happy r n I could dance😍


Stay with me

SO this is my first fic ever and I’m soooo so so so nervous about this and ohmigwahd. And also I want to apologize all the wrong spelled words and all other mistakes but please forgive me because as you can see English isn’t my mother language. And please send me feedback if you like or dislike this. XOXO

Word count: 2005 (whaaat?!)

Ps. I used as inspiration Sam Smith’s wonderful Stay With Me

It has been six months. You have been part of the Avengers six months now, and the first time of your life you really felt like you belong to somewhere. You felt like you’re part of something, that you have a family. A real family. Sure there was ups and downs, but you really felt loved. And you sure were. Tony was like a father to you – you two were surprisingly close, even when times were bad. Pietro and you were always together, you two were unbreakable but not in a romantic ways. Sure Pietro was hot, like really really hot and funny and all but you just weren’t a “thing” you know? Even tough everybody else thought you were. Then there was Bucky. You didn’t actually know what you two were. Like sure, you were friends but there has been always, since the day you two met the first time, something odd between you two. You weren’t so sure what it was, was it fear, chemistry or what? Anyways, Bucky was always tense with you and you couldn’t actually read his face. There was this unreadable impression on his face, always when he was with you. And it bothered you. You once asked Steve about it, but he just said that Bucky was a little shy. So you let it go.

Now you stood in the woods, with a broken arm and bleeding nose. You had been on a mission with the other Avengers but things has heated up a little, and now you were alone, middle of nowhere, wounded and freaking pissed. Last thing you remembered was Bucky laying on the ground, wounded as well but then out of nowhere, something or someone knocked you out, and when you woke up, haunting pain on your arm, you were all alone. Pain in your arm was outstanding, horrible even and it felt like it was close that your arm would freaking fell off. But more pain caused the fact you were alone. You didn’t have a clue where the others were, you didn’t know how Pietro was, you didn’t know was Bucky still down, wounded or was he even alive. You didn’t know where Tony was, or any one else in that matter. And you didn’t have a clue why you were alone and what the hell even happened.

“Y/N!” Your ear-bud cracked, and you pressed it with your middle finger, while you tried to hear someone’s voice.

“Y/N!” It was Tony. He was alive! You could heard from his voice, that he was worried, sad even. But alive, that was all what mattered.

“Tony I’m here “You breathed quietly, and lifted your shaking arm on to your mouth, trying not to cry. You heard gasps from your ear-bud, and dry laughter after those

“Thank fucking god. Oh my god “Tony started                                  

“Yes I’m here Tony “

“Shut up Thor, you’re not my god. And for starters you don’t have to take everything so to the letter, okay Thunderboy? And Y/N are you all right? Where are you, we have been looking for you like two hours and you didn’t answer to us and we thought that you we-“

“Tony I’m fine, don’t worry “You sighted, lying your ears out because you weren’t fine at all, but you didn’t want to cause any other shit shock.

“I don’t know where I am, or why I am here. Last thing that I remember is that… I was with Bucky… and him lying down on the ground… and I tried to… stop this man from… killing Bucky. Is he…he isn’t d- is Bucky okay? “. For couple of seconds there was unpleasant silence, before you heard this low gasp and that’s when you knew there was something wrong.

“Tony? Anyone, hey! Is Bucky alive?! “You shouted quietly, your voice shaking and nearly broke in the end of your sentence. You would never forgive yourself if you let Bucky die. You felt like someone just kicked your breast. You were afraid of what you would hear.

“He’s alive Y/N but-“

“But? “

“He is in very bad shape Y/N. He uhm…he’s unconscious but alive. But don’t worry about him right now. Now you have to focus on that we’re going to find you, and when we do, we all are going back to home, okay Y/N? Can you do that, focus on that?

“Yes…I uhm…I can do that. Hurry please “

You were alone another half an hour, but eventually the others found you (Tony had another shit shock, when he saw you. You were covered in blood and you sat on the ground, leaning against a tree, closely being passed out. But you didn’t and that was a good thing. You hated to be weaker than others. You hated to show others that you were breakable too. ) and before you even noticed, you sat in mess (Fury’s craft happened to have one), next to Natasha and Pietro, after Steve had fixed your arm. And oh boy, that was so painful that you were sure that you’d die on that table. But you didn’t.

