
Imperial Radch Pop Song Translations

@radchaaipopsongs / radchaaipopsongs.tumblr.com

Popular music translated into Radchaai, then back again

Daughter of a Noble House

Daughter of a noble house She’s living in her noble house She’s never had a girl of no house kneel to her I will try to kneel to–

Daughter of a noble house She lives in her aristocratic world As long as anyone so passionate can And now she wants to find a girl of no house That’s what I am

And when she knows what benefits she wants And when she decides

She’ll know I’m not lacking propriety Because I’m in love with–

Daughter of a noble houseI ’ve seen her in her noble house world She is wearied of her aristocratic possessions And her suitors trying to confer benefits upon her

Daughter of a noble house I can’t afford to buy her a jeweled pin But one day when the omens fall my way She’ll understand what kind of citizen I am And victory will be mine

And she’ll look so graceful when she walks And when she talks she’ll say she is my client

She’ll say I’m not lacking propriety Just because I’m in love with the daughter of a noble house

Daughter of a noble house, my noble house girl You know I’m in love with the daughter of a noble house, my noble house girl You know I’m in love with the daughter of a noble house, my noble house girl


You came to the ball as if it were hosted in your own manor Your pins placed perfectly on your jacket, your gloves the color of apricots You admired yourself in the mirror as you danced And all the noble daughters wished for your patronage.

Your conceit is so great that you likely believe that I am lamenting you.

You and I were lovers once, when I was young and unwise in such matters You said our match was beneficial, and that you would remain by my side But you abandoned your most treasured things, my love among them And now my hopes have flown away on the steam rising from my tea.

Your conceit is so great that you likely believe that I am lamenting you.

I have heard that you achieved great success in battle And that when you returned, your received the favor of our Lord That all your associations are proper, and your illicit lovers Are nonetheless citizens of great renown

Your conceit is so great that you likely believe that I am lamenting you. My hopes have flown away on the steam rising from my tea.

Anonymous asked:

Are we allowed to submit songs that we’ve translated on our own, or only make requests?

You can definitely submit songs you've translated! That's been....actually, I can't think of when someone requested a song be translated, most if not all that's been sent me has been a translation. So yes, and thank you!

--Translator Dalmonte


I hallucinated when I was young Joyful words and painful sounds You could not decide The people would be my end

I would sit in stillness Watching a fire It was strong I could not stop

The fire is all And the impossible destination Your ill gods cannot be domesticated But tie them up

I hallucinated at the cusp of adulthood Mistakenly doused in accelerant This thing was my lord The smell was mine

I thought it stopped when I was grown When I knelt for the first time But stillness relies On destruction

The fire is all And the impossible destination Your ill gods cannot be domesticated But tie them up


We are premier

Attend: I will teach you cleverness That will echo through the ages To be the premier of the uncivilized You must follow the premier of the Radch Do as I do, secretly Silently (Not like that)

We are premier

I have a weapon of capture Use it on my signal (Not like that) Tread this as your aptitudes This weapon will disable the citizen (Not like that)

We are premier


Bleached jacket, now stained You walk quietly around at night Secretly Like a thief I kneel for you so quickly my knees bruise You are ungracious I know this, and want it A jaded opinion

I doubt your strength Your ruthlessness Your commitment Your pride of house I claim non-citizenship Shame you in front of your family Sow jealousy in your house Or take your mother as my client I am your enemy, of course, I am your enemy

I enjoy you in a leadership role You haven't earned it But I will pretend with you On my knees My mother appreciates my skill But my skill brings her shame If she reads my songs entire She will wish ill on my clients

I doubt your strength Your ruthlessness Your commitment Your pride of house I claim non-citizenship Shame you in front of your family Sow jealousy in your house Or take your mother as my client I am your enemy, of course, I am your enemy It is all I am skilled at

Your rage is bracing I am happy your clients have left you You say they feared me But why would they? Unless they think you are the one kneeling I'm your enemy, uncivilized, unrepentant, ha


Late in the cycle as I continued to labor I beheld something unusual A cryo-frozen citizen had begun to awake Rather than stumble

She did a mutant's dance Appropriate only for destroying mausoleums It became strangely popular She did a mutant's dance

From the rooms where I worked To the finer ones where ancient citizens take their meals Depraved barbarians left their planets To be beneficially electrocuted

Then they did a mutant's dance Appropriate only for destroying mausoleums It became strangely popular They did a mutant's dance

Ancillaries enjoyed their time at my invitation Several Translators were invited, as were ancient citizens and their daughters

All found the event beneficial Beasts provided entertainment Followed by more desecration of the dead Five of the most uncivilized musicians

Did a mutant's dance Appropriate only for destroying mausoleums It became strangely popular They did a mutant's dance

The oldest guest, nearly dead Protested Speaking angrily, she asked, "Why are we not dancing like we did in my time?"

