
Wind Rider


You may call me: Storm, Ms. Munroe, Ms. Ororo or Ro. Any Asks, Messages or Submissions are always welcomed and appreciated. THIS IS A NSFW/ RP BLOG. Minors are allowed, I won't deny you, however there will be NO SMUT. Thank you and have a nice day!! According to the files and records, that Krakoa has received, this mun is 21 and over

Ok, so here is the crossover I so desperately want!

I dub them the Spook Troop(unless this already has a name)

Headcanons for this

  • Killian and Ichabod like each other right away due to them both serving in some branch of Royal Army, though Ichabod is a bit wary when he realizes killian ditched that to become a pirate, but he gets over it quickly.
  • Both of the guys are little unsure about Lucifer, but as soon as he mentions free drinks Killian decides he isn’t to bad.
  • The women share stories of being Cops/Dectives in the own respective towns.
  • They meet once a month at Lucifers bar for drinks. Where the men try to out drink Lucifer, it does not go well.
  • The women sit and watch and wonder how the hell they managed to get with such dorks.
  • Lucifer and Killian share eyeliner tips. They get Ichabod to start wearing it as well.
  • Chloe has a hard time swallowing the fact that Emma is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming.
  • Trixie likes Emma immediately.
  • Trixie also likes Abbie but not as much as Maze.
  • They go to Storybrooke and Sleepyhollow once a year as well, Lucifer hates both places with a passion.
  • Ichabod and Killian give Lucifer dating advice even though he swears he doesn’t need it(but he does, he really does)
  • Abbie and Emma convince chloe to give a relationship with Lucifer a shot, it takes several shots and a lot of reassurance that he probably won’t go back to hell.
  • Lucifer has to explain every once in a while that he has no association to Hades and doesn’t know anything about some dude named Robin.
  • Leftenant becomes Killian and Lucifers new favorite word.
  • They occasionally work together to solve crimes.
  • Lucifer gets called in now and then when a demon is lurking about becuase Abbie and Ichabod are over it.
  • Killian takes them all sailing which gets out of hand because Lucifer brought a little to much good stuff.
  • Henry and Trixie get along nicely.
  • Trixie loves baby hope.
  • Killian gets picked on for being the shortest and is often used as the perfect arm resting spot.
  • Emma , Abbie, and Chloe swap clothes often.
  • Abbie also has a hard time swallowing that Emma’s parents are fairy tale characters, she laughs in Emma’s face when she finds out.
  • She apologies immediately after.

friend: you know that show was cancelled years ago, right? you do know that?

me, undeterred, taking another shot and slamming the glass down: –and he meets this woman, right, she’s basically just arrested and threatened him and that’s the extent of their interaction, but within HOURS he’s like “our fates our intertwined now you can’t leave me” and he was the ONLY ONE who believed her about her traumatic past and she was the ONLY ONE who believed him about where he came from, and then he almost dies and gives a heartfelt goodbye and he says, he says, “against the impossibility that we would find each other, we did, and i am most grateful for it” like some kind of cheesy romance novel, but the writers think they should focus on his centuries-dead wife?? who clearly didn’t give two shits about him???

friend, growing increasingly concerned: okay, but it was cancelled a long time ag–

me: and THEN he says, he says to her, “i choose to forge my fate with you,” and it takes him a whole ass season to break his wife out of hell, but when abbie gets stuck there? boy busts himself out of a coffin by BLOWING HIMSELF UP and they’re reunited and hugging the life out of each other twenty minutes later,

friend: are… are you okay



I'm still bitter, still not over it!


We could've had it, bruh. We could've had it..


I really want to to rewatch Sleepy Hollow. I love Abbie Mills, I love her relationship with Ichabod but the show-runners did the character and the actress who played her so dirty. 

Just, ugh. Even if the higher ups at Fox didn’t care about the ethics Sleepy Hollow could’ve been  a great show that went on for seasons if they’d only been willing to treat Nicole Beharie with the respect she deserved.


give me two characters who are each other’s home. two characters who feel completely safe, warm and protected in each other’s presence, and who are completely respected by the other. two people who, on some level or another, were missing that little extra spark they needed to feel fully confident and accepted as their whole selves until the other came along. they don’t “fix each other” or “make each other better”–they give the other the support they need to build on what was already inside them. sure they might kiss, or make goo-goo eyes, but they can also just…talk, and make each other laugh and smile, because for once they feel comfortable enough in themselves and with each other to be vulnerable in that way. two complete people who finally find someone to share all of themselves with. and no matter what they do or how far they go, they’ll always have each other to come back home to. 


Sunset and Moonrise

I had started this with the intention of more cloud petticoats but somehow it evolved into ocean waves, so I just went with the flow~

HD files, art videos, and PSD files on my Patreon.com/Yuumei

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