
Skeleton Trash

@poubelle-squelette / poubelle-squelette.tumblr.com

header by artanddetermination icons by coffeecoloredbrunette theme by magnusstatics
Anonymous asked:

hey, i know you haven't updated The Party Incident in a while, but i was wondering if you were still open to fan art of it? i had just recently binge-read it (and admittedly i am new to tumblr and creating fan art for amazing pieces of art that is fanfictions), but i was unsure if you had completely abandoned the fandom thus why im asking if i can still draw for the phenomenal fic that is TPIaOEA. Your fic was one of the first fics i read after really getting into the undertale fandom, and its been amazing...ive cried more times for squish than i would like to admit, but the way you write is just so passionate and it really made me heart clench for the two. anyway, im rambling this has gotten so off topic im so sorry...ok bye

Hi! Thanks so much for the message <3 that's super sweet of you.

YES! YES YES i would LOVE art if you create any! just tag me in the post or send it through the ask box, that's so kind of you to even offer.

and i'm so glad you liked the fic <3 it really warms my heart getting messages like these <333

Anonymous asked:

idk how actively you engage with undertale anymore, but i was always curious abt your world building not only for the post-canon dynamics of monster culture, but even the alt versions. all the sanses feel like they were the same person at some point, and then were shaped by their env. like w/ the alt chaps of tpi, how you were able to put them on the same relationship trajectory despite them often taking place under different conditions. did it come easy, or hard planned? thanks, hope ur well!

i'm pretty inactive honestly (in all fandom atm), even though i passively check my tumblr

so thank you for the compliment on world building! my approach was always to first consider "what makes sans a sans" and those characteristics always remained regardless of universe and i built around them, which is probably where you get the feeling of them all being the same person at some point :)

ex. Sans likes puns is gonna stay true no matter the universe but in UF they may be dirtier or mean spirited in nature, dancetale centered around types of dance, etc.

i think it's a little more challenging because you have to make it work for the environment - swap in particular was always kind of a pain finding a balance between swapping personalities but also feeling distinctly themselves LOL, but the challenge is what made it fun!


Geraskier Incorrect Quotes [2/∞] (in/sp.)

[image description: a series of gif showing Geralt and Jaskier talking while Geralt is taking a bath.

Jaskier: I will now torture you.

Geralt: Kinky.

Jaskier: I think you are sweet and beautiful.

Geralt: Wait-

Jaskier: YOu deserve to be cared for as much as you care for others.

Geralt: No.

Jaskier: Your feelings and needs are valid and deserve to be heard.

Geralt: I need a safeword!

end of description]


tumblr is a MORNING app. it should be enjoyed while eating breakfast, drinking your cup of tea or coffee, letting your meds kick in... sometimes I go on here at night but in my heart I know it’s wrong.


How quickly we forget nightblogging


fictional characters can kill as many people as they want but it’s illegal for them to be annoying hope this helps


remember when tumblr used to have the format for reblogged additions on posts be indented instead of vertical and if the post had enough additions to it (which happened frequently because no one on tumblr can shut their fucking mouth) it would just push all the text off the side of the post completely and it became unreadable. it would get so far pushed over that it would just be exactly one character per line and you had to read the post like that. that was a real thing that happened


Remember when people got pissed when staff changed this even though it what was probably one of the only good updates this website ever had

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