“Y/N?” Natasha murmured, after she has steered you, steering the wall like 15 minutes straight. First you didn’t even raise your head to look at her, but after a while, you could still felt her stare, so you sighed and looked at her, into her bright green eyes

“Yeah?” You murmured back, and leaned against the sofa

“You okay? What happened there Y/N? You have steered that wall over 15 minutes, and it’s like you aren’t actually here. Trust me I know that look in your eyes “. You felt like crying. You’ve steered that wall because you were focused on not to cry. Not to broke, because you’ve realized something. You’ve found something in you. A feeling. Special one. And because of that feeling, every single one of your cell, every single one of your body part made you feel crap about yourself. Because of Bucky. You couldn’t stop thinking about him. About his face, when he lied down on the ground, covered in blood. You couldn’t get out of your head the image where Bucky closed his eyes, unable to keep them open. You saw that just before someone knocked you out. But not until you thought that you lost him, you realized that the “odd feeling” between you two was love. You loved him. You loved him so much, you were willing to die for him. You were feeling crap because you hadn’t realized it before. You hadn’t said anything to him, and now there was a change that you aren’t able to say him you loved him, at all.  And that was on you. You couldn’t save him. You couldn’t even save yourself.

“I’m fine Nath “You said and looked away, biting your lips so you wouldn’t make a sound. Because now, you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore. You just. You couldn’t. And Natasha noticed that, taken by her worried impression on her face, when she placed her hand on to your cheek, and forced you to look directly at her. She was smart, she knew what was wrong. She knew about your feelings, even before you did yourself. She had seen your way to look at Bucky, when he talked to Steve, your smile when he looked at you and your blush when he smiled back at you.

“No you’re not. He’s alive Y/N, you haven’t loose him-“She started, and cut you off before you could even open your mouth to protest “Go to him Y/N. Go see for yourself, and stop blaming yourself, okay? “She sighed, and smiled a little. You steered her eyes for a couple of seconds, biting bot of your lips. After you blinked your eyes, you got up, whipped your tears off of your cheeks and ran off. You ran. You ran as fast as you could, forcing yourself to keep going, even when every step hurt. But you didn’t care. No, not now. You needed to nee Bucky. You needed to see that he was okay, alive. You needed to tell him about your feelings. Even when you knew he wouldn’t feel the same way but you had to tell him! You just. You had to, there was no other way. Not anymore anyways. Not when you’ve realized he stooled your heart.  Not after when the thought of losing him broke you apart.

“Bucky? “ You breathed quietly, when you opened the infirmary’s door, walked next to him and saw him lying on the bed, eyes closed and his dark brown hair in a mess. His face was cleaned up, clothes changed and wounds were cleaned and patched up. He looked almost peaceful. Well, he did until you came in. His eyes widened open, and he squeezed his other hand in a fist. You suddenly felt like a fool. You actually have thought be able to tell him that you love him. But now when you saw his stone cold eyes, his hands squeezed in fists, and heard his overwrought breath, you couldn’t do anything else than steer his eyes, and not being able to say anything. You were like that a few moments, before you shook your head, and turned around, intent to leave but you felt someone grabbing your wrist, stopped you before you could walk away. You looked over your shoulder and saw Bucky, sat in his bed and holding your hand

“I thought you were dead. I thought that I lost you Y/N “Bucky murmured. His voice was shaking and it actually broke when he said your name. You could saw one single tear coming down on his cheek, when he looked at you, more broken than you had ever seen him been. You bite your lip, and step closer to him, holding his human hand, and crapping his metal hand to your other hand

“I thought that you…that I failed you. I didn’t want to wake up…I really…” He breathed, and squeezed your hand “Stay with me please. Don’t go…” He whispered, and pulled you closer to him. You tried to calm your racing heart, while you stared his eyes. There was something you haven’t saw ever before. There was these feelings, sparkling in his eyes. There was sadness for sure but then there was. There was something warm, something new. Something which made you feel safe. Feel good. Slowly you let go of his human hand, and gently placed your free hand to his cheek, and softly stroked it with your thumb. Bucky opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn’t. He was too deep in your eyes. He was too shocked for your touch.

“I’ll stay. I will always stay with you Bucky. Just say what you need and I-“

“You’re all I need Y/N “Bucky whispered, placed his hands to your lower back, pulling that way you closer to him. You didn’t even get to say anything, because Bucky pressed his lips to yours. You didn’t expect him to kiss you. You didn’t prepare to those words. But suddenly, you didn’t feel crappy anymore. Not at all. Quickly you kissed him back, and lifted your other hand to his face as well, and cupped your hands to his cheeks. This was perfect. And you could feel all those thousands of thousands butterflies in your stomach to fly away. The way Bucky treated your lips was mind-blowing. He kissed your lower lip, your upper lip and both. Small kisses and long, deep kisses. You loved the taste of his lips. They tasted like peppermints and dreams. Yes, dreams, he tasted like a good, fluffy dream.

