
Man Hands On Misery To Man

@dumbfilmschoolkid / dumbfilmschoolkid.tumblr.com

Dimitra, 27, Greece, she/her. here since 2013
My goal in life is to compliment every single artist on this site. ~series&games~

playing the first dishonored in 2021 like... your home is now a police state, the plague is only affecting the lower classes, the cure is available only to higher classes, the church is more powerful than ever, the rich are trying to get back to normal by opening establishments only for their pleasure and throwing parties, the authorities completely fucking up how to handle the pandemic, there’s a night curfew punishable by law, everyone’s businesses are closed and im just sitting through it like

post CANCELLED turns out this is the most 2021 thing in the game

Anonymous asked:

Iron Claw opinion? Also, Godzilla Minus One is out and I can't wait to see it

real talk I was gonna watch it with a friend who cancelled and it’s still waiting in my torrents list. also everyone says Godzilla is so good🫶🏻


I woke that night to the sound of chaos. Claudia... she was dreaming. Her head, twitching like you would. I can feel her. I can feel her next to me. She's having a nightmare. What's worse than a nightmare? If your soul's projecting out its fears, at least it's up and running. But the absence of anything? The void. The nothing. Pieces... coming back. Hours, nights. Objects surfacing in water.


Finally confirming that Xbox is run by people that legit don't know how games are made anymore.

"We fired them because they wanted to make games!"

"No you see, It would be expensive and take time to make games so we would rather fire them"

They could ask for a smaller scope but all they want is AAA, which is inherently expensive and takes a long time.

Literally the end game capitalism of having business people trying to run a company they know nothing about by using the strategies they were taught regardless if they apply or not to the industry they are in.

Beyond moronic.


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