


Sometimes a good plan, is not having one at all.

just to ease my followers


To add to this from the notes:

  • Yes, every year, and they look ridiculous
  • It takes them 3 year to hit maturity and grow their first train with eye feathers- the other two years they have a very silly looking brown baby train with no eyes. Even at three, their train is usually shorter and smaller; it sheds and regrows the following year fuller and longer, until they’re about 6. No one is keeping these fragile ass birds alive for 3 years just to kill them, and certainly not until they’re 6. Here’s what the yearlings look like:
  • Not impressive, no matter what he tells you
  • 20 is the low end of their lifespan. There are plenty of peafowl that live into their 30’s and I’ve even heard of a few living into their 40s.
  • “It should be a boy because-” actually it doesn’t matter. Hens sometimes feather in like boys when their ovary stops working through malfunction or age or not developing. Like this:
  • I am tipping my hat to the tags that suggested we could have a world full of cruelty free peacock feathers… we do. but also they drop this entire train in about a week’s time in the fall. For people with 1 bird or just a couple, that’s a hundred to a few hundred feathers to collect in a week. It gets old. You stop caring about picking them up after the first hundred or so.
  • BIG breeders (like, 30-100+ breeding birds) sometimes just. burn them. Because they have not enough people to give them to. They clean the pens by relocating the birds, and using a portable little flamethrower thing to torch all the collected feathers. Because it’s *so fucking many.* If you want to collect feathers, find a breeder by July, and ask if they’ll let you collect feathers when they start dropping.
  • They do not require “the strength of a grown man” to pluck from dead birds, even at the height of breeding season. Source: I just preserved one of my male’s train after he passed away from genetic health complications, and have done so with the first male I ever owned when he passed. You sit down, you pinch at the base of the feather where it hits the skin and rotate to loosen the skin’s hold, and while holding there, you pull near the base with your other hand. Should slide out. I hope none of you ever need this knowledge, but I’d rather you treat the dead with some dignity than not say it.
  • If you ever see something (crafts, jewelry, clothing, art, whatever) with peafowl feathers in it, they are probably not fake. There are a lot of feathers that can be made out of plastic or whatever and still look kinda like real feathers… peafowl feathers are among the most difficult to replicate and also there’s no real reason to.
  • peafowl do NOT fall under the MBTA. It is a USA-only act and peafowl are not native to the US. It is illegal to hunt or kill Indian peafowl in India, though I BELIEVE it is legal still to own naturally-shed feathers.
  • re: the above, there ARE poachers of wild peafowl in India, who kill native birds for their feathers. Chances are STILL better that the feathers you see for sale have been naturally shed.
  • Yes you can eat peafowl if you wanted to. I’m told by friends that have tried them that they taste almost exactly like chicken, though that may be because they were farm raised like chickens, instead of wild caught. That said, my understanding is that the birds are best harvested as yearlings, before the meat gets gamey, and at which point (as explained above), they do not yet have the train full of eye feathers.
  • The entire train (frame feathers and sword feathers included) is around 200 feathers, but large eye feathers only account for around 100 or so of those. This dress apparently has 2009 eye feathers in it; more than I would have guessed, but not a surprising amount either. I’m guessing towards the body of the dress, smaller eye feathers were used, so (accounting for damaged or otherwise unsuitable feathers being discarded) my guess would be it contains around 15-20 trains worth of feathers. It also, iirc, took eight people 40 days to craft.
  • It’s a wedding dress, in case you were wondering.
  • By me, a peacocks full train collected by some random farmer (and probably not containing all the feathers) costs between $30 and $75. So, even though the feathers are naturally shed, the raw material feathers would have been quite expensive.
  • Hell of a piece of fashion.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.

Yes, nonblack people can reblog. I'd appreciate it, in fact, if y'all took the time to vocally support your Black friends/fans in fandom.


Ilia fucking Malinin’s world record breaking free skate

Oh my God every bit of this is wild

-when he does the first big jump the announcers start screaming. I don't understand enough of what I'm looking at to get what about this is breaking records but the announcers screaming was a pretty big clue

-He's dancing to music from Succession????? I don't recognize all of it but some of it is definitely the theme from Succession. At one point the audience claps along to the music. And I'm not sure if it's out of support for the skater or because they like the song 🤣

-when he finishes he just lays down on the ice incredible


  • That first big jump is a Quadruple Axel. It's 4.5 rotations in the air (you take off forwards rather than backwards, which is the extra half rotation). Nobody else in the world can do this jump it's so hard. He is the first and only person to ever land it cleanly, much less consistently. He had to land it cleanly here to have any hope of winning the World Champion title.
  • Yes, he's skating to music from Succession! The audience is clapping in support because he was doing so well (also because it was hosted in Montreal and the audience was very supportive of all the skaters that evening).
  • He lays down on the ice because he just broke multiple world records. He landed all 6 types of quadruple jumps cleanly, which no one has ever done at all (again, because he's the only one that can do the quad Axel), much less in a single program like this. This was an insane feat of athletic ability! If you go watch the other guys who competed against him, Yuma Kagiyama was in second place by 20 fucking points, and Yuma skated with no falls. This is Micheal Phelps / Katie Ledecky levels of smashing the competition (sorry the only other sport I know is swimming).

