LU Art and Writing Train 2020

@lutrain2020 /

Welcome to the Tumblr for the Linked Universe Creative Train! This is going to be an event that resembles the game Telephone, but with fan fics and fan art! Rules and the description of the event can be found here. Once the event is over, all completed pieces can be found here as well as the original prompts!

Final Writing Track posts

The train is complete, all posts have been made, and that means all fics can now be enjoyed!

All fics have been added to their proper series. If you want to read the full train in order (which is recommended because all the works are AWESOME) head on over to their series on AO3!

Links and Descriptions of each fic in each track can be found below the read more!

Fluff Track

“This world could be a better place.”
“You did the best you could, Cook.” Twilight placed his hand on Wild’s hand, an attempt at comforting the man as they gazed at the field of the great plateau. A soft breeze brushed against all of their cheeks, eyes focused on the rubble that was spread amongst the land, landmarks that some of them once knew.
(For LU Creative Writing Train. Prompt: Hope)
Healing is tough. But, with eight brothers to keep him company, Hyrule thinks he can handle a few weeks in this cast.
Prompt: Recovery
Or In Which injuries are hidden and Hyrule becomes a cranky healer (For the LU Creative Writing Train. Prompt: Recovery)
It’s only after agreeing to help Twilight with errantry and subjecting himself to stumbling around an obnoxiously busy Castle Town that Hyrule realizes he is definitely NOT comfortable in crowds. He needs an escape, he needs something he can focus on to drown out the noises of the streets.
The healer turns to one of the few things he knows well, potions.
(Prompt: Healer A fic written for the LU Creative Writing Train.)
When Sky and Legend are tasked with shopping duty for the day, things don’t go exactly as planned. Especially since Legend thought splitting up was a good idea. Sky didn’t think differences in written languages would complicate things quite this much.
(For the LU creative writing train. Prompt: Errand)

Angst Track

Hope It can be a beacon of light in the darkness, the only thing keeping one sane or it can be burst like a bubble and fizzle out into nothingness.
(Prompt: Hope)
A storm is brewing, and Wind could tell it was going to be a bad one. But, just how bad could it be?
(LU Creative Train: Angst Track Fic number 2) (Prompt: Dread)
Twilight liked rainy weather from a young age. But not anymore. (For the Angst Route of the LU creative train)
(Prompt: Storm)
When regaining memories after suffering an episode of amnesia, it isn’t uncommon to forget the events that occurred while under the effects of said memory-loss. In fact, the years one experienced after a case of retrograde amnesia can be completely wiped clean as memories return, no matter how acclimated that person may be to their new life. Eight heroes bear witness to these facts first-hand. They watch him turn into the boy who bore the weight of the world on his shoulders. They watch as he reverts to the child they never knew. They watch as he remembers. And they watch as he forgets.
(Prompt: Submerged)
Dear Legend, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did. It was disrespectful. It was wrong. It was so so wrong. I didn’t know it was yours. I didn’t know what I was doing. And neither do you, I just realized. So I’ll just say the truth. A long time ago, I spat on your grave. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hyrule writes Legend a letter, confessing a sin from his youth. He isn’t sure how to say it.
(Prompt: Stars)

6.  Burns by sky_squido

Eight boys arrive in Arbiters Grounds.
(Prompt: Stars)
This is my piece for the LU creative train (#7) in the angst track. I thought the theme was ‘burned/buring’ 🙈 Enjoy!
Sky should have been faster. He could have saved them. And he knows failure hurts. And sometimes he wonders how the captain handles such loss.
(Prompt: Vulnerability)
This is my entry to the 2020 LU Creative Train, Angst Track! Angst Fic 9
(Prompt: Failure)
As for why he’s walking… He isn’t sure. Legend isn’t even sure why he’s here. Hell, Legend isn’t even sure where here is. … And isn’t that a disconcerting thought? (LU Creative Train Angst Track piece 10)
(Prompt: Nightmares)

Extreme Track

(Prompt: Hope)
“Do you ever wish that you could just be with them?” Four leaned back alongside him, contemplating his words as he stared up at the stars. “Sometimes I wish that I could take their place.” “It’s not a great thing to think about, but,” Legend sighed, slinging his other arm around the smaller hero, “I feel the same. I’d give anything to trade my life for hers.”
(Prompt: Memories)
Legend hated his pink hair. He hated the reminder of how vulnerable he was, how vulnerable he could be. He didn’t know how to tell Warriors to stop teasing him, or how to tell Twilight to stop egging him on. All Legend knew was that Warriors could never find out how he got it, or he’d never hear the end of it.
Linked Universe Creative Train (Extreme Track) Prompt: Sacrifice
Wild? What about the wild? They were stuck inside the coffin, how was that in the wild? Link wished he was in the wild, the open wild where the sky could look down at her with her warm smile and the moon could glare at him while he cursed him every night to continue to live on despite its efforts to kill him.
LU Creative Train 2020: Extreme Fic 4. Prompt: Caves.

The train has reached its final destination!

After the many months of hard work by our creators and numerous amazing creations, the train has finally reached its end. We want to thank every single person who participated in the event, as well as those of you who are following this account. Your support and enthusiasm was wonderful to see, and it’s because of you that this could happen. As a thank you, each of us has decided to write a little message to show how much this has meant to us! (+ a bonus pic at the end of the post!)


Meet the Creator

Introducing: Zesty!

Commissions:  Nope, not at the moment

Social Media: Tumblr: @zesty-7412045

What’s your artistic process like?

I like to do the sketch on paper then transfer it to digital to do the rest. I’m still,, not that good at digital art though, so I’m usually just winging it lol

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I like gaming, writing, and occasionally baking. I love nature- exploring the woods, birdwatching, taking pictures of weird mushrooms… I also like to watch speedruns and challenge runs of my favorite games in my spare time.

What kind of mediums do you like to use?

Traditional pencil and paper is where I feel most at home with, so it’s my favorite. But photography is also pretty fun, and I want to try getting into ceramics sometime.

What’s your favorite/least favorite subjects to use in your art?

Favorite? Animals of all kinds, especially birds! Least favorite? Backgrounds… also complex clothing designs.
Anonymous asked:

Hi, a quick writing question here (if it's allowed,) what does "Name!Thing" mean in fanfiction? (Example: Mute!Link)

Hey!! sorry for the late reply. It’s a way of labeling fic contents, searching mute!ink will show fics where link is mute. 

(i had to ask blue for this, if anyone else has a more detailed explanation please feel free to send/comment!)

- conductor Quail


Thank you everyone for 100 followers!!! It’s been an absolute joy to work with the people in the LU community and seeing everyone’s work. Thank you all so much for contributing, sharing your stories, and keeping track of us! <3

-Conductor Quail

Thank you for all the support so far! I really love the opportunity to talk with you guys and answers any questions you have, you make this event worth all the effort we put into it <3

- Conductor Blue

Anonymous asked:

how often do you post meet the curator? :0

We’ve been posting Meet the Creator about once a week as of late, since the train is nearing the end! Our lovely assistant nine is helping us with running the blog. (love you nine <33) 

- conductor quail

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