
The Meta Station

@themetastation / themetastation.tumblr.com

Dori | Bi | She/ Her | Aries Sun | Scorpio Moon | INTP
Decendant of Zeus and High Elves
Eclectic Witch
Spirit Worker, Spiritual Adviser, Spiritual Healer, spell caster, rune and tarot/ oracle cards reader helping spirits and entities find those that are in need of their guidance on their magical journey.
All things posted here are from what I learned through personal experience.
I also do spell casting and work with select deities to bring blessings where they're needed. All reposts are things relevant as good references for others.

Ok, so theres like 14 tugboats working on the Ever Given now and the tide is coming in. They MIGHT be able to refloat her today.

As a hilarious side note, THIS apparently happened on a highway in china this morning, which SEEMS like a joke but is apparently real:

in the spirit realm, an evergreen tree has fallen and blocked the River of Life; the material realm will be forced to echo and reenact this higher reality in various ways until the problem is rectified at the source


A Cord Cutting/ Burning Spell

I thought I had this posted forever ago but, when someone asked, I saw I didn't so here we go.

What you need:

  • Paper (any scrap of blank paper is fine)
  • pen or pencil (stick with black for emphasis)
  • cotton cord (red for fate or whatever color that you feel represents who/ what you're cutting off from you). I used craft cord. Most places sell them in a pack and you got a bunch for all sorts of things.
  • needle that can be used for the cord. I used a metal yarn needle but as long as you can fit your cord through the eye and pierce a couple layers of paper, you're solid.
  • fire safe vessel
  • matches/ lighter
  • place to do this so no kids/ adults/ animals can cause an accident or get hurt.
  1. Write the name of who/ what you're cutting from your life on the paper and fold 1-2 times. You could fold more, but you need to be able to do the next step.
  2. Take your threaded needle and run the cord thru the folded paper a couple times. Be random as long as it's secure and hold the folds together. Cut the excess off.
  3. Place this into the fire safe vessel and you can use whatever words that come to mind or visualize. This part is more for you, the caster, to do based on the situation and who/what is involved. You'll know it when youre doing all this.
  4. Set the paper on fire and let it burn completely.
  5. Once the ashes are cooled, you can either bury it in soil away from the home, let the wind take the ashes, toss it in moving water or, if you can't go out for whatever reason, flush it. As long as the ashes go away from your house, you're done.

Crystals for Artsy Witches

Here is a list of crystals that could be useful to artistic witches.

  • Agate: inspiration, awaken talents and improve them
  • Alexandrite: creativity, imagination
  • Amazonite: creativity, intuition
  • Amethyst: creativity, intuition, perception, insight
  • Apatite: insight, creativity
  • Aqua Aura Quartz: motivation, making progress in goals
  • Aventurine: creativity, imagination, motivation
  • Beryl: creativity, helps relieves the feeling of tiredness (always good for artists)
  • Bixbite: creativity
  • Carnelian: creativity, precision
  • Cavansite: inspiration
  • Charoite: inspiration
  • Chlorite: inspiration
  • Chrysoberyl: creativity
  • Citrine: intuition, creativity, clarity
  • Coral: creativity, visualization
  • Dolomite: concentration, focus
  • Emerald: focus
  • Fire Agate: creativity, expression
  • Fire Opal: creativity
  • Garnet: mental rejuvenation, motivation
  • Girasol: visualization, imagination, creativity
  • Goshenite: creativity, originality
  • Hematite: focus
  • Howlite: expression, creativity
  • Kyanite: visualization
  • Magnesite: visualization, unconscious thoughts realized
  • Mookaite Jasper: expression, versatility
  • Mother of Pearl: imagination, intuition, mental clarity, adaptability
  • Opal: creativity, inspiration, spontaneity
  • Pearl: focus
  • Rainforest Jasper: variety, progress, creativity
  • Sapphire: creativity, expression, mental clarity, intuition
  • Sardonyx: creativity, mental clarity
  • Siberian Gold Quartz: inspiration, motivation
  • Tangerine (dyed) Quartz: motivation
  • Tanzan Aura: intuition, inner vision
  • Tiger’s Eye: motivation, focus, concentration, mental clarity
  • Tiger Iron: artistic skills, creativity, motivation
  • Topaz: creativity, individuality, expression
  • Ulexite: creativity, inspiration, imagination

Hi Dori! I stumbled upon your blog while scrolling through the witch tag. I'm new to this and I'm learning everyday. My boyfriend and I are going through a rough patch, we haven't spoken in a few days cause he needed some time to think about this relationship. He thinks I'm too clingy. I did a self love spell 3 days ago to calm myself down since I couldn't stop crying and I feel so much better and more positive already. (part 1)



Sorry for the delay in response. Working from my phone is difficult with everything I have to do now, but I’ll do my best to reply to this. Here’s my answer:

Heck yea, everything happens for a reason. Huge believer that the Universe does things for whatever it sees as the bigger picture (maybe there’s a deity or two, as well, who knows? All up to your beliefs, ofc). Doing spells for yourself in yourself is the best way to learn bc you’ll understand any effects that happen or how well you have faith in your abilities. You have to have faith in your abilities as part of the manifesto on system. If you’re not sure or not feeling your best, it all goes to shit and nothing happens, or negative things happen. First hand experience on both bad aspects so I can attest to knowing with things haven’t gone as expected.