“Bucky I love you “You whispered against the kiss, and made him stop. He licked his lips, while leaning his forehead against yours. His eyes softened as he looked your eyes, grinning a little and stroking your collarbone with his soft fingers

“I love you too Y/N. I’ve loved you since the day I met you “  


The Endgame

Summary: Ultron has taken the throne of the world and everything has changed. Peoples lives without electricity and Ultron has classified peoples in different categories, based on their abilities. Kind of divergent style. There is no Avengers, yet. And something spooky is happening in northern border of Zeros and The Survivors  

Pairings: Bestfriend!Clint x Reader, Pietro x Reader

Warnings: Few curse words. And if you have vivid or bawdy imagination then I’m sorry. But yeah basically nothing

A/N: Uhm I personally like the idea of this. But really please I would love to hear from you XOXO

Word count: 2777

The world has changed. Everything has changed. I can hardly remember laying on my bed, only in my underwear, sun shining on my skin, lightly warming my body. The open window and the curtains beautifully dancing in the wind. I can remember the ocean. The waves. Sky. And clouds, fluffy as cotton. I can remember peace. Yes, there was peace once.

But that was then. Now there was only fear. Only war and violence. I’ve watched my friends and loved ones turning into some other persons. They turned to be dangerous. They turned into villains. They – I were dead to them. And in matter of fact, some of them tried literally kill me. The world has changed. Endgame was on. And I’m in it.

Things started to went bad when PV – Puna virus, spread from somewhere in Europe through all over the world, whipped entire countries, caused hysteria and caused cell mutations. Not for all, but every now and then someone found out that he or she could control fire or turn into a tiger or something like that. And as quickly as that, they were suddenly targets. So they went underground. Things heated between literally everyone in everywhere. Middle East stopped selling oil, which caused problems in major levels. Everything went just so wrong in every way possible. But that wasn’t even close to how bad things are in the future. Mutants and other unnatural beings were forced to come out but the real problems started when electric just. Ceased to exist. It vanished. It was gone. It caused hysteria and humans blamed mutants and others for it. Everything was tumbled, and because of the situation, it gave to Ultron the opportunity to rose and take control. Ultron got the opportunity in silver plate. Ultron got it. Ultron. The man behind PV. The man behind everything. After he took control – crown, to himself, he changed things. He changed everything. He destroyed the social system. He destroyed homes, entire cities even. He took control of food, laws and after a while, he was sitting on the throne of the world. Or what was left of it anyways. The huge change was the new classification between peoples. Ultron classified peoples in different categories, based on their abilities. Kind of divergent style, but this time it was all real.

There was 7 different categories: The intelligencers. They were usually politics with normal human strengths. Only their intellect was better than others and that makes them dangerous. Usually they all were Ultron’s minions, and they were hired by Ultron himself.  Intelligencers were the “cream of the society”, and almost every one of them actually liked being on Ultron’s leash because it gave them rights to do practically everything expect rise against Ultron. But that wasn’t a problem. Because they didn’t want to rose against him. They were too blinded by special rights. The Survivors. They were humans with special skills in the wild. Experts at hunting, hiding and potions and stuff. They were also in charge of collecting food for themselves and to other categories, but still hated by every other categories, expect Zeros. They were hated because The Survivors were only ones who could and did rise against Ultron, which caused a huge war between all categories and after this huge war many Survivors went to ground because suddenly others started to hunt them down. Some of the Survivors are old Toughers, or Uselessers. The Toughers were Ultron’s soldiers – they were at the same time the police and the military. Experts of guns, fighting, killing and they did all Ultron’s dirty works. They were feared by everyone and there were reason for that – they were physically big and strong and capable of killing with their bare hands. You really didn’t want to be their target. The Mutants. The Mutants were, well, mutants. They were humans with special powers. Some people could say that they weren’t humans at all. They standoff from the others, and others stayed away from them, but deep down they wanted the same thing that The Survivors wanted – freedom, but they didn’t showed it. They didn’t do anything about it.  The Artisters. They were, uh, like the “Jokers”. Their job was amuse The Intelligencers and Ultron himself, by singing, dancing, and most of all, by arts (Paintings and stuff). They didn’t have any special rights, but they weren’t slaves, like Uselessers were. Their status was something between The Intelligencers and Uselessers.  The Zeros. There isn’t many of them, but if you happened to be one, you were in danger – Ultron wanted any single one of them being hunted down. Why? Because Zeros were the most powerful beings in the world – they didn’t belong in any specific category, because they had more than one ability. Example, someone can control the five elements (Fire, water, earth, air and metal) so he or she is clearly mutant but they could be also survivor. And then there is The Uselessers, peoples who doesn’t have any skills. Or, at least Ultron thinks so. They are like a slaves – they don’t have any rights, and Ultron and other categories forces them to do anything they want. Even Survivors use them. At times, Ultron force some of the Uselessers to become a Tougher which usually ends badly.

