
The Idle Ramblings of She-Devil Jones

@she-devil-jones / she-devil-jones.tumblr.com

Writings inspired by prompts or my own mind or whatever--varied fandoms. I follow back as @ezras-channel-rat | 🔞 | MASTERLIST | TAGLIST | Find me on Ao3: She-Devil-Jones | 32 | She/Her |

Hi friends and followers!

A friendly reminder—please put your age, decade, or age range in your bio. I like to know the people I'm interacting with are adults (particularly given the type of content I write), and if I cannot determine that from your bio, unfortunately, I will block you.

I hope you're all staying hydrated! 💜


Can I just say that seeing some wonderful person working their way through several of my fics as they like and/or reblog along their way is *something that can be so personal.*

You have warmed my heart. Yes, you. I see you and I love you 💕

This is the best feeling in the world!

This is one of my favorite posts because that cat’s fucking name is fucking meatloaf

Let us just appreciate that this person’s dad didn’t know when they would be home and so he couldn’t plan for them to be able to join the family for dinner, but he knew with no doubts that dear sweet Meatloaf staying in that exact position for hours was an absolute in this scenario. Truly, that cat was named well.

one of my favorite posts on tumblr over the course of 5 fucking years.. clearly i need a life

Meatloaf is a reliable cat and did not steal the money for selfish reasons. A rare friend.

I love Meatloaf. :)

Bless Meatloaf

Reblog Money Meatloaf to get surprise $40


Put a letter in my ask! I'll answer honestly !

A - Available? B - Birthday? C - Crushing on? D - Drink you last had? E - Easiest person to talk to? F - Favourite song? G - Grade i hated? H - Hometown? I - Icecream flavour? J - Jellybean flavour? K - Killed someone? L- Longest friendship? M - Milkshake flavour? N - Number of siblings? O - One wish? P - Person who called me last? Q - Question your always asked? R - Reason to smile? S - Song i last sung? T - Time you woke up? U - Umbrella colour? V - Very best friend? W - Which celebrity i’d marry? X - X rays i had? Y - Your last time you cried? Z - Zodiac sign?


Hi, I can’t sleep.


go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with

Ezra, Maxwell and Oberyn :) thank you



Go clothes shopping with:

Oberyn Martell.

I feel his fashion sense is impeccable. Though, he'd honestly think everything looks better on the bedroom floor...

Go to IKEA with:

Maxwell Lord

Though I have a feeling there'd be more than a few disagreements in regards to styles...😹 I do not trust the man's fashion sense in regards to clothes. LOL

Go grocery shopping with:


After all the time in the Green and limited choices for food and drink...you ain't getting this man out that store easily. He's going to be choosing every little thing that strikes both your fancies. Though I see a grocery shopping trip with him just fun and possibly full of shenanigans. 😹


put three names & a number in my ask

some fmk alternatives

  1. stab, shoot or drown
  2. fist fight, get drunk with, share a flat with
  3. fight aliens with, fight zombies with, fight capitalism with
  4. write a book with, read a book to, hit with a book
  5. go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six hour plane flight, sit across from on a six hour train journey
  6. go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with
  7. go to a wedding with, go to a party with, go to a museum with
  8. share a car with, share a bank account with, share a cake with
  9. watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with
  10. netflix and chill with, go ice-skating with, play dodgeball against

these with the pedro boys??? omg ask away.


Anyone interested in becoming a beta reader?

Must be knowledgeable in Game of Thrones and Pirates of the Caribbean (just the first 3 films) to some degree. It's really hard for me to ask because I'm pretty private with my writing and not always been comfortable discussing it with anyone. I kinda grew up in the "fanfiction is taboo" age.

Any way, feel free to message me if you are or have any suggestion. Thanks in advance.


Let My Pride Fall

Let My Pride Fall - Part of Walk A Golden Road

Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales/F!Reader

Word Count: 860

Rating: M

Warnings: drug/alcohol abuse, angst, swearing, death

Summary: Frankie deals with the aftermath of Tom’s death and you finally walking away. It’s been almost two years now but the pain hasn’t lessened and he can’t stand to be sober.

A/N: Part 4 of the Walk A Golden Road series, inspired/loosely based on the song “Tonight I Wanna Cry” by Keith Urban. Also part of @writer-wednesday​. There may be a part 2 of this–depends on how the series goes. It’s not allowing me to write it in chronological order so…apologies. Sorta.

If you enjoy, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! Please! Reblogs/Comments/Likes = 💜 Want to be added to my taglist? Link at the bottom and in my Bio!


Walk A Golden Road Series Masterlist - NSFW

Walk A Golden Road Series Masterlist - NSFW

This is the masterlist for my Frankie series, Walk A Golden Road.

UPDATED: 16 March 2022

Summary: Based/Inspired by several Keith Urban songs, this series follows Frankie and his lady through the course of several events. Takes place just before, just after, and several years after the events of Triple Frontier.

Angst ahead, I make no apologies. These will be listed in chronological order though probably not posted in chronological order. Warnings will be updated as required.

Instead of Running Into The Blue

The Bridge I Tore Down

Chained Good Intentions

Let My Pride Fall - 16 March 2022

Bottled Memories

Never Losin' Faith

You're Not Gonna Take Me Down

Note: Header done by me, please don't use.


no excuses writing meme, askbox version

(Nicked from iambickilometer):

drop one of these bad boys in my askbox and i will post, without editing

  • FIRST — the first two sentences of my current project
  • LAST — the most recently written two sentences of my current project
  • NEXT — the next line. meaning i will finish the sentence I’m on and write a new one, which you’ll get.
  • [insert prompt here] — you post a prompt, and i’ll write three sentences based on that prompt, set in the same time/setting as my current project
  • THE END — i’ll make up an ending, or post the ending if i’ve written it
  • BEFORE THE BEGINNING — three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
  • POV — something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective

Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it

1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
2: What scene did you first put down?
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
5: What part was hardest to write?
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
7: Where did the title come from?
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
11: What do you like best about this fic?
12: What do you like least about this fic?
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?

this could be fun :’)


I have a 30 mins ride so…

Why not? Ask away 💜

Would LOVE this.

I would love this! And I leave it open all week, not just today

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