
Summoner Cat

@summonercoeur-ffxiv / summonercoeur-ffxiv.tumblr.com

Main: Athrun Coeur Located on the Balmung Server. Both IC and OOC Can be NSFW at times, Ask box always open.

A belated birthday gift for my bestie @stankychee~

Decided to give our Final Fantasy 14 boys some love as a present for her because damn, it was about time I did so! The cat boy is Chee's and the bun man is mine.


finally did a full painting of my boy from ffxiv after playing him for years! I started this sketch back in 5.1 after the big azem reveal but never finished it, so the pattern from the top was supposed to be the main thing for the piece.

veloce is a calm, quiet, simple cat, but in battle he is savage, ruthless, and forceful. he was a paladin and he prefers physical and close ranged combat, and after he learned both white and black magic, he became a red mage instead.

his rapier is his old paladin sword fused with some essence of nidhogg that he ripped out of nidhogg out of rage during heavensward, when he lost his first true friend who he felt connected to and was overtaken by anger for the dragonsong war. his focus is his crystal of light; after his meeting with fray taught him that the dark dregs of his mind exist because they are there to protect something/someone, the colour of darkness now embraces his crystal of light and aids him in battle.

despite nidhogg’s rage and influence, veloce’s savagery was always his own, and he had always been heavy handed in battle no matter who/what he fought, unexpected by those who knew him in normal everyday life as a reserved individual. he uses his sword a lot more than he casts, his melee attacks are less precise/elegant than standard red mage attacks and more forceful like a paladin’s, and his aggressive fighting habits sometimes gets him in trouble as a red mage when he forgets that he’s not as durable as he was before with a shield and heavier armour. 


thanks for reading and come fight me in game in crystalline conflict or in the duel arena!!



A belated birthday gift for my bestie @stankychee~

Decided to give our Final Fantasy 14 boys some love as a present for her because damn, it was about time I did so! The cat boy is Chee's and the bun man is mine.


sin [xxx]

in shadowbringers when ashe undergoes the transformation into a sin eater, this is how he appears before ryne contains the light within him. had she not, his transformation would have altered him further

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