I already told who I am, didn’t I? My name is Y/N and I’m Y/A old. I live with The Survivors after my parents tried to kill me (They found out that their child wasn’t one of the Intelligencers after all), and every one of my friends know my little secret – I’m one of the Zeros. I’m the one who can control the five elements. I’m the one who is mutant but also a survivor. Even though we Zeros have a place to hide, I don’t feel safe there. I go there once in a while but I don’t live there. I just. I can’t. It doesn’t feel safe and after all I feel like I’m one of the Survivors. Sure, I know how to control my powers, but I feel like I’m better at hunting than making a fire (Although I may or may not have burned my tent once or twice) or icing the water or some shit like that. Some peoples say that I feel that way because I’m afraid to be who I am. That may be the truth, I don’t know. But I know that I don’t want to think about it. I want to live as simple life as I can. And oh boys, I can say that the word “simple” doesn’t mean what it meant when things were better. When everyone had a life. A REAL life. Here, now simple life means that you don’t have to run for your life all the time (Which in my case was the deal at times to times). And that you really had food to eat (And this was something I don’t always have, when times are worse than usually, even though I’m one of the Survivors, and we are the “Food suppliers”). And that you have place to live (This I do have)

We have a huge camp in the woods (There are some of us tho, whose lives in the city), and we share borders with the Zeros (And I’m glad for that, makes my life little easier). We have this light hierarchy in our camp, there is these “Big persons” – Don’t judge me, I don’t know how to put it, because they aren’t exactly our leaders but they hold the highest authority, you know what I mean? And I was one of them, basically because I was actually Zero, so no one didn’t fuck with me. And that was good. But the real reason why I was one of them, was because I was liaison person between two categories. Sure there were other Zeros in our camp, and they were as important as I was but in my case, I was also close to Steve, who was one of the leader ish person in our camp. And actually I think that the reason why nobody didn’t fuck with my nerves was because the fact that Steve was like a brother to me, so if you fuck with me you fuck with Steve. But anyways, basically my days was that I wake up, go to hunt if I wasn’t in “guard shift”, and at night come back to camp and hang with others. Sometimes I could go to the city, but I really don’t like it, because I feel so nervous being around the Intelligencers and Thoughers so I try to avoid going there. Even though I have one or two friends there, example Tony, who is one of the Intelligencers, but he has a heart, big heart, even when he is sassy as fuck. And he is one of the few there, who isn’t in Ultron’s leash. Or you know, he act like he is but he isn’t. And I know that.

“Why don’t you just kiss him already Y/N? “ Clint, one of my best friends, teased and slapped me in my shoulder lightly as we were walking in the woods, towards to Survivors and Zeros border because we were told that they needed something. Usually it was information or simply that the guards of Zero’s were just bored and wanted company. Both way Clint and I were happy to help them.

“Shut your mouth Barton, you know that I can’t kiss him. Not that I would even want to kiss Pietro, but if I would want I could not “

“And why is that? “ Clint laughed, raised his brown eyebrows, smirked, and he clearly saw through me. Of course I would kiss Pietro Maximoff if I had opportunity to do it. But I would not admit that. No way in hell.

“Well first of all, Wanda is good friend of mine “I started and sighed lightly


“So, I just can’t kiss her brother you know “I laughed, even tho the idea of kissing Pietro still stayed in my mind. It wasn’t like this was my first time thinking about Pietro, and that thought made my cheeks turned into a freaking tomatoes.

“Yeah yeah, keep telling that to yourself “Clint just mocked, rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to him – It was cold and he just is this prince charming type of guy, and it was one of the endless reasons why I loved him. As a friend. There might have been something between us, but pretty fast we realized that it wouldn’t work so. Yeah. We didn’t even started anything romantic. I rolled my eyes as well, and crapped one of his arms and wrapped my arm around his

“Yeah, watch me “I giggled softly, and made him shook his head a little. But before he got to even say anything, someone rushed over to us, and left blur blue light behind him. Yes, him, because I knew who it was. It was Pietro. We were close to border, and I hadn’t even realized it. Well, not before Pietro crapped my butt teasingly, before he stopped and stood in front of us with his wide grin on his face

“So I think you guys were just bored, huh? “ Clint sighed but smiled at Pietro. Barton wasn’t annoyed, I could tell it from his voice. Pietro shrugged his shoulders and pursed his lips

“Maybe “ he teased “Maybe not. Maybe we need some information “

“From what? “ I questioned and raised my other eyebrow toward the sky. I was sure that I saw this little blaze in Pietro’s eyes, when he looked at me, thinking what he would say to me and when he finally said something, it surprised me. Totally.

