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Everything i love, laugh about it or at least can relate to it. maybe a little bit of mature stuff too
Anonymous asked:

If a post says nigga and I'm white can I still reblog it

no you may not


hold up….


I agree to disagree. I don’t like overusing the word but I be saying it as a female and let alone I’m European. Soooooo as long as I don’t say the n word and watch myself on it then that’s my prerogative. If a person thats of color calls me nigga or says it’s towards me using a sentence is that fair towards me? Trust me I deal with shit too being a European just like poc though.

No I don’t have white privilege but they’re are times my skin color Helps me out yes. No we all come born into this world as innocent people. No I didn’t choose my skin color. No I don’t act like a snooby ass white person does.

Watch this start something too. 👀 I’m not trying to start anything but I like to speak my opinion. We all do. It’s my opinion. Just like I don’t like being called a bitch but I am a bitch and I bitch lmfao true shii tho


She wrote all that for… what. To expose yaself?

She thought she was going somewhere with this and thought it wouldn’t be noticed…

it be times like these i wonder where we’d be if white people disappeared off the face of this earth??? lordddddd help us

We’d be at so much peace… aliens would be envious of us…

“I be saying”…


“If a person thats of color calls me a nigga…”

“true shii tho”

White girl have several fucking seats and shut the fuck up.


Idek if I have any actual words for this besides what in the fresh hell! So I’ll say it in the notes!


Ok she is dumb but can we go back to the main question? Something that no one had ever thought about!!! Can white folks reblog a post with the n word or not?? ( I’m a black girl btw)


This won’t make your blog look ugly. How could you not reblog this? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!

This goes for assholes, too, guys. I know a couple who went tubing once, and they had to re-air their tubes, but the guy thought it would be funny to stick the tip of the air compressor up to her bikini trunks, the air ruptured something inside her and she died within thirty minutes.



The thing about this? It’s in every pregnancy book I’ve read.


Why is it in pregnancy books but not sex ed books?

Because the men in charge only care about the health and safety of women in so far as it enables them to have babies.

Reblogging with a link because I thought this was a legit joke. Never heard it before. Like I knew you could kill a person by inserting air into a vein but still.

WHAT THE FUCL I hate how I didn’t learn this in sex Ed AT ALL

This is very true lol


Yo what the f u c k

not the normal stuff i’d reblog but, uh, this is kinda??? heckin???? important?????

I feel like I first saw this in The Joy of Sex, but it’s definitely a thing.

What the fuck

this is different thing to blowing air ON your partners sensitive bits, but yeah, don’t like,,,, blow INTO the vagene pls


I’m shocked

This helpful stingray offered itself up as a tent for a diver who decided to have a lie down on the seabed at Grand Cayman. (x)


Sea blankie

mutuals do this


I protect u hooman

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