Some other notes for everyone:

  • Ilia listed that first jump as a Triple Axel on the sheet you give to the judges, meaning that he wasn't committed to doing the Quad Axel. (Technically you're not committed to anything on the sheet but it's generally your "plan" for the program.) He also doesn't do a quad axel in the 6-minute warmup beforehand when he does go and do it in the program, so it was a complete toss-up as to whether he was going to go for it. It's incredible that he manages to land the jump so perfectly without warming it up first!
  • He was 3rd coming into this skate from the previous short program. (All skating competitions require you to skate 2 different programs, 1 short and 1 long.) In order to win the title, he was going to have to skate without any falls, especially because his one strong point is his jumps and other skaters are stronger in other areas. There are many, many skaters who fall on their quad jumps, even when they're just doing one. It is so fucking hard to do even one of the 6 types of quad jumps. And he just does all 6! In one program! Insanity!
  • He did a 4 Lutz - 3 Flip at the halfway point of his program. Almost no one puts a Flip on the end of their combos, it'll usually be a Salchow instead because it's much easier. The only other skater I can think of to put a Flip on the end of a combo is Shoma Uno (who was also at these championships but didn't have a good skate).
  • His last jumping pass was a combo that was supposed to be a 3 Lutz - 2 Axel. He decided, in the moment, to change the 2 Axel to a 3 Axel. Nobody else has ever attempted this, much less succeeded. It is orders of magnitude more difficult to do another rotation to the second jump in a combo, at the very end of a 4.5 minute sprint no less.

In short, this kid is wild, had the performance of a lifetime, and I had the blessed opportunity to witness it.


I think the funniest dynamic for arranged-marriage royalty would be a queen who came here 100% prepared to murder her future husband and rule as a widow queen in her own right, only to discover that the king is autistic as hell and responds to her wish to rule with "oh thank god please do, I don't want to be bothered by these people. I can just tell them to go bother you instead, if you really want that. I've got beetles I wanted to study."


"I'm really not good at it," the king admits with horrible, aching grief. The country is in disarray. Peasants go hungry. Nobles trade power amongst themselves with impunity.

So the queen takes over and ruthlessly sets things to rights. Fires several generals, hangs nobles, redirects wealth to the peasantry. It isn't long before the first assassination attempt, which she expected.

She did not expect her docile, beetle-obsessed husband to go absolutely feral and fling himself at the assassins wielding a pair of sharp knives.

Also, the beetles are intended to attack and kill a certain type of invasive worm that has been killing off the gourd and potato crops for decades. He’s been trying since he was a child to crossbreed several native species to be hardier and better diggers. When he finally gets it right it’s all over for you bitches (“you bitches” being mass starvation of subsistence farmers).

Mad Scientist and the Head of HR ass dynamic


What if there was an apocalypse but some people were really really in denial and optimistic and thinking everything will be back to normal soon?

Like they’d be foraging through the ruins of New York for supplies, shooting raiders in the face and saying “Man, this recession is really bad, huh?”



this post, plus that satire one about the increasingly ridiculous callout culture that slowly became more and more accurate

was anything going on in 2017??? did everyone randomly have prophetic visions????????

Another one from 2017 by @nullsynth

the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

turns out we had the 2020 vision after all

“the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls” is actually a really fucking metal quote and i will be using it in the future

@handoverthehands it’s from Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel. Referenced as well in Spirit of the Radio by Rush and again in Disturbed’s cover of the original.

And that in itself was a reference to the Book of Daniel from the bible, when the words of the prophet were written on the Babylonian palace walls.

In the real world, it’s not the kings and people in power who see the signs of doom, but the poor people in the subway, helpless to stop it.

what happened on this post


Nothing. This is normal for tumblr


i can’t believe this is real

not the source for the screen cap but here's a WSJ article (sans paywall)


Per previous tags--

In this model of Tesla, apparently—get this—according to the Tesla manual, you do it on a touchscreen.

Did a human being just die because of swiping the wrong way?

...And then, when you're in the water and the car's power systems (which operate the doors, because of course they do) have all gone down, how do you get out?

You partially disassemble the door and pull out one specific wire. The image via Warren Terra at Bluesky.)

...I don't know about the rest of you, but I am never getting into one of these alleged vehicles. Ever.


This is why people having been bashing AND warning you about Tesla.


since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...

reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!

along with that, reblog if your account is a trans non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the trans enby spectrum!


Oh nooo I hadn’t noticed that my cat’s automatic feeder was getting low on food so as usual she dashed off when she heard the machine start but I couldn’t hear the usual sound of her food falling into the bowl so I went to look and my poor cat was just. Sitting there. Staring at her empty food bowl. Then for a second she glanced up at me then right back to her bowl with the biggest, saddest, most bewildered eyes you could ever imagine on such a small creature. I filled her bowl and the machine right away ofc but I still feel a little guilty 😭

Quick artist’s rendition

HOW did this get this many notes in less than 24 hours?????