“I, personally, need some information from this magically amazing young woman who controls the five elements, and the others need to know something about the status of the borders or something I really didn’t listen so well so I could say for sure “

“Yeah, that’s why you have me, my dumb brother “I heard suddenly, and turned around to see Wanda’s bright smile basically because I didn’t know how to response to what I just heard

“Ouch, that hurts “Pietro gasped theatrically, and placed his arm to his chest. Wanda just rolled her eyes and hugged me, so I wasn’t just standing there, unable to do or say anything

 “It’s nice to see you again Y/N “Wanda sneered but continued before I could say likewise “But yes, Pietro is right. We need to know what is up with the northern border, because some of us has been going missing and last place they were seen was in there. You guys know anything about it? “

“Yeah Printesa, you know anything about it? “

“Pietro stop flirting with my friend please “Wanda sighed, but I couldn’t help it. I smiled like Cheshire cat and bite my lower lip, which made Wanda to roll her eyes – again

“Oh come on you guys “

“Yeah, come on I’m here too “ Clint muttered and crossed his arms onto his chest, while Pietro sneaked behind me, and placed his hands teasingly to my waist, so he could lean to whisper in my ear

“So how is it Printesa, you want to share information about the lady I was talking about? “

“Maybe “I started, copying his words “Maybe not. Maybe I want to talk about the borders, huh? “I couldn’t help it, I couldn’t stop my cheeks to turn redder that. Well. Red, because Pietro didn’t let go of me, and in matter of fact, he tightened lightly his grip and pulled me closer to him.

“Well that is too bad. I mean, I would’ve really wanted to talk about this amazing lady “He whispered, and then let go of me, stepping few step back, so I had to turn around to see his face

“Oh yeah? “ I laughed and bowed my head a little, which made Pietro to bite his lower lip. Yeah well maybe I wasn’t so honest whit myself and Clint. I mean, I could definitely kiss Pietro, right? Maybe not to night but some day.  

“Could you please stop you guys “Clint sighed. Oh shit, right. I’ve totally forgot the whole reason why I was here in the first place – the information. Right. I laughed drily and nodded, while Pietro just winked at Clint, and sat down on a tree trunk. I didn’t saw Clint’s face at the time but I could tell, he rolled his eyes. I mean, you know the feeling when you just know someone so well, that you could tell his or hers face expressions even when you don’t see them? I sat next to Clint, and cleared my throat

“Yes, about your problem. We don’t know what is up with the northern border, but our guys has gone missing as well. 3 guys so far, but now when we know that you guys have the same problem, I think it would be the best if we - and by we I mean Zeros and the Survivors , formed a group and would go there to check what is wrong with the place “ Clint explained and looked over us. Wanda and I just nodded, but Pietro seemed a little doubtful

“I don’t think that it’s safe to go there. Not for you two anyways “He said, and waved his head to us, me and Wanda. I just raised my other eyebrow, but Wanda seemed to take Pietro’s sentence as an insult, taken by her darkened eyes and fists

“And what do you mean by that, smucitură? “ She huffed, and crossed her arms. Pietro took a breath between his teeth and leaned his arms to his knees.

“I just meant that It’s not safe for you two because “He started “Well...I don’t know exactly why but if over 6 guys has gone missing, and last place they were seen was there, I don’t want you two to go there and just vanish like the others, okay? “. Wanda didn’t say anything, just looked at his brother a while, until she turned his head and looked at Clint, who just shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands a little – he wouldn’t say anything about Pietro’s sentence even tho I knew that Clint agreed with him. I knew that he wouldn’t let me or Wanda go to northern border, but the thing was that my interest was woken up – I really would like to go to the border and see what the hell is going on there?

smucitură = jerk (A/U: I used google translate )


Haaye requests are open

So yeah guys I would love to get requests from you. And I swear I’ll write because I have so far none so it’s not like there is rush or something

(The amazing gif isn’t mine so credit for who ever did it♥).

But yeah, send me requests or drabble ideas or anything. And oh, I do all that stuff for Marvel and SPN and True Blood. So, I’ll be waiting XOXO


So yeah I’ve gained 5 new followers (And ohmygod thank you for that I love you guys♥) but seriously guys there is this change you’ve to read only stuff coming from my little head so really if you have ANYthing please I’m desperate


Haaye requests are open

So yeah guys I would love to get requests from you. And I swear I’ll write because I have so far none so it’s not like there is rush or something

(The amazing gif isn’t mine so credit for who ever did it♥).

But yeah, send me requests or drabble ideas or anything. And oh, I do all that stuff for Marvel and SPN and True Blood. So, I’ll be waiting XOXO


“I actually thought that that was kind of hot. Literally.”

Summary: You are daughter of Hades, the god of underworld himself and the Avengers were sent to found you. You had either to join them, or being captured by them and you choosed the easier option.

Pairings: Pietro x Reader

Warnings: Wait I have to check. Well like few curse words. And Tony being Tony. And Pietro being hot. Like really hot. 