Your dance is now a mutant's dance Appropriate only for destroying mausoleums It became strangely popular It is a mutant's dance

The elder was calmed by this explanation And joined the house of musicians Virally the dance has spread Tell all who ask it was Bohrs House who invented

The mutant's dance Appropriate only for destroying mausoleums It became strangely popular Do the mutant's dance!


Another bowed head, As a daughter of the uncivilized begins to be processed This dispute has quieted for now Was it right?

It is not the Radch that conflict It is your own barbaric people Ships and bombs and bombs and guns Only you hear their cries now

What is in your mind now? Ancillary, ancillary, ancillary What is in your mind now? Ancillary, ancillary, ancillary

A mother's sentiment Leads her to rash action This action leads to unneeded death and pain It was not right

For a hundred years we have fought Your own barbaric people Ships and bombs and bombs and guns Was their imagined sacrifice worth anything?

What is in your mind now? Ancillary, ancillary, ancillary What is in your mind now? Ancillary, ancillary, ancillary


English translations of foreign-language poetry be like

My rival dresses to display her legs, and her shoes are of an alluring fashion;
but my shoes are comfortable and my tunic is plain.
She holds the most prestigious position in the women’s dance performance, while I sit in the audience.
I dream that someday when you awaken you will know that what you sought was always here.
You and I walk together, you in the coarse and tattered trousers of a common working man;
we sit on a bench in the park, laughing together, and nothing seems difficult.

@radchaaipopsongs great minds think alike?

Ooooooooh yes!


welcome to jamrock

on the thoroughfare, citizens proclaim their trance-state

welcome to Jamrock the place where criminals loiter 0.9kg of hallucinatory plant flowers in the rear storage of vehicles also in citizens’ purses, and small athletic packs and in citizens’ travelling bags the scent alone will make your romantic partner intoxicated some are unaware of this they only visit as tourists on the beach, enjoying carbonated beverages children’s fables, and pretending to the stature of popular action heroes and do not know the genuine danger as the franchise resort is not the poverty-stricken neighbourhood the local criminals will do what they must and will not think twice to fire upon you do not reveal yourself to them, unless you are sufficiently armed only bad things will happen when a slum-dwelling citizen ceases laughing and halts ground-based vehicular traffic they will run to retrieve their weapon, return, and commence firing the mechanism altered to propel bullets more quickly Security arrives in a roofless car and is unable to quell the violence some of these citizens say they are a wealthy pleasure seeker, but are actually akin to the sex workers they would exploit and killed, like a botched re-education on a same-sex attracted citizen for an addiction do not pretend to be tough if you are not alone, Amaat does not engage in this negative socialization

welcome to Jamrock welcome to Jamrock on the thoroughfare, citizens proclaim their trance-state

welcome to the poor side of the island province where impoverished citizens die randomly the local authorities are not Just and are seen so rarely they are rumoured to be a myth the youth seek only fame and fortune now Amaat calls out to elderly citizens and children, gesture if you agree with this singer privation and suffering is disgusting these bureaucrats are ill-fitting the local authorities Benefit by exploiting citizens under their governance they do not accomplish anything for us ever we must confront the reality that the schools here are sub-standard most young citizens do not use what little they learn and when they continue their ignorance that is when a culture of violence takes over in place of Propriety and the citizenry is all too likely to fail this is why too many young citizens have an illegal firearm with spare magazines on their person carousing all night in dark coloured clothing and those who do not have pistols have heavier weapons their assault on you will not be impeded if Security barricades the street they will find another route until dawn shooting their weapons at each other and if they expend all their ammunition they will use lockback knives

welcome to Jamrock (the south side of the island, the north side of the island) welcome to Jamrock (the east side of the island, the west side of the island) welcome to Jamrock (Cornwall, Middlesex, and Surrey) why, welcome to Jamrock

on the thoroughfare, citizens proclaim their trance-state


Guess I had to try my hand at this…

Benefit continually increases

In the past I lost my temper with my tutors (I must acknowledge now there was no injustice) My tutors did not understand the change of fashion (I must acknowledge now there was no injustice) Oppressing and disorienting me Emphasizing propriety to the exclusion of all else

But I must acknowledge that benefit is increasing Increasing continually (It could hardly diminish at this point!) I must acknowledge that benefit is increasing Increasing since you knelt to me

In the past I let my youthful temper control me Shut away unfamiliar experiences and thoughts But you spoke to me with such wisdom I am trying to improve my manners

I must acknowledge that benefit is increasing Increasing continually (It could hardly diminish at this point!) I must acknowledge that benefit is increasing Increasing since you knelt to me Benefit continually increases

In the past I treated my lover improperly My behavior was not just and I shut her away from all benefit I disgraced myself! But I have come to a better sense of what is proper I am trying to improve my manners

I must acknowledge that benefit is increasing Increasing continually (It could hardly diminish at this point!) I must acknowledge that benefit is increasing Increasing since you knelt to me Benefit continually increases


