

@eriatarka / eriatarka.tumblr.com

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/‘fu:bar/ 2017 -  Call for workshops, Lectures and Performances

/‘fu:bar/ is a multimedia participatory event, focusing on the theme of discovering and displaying errors and reinterpreting sources in the very process of creating cross-disciplinary new media art. The event is composed of presentational units (artist talks and lectures), educational workshops, audio-visual artist performances and a glitch-bound visual arts exhibition. This year’s theme is -sharing- in a specific area of recent new media art. We are exploring potentials and ethos of longterm and indirect colaborative artistic creation by exhibiting original art based on digital commons in a time of remix culture. In this call we are looking for workshops, lectures and performances that you feel fit into the above description.

That means you can apply with stuff like glitchy music, a new media workshop, a new media lecture, a glitch VJ performance or anything else that tickles your fancy. We can offer… - transport fees (train, bus, or cheap flights NOTE: insufficient funds for oversea flights :() - food - a place to sleep (not a hotel) - free entrance to any and all other programs in AKC during your stay /‘fu:bar/ 2017 timeline Apr. 3. - Open call for workshops, lectures and performances opens Jun. 3. - Open call for workshops, lectures and performances closes ~ mid Jun. - Results of the open call for workshops, lectures and performances announced Jun. 15. - Open call for art opens Aug. 15. - Open call for art closes ~ mid Sep. - Open call for art results announced Oct. 7. - Oct. 13. - /‘fu:bar/ 2017 \o/ @ AKC, Zagreb Apply here! Good luck and we hope you join another instance of our cosy glitch family meetup. :) <3 For any questions feel free to contact us at fubar@hacklab01.org.


sono troppo cinisco se la prima cosa che mi è venuta in mente è un prossimo servizio di tablet e laptop a noleggio per le tratte lunghe?

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