A/N: I love to write Sass!Tony so I really liked to write this. And if you liked this I will write more of this. And also I’m so so happy because there are 10 of you after yesterday so this is for you my little minions XOXO

Word count: 1042

Tony looked at you, with his big ass grin on his – quoting his words, “gorgeous” face and crossed his arms on his chest. He raised his other eyebrow and finger, then breathed quickly, like he was going to say something but then pulled his words back and shacked his head

“So you’re seriously saying that your dad could drag my ass straight to hell. Literally. “

“Well I don’t know why he would do that, but if you are curious be my quest and try him. It would actually be hilarious to watch you know “You chuckled and rolled your eyes. You still didn’t have a clue how the Avengers actually found you, because you’ve been expert of hiding for your whole life and now some mortals found you. From America! Well that’s maybe because you weren’t born here, and you actually were some kind of lost in this country but still! Mortals!

You’ve been sitting in their tower for couple of hours now, after agreeing to be cooperative. You knew they couldn’t harm you in any way. First because you were immortal (Well at least you were harder to hurt than mortals were) and second because they knew that if something would happen to you, your dad, god of underworld himself, Hades would kick their asses. Not that you were bragging ‘bout it but still. And actually you realized that they weren’t so bad company after all. You mean, Tony was actually really cool guy, though stubborn and freaking sarcastic (But so were you so it was actually kind of amusing), other girls (Natasha and Wanda) were cool too, and oh boy you loved Wanda’s hair! Steve was maybe the politest guy ever and cute as hell (Hah you would know) and his friend Bucky was smoking hot. Shy or just quiet person (And you didn’t mind that) but hot! You’ve already become friends with Clint, he was this cool big brother type of guy and made you feel comfortable of being with the others. Bruce was adorable, maybe one of your favorite human being you’ve ever met! Thor was interesting, and actually you have met him once before this – many many many years ago but hey, you both were gods. You two had all the time in the world! You loved to talk with him about this world you lived in, and how this era were so complicated and odd. Vision seemed to be chill (Literally, he was so calm even when Tony tried to get his nerves. Jokingly of course) and oh my this Pietro guy. The look he gave you across the room was something which made your immortal heart race like a maniac. It wasn’t fair that Pietro -who looked like a fucking sex god (And you swear you would know that) with his sexy grin on his red lips, teased your mind like that. By grinning with his other corner of his mouth and squinting his eyes a little and disrupted you while you were talking with Tony about your father. Again.

“I might actually try that “Tony said, like he would’ve been talking ‘bout the weather or something NORMAL stuff, and smiled like maniac. Which he apparently was.

“Are you freaking serious Stark? Would you really try to get dragged in hell by Hades? Whom- No offense Y/N, I didn’t even know to be real before this morning. You really would try that? “Steve laughed drily and rolled his eyes so hard that you were amazed that they didn’t got stuck in his head.

“Yes, of course. Y/N made it sound like a challenge and I want to prove that I could get Hades himself to come to my house so I could drink whiskey with him”

“Right, like he would actually drink with you instead of killing you “Steve murmured and turned to look at you. You who raised your other eyebrow, trying not to look at Pietro, whom you could saw in corner of your eye.

“I dare you to wait and see old man. So tell me Y/N, what you can actually do? We were told just that you were extremely powerful and should be handle carefully. And that you were god, which totally makes sense when your dad is Hades and Thor told that he has met you when he was YOUNG which was like million years ago “ Tony asked then, before Steve could probably ask the same question – although different way, taken by his low sigh after Tony opened his big mouth. You let out a light laugh (Which made Pietro to chuckle. Although you didn’t saw that because you were focused on to look at that waiting smile on Tony’s face)

“Well first of all, I’m not this “Handle carefully she is fragile” type of girl. But uhm basically I’m godess of fire – isn’t that even ironic based on who my father is.But  anyways, I can control and make fire and I also can control the temperatures. Like this-“You told, and snapped your fingers. Suddenly the room felt like a sauna – which didn’t bother you tho but apparently it bothered the others so you snapped your fingers again, and the temperature dropped back to normal

“Please don’t do that again “Tony breathed and whipped his forehead and Steve nodded, agreeing with him

“Well you asked what I could do so I showed “You laughed mockingly and pursed up your lips, joyfully of course

“I actually thought that that was kind of hot. Literally. “Pietro admitted, biting his lower lip and shrugged his shoulders while he bowed his head lightly. It made him look like this sexy little puppy. You couldn’t help it, you blushed, being unable to say anything and just smile at him. OH my why he had to be just so freaking cute?

“Well aww our goddess is blushing here “Tony teased, and clapped his hands once or twice

“No I’m not. Shut up “You murmured, glare at Tony’s way before you turned your head and met Pietro’s eyes. His mouth was teasingly open, just so his lips didn’t touch one another and you could saw his tongue lightly touch his upper teeth. Oh speedy keep teasing like that, and you swear you would tease him back!

A/N: Please give me feedback if you did like this or if you didn’t. I would so so so appreciate that!

