
The Weaver


Lt. Beth Richardson - STRIKE Team Alpha  - She/Her - 41 - Mutant - Primarily Techno/electropath  - Side powers Magic, energy manipulation, magnetism - ((this is a side RP blog - Mod is @meme-mystique))
Anonymous asked:

hold on a fucking second. delaware is a state?? i thought it was a river? or is the river more important than the state? why don't i know this? (i should mention i don't like in america, i'm just confused)

there is delaware (state) and delaware (river) 

both are equally strange

the state is a tiny little cryptid thing

the rive is a monster that spans new york, pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. also washington crossed it once and that was like kinda a big deal i guess. like crossing the rubicon in rome.

the state tries to me more important with its “im the first state!!!” bs (seriously its even on the fucking license plates) but we all know. its the river.



i thought delaware was a place in ohio? why are there so many things named delaware?

delaware is too powerful

what the fuck


Wait what? I thought Delaware was a store with building supplies. Like paint, wood, nails and stuff?


I know home depot, but dude I don't know anything about America mad have never been there. Are you sure there is not a some sort of store called something close to Delaware!?!

.....ace hardware....?

this post has only been around for a few hours but could very well be a world heritage post

but at what cost

This post launched at 8am PST on 12 Feb 2021. The above conversation has happened in 3 hours.

he WHAT? i thought he was from. w. wait. ???

delaware stole the presidents shoelaces for clout and became too powerful

From the UK- and what do you mean Delaware isn't a type of ceramic?

it is now


Isn’t delaware what they make computers on???

software ??

I think they meant Dell Ware, a specific computer type. We had a Dell computer once.

I thought Delaware was that famous singer they spoofed in Zootopia.



oh i thought delaware was that one british singer lady, you know, the one from chasing pavements

that's fucking adele

isn’t delaware that place you go when you die

youre thinking of superhell and all of you are going there


how the fuck did any of you come to the conclusions you all made

we live in america?

I thought Delaware was that food delivery service that keeps interrupting youtube videos with their ads when I'm trying to have a good time

..... are you talking about Doordash???

Isn't Delawere the name of that one girl in the song that goes "Hey there, Delawere"? She's from NYC or something.


Pausing here to point out that op is “dear-AO3″ and now I’m wondering if Delaware fanfic would be categorized as RSF (real state fic) or AU (alternate unitedstates)

stop i do not want to think about this 


Isn’t Delaware that SPN ship that exploded the internet

Everyone on this post:

I love that the “no, that’s [x]” meme is making a comeback here and only here and nobody has any idea what’s going on


Keep up the good work, we can make poor OP have a melt down yet. 

Isn't delaware that one brand of pizza that's like "it's not delivery, it's delaware."

isn't delaware the god of the sea

Isn't Delaware the name of that guy who painted the Mona Lisa?


delaware is that one evil cyborg guy that has a son named Luke and a red laser sword


Thats Darth Vader. Im pretty sure Delaware is that other red-laser sword guy. You know. The one that stabbed Qui-Gon.

what have i created

I usually only reblog older posts, but this definitely deserves to be in every tumblr hall of fame

this post has only existed for 8 days. 

happy one month birthday

This is just the “no odd number have the letter e”post

it’s ALL odd numbers have “e” silly!

(odd numbers end in the digits 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (one, three, five, seven, nine) and the only ones for which the word version doesn’t end in those words are/end in eleven, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, nineteen. I will NOT elaborate or defend this lest this post become another. ur free to do this yourselves if you want tho)

i mean no even numbers end with 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9

oh no please dont make another number discourse im still reeling from the last one

What about infinity, if it's infinite the technically at one point as it goes on forever it does end in in either 1,3,5,7, or 9 but because it's infinite it's neither even nor odd. Yes? No? Idk I'm drunk

this was posted exactly one month ago to the minute. 87k notes.

@dear-ao3​ do you need a hug


What a chaotic energy and turn of events.

Almost woke my sister up when reading this, laughed way too hard

here, for all you fuckers asking, this is the damn delaware post

This is some top tier shitposting


For all of you who are confussed.



