“It is a lonely feeling when someone you care about becomes a stranger.”

Lemony Snicket, When Did You See Her Last?

“Would you be able to look me in the eye and tell me that you undoubtedly love each and every aspect of yourself?”

One day you’ll be laying with a new boy on the couch thinking I don’t think I can spend the rest of my life with him but I can spend tonight. And you’ll feel really empty. Then one day, three years later, you’ll be on your way home thinking I don’t think I can spend the rest of my life without him and you’ll open the door and he’ll be there with a ring and you’ll realize you won’t have to. And you’ll feel really, really full.
You deserve someone who’s obsessed with you. Someone who looks forward to coming home to you, every day. Someone who surprises you, and talks about you, and wants to introduce you to everyone they know. Someone who never makes you wonder how much you mean, who never leaves you alone when you’re sad, who loves you even more when you’re being difficult or not fun, and someone who above all else would do anything to see you smile. And don’t ever settle for anything less.
“Sometimes we need someone to simply be there, not to fix anything or do anything in particular. But just to let us feel we are supported and cared about.”

— Unknown (via thoughtkick)

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