Now, I’m more than happy to send positive vibes your way bc we sure as hell need all the positive we can get and if we can give even a shred, it’s heading you’re way bc I’ll somehow get some back in the future.

However, to do spell work for someone on someone other than the requester is a caveat. I mentioned about this before in a couple of past posts. If A asks B to do magick on C, without C being knowingly aware of A’s intention, could backfire on B, A or make things worse between A and C. Could affect C in a negative way where the possiblities are endless.

You can certainly look up communication spells, because that sounds like what’s the big issue here. There are plenty of spells that are general purpose for work, to build confidence in speech, in overall communications in your life. But unless C gives permission (and I have ways to find out if C really did or not), I cannot, in good faith, perform the service you ask.

You’re better off with the positive vibes and communication spells. You sound like someone with a lot of faith in the possibility of what your relationship can become. You just need to find the way and means to convey your faith into the words that your bf might not understand. But, at the same time, he should explain to you why he sees you as clingy. And you have to be open to listening to his explanation and see what happens from there.



A spell to have someone you like kiss you!

Likes charge!

Reblogs cast!


Simple spell to attract love into your life 🔮❤️💫🔮

What you need:

-A piece of paper



-White or Pink candles🕯️❤️

-Rose quartz, clear quartz, pink tourmaline

Take the piece of paper and pen, write the date in the corner and begin your letter like this:

“I ____ (your name) am in a loving (you can use the word that would best describe your perfect relationship) with my perfect match/soulmate (or whatever feels right to you)” Then, you are going to write “they are…” and you are going to make a list of all the traits you wish for in your ideal partner. Get into as much details as possible.

Once you’re happy with your list, you are going to finish the letter by saying “and so it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you, because I know that it is done for my highest good and for everyone’s highest good”. Add your signature to the letter and you are ready to go.

You can burn the letter and release the ashes, bury it on the earth, dissolve it in water or keep it somewhere safe that you don’t usually look into.

PS: you can adapt the wording of the last lines to what feels best for you, but just make sure that you end it on a gratitude note and add your signature.

IMPORTANT: The original idea belongs to YouTuber Stargirl The Practical Witch.


Meet Your Soulmate Soon Spell




Like to Charge, and Reblog to Cast


A Spell to Get Someone Through Difficult Times

This is a spell I wrote for when you want to subtly help out someone who struggles with loving themselves.


  • A piece of Rose Quartz 
  • A red, pink, or white candle
  • Rosemary (dried or a sprig)
  • Salt
  • A sigil for self-love
  • A piece of paper
  • A red or pink marker


  1. (Optional) Carve a heart or other symbol of love into your candle. Light it.
  2. (Optional) Take your pen and write the word “Love” repeatedly in a circle on your piece of paper (or just draw a circle). This is just a guideline for your other ingredients.
  3. Draw your sigil in the center of the circle
  4. Place your Rose Quartz on top of the sigil, inside the circle.
  5. Wave your rosemary (or sprinkle it, if it’s dried) around the circle counterclockwise and say, “Dona Nobis Pacem” three times. This is a Latin phrase meaning “Give us Peace.”
  6. Take your salt and sprinkle it around the circle while saying, “Fortis in Arduis” three times. This means “Strong in difficult situations
  7. Take your candle and (carefully) drip wax around the circle and say, “Semper ad Meliora” three times,  which means “Always towards better things.
  8. Blow out your candle and clean up. You can either throw away the piece of paper, or use it for next time. The wax from the first spell will help build up energy to make your love-empowering rose quartzes even more powerful.
  9. Give the enchanted rose quartz to your friend as a gift.

Note: The Latin is not required, you can just say the quotes in English. I just feel badass saying it in Latin because they sound like magic words??