As an older millennial, I bless the people who created both the meme and the timeline because, YES, THIS

I feel like there should be a breakdown for younger and older gen x too, as I find I relate more to millenials than gen x'ers

But that may just me and my spicy take on this post


god wouldn’t let me sleep last night until I made this

Oh goodness! I’m simultaneously lawful good, lawful evil, neutral good, neutral evil and chaotic neutral.

Now that’s 1 confusing alignment chart!

What if you're able to do all of the crafts on this chart (except lace)?


Knitters be like “I’m going to tie a knot so elaborate you can wear it as a fashion accessory.”

Everyone else be like “Yes, but will you do it for me for free?”


In my limited personal experience knitting* is viewed very differently to other crafts.

No one has ever looked at one of my cross stitch or embroidery pieces and asked if they can have it, or if I’ll make them one just like that for free.

But knitting. Knitting is different. It’s seen as being so simple and, presumably, worthless that people feel free to pass unsolicited comment on your work as well as ask if they can have one. You name a price for doing so and they look at you like you should be able to magic free, decent quality, wool out of your arse so how very dare you suggest charging them for a scarf, hat, sweater, whatever (at this point you don’t bother mentioning that labour would have cost extra)

The one thing that knitting and stitching do have in common is the amount of people who will say: “Oh, I could never do that. It looks so complicated.”


BUT this isn’t just my experience of it.

My sister used to earn money making clothes when she was between ‘proper’ jobs.  She never had any issues with payment or pricing with a sewn garment.  She’d give them a price, explain how much the various fabrics, notions and labour cost and that was it. She only ever had problems with people wanting knitted items. They’d haggle over the cost, whine about how long it it would take her to make (knitting time was always given in advance), complain about the quality of the cheap ass yarn they’d chosen, etc, etc.

As time passed she just gave up offering to knit items for money.

Why has knitting become such a devalued skill for anyone who isn’t a big name knitwear designer?


*I assume crochet gets much the same reaction but I don’t crochet so I can’t comment on that.

I wonder if it’s so devalued because so many people grew up with a family member who knit as a hobby. That and machine knitting making knitted items so much cheaper.


I wore this shawl to my grandmother’s funeral:

Yes, her funeral. My grandmother, who taught me to knit, was in awe of this shawl. It is beaded lace and took me hours upon hours to complete. That is a queen sized bed it was being blocked on. If I were to add up the hours and calculate federal minimum wage (which is much less than the minimum wage here in MA), people just might choke

One of my aunts remarked how lovely it was, and asked if I would ever consider making them for sale

Knowing she was moderately well-off, not rich but comfortably middle / upper-middlr class, I decided to ask what she would pay for it

Keep in mind, hand knit beaded lace, covers a queen sized bed, probably 48-60 hours of work (maybe more; i never counted), took me months and months because it was done in my spare time

Guess what she suggested

Go on, guess

Got that number?

Ok, good

She suggested the grand and exorbitant price ooooofffffff……


I laughed in her face and told her the materials cost that much (ok, maybe I exaggerated a bit. I shop sales almost religiously XD)

The cluelessness of some people just amazes me.

I tell people now that my knitting is like sex, if I like you and want to you don’t have to pay me, but if neither applies you couldn’t pay me enough.


I’ve got to remember that last one


Don’t ask crafters and artists to make you things for free. Just don’t. If they like you and you are lucky, you may get a gift. If you are not getting a gift and you like what they make, just fucking buy it, for the price they are asking. That’s how it works. 

People have a stupid notion that, if you are enjoying doing something, then it’s NOT WORK, therefore it should be free. UGH. 

I had an experience like @arirashkae. I crochet and a woman at the laundry whom I’m friendly with asked me if I could make her daughter an afghan like the one I was washing. It’s a throw that covers the top of a full-size bed with a complicated ripple pattern. Now, I do a lot of crochet and I could have whipped that up in three days, so I wanted to be fair. I totaled up the yarn in my head and doubled it for the labor. $250. Her eyebrows flew up into her hair and she actually said, “you shouldn’t try to rip people off when you’re just doing a bit of crochet.” I told her that it must be pretty good for “a bit of crochet” if she wanted to buy it instead of making it herself.

