
Screaming From the Internet

@bartman-og / bartman-og.tumblr.com

Hey how's it going?

"ummm you know the writer only included that because they have a FETISH right?" is always so funny to me as a disparaging comment, because imagine if people spoke that way about nonsexual interests. "the lord of the rings? didnt the author only write that because he was interested in linguistics? thanks, i'll pass" "yeah, i used to love spongebob as a kid, but i can never see it the same after finding out stephen hillenburg is a marine biologist :/"



Also found this BMO.

Anonymous asked:

Kys you piece of shit

Damn, it's been a while since I've gotten one of these!


Welcome. Welcome to Tumblr.

You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining social networking websites. I thought so much of Tumblr that I elected to establish my Administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by Our Benefactors. I have been proud to call Tumblr my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to Tumblr. It’s safer here.


“Don’t like❤️ any gifsets, they put something in them, to make you queue up. I don’t even remember my last 40 posts.”

…They’re always reblogging but they never post… and the ones that do post…they never reply… you never see them follow… they’re always liking… no one ever queues but they’re always… they’re always reblogging but they never post…


Hey, reblog this post.

ˢᵒᴼᵒᴸᴬᵀ ʸʸʸʸʸʸᴮ! ᴴᴴʰᴴʰᴴᴴᴬᴬᴬᴬ! ᴳⁿᴺᴺᴺᴵᴺᴱᴾᴾᴬᴴ ᴱᴮ ᵀᴺᴬᵃᴬᶜ ˢᴵⁱⁱⁱᴴᵀ!!!!


Has anybody else posted these in full yet? No? Gotta do everything around here

Courtesy of Alex Hirsch himself:


no but how much audacity and sheer entitlement do you have to have to tell people they need to stop posting their darkfic and porn fic and any other fic you don’t like to ao3 so you can have a safe space when ao3 was literally created as a safe space for writers to post their content without fear of it being randomly wiped out by pro-censorship assholes with an agenda like what has happened to plenty of other fic archives before?

“but a lot of us see ao3 as a safe space to get away from that kind of nasty content” - lol you can see the middle of a busy interstate as a safe space all you want too but that doesn’t mean that you get to walk into the road and scream at all the cars going by that they’re the ones infringing on your safe space either

ao3 is not, has never been, and will never be a site meant for nothing but children’s stories. you can “see it” like that as much as you want but there’s a difference between fiction and reality and that view of what ao3 is like is as fictional as the stories posted on it.

Caveat your policies and principles, because there’s a mad difference between children’s stories and stories that are harmful across the board.

A lot of writers on ao3 don’t care to tag their stories appropriately, or consider the harm they perpetrate with their stories, or take responsibility for the harm they cause with their stories. It’s one thing to write whatever you want, it’s another to publish it, publicise it, and not take care enough to note if it’s harmful.


Let’s be honest, a lot of supposed “dark fic” is generally just exploitive masturbatory fantasy. It’s often written by ppl who don’t care what bigotry they perpetuate, what harmful tropes they use, any of that, as long as they get their kicks.

You can write what you want, but if you choose to post it publicly, you need to be prepared for an audience that has its own opinions. And the audience might say, “This archive needs a better policy”.


The audience might - but AO3 wasn’t created for the audience. It was created for the authors, so they’d have a place to post their fics that kept getting thrown off of other sites.

You might think those sites were correct and some kinds of content shouldn’t be allowed in public anywhere. In which case, you might want to stay away from AO3, because it was explicitly and directly created to host stuff that was unacceptable elsewhere. That’s its core purpose.

Fics that aren’t tagged according to the archive’s rules can be reported. However, there’s not much tagging that’s actually required: Just the warnings (including the option of “choose not to warn,” meaning “not telling you if any of these things are here”) and a fandom. They can leave off the rating, and it’ll be sorted as if it were explicit.

AO3 was meant to be supportive of both “authors who want to tag major and minor pairings, every notable trope in the story, and several types of relationships” - and authors who tag NOTHING but the fandom and maybe a pairing. The “what tags are required?” debate was not new when AO3 was founded, more than 13 years ago. So they opted for a bare minimum of safety tags, added the option of adding a bunch more, and said “Reader Beware: We don’t require that tagging be complete.”

Bitch, if AO3 was just for authors, it wouldn’t exist, because we all would have gotten off our own dicks years ago and realized we didn’t need public acclaim to enjoy writing.

It wasn’t created “just” for authors. But it was created for authors first, with the for-readers features being most focused on, “hey authors - how do you want your readers to find you?”

There’s a difference between wanting to share writing with a community and “needing public acclaim.”

We knew damn well when we set up AO3’s terms of service, that there would be people who decided, “I am NOT putting my writing on a site that hosts THAT AWFUL STUFF.” (At the time, we kind of assumed “That Awful Stuff” was “Voldemort victorious; Death Eater orgies abound” fics, not “Harry/Draco underage” fics, but we also knew that what’s considered “wrong” changes over time.) (Some of us remember when just saying you read slash could get you kicked out of a fandom’s locked email list.)

We weren’t really expecting demands that AO3 change its policies, because… those weren’t after-the-fact decisions? It wasn’t, “hey, let’s build an archive, and oh, I guess we’ll let the icky smut in too.” It was, “The icky smut keeps getting banned/ deleted/ forbidden/ removed because the mods got into a fight about what to allow…. what can we do about that? How about… an archive?”

Complaints that AO3 allows the stuff that AO3 was created to host will get zero results. No changes in policy; no open consideration; no public discussions.

AO3 is now one of the busiest fanfic sites on the internet, because it turns out, a LOT of people like a no-censorship approach. But if popularity wanes and only the ultra-kink-friendly people are still active… that’s fine. That’s what it’s for. Everyone else has a whole internet that will host their content.

First they came for the kinky and we said “not today motherfucker”

Complaints that AO3 allows the stuff that AO3 was created to host will get zero results.


It also enrages me that people truly think Darkfic are just to get the rocks of. Yes, they include sex, yes, they include moral peril. Yes, yes, YES, they include all the stuff someone might find objectionable. Does that mean they cannot have a message? Cannot transport a meaningful view? Cannot say something important that maybe cannot be said otherwise?

I have written and read darkfic that were so much deeper than your Coffeeshop AU fluffy little fantasy of “I don’t want anything bad in my little dream world.”

And if we start banning things because someone doesn’t like them: why not start with what YOU like? Huh? What do you say? It’s not objectionable? To me it is, but I would fight with my life on the line to let all of us have the content we need. Not want. NEED.

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