This was my very first original spell! Please tell me if you like it and feel free to ask questions!



enchanted paper chain spell ✈️

this spell combines the paper chain (counting down to christmas as a child, anyone?) with magick to maintain a healthy and loving long-distance friendship or relationship until you meet again 💞


  • pink paper (partnerships, romance, new beginnings, compassion)
  • pen
  • scissors
  • tape or stapler
  • white candle (cycles of life and change, transformation, connection to self)
  • rose petals (lasting relationships, divine love)
  • apple seeds (healing, luck, sexuality)
  • rose quartz
  • clear quartz


  • cut strips out of the  paper and on each strip, write the number of days (in descending order) until you see your loved one. as you cut, meditate on the pain and release of breaking up the present form to build something stronger and more beautiful.
  • use the tape/stapler to link the strips into one another. the final strip (1 day left) should be at the end. the act of connecting the chain links acts as a binding you to your loved one, but only day by day - never longer than desired. 
  • lay the completed chain in a circle on the ground. in the middle of the circle, place the candle and crystals and sprinkle the rose petals and apple seeds. as you place the items in the circle and light the candle, recite the words: In this paper chain, I hold the endless cycles of death and rebirth. Mother Moon, please fill the space between my loved one and I with compassion, honesty, understanding, and tenderness. Assist us through this difficult parting and allow us to grow as a unit and as individual parts during this time. I ask for the understanding that everything is ever changing and that this pain is temporary. As I break each link from the chain, let me be filled with the hope of the new day and allow me to nurture myself and my partner. 
  • charge the chain link under the moon and then hang the enchanted chain from somewhere visible in your home! remove one chain link every day until you see your loved one again.

🥀body insecurity ward🥀

Sometimes when you struggle with body image issues it is difficult to accurately experience or even just be at home in your body. This spell is intended to be used on a piece of jewelry commonly worn. The idea is that when you wear the jewelry those feelings go away, or are at least diminished! The guidelines described in this post are just a suggestion. Make this spell your own, make it personal to you. I think it would be best to preform this spell nude. Non sexual nudity has been really beneficial to me in healing from body image issues and being comfortable in my skin.


-jewelry piece

-pink and white candles

-love frequency crystals such as rose quartz or rhodochrosite

-a scented oil you find comforting

-pink cloth

-preform on a waxing or full moon either at noon or midnight

-bonus: do it when the moon is in Leo, Taurus, Cancer, or Libra

  1. Take a cleansing pre-ritual bath. I’d recommend putting some feel good stuff in the water such as colloidal oatmeal (please try it, it’s amazing I promise), epsom salt, vitamin e oil, crystals, herbs, and the like.
  2. Be as mindful as possible during this bath. Make your movements 3 times as slow as you would normally move them, do not shy away from your body. Wash every part of it gently and lovingly, tell your body how much you love it even if you don’t feel that way. Thank your body for everything it does to keep you well and to thrive.
  3. Go to your ritual space and set up a circle with the pink and white candles and crystals. Anoint yourself and the jewelry with the oil. Place your jewelry in the center. If casting a circle is part of your practice do that at this step.
  4. Take some time to meditate now in quiet reflection. Feel your body. Be conscious of the way it interacts with itself and the environment. Do this for 10-15 minutes or so.
  5. Take your jewelry item out of the circle now. Cup it in your hands and whisper words of sweetness. Tell it all the things you currently like and love about yourself and your body. Tell it the things you wish you felt about yourself. Tell it the things you wish you could say from others, or wish you’d hear.
  6. Wrap your object up in the pink cloth along with some of the crystals. Perhaps put some other trinkets that you love in there as well. Wrap everything up and place it outside or by a window for 3 days to be charged by the Sun and the Moon.
  7. Unwrap the cloth and put on your jewelry. When you look at it remember all those sweet, kind things you said about yourself. I personally feel a sense of comfort when I wear my rose quartz necklace, almost like it has love for me. Wear it throughout your days :-)

note: I don’t think its necessary to recharge the object with this spell that often, and I also wouldn’t cleanse that object because it will reset your connection with it. I find that spells like this work better and better over time. Think of it like a loving patina building up over your piece <3




💕 You’ll will need:

  • 💕 One green candle
  • 💕 Your favorite piece of jewelry 
  • 💕 One rose or lavender incense stick in a holder

💕 Beautiful Art By @littlepaperforest

💕 Timing: Fridays


💕 The Spell 💕

  1. 💕 Put the jewelry in front of the candle
  2. 💕 Light the candle, look into the flame, and say: “I call my love to find me and stay with me faithfully and lovingly as long as the sun shines and the waters of the earth flow.”
  3. 💕 If you already know who the person is, refer to him of her by name throughout the spell.
  4. 💕 Light the incense stick from the candle and write the same words words in the air over the candle and jewelry, using the incense stick as a smoke pen.
  5. 💕 Pass the jewelry in a clockwise direction three times above the candle flame and repeat the same words.
  6. 💕 Blow out the candle, repeating the same words once more.
  7. 💕 Wear the jewelry whenever you go on a date or to a place where you hope to meet someone new.
  8. 💕 Cast the spell again any Friday you wish to keep the energies flowing.




Love/attraction spell

See me in my glory, See me in my beauty, Talk to me, approach me, You cannot refuse me. By the power of three times three Wind and earth and fire and sea As I chant this - Mine you’ll be. As I say so mote it be.

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