People who don’t do craft regard it as no better than the crap pipe cleaner decorations that they do for Hallowe’en which is why you just can’t sell craft.

there’s an entire group on ravelry dedicated to thwarting these gimmepigs (and ranting about them).


I’ve seen some knit/crocheted objects for sale on Etsy and similar, and am horrified by how little people ask for them.

This actually happened to me with my roommate’s boyfriend 

My roommates boyfriend constantly does this like he saw me meal prepping (where I cook enough food for every meal of the day for the whole week) and then he was like “If I get the food can you do it for me?” like, this takes 6 hours to do minimum you have to pay me. Then when I told him he would have to pay me he was like “wait so I have to pay you AND get the food?” Like, that’s literally how professional meal prepping works. I’m not working for you for 6 hours at something that is not going to benefit me in any way shape or form. 

Then he saw me making myself a winter coat (still working on it) he was like “can you make me a winter coat?” and I was like ‘no’ because I have very limited time and his status in my life is ‘roommate’s boyfriend’ and I’m not giving you crafted things I made. Then he was like “but I’ll get the materials and I started laughing because this was such a ridiculous thing to even ASK and then he seemed to think that I was about to agree and commit myself to making a WINTER COAT for him and was like “see? now bc it’s me going to the store and getting it [the fabric] it’s good now” or something like buddy, going to the store is the relaxing part. you get to look at the pretty fabrics and touch them and feel them and match them with the thread, the buttons, other fabric, pick out a clothing pattern maybe, it’s the start of the project and it’s fun! You going to the store to pick up the material, probably not enough of it, getting the wrong material since you don’t know what you’re doing or looking for, probably not getting the rest of the material (buttons, batting for insulation, sewing thread), probably not getting material for lining and probably not getting zippers and whatever else the clothing pattern specifies is needed and what quantity of it because you don’t know how to read a clothing pattern IS NOT A GOOD STAND IN FOR PAYMENT FOR A CUSTOM WINTER COAT MADE TO FIT YOU EXACTLY AND WITH THE MATERIAL YOU PICKED. It’s insulting that you expect me to make you a coat with no payment. Then I was like (jokingly, since I will not be doing it) ‘you have to pay me’ and then he was like ‘how much’ and I said ‘I need to research what is a fair price’ 

THEN HE LITERALLY TOLD ME “no!! don’t google it! you’ll get some crazy number!” 


long story short: stop asking us to randomly make you things for free, it’s insulting. be appreciative AND USE/WEAR THE THINGS WE DO MAKE YOU AS GIFTS, if you want us to make you something say ‘I WILL pay you’ and then either be happy with the price we give you for the item, or tell us ‘I’m really sorry but that’s not in the budget for me right now’ and move on instead of trying to get us to debase ourselves and devalue our work. if you want it for ‘free’ then learn how to make it yourself. 


I have a saying: If you want something hand made you either pay a crafter what they deserve, or you learn to do it yourself. That’s it, those are your choices.


I also wanna add that if a knitter does give you something as a gift, WEAR IT. Don’t keep it in the closet to collect dust. ESPECIALLY when you know how hard they have worked on the gift and that it was something you wanted.


PSA for Switch owners

The latest 11.0 update means that Google Analytics is a thing on the switch and turned on. What that means is that Nintendo has a deal with Google to share with them your data for advertisement purposes.

To turn it off

  1. go to the eShop
  2. go to your profile where your funds and account info is
  3. go down to the bottom of the page
  4. there you will see “Google Analytics Preferences”
  5. select the Change
  6. select “Don’t Share

Please spread the word. Really shitty of Nintendo to just quietly start allowing Google to spy on users for advertising.


The D&D website has a Holiday Gift Guide up right now, and the banner has knitted themes on it so I combined all of those things into one sampler! Thought I’d toss it your way for any D&D nerds (like me) to see who follow you! Submitted by  a-soulless-lime


We absolutely love this. You did a lovely job translating the motifs into something way more simple to stitch. I am in awe.

For those of you who haven’t seen the gift guide, here’s the cover–

Now, we hope you don’t mind. We expanded upon your idea because copy/paste does a lot of wonders and we thought it could be slightly longer/wider.

Thank you, again, so much for the submission! And happy stitching to everyone who might be interested.

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