Also, in case anyone was worried, rest assured mim the local void is missing no meals


Things I wish I had read in "beginner" sewing tutorials/people had told me before I started getting into sewing

  • You have to hem *everything* eventually. Hemming isn't optional. (If you don't hem your cloth, it will start to thread. There are exceptions to this, like felt, but most cloth will.)
  • The type of cloth you choose for your project matters very much. Your clothing won't "fall right" if it's not the kind of stretchy/heavy/stiff as the one the tutorial assumes you will use.
  • Some types of cloth are very chill about threading, some are very much not. Linen doesn't really give a fuck as long as you don't, like, throw it into the washing machine unhemmed (see below), whereas brocade yearns for entropy so, so much.
  • On that note: if you get new cloth: 1. hem its borders (or use a ripple stitch) 2. throw it in the washing machine on the setting that you plan to wash it going forward 3. iron it. You'll regret it, if you don't do it. If you don't hem, it'll thread. If you don't wash beforehand, the finished piece might warp in the first wash. If you don't iron it, it won't be nice and flat and all of your measuring and sewing will be off.
  • Sewing's first virtue is diligence, followed closely by patience. Measure three times before cutting. Check the symmetry every once in a while. If you can't concentrate anymore, stop. Yes, even if you're almost done.
  • The order in which you sew your garment's parts matters very much. Stick to the plan, but think ahead.
  • You'll probably be fine if you sew something on wrong - you can undo it with a seam ripper (get a seam ripper, they're cheap!)
  • You can use chalk to draw and write on the cloth.
  • Pick something made out of rectangles for your first project.
  • I recommend making something out of linen as a beginner project. It's nearly indestructible, barely threads and folds very neatly.
  • Collars are going to suck.
  • The sewing machine can't hurt you (probably). There is a guard for a reason and while the needle is very scary at first, if you do it right, your hands will be away from it at least 5 cm at any given time. Also the spoils of learning machine sewing are not to be underestimated. You will be SO fast.

I believe that's all - feel free to add unto it.


Today I introduced my sister to “the problem of Susan” and I had to explain to her that Susan was left out of Narnia cuz she liked boys and lipstick now and without missing a beat she said but what about Peter? Does Peter not like girls? And I knew she was pointing out the inherent misogyny at the center of the “the problem of Susan” but the implications of that question are a source of much hilarity to meeee LMFAO like Does Peter not like girls? Does he like boys? Is he Gay? Is Narnia really just a homo-utopia where Lucy is also a lesbian and Edmund is a bisexual disaster and Susan was kicked out cuz she was too straight??? Can I make CS Lewis turn over in his grave with this new reading?


…I mean they literally were in the closet…



Reblog to make C.S. Lewis turn over in his grave


TBH, once the nuances were explained to him, I think he’d find it quite funny. 

[Image ID: tag that reads, “tell Tolkien first and watch HIM tell Lewis” /. End ID]


(imagining the back snug in the Bird and Baby, with the shades of some former patrons in place) …Just sit there, I’ll get some pints in. And who wants popcorn?) :)

(ETA: something of a shocker to discover that the Eagle and Child has been shut for three years [secondary to COVID], but has just recently been bought by the Oxford-based Ellison Institute of Technology, which intends to renovate and reopen it as a pub. Which is good.)


new tutorial, this time for "fake" medals you can use to decorate your jacket or any stuff really.

give yourself a weird award you yourself came up with, coorperations do it all the time!

stuff you will need:


-variation of pliers

-a stencil, the shape you want the fabric part of ur medal to be, make it a bit bigger so youll have room to sew

-piece of fabric two times the size of your stencil

-sewing needle

-sewing thread, i use dental floss

-safety pin

-paperclip, or just iron wire, around 1 mm Ø


start with cutting out the two pieces of fabric for your medal using a stencil

pin em to eachother, with the sides you want to be on the outside, facing inwards.

sew along the side but keep the top open, so you can flip it inside out.

now you can flip in inside out, and fold the top around the safety pin, and sew it down

make sure the side of the pin that doesnt open is the one being sewn down. the opening part should be on top.

bend the paperclip into something resembling the shapes in the pic below using the pliers, doesnt need to look good, mine sure dont

bend the edges of the bottlecap to the inside, and pin the hook part of the right iron wire thing down under the edge

connect the iron wire hoop you made (left in picture) to the piece of iron wire on the bottlecap. fold the point of the fabric part of the metal around the hoop and sew it down.

should look something like this.

now you can add decorations, you can paint the cap aswell as the fabric part, using patterned fabrics can also make ur medals look nicer.

ive seen people advise using modgepodge to seal the painted cap, instead of nailpolish, i dont have modpodge where i live but use that if youre able to get ur hands on it.

i hope this was clear, let me know if you want tutorials on any other stuff. i like doing them a lot.

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