
bodyroll impressionism

@bodyrollenthusiastarchived / bodyrollenthusiastarchived.tumblr.com

samuel andrew evans. twenty three years old. part-time student. full time non-stop hilarious impression train. struggling stand up comedian. dramahead. genderfluird. demisexual. taken. professional brother & son. var sc_project=11377647; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="c8dbf7ce"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");
you may have seen me down at the laugh shack or on youtube with my awesome impressions and killer dance moves. check out my user profile if you want to chat.  SE
@bodyrollenthusiast: my first professional gig was amazing. I already got booked for another show and the audience was really great!
@bodyrollenthusiast: FUN FACT: my girlfriend is the most incredible woman in the world.
That’s what you said at my audition, duh. I’m so lucky I got that callback. Oh my God, you’re right. I just read that out loud? And I’m disgusting. No wonder I turn you off so much. You’re just as gushy and ridiculous though, that’s why it works so well.
Because so many girls were dying for the role, right? Complete turn off. Honestly, the thought of sex with you is just...wow gross.
Disagree. I’m hilarious. But at least you’re learning to play along with it. That’s how you get good at comedy, taking a negative experience and twisting it into a joke. As RuPaul might say, If you can’t laugh at yourself, how can you laugh at anybody else? Can I get an “amen”?
You are not anywhere close to hilarious, but I gotta give you kudos on your change of heart. Takes a big person to admit they were wrong and to try to change their views. Hey, RuPaul can always get an amen from me.
Like I’m ever gonna stop bragging about you? Please. That’s the most unrealistic thing in the world.  I love you and I’m so excited, honestly. Make sure you point out that the pretty one i the front row is yours.
You’re so gross. Who knew YOU’D be the gushy ridiculous one? Never wouldn’t have guess....except...I knew. I knew you were gonna fit the role of my girlfriend so perfectly.
I thought we were done with this and moving on, but I guess I was wrong. I’ll leave you alone. Break a leg tonight.
You’re the only one still addressing it on a public site and playing the victim. So, rethink your stance on moving on. Rae and I have moved on. 
SAM: hey marls, i hope you know...I hold nothing bad towards you. i /do/ feel strangely about your relationship with Stacie, and Raelynn all but told me to get over myself about it. I will. I promise. I'm sorry if you thought I hated you, because I could never hate you. My sister would be lucky to be with a girl like you, you're one of the most thoughtful, talented people I've ever known, and I hope that you'll forgive me for any pain I may have caused. xo
MARLEY: Hi! First off, I’m probably going to cry now..thank you very much. You’re so sweet.
MARLEY: I was really worried you’d hate me and that I’d mess up you and Rae’s relationship. You make her super happy, so I’m glad you guys are doing okay. As far as Stacie goes..that’s literally so nice of you to say, but I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere after this mess. Things are really weird now and I don’t know what she wants anymore. I forgive you though! Don’t worry. Thanks for checking with me!
SAM: Trust me, we're pretty strong.
SAM: I don't think she knows what she wants other than attention. It was very uncool of her to drag you into this by posting about it on social media. You deserve better.
SAM: And don't cry. Rose girls crying is my weakness okay. Don't tell Joker ;)
SAM: Come hang out with me and Rae sometime!


RAE: Absolutely will. I do! They're my faves. I've been stealing those for years -- hey no, I don't feel backed into a corner. It's been in my head since you signed the papers, but I wasn't sure at first just because...I've never done it before? But then..the more time I spend in a place that feels like Ours, the less I wanna be at my old place by myself? And like...without you, things always feel just a little more lonely. Don't get me wrong, Lily's amazing, but she doesn't smell as good as you do. I just...am so in love and so addicted to waking up with you.
SAM: I know baby. I just...are we moving too fast? I know some people will think so but...I don't care. I've loved you for a long time. And I know you loved me just as long. And I just want to have us. And our home. And yeah, it is ours, whether you decide to move in or not, it's ours.


RAE: Oh God, you have no idea how bad I need that. I'll hold you to it. Lily will have to leave for that. [Giggles] Your Star Wars shirt is cute, it's one of my faves. I don't wanna steal all your clothes, silly. Just...my favorite ones. The old shirts that smell like you. Those sweatpants that hang off my hips but keep me so warm...yeah. I have thought about it. Like, a lot. I mean...I'm never even over there unless I'm grabbing more clothes.
SAM: Damn it Rae. Okay then, hold me to it. God, you look cute in those sweatpants. Yeah? I don't want you to feel...backed into a corner here. But it's lonely to think about you not living with me. I love you.


RAE: I knew it. I so knew it. Rest in peace to our sex life, I guess - as if, right? [laughs as she examines her outfit under the covers] I'm wearing your boxers and an old cheer camp shirt, and my hair is in a side braid. Your boxers are just more comfy than anything I have, plus a lot of my clothes are still at my place.
SAM: shut up. i'll bone you into the mattress when i get home just to show you what's what. MM, that does sound really cute. I'm wearing a star wars shirt? so...there's where I'm at. you can have all my clothes. it's not like you spend a lot of time in clothes anyways. have you thought about...moving your stuff over to my place?


RAE: [snorts] Is it because I'm real gross? That's it, isn't it? Or because I snort-laugh? Or has almost-living with me made me lose my appeal? Curious minds want to know, my love. [Her blankets rustle as she gets comfy] Lily looks almost too cute right now. Her head is on the pillow.
SAM: it's definitely the snort-laugh. how gross. i just couldn't stand it anymore. [ laughs gently ] i bet you look cute right now.
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