

@chronana / chronana.tumblr.com

I'm just a random person so... Hi!! |22|use whatever pronouns on me cause quite frankly I don’t really mind

I can’t with these two, my brain decided that it gonna latch itself onto them and fulfil every sappy couple-y thing it can with these sketches

A little trivia - i heard that it was canon, that Vaggie is the best dancer out of the whole hotel crew, so yeah

Little spoiler for next posts

Ima do some chaggily/two-and-a-half halos/charlies angels sketches, cus i love these three together too and finally did some rough sketching with them


tech tip

you know the bullshit about youtube forcing a five second delay if you are using firefox? and its other anti-ad-blocking nonsense?

i have my default search engine set to duckduckgo. when you click on search results for a youtube video in DuckDuckGo, it asks you do you wanna go watch it on YouTube where there's lots of tracking or do you wanna play it here? -- and if you select here on DuckDuckGo: 

  • there's no delay
  • there's no ads
  • nothing else autoplays after

I realize this is not ideal for people who like use YouTube playlists or subscribe to channels  but for the casual user who wants to watch an single video it's perfecto


OBSESSED with this new su signing poster. pearl holding greg just because. slightly older steven with attempts at growing out facial hair. the little pebble in the corner. garnet criss-crossed on greg’s van. lapis’ pants riding down so low you can see her hip. bismuth with that muscle definition. connie’s preppy outfit. peridot’s blank glasses.


The most popular browsers in different countries in 2012 and 2022.

Nope! When Chrome first came to popularity, people switched over to it cause it was “faster” (turns out, it just eats through your device’s CPU) but since then Firefox has upped its game in a major way. Chrome just doesn’t measure up anymore. Plus, nowadays Chrome is just a data harvester designed to show hyper targeted ads - so even if Firefox ain’t for you, it’s still worth ditching Google for a different browser.

Legit though I switched to Firefox and it’s so so so much better

i’m gonna keep reblogging this ad infinitum so yall might as well convert now

If speed doesn’t convince you, maybe the fact that Chrome is developed by the world’s largest advertising company, a company that removed the ability to block ads for “security reasons” should.


Fun fact about firefox, with it you can once again screenshot and screenshare things like netflix to your friends on discord, it’s great


New Dana art on Insta!!! I remember seeing the drafts for the first and last pieces on her Patreon… I’m especially soft about the Lumity one because not only are they playing sports together and sweating but also. This is Luz getting to play Grudgby at Hexside with her girlfriend all over again AFTER the finale, after the pain and trauma, in the years leading up to the epilogue. After everything she can still be happy and have fun in the Boiling Isles!!!

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