
Random World

@missarabellla / missarabellla.tumblr.com

Bella (or Vera) | 24 | Ravenclaw
Music, gaming, anime, bi panic 7/24
and a lil bit of everything

got tagged by @animeobsessedwriter​ for this amazing game !

Your turn !

no pressure tag : @pockcock@st-arlert@levi-my-beloved@peace-for-levi@nelapanela94@starryenigma@yelenassecretlover@lemonpika​ and anyone who wants to do it !

Thank you for the tag! And we even got a bingo!!

tagging @asilentshout @eru-lloyd @ryukatters and like everyone

I wasn’t tagged but I do love these things!

also I have done my own if anybody (like my dear bestie, @bloody-bella​) (I am joking, sweetie, there is no absolutely pressure, just thought I’d tag you since you always tag me in cool games!)

have a lovely day!



Bestie bestie bestie, I had fun with this game (even though I busted my head thinking of stuff to put LOL) but it was really fun! 💜

Tagging ( lovingly without pressure) : @yourstarvic @nessife @nanaminokanojo @thekillingtimethekillingmoon and anyone who does have something in common with me (`・ω・´) let’s suffer together shall we?

thanks for the tag @bloody-bella

tagging @savantsoulfinder @gojoussunglasses @yamigoops and whoever wants to do it. ❤️

Its been awhile huh? 😅💜 thanks @nanaminokanojo

We’re both INTPs 🙏🏻😆

Thank you for the tag 💗 I saw similar posts like this but I only get the opportunity to try this today ToT

Thank you for the tag! This was sooo cute!

Tagging: @nozomiasl @marsfruitninja @babu-haitani +anyone who wants to join!


thanks for theee taggg!!!

Tagging: @chifuyous @roczdust @mrskisski + Anyone who wants to join <3


thank you for the tag love!

thank you for the tag babes 😩🤧💖💖

no-pressure tagging: @armycandy10 @kaidenmania and anyone who’d like to join<3


let’s start a picrew!

with this lovely one, do you and the fictional character you never expected to fall for and your reaction when you realized you did, fall for them.

here’s mine with Oikawa

Aww @dancingintherainwithchifuyu yours looks so sweet!

I tried my best to make this look like sanzu✋ it just be me tryna beat somebody up while sanzu is having fun, excusing my behavior 🤝

Tagging (i hope yall aren't annoyed by me yet♡): @manjirosanosbitch @aeshiiteiru @roppongiperfume @emyrl


Toman/Kanto Manji Gang Sanzu with me 'pretending' to be scary (aka looking adorable and harmless) so my opponents underestimate me and Sanzu just playing along for shits and giggles lol


im not that creative so i tried my best to make it looked like hanako😓😓😓🙏🙏🙏 thank you for tagging btw <3


Me slowly realizing I've already fallen for Baji even though I didnt even plan to watch tokrev 🤭🤭🤭 thank you for the tag bub!! 🥰🥰🥰 (I dont know who else to tag 👁👄👁)

well… when I started the anime I didn’t think my comfort character would be someone who was, you know, showed just for a few seconds??? and most of those seconds him… ✨not doing great✨ I don’t even know how that happened (I blame my strong imagination and writer tendency to talk to fictional characters -_-) but yeahh… you can guess I didn’t expect to fall for Shinichiro at all 😀

I didn’t really like how his hair turned out but just me turning soft to give him the love he deserves and he’s standing there being ‘yea thats right! this is the girl who didn’t reject me :)’ love him<3

Aaanyways thank you for giving me a chance to talk about my favourite by tagging me @armycandy10 ! 💖


Court of Kings - Chapter 3

Summary: Sent to a neighboring kingdom to secure an alliance, forced to give up your dreams and ambitions, disregarded as a means to an end. You however have no desire to fulfil their wishes. And neither does Oikawa.

Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x female reader

Genre: Fluff, comedy, angst, royalty au, arranged marriage au, enemies to lovers au (enemies to allies to friends to lovers), eventual smut?

Word count: 2380

Warnings: All the characters are adults unless specified. This chapter is sfw. Minors do not interact.

Notes: This is Part 3. To start from the prologue, you can use this link. This chapter finally ties into the events of the prologue.

Part 2 <…> Part 4

“Do you play cards your Highness?” the Mistress of the House, Countess of Webstier asked a few hours into the journey.

After a strenuous fifteen day ride up north you have finally arrived at the border that separated the two kingdoms, yours and Seijoh, at the first light of dawn.

When Tooru left two weeks into his arrival you were not given sufficient time to stomach the idea of your upcoming union with the rude prince before you were cast into a carriage with two of your ladies in waiting, chosen by the trusted council to spy on you no doubt, and sent on your marry way, followed by countless guards and staff.

You did not confide in them of course, for you could not. If you were to even say anything negative about the smallest thing, you knew they would carry it back. They already disliked you enough as it was, as to them you were a spoiled princess that did not appreciate her status and her wonderous fate. Oh, how they wished they were betrothed to such a fine man, the most desired bachelor in this part of the world no doubt, and they could not seem to stop talking about it.

The talks bordered on being completely inappropriate most the time, comments on his looks and his skills in different ways thrown out constantly, followed with giggles. So, you sat there silently, looking out the window and occasionally tasting the wine that seemed to be never ending.

The only time you had some peace and quite was when the others were asleep, but then again you gave up your own rest to be able to listen to your thoughts for a short while.

So, when the carriage doors opened at the border for your official handover you were quick to follow. And when they told you that your ladies could not come with you any further, you did not feel disappointed. They were never really your friends anyway.

You thought with the short time between your leave and your fiancé’s, you would have arrived at Seijoh around the same time, or maybe even caught up halfway. Against your expectations however, you were told that the Prince arrived at the kingdom a few days ago but travelled west to pay his respects to his late uncle who passed away three weeks prior when he was visiting your court, while you still had half a month to go.

It was because you traveled heavy with gifts and all the staff that accompanied you, the Countess said once you were introduced. She was an older woman with a stern tone and frown that never left her face. Her thin eyes looked as cold as the harsh winters that her nation was famous for. It was evident that she or any other woman that was assigned to accompany you to the palace did not approve of you. It was not their place to comment on it of course, but you could see it in their manners.

See that they thought you were a child when they took away your dark red dress that they said was behind the current style before dressing you in light blues inside a tent that was fashioned in the middle of the woods where the handover took place. You could see it when they put your hair in a tight bun that sat awkwardly against your face. When they tightened the corset to the point of taking your breath away. And you could see it when they put countless pearls and diamonds against your neck.

You thought you resembled one of your dolls that sat in your room back home with all the unnecessary display of wealth that were thrown on you.

“I’m afraid not.” You lied meeting her eyes “I prefer chess.”

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