Anonymous asked:

That was your first fic? It was so good, it seems like you've been doing this for years!! Great job, can't wait to see more!

Ohmygod thank you sweetheart ♥ I really appericiate this ♥  


Stay with me

SO this is my first fic ever and I’m soooo so so so nervous about this and ohmigwahd. And also I want to apologize all the wrong spelled words and all other mistakes but please forgive me because as you can see English isn’t my mother language. And please send me feedback if you like or dislike this. XOXO

Word count: 2005 (whaaat?!)

Ps. I used as inspiration Sam Smith’s wonderful Stay With Me

It has been six months. You have been part of the Avengers six months now, and the first time of your life you really felt like you belong to somewhere. You felt like you’re part of something, that you have a family. A real family. Sure there was ups and downs, but you really felt loved. And you sure were. Tony was like a father to you – you two were surprisingly close, even when times were bad. Pietro and you were always together, you two were unbreakable but not in a romantic ways. Sure Pietro was hot, like really really hot and funny and all but you just weren’t a “thing” you know? Even tough everybody else thought you were. Then there was Bucky. You didn’t actually know what you two were. Like sure, you were friends but there has been always, since the day you two met the first time, something odd between you two. You weren’t so sure what it was, was it fear, chemistry or what? Anyways, Bucky was always tense with you and you couldn’t actually read his face. There was this unreadable impression on his face, always when he was with you. And it bothered you. You once asked Steve about it, but he just said that Bucky was a little shy. So you let it go.

Now you stood in the woods, with a broken arm and bleeding nose. You had been on a mission with the other Avengers but things has heated up a little, and now you were alone, middle of nowhere, wounded and freaking pissed. Last thing you remembered was Bucky laying on the ground, wounded as well but then out of nowhere, something or someone knocked you out, and when you woke up, haunting pain on your arm, you were all alone. Pain in your arm was outstanding, horrible even and it felt like it was close that your arm would freaking fell off. But more pain caused the fact you were alone. You didn’t have a clue where the others were, you didn’t know how Pietro was, you didn’t know was Bucky still down, wounded or was he even alive. You didn’t know where Tony was, or any one else in that matter. And you didn’t have a clue why you were alone and what the hell even happened.

“Y/N!” Your ear-bud cracked, and you pressed it with your middle finger, while you tried to hear someone’s voice.

“Y/N!” It was Tony. He was alive! You could heard from his voice, that he was worried, sad even. But alive, that was all what mattered.

“Tony I’m here “You breathed quietly, and lifted your shaking arm on to your mouth, trying not to cry. You heard gasps from your ear-bud, and dry laughter after those

“Thank fucking god. Oh my god “Tony started                                  

“Yes I’m here Tony “

“Shut up Thor, you’re not my god. And for starters you don’t have to take everything so to the letter, okay Thunderboy? And Y/N are you all right? Where are you, we have been looking for you like two hours and you didn’t answer to us and we thought that you we-“

“Tony I’m fine, don’t worry “You sighted, lying your ears out because you weren’t fine at all, but you didn’t want to cause any other shit shock.

“I don’t know where I am, or why I am here. Last thing that I remember is that… I was with Bucky… and him lying down on the ground… and I tried to… stop this man from… killing Bucky. Is he...he isn’t d- is Bucky okay? “. For couple of seconds there was unpleasant silence, before you heard this low gasp and that’s when you knew there was something wrong.

“Tony? Anyone, hey! Is Bucky alive?! “You shouted quietly, your voice shaking and nearly broke in the end of your sentence. You would never forgive yourself if you let Bucky die. You felt like someone just kicked your breast. You were afraid of what you would hear.

“He’s alive Y/N but-“

“But? “

“He is in very bad shape Y/N. He uhm...he’s unconscious but alive. But don’t worry about him right now. Now you have to focus on that we’re going to find you, and when we do, we all are going back to home, okay Y/N? Can you do that, focus on that?

“Yes...I uhm…I can do that. Hurry please “

You were alone another half an hour, but eventually the others found you (Tony had another shit shock, when he saw you. You were covered in blood and you sat on the ground, leaning against a tree, closely being passed out. But you didn’t and that was a good thing. You hated to be weaker than others. You hated to show others that you were breakable too. ) and before you even noticed, you sat in mess (Fury’s craft happened to have one), next to Natasha and Pietro, after Steve had fixed your arm. And oh boy, that was so painful that you were sure that you’d die on that table. But you didn’t.

