
@hongibebe / hongibebe.tumblr.com

Art acct: Nekomortiz / inactive main acct

“ She didn’t hide this time! “

He was estatic. For days now, he’d been trying to get the girl to wave to him. Kara, he learned was her name, always hid whenever they made eye contact.

But this time, she waved back. And he even noticed a small smile from her! Maybe next time he could meet her face-to-face. He knew she couldn’t talk yet, with her throat being injured, but he would accept small steps.

After he left, Kara sat on her bed and thought. The Warden was right, he wasn’t like the… people who had her captive. He was kind. He kept smiling at her everytime he saw her. She pulled her knees up to her chest and put her head down, hiding a small blush and smile. Maybe next time she won’t be so nervous.


No one at Building 5 knew why the Assistant Supervisor was so happy, but they weren’t complaining. Maybe he would go easy on training today!

… No. He didn’t. His mood was so uplifted, that Training was even more intense then usual. The inmates now refer to this day as “ Hell Day “.


hi goths are allowed to pose on my grave when i die


gonna rebrand this blog into a general reblog... blog.

I'll still have my art here:

Tumblr: @nekomortiz


I came back to this blog to say the colors on the update is shit


Expression template belongs to @live4love136

Feel free to request any character you want, as long as it’s from a show I know!

  • examples: Villainous, Rick and Morty, Gravity Falls, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Steven Universe etc.

I’m also okay with drawing OCs! (Please don’t send ones that are too complex to draw)


i genuinely hope anyone ages 13-15 on this website (or, god forbid, younger) stays safe and keeps their private information secure and really private 

please, if you’re really young on tumblr, try not to get swept up in the discourse and the tremendous amount of arguing with strangers that goes on here. i know you probably feel mature for your age but this website, like, really psychologically affects youth, and i encourage you to be cautious about your interactions with people on here

 please, kiddos, stay safe

additionally, for my young, non-adult followers,

  • depression memes about wanting to die aren’t a healthy coping mechanism and can lead to worsening symptoms of your own mental health if overindulged in
  • you are not garbage. or trash. i know these terms are popular on here, but you shouldn’t be calling yourself that. you have everything you need inside of you to become your best self, even if it’s hard to see that
  • seriously, really don’t trust adults who want to date you. don’t trust adults who call you hot, flirt with you, ask you sexual questions, or ask you for nudes. (that last one is VERY illegal, also, please get help from a trusted non-creepy adult if this happens to you)
  • the opinions of complete strangers who aren’t interacting with you typically aren’t worth it. move on, use the block button. it’s not worth engaging with people who are going to make you feel awful or unsafe
  • take breaks from tumblr if it’s getting really stressful for you. talk to friends if you’ve got em, play a videogame or do whatever it is that can take your mind off the massive amounts of Hell on this website
  • recovery is good. it’s really, really good. if you’re having mental health issues, please seek out help if you can, or ask a trusted adult or friend for guidance. you are not alone. don’t let this website make you feel like you are

THEY’RE FINALLY DONE. After two days…My hand can rest…

Felt like doing pixels of my gals…But i went overboard. :’3c

It was fun to do thou! I tried new shading things,so that was nice.

Maybe i’ll turn these into charms or stickers….Thoughts??

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