
emotion revolution

@cureyourtemper / cureyourtemper.tumblr.com

Erika, '92, she/her, Got7 and BAP stan

Chapter 10 is here! Thanks again to my lovely beta @someserpent, and to all who read and comment. I’m trying my best to continue posting regularly and I’m proud of my progress so far!

ETA: I need to stop forgetting to post links here, here’s Chapter 9!


shinee putting spoiler, dream girl, hitchhiking, punch drunk love, beautiful, dynamite, runaway, nightmare, why so serious, shine, orgel, evil, dangerous, like a fire, excuse me miss ALL IN ONE ALBUM


top 5 youngjae looks


ohhhhh bless you Anique, giving me the good stuff right away 🙌

there are so many and I just *know* I’m gonna forget some but here we go!

1. The! classic! thot look !
2. the ! ultimate ! in sweater paws !
3. this look from his pre-fancy photo releases (and yes I do need more photos of this look @youngjae) 
4. the mxi kwave look from 2018…. has never left me..

5. and finally, I would hardly be a Youngjae stan without a true love of him in berets and this one was a special level of SWEETHEART… (plus him in oversized shirts is a weakness of mine)

thank you for asking my darling !

ask me my top 5/top 10 anything

my relationship with got7 is either ‘my children that i have raised myself’ or 'my best friends that i would die for’ no in-between we Ride or Die


So JB keeps getting cats and they’re basically Got6 in cat form

(small rambly thing from a chat with ma friend! Check out the cat7 tag to see what I think they look like in cat form)

He gets Jinyoung first and Jinyoung is kinda clingy?? And JB doesn’t like that until Jinyoung stops and JB is like “…don’t you love me anymore???’

He gets BamBam and Mark together. Mark nearly gnawed off his arm when he was trying to pick up a tiny black kitten and he had to convince Mark that he was only trying to help. As soon as he got home Mark made a beeline for Jinyoung and just sat staring at him until Jinyoung had to snuggle him.

BamBam: *crawls up a curtain and can’t get down*
Mark: *just watches him*

Mark is probably the prettiest cat he has??? JB is seriously considering having him model for cat food commercials. He just thinks Mark is really gorgeous.

Jackson walks into the house one day and never leaves. Jackson thinks that all these things are belongs to him.

JB: no you gotta leave
Cat!Jackson: *screams at him, and then lies down on Mark*

Youngjae and Yugyeom he gets when the old lady next door has to move to an assisted living facility. They’re young and they’re ridiculous. Youngjae is generally a sweetheart but then he does sneaky things like lay in waiting for Jackson and scaring the shit out of him then scampering away.

JB is sure that Yugyeom is the babiest baby but he’s SO HUGE. The day he came, BamBam had an attitude and there was a fight and JB sadly thought that he’d have to send Yugy away. Mark swats both of them, hissing, and everyone is in shock because Mark is usually so chill that sometimes JB has to check if he’s still alive.

After that, Yugy and Bam are best friends and they spend their days tormenting the whole household.

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