

@starkidsandeverythingelse / starkidsandeverythingelse.tumblr.com

Benny. He/her, they/them. 21+

the idea that restrooms, locker rooms, etc need to be single-sex spaces in order for women to be safe is patriarchy's way of signalling to men & boys that society doesn't expect them to behave themselves around women. it is directly antifeminist. it would be antifeminist even if trans people did not exist. a feminist society would demand that women should be safe in all spaces even when there are men there.

btw this is maybe the single most key distinguishing feature of the terfy strains of radical feminism, the seed all the rest of it springs out of: they have absolutely no faith in the ability of feminism to actually destroy patriarchy. they do not think feminism can truly build a better world. they cannot really even imagine that possibility. they think patriarchy is an inevitable natural consequence of unchangeable biological facts, and therefore the goal of feminism can only be to mitigate the worst effects of patriarchy, not to get rid of it.

they can imagine a society where women get some designated safe spaces without men around. they cannot imagine a society where the presence of men is not inherently a danger to women.


if you’re in a city where college students are occupying their campus in protest for palestine and you want to help, give them food. in an occupation that can last for who knows how long, one of the problems organizers have to consider is how people will be fed.


[image id: a 3 panel comic, watermarked 'Decade2Doodles'. The first panel reads "In therapy, I learned that this is a risky form of self-care." It shows a pie chart where most of the circle is colored purple and labelled "art", and a small slice of the pie chart remains white, with the label "going on walks". The second panel reads "Because if that one big thing gets taken from you, or becomes your obsession, you're left with almost nothing that is truly yours." It shows the small white slice of the pie chart from the first panel on its own, this time with cartoon eyes and a down-turned mouth, and no written label. The third panel reads "So I'm working on making my self-care a rainbow. That way, I'll have so many colors to turn to when I'm feeling dark blue." It shows a pie chart split into eight equal slices, which are rainbow colored and labelled art, meditating, lifting weights, window shopping, swimming, crossword puzzles, scrapbooking, and going on walks. /end id]


if your knee-jerk reaction to seeing someone point out rising antisemitism and hypocrisy in leftist spaces and the pro-Palestine movement is to assume that they support Israel/genocide/ethnic cleansing/the IDF you’ve been radicalized in a really shitty way

because your first reaction upon seeing a post combating antisemitism isn’t to check your biases, it’s to get into the replies and call OP a genocide supporter instead of, you know, reading the post and checking your internal biases

because instead of recognizing that bad people are going to infiltrate your movement to spread their own agenda and it’s your job to call that out and stop it when you can, you immediately assume OP is a shill for the IDF or something

because instead of realizing that you could have accidentally spread some antisemitic tropes yourself, you immediately get defensive and angry

you sound like your conservative family going on about how all of “those” (insert race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender) people are inherently violent/evil/stupid/etc. and saying racism doesn’t exist anymore in the next sentence.

you don’t get to pick and choose which minorities are worthy of respect.

i have never seen such a perfect example of hit dogs holler on this site


Dislikes: radical's two-step of berating people for not supporting an unrealistic solution, but when asked about potential practical problems saying that their solution is so far from happening that focusing on the nitty gritty problems is obviously bad faith


tumblr is wild because you’ll see a post that’s vagueing about another popular post and go like huh yeah you’re right. but then you finally see the post that post was talking about and it’s just literally not what the person talking about it claimed it was

post on your dash: i cannot believe you’re all uncritically reblogging that post where OP implies all dogs should be thrown into the ocean and killed

original post when you stumble across it the next day: i think maybe people should be more careful with introducing dogs that don’t do well with crowds into crowded spaces


*Sees a thoroughly rusted Cybertruck abandoned by the side of the road*

Me: "Wow, how far in the future did we go?"

My time-traveller friend: "About two weeks."

fuck up, die

What's even more funny is during all of this, Elon Musk is waging a massive public PR campaign to get the Tesla board to give him $56,000,000,000 (that's $56 billion) and for the most part

If anyone of us were even 1/1000000 as bad as our jobs the way Elon Musk is at his we'd be fired months ago, let alone asking for more than the GDP of Wyoming in compensation.

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