“Y/N?” Natasha murmured, after she has steered you, steering the wall like 15 minutes straight. First you didn’t even raise your head to look at her, but after a while, you could still felt her stare, so you sighed and looked at her, into her bright green eyes

“Yeah?” You murmured back, and leaned against the sofa

“You okay? What happened there Y/N? You have steered that wall over 15 minutes, and it’s like you aren’t actually here. Trust me I know that look in your eyes “. You felt like crying. You’ve steered that wall because you were focused on not to cry. Not to broke, because you’ve realized something. You’ve found something in you. A feeling. Special one. And because of that feeling, every single one of your cell, every single one of your body part made you feel crap about yourself. Because of Bucky. You couldn’t stop thinking about him. About his face, when he lied down on the ground, covered in blood. You couldn’t get out of your head the image where Bucky closed his eyes, unable to keep them open. You saw that just before someone knocked you out. But not until you thought that you lost him, you realized that the “odd feeling” between you two was love. You loved him. You loved him so much, you were willing to die for him. You were feeling crap because you hadn’t realized it before. You hadn’t said anything to him, and now there was a change that you aren’t able to say him you loved him, at all.  And that was on you. You couldn’t save him. You couldn’t even save yourself.

“I’m fine Nath “You said and looked away, biting your lips so you wouldn’t make a sound. Because now, you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore. You just. You couldn’t. And Natasha noticed that, taken by her worried impression on her face, when she placed her hand on to your cheek, and forced you to look directly at her. She was smart, she knew what was wrong. She knew about your feelings, even before you did yourself. She had seen your way to look at Bucky, when he talked to Steve, your smile when he looked at you and your blush when he smiled back at you.

“No you’re not. He’s alive Y/N, you haven’t loose him-“She started, and cut you off before you could even open your mouth to protest “Go to him Y/N. Go see for yourself, and stop blaming yourself, okay? “She sighed, and smiled a little. You steered her eyes for a couple of seconds, biting bot of your lips. After you blinked your eyes, you got up, whipped your tears off of your cheeks and ran off. You ran. You ran as fast as you could, forcing yourself to keep going, even when every step hurt. But you didn’t care. No, not now. You needed to nee Bucky. You needed to see that he was okay, alive. You needed to tell him about your feelings. Even when you knew he wouldn’t feel the same way but you had to tell him! You just. You had to, there was no other way. Not anymore anyways. Not when you’ve realized he stooled your heart.  Not after when the thought of losing him broke you apart.

“Bucky? “ You breathed quietly, when you opened the infirmary’s door, walked next to him and saw him lying on the bed, eyes closed and his dark brown hair in a mess. His face was cleaned up, clothes changed and wounds were cleaned and patched up. He looked almost peaceful. Well, he did until you came in. His eyes widened open, and he squeezed his other hand in a fist. You suddenly felt like a fool. You actually have thought be able to tell him that you love him. But now when you saw his stone cold eyes, his hands squeezed in fists, and heard his overwrought breath, you couldn’t do anything else than steer his eyes, and not being able to say anything. You were like that a few moments, before you shook your head, and turned around, intent to leave but you felt someone grabbing your wrist, stopped you before you could walk away. You looked over your shoulder and saw Bucky, sat in his bed and holding your hand

“I thought you were dead. I thought that I lost you Y/N “Bucky murmured. His voice was shaking and it actually broke when he said your name. You could saw one single tear coming down on his cheek, when he looked at you, more broken than you had ever seen him been. You bite your lip, and step closer to him, holding his human hand, and crapping his metal hand to your other hand

“I thought that you…that I failed you. I didn’t want to wake up…I really…” He breathed, and squeezed your hand “Stay with me please. Don’t go…” He whispered, and pulled you closer to him. You tried to calm your racing heart, while you stared his eyes. There was something you haven’t saw ever before. There was these feelings, sparkling in his eyes. There was sadness for sure but then there was. There was something warm, something new. Something which made you feel safe. Feel good. Slowly you let go of his human hand, and gently placed your free hand to his cheek, and softly stroked it with your thumb. Bucky opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn’t. He was too deep in your eyes. He was too shocked for your touch.

“I’ll stay. I will always stay with you Bucky. Just say what you need and I-“

“You’re all I need Y/N “Bucky whispered, placed his hands to your lower back, pulling that way you closer to him. You didn’t even get to say anything, because Bucky pressed his lips to yours. You didn’t expect him to kiss you. You didn’t prepare to those words. But suddenly, you didn’t feel crappy anymore. Not at all. Quickly you kissed him back, and lifted your other hand to his face as well, and cupped your hands to his cheeks. This was perfect. And you could feel all those thousands of thousands butterflies in your stomach to fly away. The way Bucky treated your lips was mind-blowing. He kissed your lower lip, your upper lip and both. Small kisses and long, deep kisses. You loved the taste of his lips. They tasted like peppermints and dreams. Yes, dreams, he tasted like a good, fluffy dream.

“Bucky I love you “You whispered against the kiss, and made him stop. He licked his lips, while leaning his forehead against yours. His eyes softened as he looked your eyes, grinning a little and stroking your collarbone with his soft fingers

“I love you too Y/N. I’ve loved you since the day I met you “  

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