
Sarah Tilgner

@a-mellowtea / a-mellowtea.tumblr.com

· Sarah · 24 · Canadian · She/Her · theatre technician · stage manager · unapologetic dork ·

If I had the confidence to ask Ben Zecker if he would be inclined to release the cue, I feel like this'd be a lot less of a headache...


Maybe this is the wrong platform to pose this question given the average tumblr user but

Is it just me or did our generation (those of is who are currently 20-30 ish) just not get the opportunity to be young in the 'standard' sense?

Like, everyone I talk to who's over 40 has all their wild stories about their teens and 20s, being young and dumb, and then I talk to my friends and coworkers and classmates, and we just... dont.

My mom tells stories of skipping school to sneak across the border and spend the day at a bar in Mexico. I was threatened with not being allowed to graduate because of senior ditch day. One of my friends had to go to his first hour class on senior ditch day because the teacher, who almost exclusively taught seniors, arranged a huge exam that day with no available makeup days, specifically to punish kids who took part in ditch day. Our wild and crazy ditch day was playing mini golf and then stopping for ice cream on our way back to one of our friends' houses to play cards against humanity.

Don't get me wrong, we had fun. But all of that, threats of not graduating, threats of failing classes over a single test, over some mini golf and ice cream?

Throughout high school and early in college, my friend group got kicked out of malls, stores, and even a parking lot just for being there wrong. Not being loud of disruptive. Not causing problems. Just being there too long, or without buying anything.

My mom graduated high school, after repeating her senior year, without a single grade above a D, and was offered a full ride scholarship to a state university to play on their women's football team. I had a 3.8 GPA, multiple extracurriculars, a summer job, and over 100 hours of volunteer work, and barely got into that same university, and then couldn't afford to go there anyway.

We've made getting into college so important and yet so difficult that kids are sacrificing their childhoods for it.

Then they become adults and it doesn't go away. Your employer/ potential employers are searching your social media and internet presence so you'd better hope no one has ever posted a picture of you at a party, or with alcohol, or wearing revealing clothes, or whatever else they've deemed unprofessional. And if you want to go out it's a 10 dollar cover and drinks are at least 8 dollars, and you need to tip if there's any kind of live entertainment, who can afford to do all that regularly?

My physical therapist, when I was 18, told me about his 21st birthday, how the last thing he remembers is people taking body shots off him. I spent my 21st birthday alone, was in bed by 10pm because I had to be at work the next morning. My boss had already told me that they knew it was my 21st, and if I called out, she'd write me up for improper use of sick leave because you're not allowed to use sick leave for a hangover. I don't know anyone whose 21st birthday was a big deal. No one went out and partied for it.

I dont really know where I'm going with all of this. I guess I just don't understand the point of it all. We spend our youth working hard to provide a future that we still can't afford. We have to be responsible and professional as teenagers. And we get nothing out of it. We can't afford life or friends or fun. At least our parents got to have fun being young and dumb, we just got groomed on kik.

So I'm not the only one noticing this. I wish I had an answer or at least something to say about it. But I dont. I'm just tired.


i think all quiet on the western front and the lord of the rings are in direct conversation with each other, as in theyre the retelling of the same war with one saying here’s what happened, we all died, and it did not matter at all and another going hush little boy, of course we won, of course your friends came back

someone should remake lord of the rings as a grandfather telling a fantasy story to his grand child with flashbacks to world war one showing the dead boys and men the characters were based on. grandpa why didn’t they just fly. because they didn’t. they didn’t.

i’m fine

I will never get over how Tolkien & Lewis took the horrors of war and spun them into fantasy.

Shivering in the trenches dreaming of cozy hobbit holes, shaking as bombs pockmark a forest and imagining each shallow mud-filled crater contains a new world—that maybe there are still as many beautiful things in the universe as there are bombs—that maybe the world is bigger than this moment and this ugliness and one day this will be a peaceful forest again full of small ponds.

I mean look at these photos of the shell craters in Sanctuary Woods, near Ypres Belgium and tell me it’s not the Wood Between The Worlds:


Anonymous asked:

in case no one's asked yet, what are your thoughts on the v9 epilogue animatic?

In a word? Decent.

I know the tropes they're playing with. The "desperate and despondent pulled back to hope by the fortunate return of the heroes" is paint-by-numbers and, even without it, how RWBY would've probably ended post-Volume 9 is fairly clear in my view. The Vacuo subplot is dealt with, likely with some character deaths; Salem either rocks up or the protags go on the offensive and go to her in Vale; big fight, they get all the Relics, summon the Gods, and Ruby and co. talk no jutsu their way into a happy ending via a reiteration of the Blacksmith's dialogue on the true nature of balance and an insistence that Ozma's task of unity was fulfilled in a way that matters.

Which, honestly? Is fine. It works. The epilogue works - the character beats are there, the additional stress of Vacuo being the only functionally defensible Kingdom left is a little cheaply done but overall alright, and seeing the road laid ahead by it isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think, if that is the way they intended to go, it would have been a decent end for an overall decent series.

Anonymous asked:

Just a question, the rwby sendoff vid was made by you, it isn't official, right? The roosterteeth presents at the beginning had me doubting myself until i saw your tags, but I thought I'd better make sure.

I'm flattered that it was a good enough edit to come off as official, but no - it's my own. RoosterTeeth won't be shutting down for another thirty-five-or-so days, and the future of RWBY is still very much up in the air. The sendoff was simply a "thank you" to the former crew, who I unfortunately doubt will be following the IP wherever it ends up.

Anonymous asked:

As the fool who sent wondyweiss that ask after having *totally* missed the '-lance' part in Neath's tweets: thank you for the correction. That wasn't deliberate, but it was *contemptibly* stupid of me, and I owe everyone who reblogged that an apology.

No worries, nonny! It happens. There's a lot of mud in the water when it comes to RoosterTeeth, and at this point I really can't fault folks for jumping on things. I'm glad I could clear it up a bit.

Anonymous asked:

So apparently Neath Oum responded on twitter to pestering about how Chicken Dentures' collapse affects him. Good news: not in any 'I was directly depending on this shit company' sense-his actual employment is totally unconnected. Less good but unsurprising news: his Ren-voicing was unpaid.




U n p a i d.....

I shouldn’t be surprised by this bullshit anymore. Glad he’s okay it sounds like but still fuck RT for this.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop. Pump the brakes.

@wondyweiss (apologies for the tag but it bears a pinging), to clarify: Neath Oum did not do his voice acting work as Lie Ren for free. He was doing the work freelance, aka. an independent contractor on per-job pay rather than a permanent employee, which is typical for voice work in the current industry.

Nowhere in his Twitter thread from March does he state that he was not paid for his work.

I don't particularly like RoosterTeeth as a company either, but let's try to parse the real issues from the actual and absolute bullshit.


A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.

There’s not enough space to post all of them, SO here’s links to everything he has posted (on twitter) so far : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 

Now that new semesters have started, I thought people might need these. Enjoy your lessons!


First trailer for Dreamworks' ‘THE WILD ROBOT' and HOLY FUCK ITS GORGEOUS???????


Anonymous asked:

small hopefully not too weird question! Where’d you find the scans of James from the rwby promenade book in ur last post?? I’ve never seen them posted before 👀 unless you just. Bought the book then disregard me LOL

No worries whatsoever lol. I pre-ordered the book last summer! After several production delays, I got my copy on Monday (and apparently will be several weeks ahead of those who ordered direct through Crunchyroll/Bandai Namco?).

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