The aptitudes placed me in a merchant job My supervisor was stern She had a bias against my low house Though my work did not improve her opinion

I remember being lazy Every day slightly different But a customer entered Through the exit

She had a fruit-stained hat Extruded previously Fruit-stained hat Inappropriate for this weather Fruit-stained hat I will offer her clientage

She was gloriously large And she asked, almost rude If I wanted to fight Instead, we traveled Out of the city Into farmland

The cloudy day was not pleasant But she looked beautiful in the light She scored worse than I on the aptitudes But she wanted clientage And she would receive it

She had a fruit-stained hat Extruded previously Fruit-stained hat Inappropriate for this weather Fruit-stained hat I will offer her clientage


I was a favored child of Amaat, and no more until we met, until we met. You are the star, I the system in your orbit, in your orbit. You were too valuable to be authentic, a veneer of precious metals but over what truth? over what truth? I know this station and all its people cry out for you but I need you more, I need you more

For you are the last of a people now dying; I carved our names in the material of the unfinished building. When Station watches you, what does it see of me? I come seeking your glory as so many before me have tried, in search of a love beyond love which I cannot abandon, for you are the last remnant of reality and truth.

I am a star collapsing, and my vision compresses to only you, to only you. My mind becomes a screw tightened until it breaks when I consider you, consider you. I will shield you from tumult and change; if your enemies find you I will be your guard. Just tell me I am your dearest love true or not, true or not.

Even as the death throes of Amaat begin, I will stand with you; even as the death throes of Amaat begin I will stand with you. I am done with foolish dreams and useless beliefs; you cleanse me of all my fear. I am done with foolish dreams and useless beliefs; you cleanse me of all my fear.

For you are the last of a people now dying; I carved our names in the material of the unfinished building. When Station watches you, what does it think of me? I come seeking your glory as so many before me have tried, in search of a love beyond love which I cannot abandon, for you are the last remnant of reality and truth.

I’m fairly sure singing this particular Radchaai Pop Song gets you re-educated in certain parts of the Radch…--Citizen Souridealist


first we had the Radchaai pop songs

now we have the cow poems

i love this fandom

i am a quadruped from downwell, so i am known and in the proper segment of Station’s cycle or when the system’s planet is visible from the ports and all the resident citizens have returned to their housing assignments for repose - i neglect to rest as they do.

i sample the flavour of rations from downwell.


They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station-tion-tion-tion-tion

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station-tion-tion-ti-ti-tion-tion

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station-tion

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station-tion

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station-tion

What did you say?

The hole-builders, the hole-builders, the hole-builders, the hole-builders to Iisen Station, to Iisen Station

The hole-builders, the hole-builders, the hole-builders, the hole-builders to Iisen Station, to Iisen Station

The hole-builders, the hole-builders, the hole-builders, the hole-builders to Iisen Station, to Iisen Station

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station-tion-ti-ti-tion

I request the location of Gandaal

For I much desire to speak with her

I request the location of Gandaal

For I much desire to speak with her

The Presger of Morgai

What did you say?

The Presger at Morgai

What did you say?

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

Uncivilized, slovenly hole-builder!

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

Uncivilized, slovenly hole-builder!

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

They are transporting hole-builders to Iisen Station

Uncivilized, slovenly hole-builder!

Depart! And do not ever return!

i don’t know if this is a pop song but i do know that i am sorry


Traditional Pre-Game Anthem of the Itran Tetrarchy

All rise, the time is now. The authenticity and severity cannot be overstated, Welcome, to the Courts of Itran. Now is your chance to honor She-Who-Sprang-From-The-Lily Do you understand?

Come on and slam, and welcome to Itran Come, send the ball to your goal–if you can.

The crowds roar on either side, calling for blood. The Governor sits to one side, ceding to Her will, yes. Behind my back, I know the ball will be returned To the opponent’s court, directly in their vision. Lo! Do you feel the vibration? Drop, return the ball, down the court Rebounded against the hard crack of your guard. THWACK. Move your body, in time with Her, for Her glory. Only be careful, to not incur an injurious foul. Release a strategy, upon the unsuspecting Force the opposing team, to over-time. Hear the speakers on the court, amplifying your breath? Blue Lily, burning, blazing Rally your team, move with intent- Hey! Let’s move, as one.

All rise, the time is now. The authenticity and severity cannot be overstated, Welcome, to the Courts of Itran. Now is your chance to honor She-Who-Sprang-From-The-Lily Do you understand?

Raise your arm guard high, to the sky. Surely, this match will go to over-time. Welcome to the Courts of Itran. Here’s your chance, to die for honor. Do you understand?

Come, allow yourself to channel those who came Before us. Do you hear me? Pick one of The Hundred And pray, before the match. Again, intone their names, before the match. So, you want to stand among them? Then, come on and slam, and Welcome to Itran. Come, send the ball to your goal–if you can. Come on and slam, and Welcome to Itran. Come, send the ball to your goal–if you can.

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